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Until death?

Page 62

by Andur

  “I am the prince of Chimera. And while our society may be a little lax in regards to royalty, I can't have a relationship with someone without commitment. I am the first prince after all.” Aengus hugs me tight.

  “I.. I see. Ugh. Your father will kill ~meeeee~. First I had to endure all those curses for my entire life as punishment. And now I will turn up as his daughter in law! He will execute me on the spot!” I start shivering when I think about what that guy will do to me.

  “Father isn't the problem.” -Aengus

  “Huh?” Why is the king of gods no problem?

  “I can deal with father. I don't think that he has that much of a grudge against you anyway! He just gave you a few strange curses and tampered with your reincarnation. He is an oddball and a bad winner. Do you want to know what he did with the guy who was responsible for his fathers death?” Aengus chuckles a little.

  “Ehm. Okay.... but I thought we gods are immortal?” I am sure that I will regret this.

  “Well. His father was mortal at that time. So his soul lost all it's memories and that's equivalent to dying for real. Anyway. He caged the poor guys soul in a crystal ball and tortured him for years while always carrying him around in his pocket. That's what I call a grudge from his side. He would be still carrying him around if grandma hadn't put an end to it by taking the crystal ball away from him.” Aengus ends his lengthy explanation.

  Okay.... If the king is capable of something like that.... I got away with a little scratch. “One moment. What happened to the crystal ball after your grandma took it? Isn't she the wife of...... doesn't she have an equally big grudge against the guy inside the crystal ball?”

  Aengus doesn't answer. “Actually I have never seen the crystal globe ever after....”

  “~Waaaa!~ So you tell me that your father isn't the problem?” I will hit the dead end!

  “I am more worried about the reaction of my mother and my grandmothers! They are a little strange and I don't have anything to say against their opinion. I may have to get the help of my little sisters.” Aengus scratches his cheek.

  “Actually Seria owes you a favour anyway! She gave me the guild-job on that planet! So if she knew that you were there too....” But Aengus finishes the sentence for me.

  “.... she set us up! Well I expected that already. Normally I thought that she was guiding the other side. We took that contract together to have a little match against each other. So I was a little surprised about you.” -Aengus

  “You have a strange way to have a match against one another. You know that, don't you?” -Me

  Aengus stands up and takes my hand. “We will go and have a look at her place!”

  Suddenly our surroundings shift and we are in a small room with a table and a set of chairs around it. Three people are playing cards at the table. “Seria! Miruliru? Nazareth!” I can't help but scream out their names.

  “Hehehe. Everything went as planned.” Seria smirks at Aengus, who is holding my hand.

  “Here is your payment Nazareth. You did a good job.” Miruliru flicks a crystal towards master.

  “Ho! Always a pleasure! It was a long job after all.” Nazareth takes the crystal and stows it away.

  “~NYAAA!~ You are all in cahoots with each other!?” I can't believe it! This is an epic set up! “How long did you plan this!?”

  Miruliru makes a thinking pose. “Well.... I was following your growth since your birth for my part. And I always paid Nazareth to have an extra close eye on you. I thought about using you in one way or the other against Angrod. I don't like his demeanour.”

  “But the plan to set both of you up came from me when I met you. I pitied my idiot brother for a long time. He has almost no chance with women from the Chimeran society after all. And then you come along.... young, beautiful, without any knowledge about the multiverse! ~Perfect!~” Seria starts to snicker.

  “Of course it became even more hilarious when Miruliru started searching for you and I learned about your history. Sorry big bro! She is just a perfect match for you, so I couldn't stop myself.” Seria smiles carefree at us.

  “Little Sis. I hope you know that I will have to use you to take the blame. Of course this situation is perfect to draw mother's anger away from me and my ~fiancée~.” Aengus puts an arm around my shoulder and draws me close.

  Seria freezes.

  “My cruel little sister played the worst trick of all times on me. She set me up with our former arch enemy without my knowledge and now we are stuck in the same boat!” Aengus's tone suddenly became really cruel and dangerous.

  Huh? It sent a shiver down my spine. Where is the gentle and educated voice?

  Seria jumps up and falls to her knees before Aengus. “Big Bro! Let this stupid sister assist you in explaining the situation to our parents! I even have detailed ~video documentation~ of your commitment to your ~fiancée~!” Suddenly a flat device appears in Seria's hands.

  It shows a certain scene on a beach with Aengus and m..m... ME! “~GYAAA!~” I snatch the device out of Seria's hands and smash it onto the ground.


  “That won't work. I have the data stored away in various ~safe locations~. So let your little sister try to assist you without taking all the blame! That video would destroy your last chance with women Big Bro. Just in case it won't work out with Sharid in the end. I never would have imagined that the well behaved big brother of mine would actually forcefully push down a girl and rob her innocence!”

  Seria puts both hands on her cheeks and starts to wriggle while on her knees.

  “If.... If I am not satisfied, I will take you down with me ~little sister~.” A few veins become visible on Aengus's forehead. “So where are mom and dad at the moment?”

  99 - This is my fiancée!

  Another planet, Vacation-Paradise

  “To think that mom and dad would take their time to go skiing.....” Aengus pulls me with him towards the small wood house. There are mountains all around us and the stars and a big moon are above us. It's already dark on this world. Everything is white from the snow.

  Seria is right behind us and is humming a little song. She must be very happy because of the imminent bloodbath!

  Aengus knocks on the wooden door and a blonde elven woman opens it. “Hi, Rose! I need to see mom and dad.” Aengus hugs the elf. She is in a maid outfit and smiles at seeing him.

  “Of course. They are in the living room.” Rose leads us towards a spacious room. I see Seria's little sisters playing cards on the ground. An older version of Seria is writing something at the table in the middle of the room.

  I recognize her as the queen from Asheim's plaza.

  A guy which is looking a little older than Aengus is sitting in a comfy chair while reading a big book. He looks very relaxed. So that's Angrod! Just wait! I haven't completely given up on revenge! I will be the worst daughter in law you can imagine!

  ~NYAHAHAHA!~ I will claim both! Eternal ~love~ with Aengus! And eternal ~revenge~ against Angrod!

  “Mom, Dad. I want to introduce someone to you!” Aengus talks with a calm and smooth voice.

  Uwah! Now they look at us! And both are fixating me like prey! Then I get grabbed at my shoulders and Aengus shoves me in front. “This is Sharid. I love her and I confessed to her! We want to marry!”

  *Rip* *Crack*

  Angrod ripped the book! How much strength does he have to rip a book like a sheet of paper!?

  And she broke her pen! ~Uwah!~ It was golden and looked precious!

  I smile and bow to them. “Nice to meet you! My name is Sharid. ~I hope we can get along with each other.~”

  Angrod jumps out of his chair and stomps before us. “!Do you know who that is!” He screams at Aengus while waving a part of his book at me. ~Bad!~ He immediately recognized me!

  “The reincarnation of someone you gave a petty punishment. But I am glad that you did it. Because I love the person she is now.” Aengus answers his father with a straight face which makes me

  “NO! Nev...”

  *Snatch* *Smack*

  The queen took the broken book from Angrod and smacked it onto his head with full force. He is wriggling on the ground in pain, but not a sound comes over his lips! ~Serves~ you right!

  “Rose, get Ireth and Katrina!” The queen crosses her arms while looking at me.

  “Sharid isn't a bad person mom! She is my friend!” Seria hugs me from the side which causes raised eyebrows from the queen.

  The queen doesn't say a word which is actually very scary. She just points at the table and we take a seat. Then she sits down in from of us and stares at me. Nobody says a word.

  The silent staring continues until two other female demons arrive. I guess those are Ireth and Katrina? They have an old geezer and another guy with them.

  The queen mumbles a few incomprehensible words to them and then they take a seat in front of me. One of the new arrivals just gives a single command to me.


  “Uhm... about what?”




  This is exhausting! I had to describe my entire life towards the female members of Aengus's family.

  I am sitting across Celes, Ireth and Katrina. At least Seria is beside me. The triplets are looking at me from the side with curious expressions.

  Angrod is sitting in a corner of the room with a gloomy expression. He didn't get to say a single word during the entire discussion. Aengus is patting his back while talking to him.

  The two guys who got introduced as grandfather and great grandfather are sitting on another table and are playing cards.

  Could it be.... that this household is completely dominated by the female members?

  “This will be a scandal!” -Ireth

  “Impossible. She isn't even from a royal bloodline.” -Katrine

  Celes just tilts her head while looking at me. “So you say that you love my son?”

  “Yes!” I bow to her. Looks like I don't have good cards with the grandmothers.

  “Then you have to prove it!” Celes whispers a few sentences with the grandmothers and after a while they nod. Then Celes disappears.

  “Huh?” Did she teleport? I look at Seria who has an equally perplexed expression.

  After a few seconds of silent standstill with the unhappy grandmothers, Celes reappears again. She has a big syringe with a needle in her left. An evil smirk is on her face.

  “If you manage to survive this, I will let you have my son. This is a test! If you are too weak, then I am rid of you!” The syringe is skilfully dancing around in her fingers while she holds it before me.

  “Mom! That goes too far! Not one of your weird experiments! Sharid, you don't have to do this!” Seria holds my hand. “It's my fault mom. I set them up!”

  “I know that you had a hand in it! You always have a part in things like this! You will be punished separately!” Celes shoots a deathly glare at Seria.

  Seria drops from her chair and takes a foetus position on the ground? ~Nyaaa!~ My only ally was defeated by a gaze!

  Uwah! What to do? Will I even get out of this alive if I refuse? Why is the world never easy on ~meee~! Aengus I hope we can be together. If not in this life, then in the next. And for ~revenge~!

  I hold my arm out and close my eyes. Then I feel the needle peeking me.

  “If you want to give up, I will administer the antidote to you. Of course you will have failed the test in that case....” -Celes





  Aengus's POV

  “~NYHAHAHA!~” …. “~HAAAHH~” …. “~YEESSS!~”

  Screams of lust and excitement are coming from the room next door. “Mom! What did you do to Sharid?” I was forbidden from entering the room after mom used one of her strange medicines on Sharid.

  Celes is sitting on a couch while chewing on her nail. “This is strange. It should hurt!”

  “What should hurt? Shaarriiid!” I run towards the door but Ireth blocks my way.

  “Sit!” Ireth gives a single command.

  I immediately fall to my knees. Grandma is scary! I can't oppose her!

  “~MOREE!~” “~AahhhhnNNN!~” “~HIIIAAAHAHAHA!~”

  Ugh. This hurts my pride! What did she give to her. She didn't scream like that when I screwed her! And it has been hours now!

  “This is totally unexpected. She might be really good material.” Ireth is talking to herself.

  “I will take a walk outside.” Angrod leaves the room with a grumpy expression. Dad! Stop them!


  I wait with Ireth in front of me until the screams calm down. It felt like an eternity. After a while the door knob turns and Sharid stumbles into the room. She is covered in sweat and looks tired.

  “That was the ~best~. Did I pass the test?” Sharid smiles at me.

  There are red and black strands added to her hair! Two horns are crowning her head like a tiara and a long black tail is curling cutely behind her.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? Something behind me?” Sharid looks behind her. “~GYAA!~”


  Sharid broke the door knob when she got surprised by the tail waving behind her. Not being able to hold the balance with the new addition, she falls backwards on her butt.

  Sharid immediately gets on all fours and crawls to a close mirror. “~NYAARRR!~ Tail! Horns!? My hair! I look like a striped zibra!” Then she turns red and tries to cover her perfect butt where the tail ripped her trousers. “What happened to ~meeee~!”

  “Whatever a zibra is... this should have hurt! Of course you failed the test! I have to rework this serum. Something went seriously wrong!” Celes calls out to us with a sulky voice.

  “Mom.... One of Sharid's divinities is masochism....” Seria is giving Celes a vital information while Sharid is trying to stand upright but failing miserable. I jump to her side to assist her.

  “What?” -Celes

  “That explains it.” -Ireth

  “Anyway. There is no problem with the heritage now. We can just say that she is from a small branch family.” -Katrine

  Celes pulls a device out of her clothes and holds it before Sharid's head. “Hmm. Everything should be fine. Nothing abnormal.” Then she waves it downwards towards her tail.


  “Is something wrong with me?” Sharid looks up at Celes while sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes.

  Celes holds the device towards Sharid's belly.


  Suddenly Celes's body blurs and she grabs my earlobe to force me down to the ground beside Sharid. Ow! Strength freak! I could swear that her eyes are glowing red.

  “Why is she pregnant!”

  Sharid turns white. “Huh?”

  I feel a little dizzy. “We.. we did it just once!”

  “Twins!” Celes screams at us.

  Ohh... damn. I thought I could enjoy my youth for a little longer.

  Ireth smacks her forehead. “This offspring of mine. They became too fertile since our days.” She looks at Katrine and Katrine nods.

  Angrod is coming back into the room. He freezes for a second after taking a look at Sharid. Then he turns and walks back outside again. Dad! Say something!


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