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Desert Strike

Page 26

by Leo Nix

  “Johnny, I'll accept any discipline you dish out, and I'll accept all of the consequences. None of my crew had a say in this. For all they knew this was an exercise sanctioned by HQ,” he said as he sat with his second rum and ruined coffee.

  “Well my good friend, the only way out of a court martial that I can offer you is what Louie told me a moment ago. I've got to send a patrol to Sydney and extract Charlie. He's been betrayed and he's no longer safe. He's too old to escape by himself and they'll torture the poor old bastard if they catch him. He's an old friend of Pedro's and many of the desert lads, he's been invaluable for our intelligence. So,” Captain Johnny Walker looked Doff in the eye, “it looks like you've just volunteered to lead the rescue mission.”

  He leaned forward and shook Doff's hand. “Congratulations. You'll take a squad of misfits to Sydney and bring Charlie back here. I'll talk to Louie, he'll be expecting you this afternoon. Dismissed.”

  Chapter 26 - Shamus Day Celebrations

  The anniversary of the Marree Hotel fight started a week long celebration at the Palace. The first day was a live performance, a play, of the Commando founders meeting in Birdsville then arriving in Marree. It culminated in the fight between the burly riggers and Sundown's group.

  Simon and Luke wrote, directed and even played some of the roles themselves. Shadow's part was the star of the play while Pedro's and McFly's were close behind.

  The beautifully muscled Assassin played himself and all the girls groaned when he took his shirt off. The three nurses were talked into playing their own parts which consisted of squealing and running away. That simple, delightful act, set the tone of the play. The audience couldn't help but laugh riotously at every scene. It was something that the Commando and their families looked forward to as soon as the play was announced.

  Halo played Shamus holding off five drunken riggers and Beamy was a drunken John, the head rigger who started the fight in the first place. Sundown was played by Wiram, who was loudly cheered for his shadow boxing display. Even Arthur got up, he played McFly, falling over Bongo who played Pedro, complete with tin-foil legs. Every time Bongo fell over he called someone a 'boofhead'. The children thought it so funny that 'boofhead' became their favourite word.

  Bongo did such a great job that Halo wanted to call him 'Mini Me', but Fat Boy argued the name was already taken.

  But it was Jaina who stole the show. She played Shadow, performing an acrobatic kung fu dance in a very tight t-shirt and very short shorts. Her slim legs and much endowed breasts received a bigger ovation than her acting.

  “I wish Pedro was here to see this,” said Pinkie in Sundown's ear. “And McFly and Shadow, they'd all be falling over laughing. Those boys of Nulla's have won everyone's hearts. They've done such a superb job haven't they, love?”

  “They have, Pinkie, we're so lucky. Lucky to have survived those damn horrific months before Nulla arrived and Vic's boys came across from Alice Springs. I'd hate to have to go back to those early days, it was bloody hell,” answered Sundown softly.

  Lucy was sitting with Mel and Wilma, she leaned forward and whispered, “Have you noticed that Bongo's got a girlfriend?”

  The two older women looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.

  “She's one of the girls we captured at the homestead, her name is Denise. I'm glad he's found someone, he was always so depressed. I sort of hoped he might ask me out, but, I guess he just wasn't attracted to me.” The mousey haired Lucy shrugged her shoulders wistfully.

  Mel and Wilma made polite sounds, but when Lucy left to grab something to eat Mel said, “I was going to say, Wilma, 'I don't believe how blind that girl is'. But I'm not sure if it's deliberate or that anything to do with the heart is completely over that girl's head.”

  “Lucy's a warrior through and through dear, and love seems to have left her behind. Poor girl. I do feel happy for Bongo, he's given his all for the commando, good luck to him,” said Wilma, as she drifted off to lose herself in thoughts of young love and remembered days of youth.

  Mel studied the small group wounded Warrior Sisterhood Crusaders and Bongo, watching the performance together.

  “Just look at them will you, they're all so happy. Even that Minnie, Denise's cousin, she can hardly walk but she is laughing like everyone else. I think Sundown and Sue-Ellen made a good decision. If the rest of our Longreach friends are as happy to be joined to us like these girls, we can rest assured our flank is secured.”

  Sue-Ellen and her Pine Gap specialists were easily talked into staying for the celebrations. They were now due to return to their home base the day following Shamus Day.

  Sundown looked across at the commander of the Pine Gap facility and saw her watching him. He smiled and she smiled back. Seeing her reaction made his demon want to scream from deep inside, it made him extremely uncomfortable on many levels. He tried to focus on the rest of the entertainment, but now he couldn't wait to get away and be by himself for a while.

  Denise and her Warrior Sisterhood comrades, were overwhelmed by the friendship and hospitality they received from everyone. They were treated as heroes after fighting off a company of Ravens Claws by themselves. It was now legend that Captain Martene and her severely depleted platoon successfully engaged and held a superior foe during their night-long retreat.

  Blondie recovered slowly, not because of the wound but because of the state of her mind and heart. Cambra avoided her and it caused her to sink into depression. The Tajna Sluzba with the model looks had never thought of being in a proper relationship before. But she now felt something she'd not felt before and Blondie was now a very confused lady.

  Nulla had dropped in on the Sisterhood girls with Glenda every day which helped the girls bond. Denise and Bongo spent a lot of time together but her recovery was slow. At Halo's insistence Tricia took over supervision of the three wounded Warrior Sisterhood girls. He wanted Bongo to get plenty of rest and they both wanted to make sure he had time with his new found love. Bongo had sacrificed as much if not more for the commando than anyone else, and Halo, as his friend, wanted to honour that.

  Wiram and Nulla decided they needed to go walkabout after the Shamus Day celebrations. It wasn't uncommon for a tribal member, usually the sorcerer or one of the elders of high degree, to have healing abilities. For Roo to find it now with Denise, was puzzling, so they were keen to go bush and find out more.

  Both Donna and Glenda were very proud mothers to be. As Glenda spread some of Mel's sauce on her vegetables and meat she said to her partner, “You are so clever aren't you darling?” she teased Nulla. “I wonder what you'll pass on to our little one here.” She patted the small bulge of her belly and Nulla put his arm around her protectively.

  Riley and Katie saw them and wandered over. They were soon followed by Harry, Wiram, Donna and Bill.

  “Wiram, I heard you wanted to go walkabout, mate. I'd better go with you, you'll need brains as well as brawn,” Harry said as he sat down at the breakfast table helping himself to the plates of meat and vegetables.

  Wiram held Donna who was sitting on his lap. It felt good to get together with his people and share these rare moments of kinship. “Harry, us men folk have a walkabout or two in us before the big push. Yeah, I think it's time we went bush and got back to our roots.”

  Wiram called Roo and Charlene over and then dragged one of the tables across to fit everyone in.

  “Charlene, did you know about Roo's healing powers?” He directed the question to her, wanting her to feel comfortable with the aboriginal crew Roo now openly belonged to.

  “I've never heard him talk about it,” she replied quizzically. She looked at Roo and made a face to show he was expected to answer Wiram's question.

  “I don't really know, Wiram, I never tried before 'cept with dogs and cats,” came his simple answer.

  “Maybe we need you to go walkabout with us and find out more. What do you think Charlene?” asked Harry.

  “Great idea. I think it would be good for Roo
to practice socialising with the girls he helped rescue too.” She spoke with some pride as she reached over and held Roo's hand.

  “I can do that,” Roo said as he started eating.

  It was going to be a long day of celebrations - it was Shamus Day.

  Sundown was restless. In the early morning hours of Shamus' Day he had business to attend to which only a conversation with his mentor could help with.

  “Hi Sundown, laddie 'tis me birthday t'day and I have a gift for you,” said the spectral Shamus in his Irish lilt. “You have a situation brewing my friend and there are two pathways you can go down. Both lead to dishonour and hardship for you and for everyone you love.”

  In his meditative state, Sundown listened to his old friend and replied, “I know Shamus. I can't go on like this pulled in two directions. It's killing me and it's killing them.”

  “Laddie, choose your wife and you retain everyone's respect and honour. You keep the love of your life but you lose a powerful ally and lover.” Shamus stopped to let that sink in. “Or choose Sue-Ellen and you win the love of an incredible woman who will fight to be everything you ever dreamed of. She will hand to you the resources to defeat the terrorists. Sadly, you will lose the commando and everyone will despise you.” Sundown nodded knowing Shamus was right, he was doomed to lose no matter who he chose.

  “But all is not lost,” continued Shamus. “There is a third option.” As though hit by a bolt of lightening, Sundown's mind burst into light and he knew what it was.

  As he came back to the present he heard Shamus' voice, “You have excelled with Sun Tzu in arms, but now it is time to succeed with Lao Tzu in love.”

  The anniversary of the mines battle, when Shamus was killed, was a more solemn affair. It began with a dawn service to honour those who lost their lives at the start of the apocalypse, and those who were killed and wounded in action since.

  Halo solemnly brought out the flags for each command. Sundown's Commando showed battle honours for each action: The Mines, Marree, Birdsville, Mungerannie, Coopers Creek, Diamantina and now Marree II. The two girls hand-stitched a replica of the original Alice Springs Command flag. They embroidered the battle honours for Mount Isa, Mungerannie, Coopers Creek and Marree II.

  There was one other flag which the girls had spent every spare minute embroidering. It was a beautiful pine tree with sand dune waves. Embroidered were the battle honours for Diamantina and Marree II. Halo called Commander Cullen to come forward and accept their flag.

  “To our comrades in arms, Commander Cullen. I would like to present this flag to honour the bond between the Pine Gap Intelligence Facility and the Australian Third Army.” He stopped and put his head down as he tried to remember what he was supposed to say. He looked up and continued his speech. “And Sundown's Commando too. What I'd really like to say, personally, is that we all deeply appreciate your friendship, your fighting spirit and your coolness under pressure. I think our three forces combined are a fearsome force. The Revelationists are now wishing they'd never started this bloody war in the first place.” He smiled broadly then stepped back to allow Lulu and Danni to hand the flag to Sue-Ellen.

  “Thank you, Halo, and thank you, Lulu and Danni. What a beautiful flag, I am truly honoured to accept it on behalf of my staff and our joint command. Three flags but one command is what we truly are. United to stand against what is wrong and slowly but steadily setting right.”

  Sue-Ellen looked around at the nearly three hundred people desperately listening to every word this now highly respected woman said. “I would like to add what an honour it is to serve with you all. Even though Halo did take my boys into the middle of the Stosstruppen and Deaths Head camp and tried to get them, not only killed, but drunk as well.”

  If the commando weren't won over already this certainly helped tip them across the divide to admire and respect this woman.

  Halo next presented Major Lewis with his replica flag. “Major Lewis and members of the Alice Springs Command, we are brothers and sisters in this fight.” Halo pointed towards Commander Cullen and continued. “Together with our Pine Gap siblings,” and he deliberately paused to let those smart enough to understand the joke have a laugh, “the Australian Third Army is now in a position to hold their own and eventually take out the terrorists who started this damn apocalypse in the first place.” He now called Lulu and Danni to hand the Alice Springs flag to the major.

  “Halo, Danni and Lulu, and our growing community, this is a special moment for me and for my command. I know Vic would have loved to have been here to accept this today, but, sadly, he's busy in the Alice. I'll leave you to get on with the rest of your presentations, thanks Halo.”

  Halo had decided not to give another speech on presenting Sundown's flag because everyone had ribbed him the last time he did it.

  Sundown accepted the flag from Lulu and Danni and spoke of the importance of unity to survive the apocalypse and the ongoing struggle against the Revelationists. He also wanted to impress upon everyone the necessity of family and community, of honour, loyalty and respect. His own recent moral struggle had forced him to come to terms with his own situation and this speech helped cement it.

  “Members of our fighting forces, and our families here today. We don't fight to crush the enemy, we fight to honour ourselves and to make a life for our children and their children.” He coughed to clear his throat, it had suddenly gone dry. ”We live in the harshest region of Australia, one day we'll be leaving this place for somewhere safer and easier to live. When we do we'll leave knowing we did all this for our family, our community here, around us now." Again he cleared his throat which was starting to choke with emotion.

  “I clearly remember when Shamus, Pedro and a few other of the originals sat around our camp fire at Birdsville. I think it was our first night together. Shamus said several times his goal was to find a place that had plenty of food and water. A place we could easily defend, a place where we could raise our families in safety. I'm sure he'd be very pleased with what we've done here at Birdsville and the Christian Palace.”

  Sundown looked at the people gathered and held back emotions that just wanted to burst out of him. Instead he called, “Lenny! Annie!” When the two children looked up he waved for them to come over, “And bring your little friends.”

  Up on the make-shift stage climbed a group of kids, grubby and streaked with sweat from playing in the desert sand. They weren't shy or subdued, they giggled freely and waved to their friends and family in the crowd.

  The children proudly held six wriggling puppies. Their mother, Red Dog, watched anxiously from between the children's legs making sure no one dropped her precious babies.

  “Sundown's Commandos!” he yelled, so everyone could hear, and he pointed to the children. “This, is what we fight for.”

  Sundown then quickly stepped aside for Halo as he returned to the stage. He'd fought against it, and argued against it, but he was finally coerced into doing it by his partner, Tricia.

  “Sundown's Commando! Australian Third Army! Pine Gap Intelligence Facility and everyone else gathered here today!” he yelled it out like he was commanding a thousand troops. “Attention!” Three hundred pairs of feet snapped together. “Dismissed!”

  Of course his mates knew he'd forgotten something and told everyone to stay where they were. Three hundred pairs of eyes now swung back to Halo who was standing very still, knowing he'd forgotten something important. Then it struck him.

  “Oh, shit!” he said quietly. Then he straightened and continued in a loud, proud voice. “May God bless us here today, because he has certainly stopped blessing those bastard Revelationists! Now drink up, it's Shamus' Day! Have a bloody great time!”

  Shamus Day was also market day for the palace community. Wilma, Fatima, Jenny and Mel ran a competition for home-made condiments and sauces while Fatima doubled up with Phil to show off their prize chickens and roosters. Those who had their own chickens competed for egg size and colour as well as chicken 'd
eportment', which brought gales of laughter.

  There were displays of whip cracking; a rodeo with the calves; displays of horse riding; archery and rifle shooting plus races, games and competitions for the children. Phil and Arthur displayed their wooden furniture and anyone with a skill or talent had a stall and a story to tell. The prizes were pennants embroidered with the simple words 'Shamus Day 1'.

  The soldiers held a special competition for each style of weapon: knife throwing, pistol, automatic rifle, unscoped and scoped sniper rifle. It was called 'John's 5 Shots 5 Kills Trophy'. Anyone of the serving soldiers could enter, the top score in all five categories would fight it out in the finals.

  The final shoot off was between Chan, Roo, Obi-Wan, Pipeline, Riley and pimply Koala Bob, who, as Pedro would say, “that young fella wot always asks questions.”

  Sundown was knocked out in the first round. He complained that the only way he could win was if he invoked his demon. But he agreed that would be considered cheating because demons weren't human. For the final shoot out Halo was called upon to be the Master of Ceremonies.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please bear with me, I've had a few drinks judging the beer competition, and a few whiskeys in the whiskey competition. Today I'm happy and sad at the same time.” The crowd now gathered around, twenty deep, to listen to their hero. Halo could hold an audience in the palm of his hand whenever he spoke of his beloved Sundown's Commando. He even looked the hero too with his white plastered hand held in a sling at his chest.


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