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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 7

by Jane Pearl

  “Thanks Clara. You may leave now and come back at 3 PM.”

  “Okay Sir.” He heard steps walking away from the door and muffled voices. Another knock sounded at the door.

  “Hello this is Briana O’Donnell from downstairs. I have your lunch.”

  He steepled his fingers on the top of his desk. “Please...come in.”

  A tidily arranged auburn head peeked around the door. “Oh, it’s you!” Briana stopped for a moment dumbfounded.

  Connor smiled smugly. “Yes it is. Come on in.” Briana tentatively walked into the room while holding a brown paper bag folded over at the top.

  “So, you are our new landlord?” Her voice quavered over the question.

  Connor stood and indicated the chair on the other side of his desk. “Yes. We were worried that your landlord might kick you out when Roy absconded with the restaurant’s funds.” He shuffled the papers on his desk into a tidy pile before looking back up at her. “This way you’ll have landlords who will give you the time you need to get your finances in order.” He smiled warmly. “Also, we’d been looking into moving our office to a larger space.” He looked around him in satisfaction. “This building has the space we need and is very conveniently located where we can keep an eye on you.”

  Looking at him in dawning horror, Briana plopped down in the overstuffed leather chair in the front of his desk. The brown paper bag containing his lunch sat forgotten on her lap. “This is all pretty insane. How did you know that I’d agree to become your submissive? Seems like you two presumed a lot before I’d even agreed to take on your assignment.”

  Connor steepled his fingers and looked at her over the top of them. “We knew that you didn’t want to jeopardize your father’s recovery and would do almost anything to save his pub.” He cleared his throat abruptly. “We took a calculated risk in buying the building.” He shrugged nonchalantly, his wide shoulders moving gracefully up and down under the fine material of his suit. “Either way, we needed a new location for corporate operations. This building more than filled our list of needs.”

  Remembering why she was there, Briana lifted up the warm takeout bag. “So, do you really need lunch?” She looked at the clock on the wall of the elegantly appointed office. “Seems kind of late.”

  The corner of Connor’s mouth lifted. “Liam and I plan to adjust our lunch schedule so you can join us after lunch rush. You will eat lunch with us as well other things.”

  Briana’s eyes narrowed. “Like what?”

  Connor smiled, showing lots of teeth like a shark. “Why anything we want.”


  Briana hurried down the steps from the second floor. Her buttocks felt like they were on fire as they shifted under the clinging knit skirt. She could also feel her engorged clit rubbing between slick lips. Hectic color flagged her pale cheeks. She didn’t know how she was going to be able to go back to work without appearing flustered. After her lunchtime session with Connor, she felt ready to burst.

  After dropping his conversational land mine, Connor had indicated the brown paper in her hands. “What have you brought me for lunch?” Looking at him warily, Briana set the heavy bag on his desk. Connor fixed her with a firm look. “Could you please set it out for me to eat?”

  With a slight frown between her brows, Briana stood up and unloaded the foil covered tray. Removing the foil cover, she placed the large slice of shepherd’s pie in front of Connor. Grabbing the plastic fork and napkin out of the bottom of the bag, she set them neatly on the left side of the tray. Leaning back she briskly rubbed her hands on her thighs as if to dry them.

  “There you go.” She smiled at him politely as if he were a patron in the restaurant.

  Connor looked down at the takeout food then back at her. “Looks and smells fantastic Darlin’’.” He leaned back in his chair. “In the future, remember that we will want an actual plate and silverware.” He regarded her with steady eyes. “Do you understand Bri?”

  Briana started at hearing his nickname for her. “Uh, yes...of course.” She nervously pushed back the wisps of auburn hair curling around her face. Her hand shook slightly.

  Connor pushed back from his desk after recovering the plate with aluminum foil. “Before I eat I think we should take care of your punishment for climaxing without permission in your office this morning.” He patted his lap.

  Briana’s eyes widened. “How did you know...I mean you couldn’t have...” Her words trailed off. “Oh...I’d heard that you and Liam own a security firm specializing in surveillance cameras.

  Connor smirked. “First thing we did after buying this building was put in surveillance cameras.” He stopped and looked at her steadily. “Including in your office.”

  Briana’s hands fisted at her sides. “That is an incredible invasion of privacy.”

  Connor quirked a brow. “Kind of like the cam in your bedroom?” He folded his arms over his chest. “Your contract was very clear about our insistence on having access to you at all times, even when you aren’t in our home. This access includes but isn’t limited to surveillance.” He smirked again. “I believe Liam told you that we like to watch.” He patted his lap again. “Now come over here so we can get this over with and eat our lunch.” Briana reluctantly walked around the side of the desk. She awkwardly arranged herself over Connor’s suit clad lap. She was surprised at how muscular his legs felt under the super fine fabric. Must be due to all of the riding he did on the ranch. “Pull up your skirt Briana. You can leave on the underwear for now.” She reached back with shaking hands and pulled the tight skirt up above pert ivory buttocks. “Hands on the floor. Don’t cover yourself or I’ll add more spanks.” Briana obeyed instantly. The lessons learned at Liam’s hands many years before made her unexpectantly compliant to Connor’s commands. Briana jumped as a large, calloused hand began to rub over her panty clad bottom. “Open your legs. I want to see how wet you are.” She spread her boot clad legs apart then waited in breathless anticipation. A thick finger rubbed over the moist spot in the crotch of the silky undergarment. “Pretty good for a woman who can’t orgasm.” The finger pressed and rubbed until Briana’s hips began to push against Connor’s thigh. A moan sounded in her throat as her sensitized clit hit the hard muscles again and again.

  Smack! Briana jumped. Connor hadn’t been side-tracked like she’d hoped. He was intent on giving her the punishment she’d earned. Smack! Smack! Smack! Briana’s butt cheeks started to burn as he warmed her up. “Pull down your knickers now Darlin’’.” His voice had lowered to a growling brogue. Briana reached back and quickly dispensed with the garment; pulling the silky material down to the middle of her thighs. “Ahhh...delicate pink now. A gorgeous sight.” His rough hand firmly rubbed her blushing orbs. “These are going to be a little harder, Luv. Hold on and we’ll be done soon.” With these words, he peppered her ass and thighs with rapid spanks. Briana was surprised to find tears filling her eyes. She was also surprised to feel her buttocks rising to meet his hand then grinding down upon his lap in between slaps. In the profound silence after Connor abruptly stopped, Briana could hear him breathing heavily. Her panting breathes mingled with his in the echoing room. Finally Connor broke the silence by clearing his throat. “Good job Luv.” She felt his long fingers grab her underwear and pull it back over her now hot hind end. The same hand gently rubbed the dark green knit skirt down over her ass. Before she could catch a breath, Connor rotated her and lifted her to sit on his lap sideways. Dark blue eyes met tear-stained green as Connor brushed the ever present dark red wisps of hair back from Briana’s forehead. After looking into her eyes for what seemed like forever, Connor dropped a gentle kiss to Briana’s forehead. “All right Luv?” He murmured into her brow. Briana hesitantly nodded as Connor brought her head to rest on his chest. His voice rumbled under her ear as he continued. “You understand why I spanked you?”

  Briana blinked rapidly then answered in a small voice. “Because I broke the rules and came without your permission.” C
onnor’s arms tightened around her and he dropped another kiss to the top of her head.

  “I’m pleased that you were able to come Darlin’’. We were afraid that it might be more of a challenge after reading your profile from Discrete Assignments.” His armed tightened again to an almost uncomfortable degree. “It’s good to know that bringing you to orgasm won’t be a problem. We’d been concerned...” Amusement tinged his voice. “Though I didn’t remember any difficulty on that front when we...were together ten years ago.” At Briana’s embarrassed squeak he roared in laughter. His voice sobered as he continued speaking. “I never did get the chance to apologize for that Bri.” He tilted her head back so her eyes could meet his. “I honestly thought you knew it was me. To be blunt, it was like a dream come true. Liam and I’d been discussing how we could broach the subject with you. When you grabbed me I thought that you’d decided to force the issue.”

  Briana blinked rapidly while looking into his earnest eyes. She lifted a hesitant hand to cup his cheek. “If we’re being honest, I should admit that I’d day dreamed about the possibility of the three of us being together. I just didn’t think that it was possible.” Pink touched her cheeks. “I was so young and inexperienced. I didn’t know much about alternative lifestyles at the time.” She looked down again. “When I got older and started to read more...” Her voice trailed off.

  Connor guffawed again. “Yes, we got a sneak peek at your E-Reader book list. It was very informative.”

  Briana looked at him horrified. “You saw my E-Book list?”

  Connor nodded. “I have to admit that some of the selections surprised me.”

  Pink cheeks turned to bright red. Briana’s eyes widened in panic. “You should know that some of the books were way too extreme for me in real life. I should have deleted some of them after I read them.”

  Connor patted her hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry. We aren’t into any extreme forms of punishment.” He looked into her eyes seriously. “And you know that you always have your safe word if something we do is too intense for you.”

  Briana nodded her head. “Yes, I know. I’ll use it if I need to.” She took a deep breath and turned toward the rapidly cooling food on his desk. “You should probably eat your lunch and I need to get back to work.”

  Connor kept her from rising up from his lap. “You need to eat too. I’ll feed you, do your midday stimulation then you can go back to work.”

  Briana looked at him in puzzlement. “Midday stimulation?”

  A smug smile curled the corner of his mouth. “You will still be on the stimulation schedule for the rest of this week. Now that we know you can orgasm, you’ll need to learn to stop before you come. This is very important training for a new submissive.”

  Briana pouted. “Just how many times a day are you going to make me do it?”

  Connor absently rubbed the outside of her thigh as he spoke. “You know about the thirty minute bed time and morning sessions?” At Briana’s nod he continued. “You need to do a midmorning session, a midday session and an afternoon session every day this week. Those sessions will only be five minutes long. Do you understand?” Briana reluctantly nodded her head. “Good. You will be allowed to discontinue scheduled self stimulation sessions after you move in with us.” His caresses on her thigh became heavier. “Though you may find that you’ll want to continue once you’re used to it.”

  Briana snorted. “I doubt that will happen.”

  Connor smiled knowingly. “You might be surprised.” Briana furrowed her brow at his certainty.

  Connor startled her by pulling the food container their way. “Now it’s time for us to eat.” He pulled off the aluminum foil covering with one hand and cut off a small bite of pie using the plastic fork. “Open up.” Feeling foolish, Briana opened up like a baby bird while he fed her the lukewarm food. Smiling warmly into her eyes, Connor continued to divvy bites of the food between the two of them until the delicious shepherd’s pie was gone. He picked up the paper napkin Briana had packed in the paper bag. “Pout a bit Luv.” She obligingly pursed her lips while he wiped her mouth clean. After a quick swipe at his own mouth, Connor crumpled the napkin and placed it into the paper bag with the rest of the takeout refuse. He rolled the top of the bag down neatly and dropped it in the garbage can by the large desk. Looking at the clock he rolled the chair back from his desk and moved Briana on his lap so she faced away from him. “Okay, hook your knees over the outside of mine.” She shifted her legs as ordered. Connor moved his thighs apart which opened her up even more. “Pull up your skirt.” He muttered in her ear. Briana gathered the knit material with her fingertips until it bunched at her waist. She could see the shadow of her trimmed auburn pubic hair under the white panties. “Okay, tell me to stop if you feel like you’re going to come.” Connor wrapped a muscular arm under her breasts while reaching between her legs with the other one. His touch on her mons was surprisingly delicate as he gently rotated and pressed over her greedy nubbin. Briana was mortified to feel her hips immediately begin to rock at his caresses. Her head dropped back against his shoulders as her thigh muscles began to clench and release.

  “Stop.” Connor immediately halted at her words.

  “Breathe in and out until you cool down. Tell me when I can start again.” Connor’s mouth was at her ear. With her head turned to the side, she could smell his aftershave with undertones of cucumber and musk. She breathed deeply until she’d staved off the imminent climax.

  “Okay, you can start again.” Her voice came out husky. Connor immediately started rubbing and delving with his fingers. Briana couldn’t believe how much moisture her cunt produced at his stimulation. Her hips began to shift restlessly and push up. She could feel his rock hard erection pushing against her buttocks. She lifted a hand to his cheek and whispered against his jaw. “If you want to fuck me I wouldn’t be upset.” She ground her buttocks on his cock with these words.

  Connor groaned at her words. “I’d love to fuck you baby but...Liam and I have made a pact to wait until you’re living with us.” He thrusted his rock hard cock against her buttocks. Briana gasped.

  “Okay. I understand.” She continued to shift restlessly on his lap while Connor rubbed the now sopping wet material over her pudendum. By the time the five minutes had elapsed, Briana was desperate for something to fill her needy cunt. She whispered pleading words as Connor finished up. After pulling down her skirt, Connor gathered her close and whispered soothing words in her ear until she’d cooled down. Finally, he set her away from him and rubbed a thumb over her still flushed cheekbone.

  “Okay Darlin’’?” Briana nodded her now rumpled head. “Time for you to return to work then.” He gently assisted her to stand by the desk. She swayed a little as she regained her senses. Blinking rapidly Briana started to walk to the door of the office. “Oh and Bri?” She turned to look back at her rakishly handsome tormentor. She lifted a brow in inquiry. “I’ll be taking you home after work. We’ll go to dinner once you’ve freshened up. I’ll be down to get you about 5:30 PM?” Still not speaking, Briana nodded her head then turned back toward the door as if in a dream.


  Briana hurried through the front door of The Rose of Tralee hoping that her employees didn’t notice her flustered state. Though it had seemed like she’d been in Connor’s office forever, she’d only been there about thirty minutes. She was relieved to see that most of the tables from the lunch rush had been cleared and her new waitress, Gina, had started the process of washing all of the beverage containers behind the bar. Gina’s sharp eyes ran up and down Briana’s form. “That took awhile. Did the new landlord feel the need to visit?”

  Briana shook her head. “No...actually, I guess I should tell you that I’m dating him.” At Gina’s surprised look she continued. “His name is Liam Kerrigan. We used to date years ago and just recently got reacquainted.”

  Gina’s dark brown eyes sparkled in interest. “You mean the Liam Kerrigan of Kerrigan Security Systems? At
Briana’s nod she squealed and clapped her hands together. “Oh my God! You know he and his brother are super rich...not to mention their huge ranch.”

  Briana’s brow wrinkled. “Huge ranch? I’d heard that they’d inherited their uncle’s ranch. It isn’t that big.”

  Thrilled that she knew something that her boss didn’t Gina leaned forward with her elbows on the bar. “When they struck it big with their surveillance equipment and software, they started buying up all of the spreads around their uncle’s ranch. They now own one of the biggest cattle operations in Montana.” Briana’s jaw dropped open. She’d known that they were rich but not that rich. She’d assumed that the Kerrigan spread was a hobby ranch for the brothers like the hobby ranches so many rich people in the area owned. Learning that they actually worked it put an all new spin on her opinion of them. A sudden tingling in her nether regions joined the dull ache already there from Connor’s attentions. She was so going to have to change her undies when she got home! Internally rolling her eyes, Briana returned the subject to work.

  “I’m going to tally the take from lunch then see how Rosie is doing in the kitchen. Thank you for getting on top of the barware and coffee cups Gina. I’m pleased to see how well you are fitting in here.”

  Glowing in pleasure at her boss’s praise, Gina returned to her work. Briana smiled at the whimsical picture she presented with two little buns of black hair sticking up on either side of the top of her head like ears. Straight cut bangs over her thin black eyebrows completed the hairdo. She sported multiple necklaces draped over several colorful tattoos on her thin chest. The rest of her outfit was relatively conservative. She wore a short sleeved tee over skinny jeans paired with short black boots. Briana shook her head. She’d been surprised to see that hipster and goth fashion had invaded Montana in the years she’d been gone. Though Gina’s appearance was eccentric, she’d soon shown Briana that she had an old fashioned work ethic. Smiling at her luck in finding such a good employee, Briana walked over to the register and started to count the contents.


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