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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 5

by Jane Pearl

  A smile quirked the corner of Brian’s mouth. “Goodbye Dear.” He parroted.

  Lisa slapped his shoulder. “Oh you!” She rolled her eyes at Briana and Liam. “Such a joker.” The younger couple exchanged amused smiles then made their goodbyes.

  “Goodnight Dad.” Briana leaned down to place a kiss on her father’s gaunt cheek.

  “Sir.” Liam offered his hand. The men shook. “I’ll see you again soon.”

  “Good, good son. I’m glad to hear it.” They could hear a hint of the hearty tones Brian had used before the stroke. Liam led Briana out of the room with a hand on the small of her back. In the foyer he turned her to face him.

  “Goodnight Luv. Call me when you are ready for bed.” He dropped a hard kiss to her mouth. Briana watched him let himself out then turned around and walked up the wooden steps to her childhood bedroom.


  The summer of Briana’s eighteenth year went by quickly. She worked in the pub most days and spent most of her evenings with Liam. Sometimes they went out solo. Other times they would double date with Connor and Becky. Becky continued to be on her best behavior and over time, Briana began to genuinely like her. This was one reason why she was so sad when Liam told her that Becky and Connor had split. He wouldn’t go into the details just said that ‘It didn’t work out.” After the split, Connor began to occasionally spend time with Liam and Briana. Briana didn’t resent his presence. He was just as charming as his brother and Briana found herself laughing helplessly at his droll Irish humor more than once.

  As far as Liam, Briana had decided that she wanted him to be the man to take her virginity. She just needed to find the right time. As their relationship deepened, she’d also begun reconsidering her plans to attend Wharton’s School of Business in San Francisco. Her parents had made her apply to MSU in Bozeman when she was submitting college applications. She’d been accepted and could stay in Bozeman and attend college if she wanted. Now she was confused as to what she should do. Her clear life plan had been shot all to hell by a charming Irishman!

  Shaking her head in admiration, Briana watched Connor as he expertly cast the fly rod and landed the fly delicately on the rippling waters of the large creek. Eschewing traditional fly fishing regalia, he wore cut-off jeans and old tennis shoes. The only fly fishing paraphernalia he wore was a fishing vest sporting multiple pockets. On his head he’d perched a battered straw cowboy hat. Briana admired the fine form he presented limned by the late morning light. She idly chewed on a blade of grass while reclining on a blanket on the bank of the creek. Like Connor, she’d worn cut off blue jeans and a sleeveless white blouse tied over her stomach. She also wore old tennis shoes. Connor had offered to teach her how to fly fish when she’d expressed an interest in the sport a few days before. Liam didn’t fish as well as Connor so he readily agreed to let his brother teach his girlfriend the basics. Unfortunately, Liam had to work on the ranch for his uncle the morning they’d planned to go. He’d suggested that the two of them go ahead and he’d meet them later.

  Briana regretted her request when Connor picked her up at the crack of dawn that morning. Yawning behind her hand, Briana continued to watch the expert fisherman. Connor turned to her after he made another graceful cast. “That’s how you do it Darlin’’. Why don’t you come on out and I’ll show you?” Briana reluctantly gave up her comfortable post on the blanket. Connor fixed her with a stern look. “Don’t forget your hat. And, did you put on sunscreen today?” Rolling her eyes, Briana nodded and grabbed the floppy canvas hat she’d brought along. Connor lifted an eyebrow at her impudence. “Watch the eye rolling lass. I have no problem with taking you over my lap if need be.” Briana stopped short then blushed bright red. Had Liam told his brother about the few times he’d spanked her? Her buttocks tingled at the memory.

  Over the course of the summer, she’d soon found out the Liam tolerated very little sass from her and was very strict as far as what she was allowed to wear. When she’d bucked his rules she’d found herself over his lap more than once. At first the smacks had been done in jest. She been slightly horrified to realized that his corrections actually turned her on. After Liam saw that she accepted his discipline without question, the spankings happened more often and had gained in intensity. She’d been moved to tears once when she’d earned a particularly hard punishment. After he’d finished and had comforted her, the make out session that followed was one of the most intense ones she’d experienced so far. Lack of contraception was the only reason they’d stopped before having sex.

  “Briana, I said that it is time for you to come out here.” Connor’s voice brooked no opposition. Briana’s pussy clenched at his tone. She couldn’t believe how much she liked bossy men. Sighing heavily, she pushed herself up to standing and plopped the hat on her head. Walking down the bank, she slogged out through the water to where Connor was standing.

  “Okay, I’m here like you ordered Sir.” Her teasing tone garnered a stern look from Connor.

  “Nice to hear you address me correctly Luv.” Looking deep into his eyes, Briana didn’t think he was kidding. Someone was a hard ass. Her pussy clenched at his dominant attitude. Damn! The last thing she needed was to be attracted to her boyfriend’s brother. Ignoring her rioting hormones, Briana reached for the pole.

  “Okay, what do I need to do first?”

  “Here, I’m going to stand behind you and help you ready the line and then cast.” Connor placed the rod in her left hand and stood behind her. “First thing you do is hold the tip down and gently feed the line out while waving it from side to side. You want a fair bit of line out before you cast.” He gently showed her how to pull out line while gracefully waving the rod from side to side. “Okay, we’ve got enough line out. Now, keeping your wrist straight and your elbow at a ninety degree angle, lift your arm up until your hand is next to the brim of your hat. The line will follow slowly and arc over your head. Once it is over, bring your arm back down smoothly. If you have your fly in the right spot, allow it to gently rest on the water. If it isn’t out far enough, gently bring the line over your head again and feed out a little more.” Connor gently guided her arm through the motions of casting until she caught on. As she rhythmically cast the thin line back and forth, Briana was hyper-aware of the hard male body pressed against her back. She could just catch the scent of masculine sweat. Damn it! There went her nipples pressing against the soft cotton of her bra. She hoped Connor didn’t notice. He loosely held her in his arms while the fly drifted down the riffle they’d managed to reach while casting. The breath caught in Briana’s throat as she saw the fly dip once then twice under the water before the line jerked and the reel began to click in protest. “I think you’ve got one on Bri. Hold up the tip and jerk to set the hook. Good, now slowly reel it in. Keep tension in the line. Excellent Sweetheart.” She could hear the excitement in his voice. She slowly turned the knob on the reel until she could see the fish she’d caught swirling around in the shallow water of the stream. “Wow Bri! That’s a good sized Rainbow Trout. Here let me get the net.” Connor unsnapped it from his vest. He dipped it under the struggling fish and lifted it out of the water. “What a nice fish. Here let me measure it.” He grabbed the trout and held it up to the base of his fishing rod. It had a decal on it which showed inches. “Twelve inches. That’s good for a creek trout.” He looked down at her in pride. “Do you want to keep it?” Looking down at the colorful fish wrapped in Connor’s fingers, Briana shook her head.

  “No. It’s too beautiful to eat. Let it go.”

  Smiling at her in agreement, Connor grabbed a set of pliers out of one of the pockets on his vest. He carefully removed the hook from the fish’s mouth and held it loosely in his hands under the water until the fish darted away. “Godspeed little fishy.” He smiled up at Briana. Her heart melted at his boyish grin. She could so totally fall for Liam’s brother. Too bad you couldn’t date two men at once. Their gazes caught and held for a tension filled moment. Connor broke the exchang
e by dropping his head to watch while he cleaned off his hands. After he’d finished his task, he looked up at his brother’s girlfriend with smiling eyes. “I think it’s time for lunch Bri.” Wanting to return to a platonic footing, Bri nodded her head enthusiastically.

  “I’m starving. Let’s go.”

  They ate a simple lunch of sandwiches, apples and brownies provided by Briana’s mom. After gorging themselves, Briana and Connor flopped down on the blanket and looked at the bright blue sky through the leaves of the trees shading their picnic spot. Connor finally groaned and rolled his head to look her way. “I’d better go back to fishing or I’m going to fall asleep. Do you want to join me?”

  Halfway to sleep herself, Briana shook her head. “No, I think I’ll stay here and wait for Liam.”

  Looking at her closely, Connor nodded his head. “Okay Bri. I’ll see you soon.” He walked over to pick up his pole and fishing vest. Once he’d donned the vest, he slapped the disreputable straw cowboy hat on his head. “I’ll be back in a bit to check on you.” He smiled down at her fondly. “Enjoy your rest.” He walked away with the pole clasped in his hand.

  After Briana heard his steps fade away into the distance, she looked around secretively and dug into the bottom of the insulated food container she’d brought. Crowing triumphantly, she pulled out two bottles of hard lemonade. She’d taken them from the refrigerator in her parent’s garage. Her mom kept beverages in there just in case people stopped by to visit. Smiling triumphantly she popped the cap off of the first bottle and took a long drink. OMG! That tasted so good. She took another swig. Oh, her legs were beginning to feel swimmy. She was such a light weight. One of the reasons she’d waited to drink the hard lemonade until Connor left was because Liam was such hard ass when it came to her drinking. “You are under age. I’m not going to disrespect your parents by allowing you to drink with me.” She mimicked his words as she downed the last of the first bottle. Laughing at the loose feeling in her limbs, she popped the second bottle. She downed it in a few swallows. Oh, now she could really feel the effects of the alcohol. After stowing the bottles in the bottom of the insulated case, she slumped back down on the blanket. Gradually she drifted into sleep.

  Her dreams were lurid with images of her, Liam and Connor intertwined. Low, rough moans rumbled against her body as they kissed and caressed her all over. Shifting restlessly, Briana mumbled in her sleep. She could vaguely hear a voice with an Irish accent. “Briana Luv...Bri...wake up.” She slowly opened her eyes and saw two familiar blue orbs above her. “How are you Darlin’’?”

  Briana blinked in an owl-like fashion and looked up into her beloved’s blue eyes. “Oh, I’m so glad that you’re here. I dreamed of you.” She looked at him coquettishly under her lashes. “And of your brother. She wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled his firm lips down to hers. “ taste so good.” She opened her lips and allowed him to take over the kiss. Groaning deep in his throat, Liam devoured her lips. Finally he pulled away to disconnect.

  “Uh, Bri are you sure that you’re okay with this? He told me it was okay if it happened but...”

  Still slightly inebriated, Briana pulled his head back down to hers. “I’m more than okay. I’ve been ready since that night. You know when you spanked...” She lowered her eyes coyly.

  Incredulous indigo bored into her own. “Really, you know that I...?” She lifted her fingers to cover his lips.

  “Yes...I know.” She breathed these words into his mouth. With a muffled groan, Liam settled on her heavily and devoured her wide open lips. Briana shifted her legs so that she could cradle his heavy erection between her denim covered thighs. Liam’s lips devoured hers as he ground his large bulge into her ready cleft. Briana started to moan and undulate her hips against his hefty invader.

  Liam broke the kiss and moaned into her neck. “I don’t have protection. I don’t think we should do any more. I can’t control myself.” Briana laughed against his neck.

  Finally she managed to get herself under control and she whispered next to his ear. “I’m on the pill. I started this cycle.” Triumphant cobalt eyes blazed into her own as Liam pulled back and stared down at her. Briana lifted her eyebrows and smiled mischievously. Liam looked at her for a moment then sprang into action. He sat on his heels and unbuttoned the buttons on her shorts. Briana obligingly lifted her hips as he shimmied them down her legs. He also hooked her delicate pink panties and pulled them down as well. Once her dusky pink treasures were revealed, Liam took a moment to appreciate the view. Lifting a calloused finger, he gently traced the sticky seam of her labia gradually opening them wider for his close inspection.

  “Oh, Babe.” He breathed as his probing revealed a cunt drenched with arousal fluids. Briana whined and undulated her pelvis against his exploring digit.

  “Please...” Briana begged as her hips sought deeper penetration. Liam obliged, gently stretching her untried passage with first one, then two, then three thick fingers. By the time he was done, Briana frantically attempted to fuck herself on his hand.

  Liam chuckled and withdrew his hand. “It’s time Darlin’’. Let me know if you need me to stop or go slower.” He pulled her shorts and underwear completely off of her legs. Looking down at her beautiful body splayed widely on the blanket, he slowly unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them down his legs. Leaning forward on one elbow, he took his cock in hand and slowly fed it into her clinging pussy. Briana jumped slightly as his thick invader breached her virgin passage. A painful moan escaped her throat as he forged into uncharted depths. Keeping an eye on her face, he pulled out then pushed in a little farther. He repeated this action until he managed to reach her maidenhood. “Okay Bri. This is gonna hurt. Just hold on until I’m done. Then we’ll have some fun.” He smiled reassuringly as he slid in and out a few times then pushed swiftly through the membrane blocking her channel. Briana sucked in a deep breath then blinked back tears as the pain from her ripped hymen sunk in.


  Liam dropped his face to her neck. “Breathe deeply Bri. It’ll ebb. Come on Baby.” As he spoke, he gently moved his cock in and out of her cunt. Briana noticed that she was starting to feel a tingling sensation in her crotch as he moved. Seeing her close her eyes and feeling the subtle up and down motion of her hips, Liam started to fuck her in earnest. “God you feel so good, so tight.” He grabbed her knees and held them up as he slapped his hips against her exposed pussy. Briana groaned and her back arched right before he felt her vagina start to ripple and clench around his penis. He almost lost his seating in her humid cleft as she experienced her first orgasm from vaginal sex.

  “Ahh, ahhh...oh God.” She breathed as her body tightened around Liam’s large cock. Finally losing control, he shuttled in and out of her narrow passage before finding his own release. Dropping down on her chest he breathed heavily.

  “That was amazin’ Bri.” He dropped a kiss on her lips. His head turned to the left. Briana absently caressed his head while recovering. Her brow puckered as she noticed something next to his left brow. It was a mole! She knew that Liam didn’t have a mole next to his left eye brow but Connor did. What had she done? Her hand froze mid stroke. She cleared her throat.

  “Uh, Connor?” Her voice shook as she spoke.

  The black head on her chest stilled. “Yes Luv?” He spoke cautiously. Oh was him. She’d slept with her boyfriend’s brother! Briana frantically pounded his shoulder until he disengaged and settled back on his knees. His now limp penis hung loosely upon lightly furred thighs. Briana scrambled away back on her elbows. She frantically grabbed her underwear and shorts. Looking at him in horror, she rapidly dressed.

  “What were you thinking?” She asked as she snapped her shorts closed. She was ashamed to feel Connor’s cum sliding down into the crotch of her underwear.

  “What was I thinking? What were you thinking woman to grab me and kiss me if you didn’t want this to happen.” Connor stuffed his now limp cock back into his shorts
and efficiently buttoned them up.

  “I thought you were Liam.” She shrieked at him. She suddenly felt a little woozy and weaved back and forth. A hard hand grabbed her arm.

  “Are you okay?” Connor leaned forward and looked into her eyes. Briana waved him off.

  “I’ll be fine. Just a little out of it from the hard lemonade.” Connor grabbed both of her arms and shook her.

  “You were drinking? But, you’re underage.”

  Briana smiled at him with one brow raised. “And you never drank until you were twenty one?”

  Connor had the grace to look ashamed. “Of course not. I’m from Ireland. The drinking age there is...eighteen.” The two of them spoke the last bit together.

  “Exactly.” Briana asserted. “I’m adult. I have the right to make my own decisions.”

  Connor shook his head. “I’m not so sure. If you weren’t inebriated you probably would have been able to tell me from Liam.” He dropped his head in his hands. “Now this can’t be undone.” He raised his head to look at her hopefully. “Unless you are interested in dating both Liam and myself?” His voice held hope.

  Briana looked at him disdainfully. “Why would I want to do that?” She turned away and lifted up the blanket. She folded it in tidy squares with her back turned to him. Turning to face him, she held the blanket up against her chest. “So you think that I’m some kind of whore?” She placed the blanket in the cloth bag she’d loaded up with picnic supplies.

  Connor rushed to her side. “No, of course not Bri. Liam and I.” He looked to the side and swallowed so deeply she could see his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “We’ve shared women before. We want to marry the same woman.” He looked up at her with pleading eyes. “We’d like to marry you if you’ll take us. We...we love you.” She recoiled at his words. Whoa! They were definitely way further than her as far as wanting commitment. And marrying the two of them? They were crazy! She was, until very recently, a virgin. No way was she ready for marriage to one man much less two. Keeping these thoughts to herself. Briana’s priorities turned to escape.


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