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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume III)

Page 48

by Sarah J. Stone

  Thunderous crashes broke over her. She threw back her head and bared her teeth to the ceiling, but that freight train overran her faster than she ever imagined. She shrieked in orgasmic rapture, but he wouldn’t stop. He kept working his fingers through her sodden anatomy while the surf crashed against her.

  She contorted from right to left, but she kept her body welded to his face. She refused to let go of that until the last ringing contraction spasmed through her. When the tremor passed and she sighed into softness again, he kept up the rhythm until she pulled away from the sensitivity around her most secret places.

  He let her twist over on her side, but his powerful hands followed her wherever she went. He guided her all the way onto her stomach, and he stroked over her back in time to the little noises rising out of her.

  He massaged her neck, down her back to her ass and thighs. He quieted all the tense spots he found until she melted into the downy quilt. Damp heat radiated through her from below. She didn’t recognize what he was doing until his fingers touched the saturated flesh between her legs.

  She froze, but it was too late. He circled her swollen opening with his masterful fingers until she couldn’t stop the sweet pleasure rising all over again. She lifted her head to gape in front of her. Reality stared her in the face. She wanted him again and again and again. She wanted him forever. Nothing could stop that now.

  Eden couldn’t move, not even when he spread his iron body over her back. He kissed her. He nuzzled her neck. He pulled her head back against his shoulder, and his prick dug into her ass to find that wet cavern where it belonged.

  She opened her mouth, but she couldn’t form any sound except a tattered, feral howl. That thick piece of meat slotted inside her on a river of wetness. His weight held her down, and his legs pinned her thighs shut. His thickness excited her lips to insane rapture, but she couldn’t move. She had to lie there while he spun her into outer space with those slippery frictionless thrusts.

  His thick cock slipped all the way in and filled to full to bursting. His voice grated against her ear. “Baby. Oh, baby.”

  Her mind kept repeating the same chanting song. Oh, oh, oh! Would it always be like this? Would he always dominate her and push her beyond her limits? Would he always take her to the stars with this steady pulsing beat?

  He thumped his hips against her ass. The surging energy washed her to pieces. She didn’t know herself. She didn’t know a body could survive this delirious, disintegrating sensation.

  She would have gone on like that all night, but he burrowed one hand underneath her to finger the hard nub between her legs. He circled to his rhythm, and the two forms of stimulation worked together. They electrified her to greater heights of orgasmic eruptions.

  She screamed louder than ever, but she couldn’t hear herself. She saw stars being born and dying in front of her eyes. She saw them mingle with the lights of Arion outside the window. She saw every pinprick of light out there. Every one of those lights was a NightShade living his or her life. She became one with each of them. She loved them with all her heart.

  He roared in her ear, but she didn’t hear. She registered only the pulse rushing in her veins. She heard music singing in the background. Did it come from inside her or from heaven? Did she hear the angels singing, or did she hear a million voices talking, whispering their secrets into her brain?

  How many times she cascaded into orgasm, climbed out again and climaxed again, she never knew. On it went into the night until at last she found herself on her back. The chandelier still burned overhead. The little lights embedded in the ceiling faded to give a soft background glow.

  She gazed into Damian’s eyes. From a long way away, she became aware of his body moving between her legs. Her wetness welcomed him inside. It coated his prick and his balls and spread down his legs. Was that her wetness, or both of their juices mixing together?

  He kissed her in such delightful softness she almost cried for joy. They were together. They were mated at long last. His bones hit her tortured flesh, but she experienced nothing except passion for him rising higher than ever. She wanted to build up for another climax, all night long.

  He studied her while his lips explored her mouth. Their tongues licked and danced back and forth. He petted her cheeks and forehead, down to her breasts and behind her back. Nothing remained off-limits. She lay bare and exposed for him to enjoy.

  His voice woke her from her dream. “Is this what you want? Do you want to stay here?”

  She couldn’t stop smiling, but her eyes stung with tears. “More than anything.”

  He buried his face in her neck. His voice caught in his throat. “I never thought I’d live to see this day. I never thought I could ever be good enough to deserve you.”

  She raised her head to gaze into his eyes. “You were always good enough, and you always will be. You’re all I ever wanted. We’ll never be apart again—not ever. They’ll never take you back to the cells.”

  His eyes glistened, too. “Because of you. You never stopped believing in me.”

  She kissed him. He filled her whole world. She never wanted to see or look at or know about anything else again. “I always believed in you. I knew you were too good to do anything like that.”

  He kissed her harder, and his voice cracked. “Baby, what did I ever do to deserve you? I only wish there was something I could do for you to show you how I feel.”

  “You’re doing it,” she told him. “You’re doing it right now. Don’t you see that?”

  He hid his face in her neck.

  She whispered into his ear. Maybe somewhere out there in the blissful clouds of their union, he could understand it. “This is what I want and what I need. You’re healing me as much as I’m healing you. Maybe the whole thing happened so we could be like this.”

  He lifted his head to kiss her again. “If that’s true, then it was all worth it. I would go through all that and a thousand times worse if I could only know I’d get back here at the end. I would do anything for this—anything!”

  He tried to say more, but she silenced him with kisses. She stroked his fine skin. She traced the outlines of his muscles until their passion took over at last.

  75. Chapter 19

  Eden woke up the next morning to find the bed empty beside her. She swept her arm sideways and discovered a warm spot under the satin covers. Damian couldn’t be far away. She poked her head out of the covers to see him standing across the room.

  Water beaded on his bare shoulders, and a white towel hid his hips from view. He gazed out the big windows at the city seething and waking up in the distance. “What are you doing way over there?” she called.

  He turned around to smile at her, and she noticed a white bandage taped to his shoulder. He crossed the room and crawled onto the bed to kiss her. When he collapsed on top of her, water got all over her. It cooled her warmth and seeped into the sheets covering her.

  She screamed and tried to push him off, but he only laughed and growled and rubbed himself all over her. “You asked for it. Now, you have to take you punishment.”

  “Get off me!”

  He collapsed laughing on the bed, and she rested her head on his arm while she inspected the bandage. “Does it hurt a lot?”

  “That? No, the computer sealed it up. I just have to keep it covered for a few hours until the glue dries.”

  She lapsed into thought. “What do you think they’re doing with Eli?”

  He climbed out of bed and rifled through his closet. “I have no idea. They won’t be doing anything with him until the Elders convene, and then I’m sure everybody all over town will want to have something to say about their decision. This could take a while.”

  “They can’t keep him locked up in the cells all that time.”

  “I’m sure they won’t. They’ll ship him out to one of the distribution hubs to work while he waits. That’s the best thing for him. They’ll get him far away from anybody he knows. He’ll go to one of the rehabilitation
gangs until they find a permanent place for him.”

  Eden sighed and leaned back in bed. “I wish none of this had ever happened.”

  He slipped on his pants and cinched his belt around his waist. “I don’t. It’s like you said. If this had never happened, we wouldn’t be together in this room right now. Anything would be worth that.”

  He lay down on top of her in his pants. She caressed his broad shoulders and smooth back while they kissed until he tore himself away. He hopped up. “I’m going down to the council building. I’ll sit in on the session, and I’ll let you know what’s going on when I get back later.”

  She propped her head on her elbow. “Do you have to be so all-fired enthusiastic about it?”

  He laughed at her. “I’m bursting at the seams to get out there and tear this place apart. I’ve been locked up in this apartment for days. My whole life is out there waiting for me, and I won’t wait around for it any longer.”

  She studied him. “You’re really fired up about going to the council building, aren’t you? I wish I had something in my life I was that excited about.”

  He shrugged into his shirt. “You’ll find it. In the meantime, just take it easy today. You’ve got enough to deal with moving downstairs and now moving to a new apartment. It’s gonna take you a while to settle into living with a new family. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

  She stared at him in shock.

  Damian fidgeted under her stare. “What’s the matter?”

  She sat up and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “You’re the first person who’s ever said that. My grandma has been pushing me non-stop since I showed up. I’ve been comparing myself to my cousin Serenity. She knows exactly what she wants, and she’s getting it.”

  “You’re in a completely different situation,” he pointed out. “You spent your whole life on the surface. You can’t just move downstairs and expect to pick up where you would have if you lived your life down here. That makes no sense.”

  “I never thought about it, but you’re right.”

  He stepped into his shoes. “Get dressed and come out to breakfast with me. I want to introduce you to my parents.”

  “I hope they like me as much as you do.”

  He gathered her in his arms. “Sweetheart, they already love you. You solved this murder, and you saved me. What is there not to like?”

  “I put Eli behind bars.”

  He kissed her forehead. “They’ll love you for that, too. That’s where he belongs, now that everybody knows he’s guilty. You have nothing to worry about out there. Now, come on. I’m hungry.”

  She waved her hand. “Get something from the computer in here.”

  He pierced her with his flashing eyes. “Don’t think you’re gonna hide in here forever, and don’t think I’m gonna help you do it, either. Get your clothes on, girl. This is the first day of the rest of your life.”

  She got dressed. “I certainly never signed up for any whip-cracking taskmaster like you.”

  He chuckled and adjusted his suit in the mirror. He already projected power and confidence to take over the world. Once Eden finished dressing, he took her hand and they walked together into the main room.

  Joshua Powers and his wife Nova sat at the table. Joshua read on his tablet screen while Nova ate pear slices. She glanced up when the new couple entered. “Hey, darlin’. How was your night?”

  “Fine, Mommy.” Damian kissed her on the head. “I think you both know Eden Black.”

  Nova stood to offer her hand. “Of course. How are you, dear? What would you like for breakfast?” She crossed to the computer console in the wall.

  “Bacon and eggs, thank you,” Eden replied.

  Nova set a plate in front of her, along with a fork and knife. She handed Damian a bowl of yogurt with nuts and toasted grains. She sat down at her place and went back to what she was doing. “Have you heard the news?”

  “What news?”

  “Arryn Stark is back in town, and he’s moving downstairs with his Bruin mate.”

  Damian looked up from his bowl. “Really?”

  Joshua pushed his screen away. “He sent me a message this morning. He wants to meet with you and talk to you about the Elders’ council.”

  “What does he want to talk to me for?” Damian asked. “Why doesn’t he talk to you or one of the Elders?”

  “He wants to talk to a young up-and-comer on the council. He says he wants to join the sessions, and he wants to get up to speed with you so he’s prepared.”

  Damian blinked. “Arryn Stark—on the council?”

  “Stranger things have happened. Finding a mate will do strange things to a man.”

  Damian glanced at Eden. “Tell me about it.”

  Joshua slid the tablet computer across the table. “Here’s his address. Why don’t you stop by his place and pick him up on your way to the session? You can fill him in and give him tips during the session.”

  “Maybe today’s not such a good day to do it,” Damian remarked. “Most of the session will be dedicated to deciding what to do about Eli. He probably doesn’t want to sit through that.”

  “We’ll go over some other business, too,” Joshua replied, “and if he’s going to become a representative, he might as well get his boots wet now rather than later. What to do about Eli is as much council business as anything.”

  Damian pulled the screen toward him. “All right. I’ll do it. I’ll just let him know I’m coming over.”

  Nova looked up to smile at Eden. “How about you, dear? What are you doing today?”

  Eden shifted in her seat. “Well, the first thing I have to do is register my change of address with the Labor Pool. After that, I think I better go see my grandparents. I should tell them face to face I’m moving.”

  “Have you heard about the new programs being offered at the Logistics Academy?”

  “Yes!” Eden cried. “I’ve heard all about them from my grandmother.”

  Nova blinked at her. Then she went back to her breakfast. “Well, there’s no big rush. The Labor Pool will find something for you to do in the meantime.”

  Eden bent over her bacon. Living here wasn’t going to be much different from living with her grandparents. She still had to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Mating with Damian didn’t solve that problem for her.

  He finished eating and scurried around the room getting ready for a busy day. Energy and excitement propelled him on his way. He never had to question what he was doing. He got a reply from Arryn. The two men would spend the rest of the day together with their heads sunk in council business. Damian wouldn’t give her a second thought until he came home that night.

  She observed him while he chatted to his father about…well, everything. Not one shred of tension or reserve remained to strain their relationship. They were two of a kind. Damian would follow in his father’s footsteps. He would become a representative and then an Elder. He would rise to the gates of power. Nothing could stop a man as energized at he was.

  He sat down next to her long enough to tap something out on the computer. “I’m registering us as a couple and logging your change of address, so that job is done.”

  “I should still go see my grandparents in person. That’s the least I can do after everything they’ve done for both of us.”

  At that moment, the doorbell chimed. Nova answered it, and Jeremiah Hood walked into the room with his tablet under his arm. He shook hands with Joshua and smiled at Eden. “Good morning, all.”

  Eden rose to meet him. “Grandpa! I was just talking about coming to see you. I wanted to talk to you and Grandma about me moving in here with Damian.”

  He brushed her comments away. “I’m not here to talk about that, sweetheart. I know all about what you’re doing here after what I saw in the square yesterday. You don’t have to explain it. I’m here to talk to you about something much more important.”

  “What is it?”

  He held out his tablet. “I wa
nt you to take a look at this. I think it might interest you.”

  She looked down at a plain text document pulled up on the screen. “What is it?”

  “It’s a cold case from the Police files. It’s an unsolved attack on an unarmed pedestrian that happened in the dead of night almost five years ago. The man was attacked on the streets of Arion and robbed of sensitive computer files not stored anywhere else in the city. The files have never been recovered, and the assailant was never captured.”

  “What do you want me to look at it for?”

  “There’s a position opening up in the Police Corps, and I think you should try to get it. You would apprentice to Constable Griffin and learn to be an investigator.”

  Her eyes bugged out of her head. “You want me to work for the Police?”

  “You’re the one who solved the case of Ryder’s murder,” he pointed out. “Without you, Damian would have been accused and probably punished. We never would have found out who killed Ryder. I’ve been watching you through this whole process. I think you have an inborn talent for criminal investigation. I want you to take a look at these files, and if you’re interested, go down to the Police offices and talk to the Constable about it.”

  “What will he do if he decides to take me?”

  “Who knows?” he replied. “I’m sure he’ll ask a lot of questions. He might want you to take tests or undergo certain training. He might even want you to study in one of the Academies. I have no idea how they do it. You’ll just have to find out, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he just takes you the way you are. He’s seen you work this case from the beginning. What do you say, darling? Does that sound like something you might want to do?”

  Eden stared down at the screen. “I never thought…”

  Jeremiah took the tablet out of her hands. He touched the screen. “I’m forwarding the files to you now. Take a look and make up your mind what you want to do. I have to go now. I’ll see you soon.”

  She took a step forward. “Grandpa?”

  He turned around to smile at her. “You don’t have to say it, honey. You’re where you need to be, and I can see you’re happy about it. I gotta go. See you in a few minutes, Joshua.”


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