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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 9

by Jane Pearl

  A seemingly ever ready blush touched Briana’s cheeks again. “He just swept me off of my feet.” A dreamy expression crossed her face. “I don’t want to miss out this time and see where we can take the relationship.”

  Brian’s knowing eyes took in her expression. “I think that he is a good man. He and his brother have done a lot to help out the disadvantaged in our region.” He teasingly reached up and tugged at the auburn hair hanging down over her shoulders. “Kerrigan Co has been instrumental in helping many widows and their children.” At Briana’s surprised look he nodded. “Yes, they are especially interested in helping families affected by cancer.”

  Briana looked away then took a deep breath before looking back at him. “I had no idea. That is phenomenal.” She gently dropped his hand back down onto the armrest of the chair. “I hope that I can help them in their charitable efforts.”

  Brian’s face sobered and he looked at her intently. “You know Briana...I’ve heard rumors about those boys...” His voice trailed off. Briana’s body stiffened then relaxed when she heard the distinctive foot falls indicating her mother’s arrival in the room. With a relieved smile she turned to Lisa.

  Lisa opened her arms wide as she approached her daughter. “Sweetheart, I’m going to miss you.” She enveloped Briana in a warm hug. After rocking together for a moment, Lisa pushed back with her hands still on Briana’s shoulders. Briana was surprised to see the sheen of tears in her mother’s eyes. “I’m happy to see that you and Liam have made up after so many years.” She released her daughter and lifted a slender hand to wipe away the moisture that had gathered at the corners of her eyes. “You were always a golden couple.” She exchanged fond glances with her husband before looking back at her daughter. “I was so sad when you two broke up.” At Briana’s surprised look she continued. “I never said anything when I found you here ten years ago crying as if your heart was broken...” She stopped for a moment as if to collect herself then continued. “I wonder if I should have talked to you...maybe attempted to foster reconciliation.” She made an apologetic moue with her mouth. Chagrin glimmered in her blue-green eyes.

  Briana jumped in to alleviate her mother’s guilt. “At that time, there would have been no chance for reconciliation.” She shrugged her shoulders then continued. “I think that I needed to grow up a little before I could handle a relationship with...Liam.” Her glance flickered to the entryway to the foyer. She’d been listening for boot steps up and down the stairway to the second floor while she’d visited with her parents. Now she realized that they’d stopped. Seeing her opportunity to escape, she changed the subject. “It sounds like they are done loading the truck. I’d better get going. Liam doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” She hurriedly hugged her mom and kissed her dad on the top of his head. “Don’t worry. Liam will be taking me to work with him every day so I’ll still be able to manage the pub. I’ll contact you to make plans for Sunday dinner.” She threw these words over her shoulder as she exited the room. “Goodbye. I’ll talk to you soon.” She waved a hand at them as she walked out the front door.

  Her exit left dead silence in the living room. Lisa and Brian exchanged puzzled glances. “Does it seem like there is more to this story than meets the eye?” Brian’s voice held some of its former boom when he asked the question. His protective fatherly instincts had been activated.

  Lisa patted his shoulder. “Briana will tell us when she’s ready. She’s a smart woman. I trust her judgment. I’m sure that she knows what she’s doing.” She leaned over to give her husband a hug. “What would you like for lunch Honey?” She whispered the question in Brian’s ear. Brian’s strong arm wrapped around her waist and brought her down to sit on his lap.

  “Now that we’re all alone in the house, my dear, I can think of something I’d want and it isn’t lunch.”

  Lisa blushed at his lusty growl. “Now Brian, are you sure that you’re strong enough...”

  “Hush woman. Can’t you feel how strong I am poking against your back side?”

  She giggled like a school girl then relaxed in his embrace. “So, how do you want to do this?” She nuzzled his ear and kissed the side of his neck.

  “Well, if I recline the chair, you should be able to straddle me.” He rubbed a large hand up and down her back then continued. “Of course, you’ll have to strip down first.” He gave her a leering wink.

  Lisa met his gaze then burst into a fit of giggles. “Well, if you insist.” She pushed herself off of his lap and stood in front of him. “It’s been so long, I hope that I remember how to do this.” She started to slowly unbutton her blouse with a sultry expression on her face. She was gratified to see the bulge in Brian’s pants start to grow more defined. It appeared that she wasn’t as out of practice as she thought! Smiling smugly, she continued the strip tease.


  The ride to Liam and Connor’s ranch was accomplished in silence. Connor drove the truck through town and merged onto I-90 heading east. After traveling about thirty minutes, he took an off ramp that turned on to a dirt road with a sign on it stating it was “Paddy’s Drive.” As they traveled further into the mountains, Briana was overwhelmed by the natural beauty surrounding them. She’d never visited the ranch while dating Liam so this was all new to her. There were barbed wire enclosed pastures as far as she could see. She wasn’t surprised that the pastures were filled with Black Angus cows eating industriously. The mountains distant to the south were covered with pine trees in a dark blue green hue. As they started the gradual climb into the foot hills, Briana was delighted to see a good sized creek running next to the road. It skipped among large boulders creating multiple falls and pools. The water was so clear she could see beautifully rounded multi-colored rocks on the bottom. Clapping her hands together, she turned to look over at Connor then at Liam in the back seat of the club cab. “Will we be able to go fly fishing while I’m staying with you?” Both brothers gave her indulgent smiles.

  Connor answered after transferring his gaze back to the rugged dirt road. “Of course Bri. We were also planning on taking you to our cabin too, if you’d like.

  Briana nodded eagerly. “I’d love that. I’ve missed the mountains. It’s difficult to get away from people and out into nature in San Francisco.” She frowned down at her hands. “And I’ve been so busy since I came back to Montana I haven’t been able to get out at all.”

  A warm hand settled on the nape of her neck. She looked back at Liam in askance. “Don’t worry Luv. We plan to take some of the load off of your back so you can breathe easy.”

  Briana’s eyes widened. Liam’s hand dropped to rest on her shoulder. “How do you plan to do that?” She asked apprehensively.

  “We are going to strictly enforce a sane work schedule so you have to take care of yourself. And...” He paused. “Take care of our needs.” The hand squeezed her shoulder gently.

  Briana bridled. “I might be needed by the pub or by my parents. I can’t just drop the ball...”

  Liam gently rubbed her shoulder as he answered. “You have an incredibly competent manager at the pub and your father is well on the way to recovery.” As Briana attempted to speak, he gently placed a finger over her lips. “The money you’re earning from us will save the Rose of Tralee.” He paused and took a deep breath. “It’s time for someone to take care of you.” Briana was surprised to suddenly feel tears gather in her eyes. She blinked rapidly to disperse them before Liam noticed. A calloused thumb gently wiped at the corner of one eye then the other. “It’s okay Luv. You have us to lean on now.” Abandoning the attempt to hide her emotions, Briana gave him a watery smile. He squeezed her shoulder again then sat back in his seat. “We’re almost there Bri.” He pointed up to the rough wooden entry gate in front of them.

  The gate had a sign on top with the words “PK Ranch” burned into it.

  Briana frowned. “PK?”

  Connor shifted down as he answered. “Patrick Kerrigan, our uncle.”

  Briana nodded in understa
nding and sympathy. “I’d heard that he passed. I’m so sorry.”

  Connor glanced her way and pressed his lips together before looking back at the road. “We are too. We miss him every day. He’s...” He paused for a moment and swallowed. “He’s the reason we’ve accomplished all we have.” He collected himself then continued. “Leaving the ranch to us in his will was just icing on the cake.” He shook his head. “I just wish Uncle Paddy could see what we’ve done with the place.”

  Briana reached over and placed a reassuring hand on his forearm. “I’m sure that he does know and is smiling down on you.” Connor flashed her an appreciative look.

  “Thanks Luv.” His attention turned back to the front. They rode in silence until the truck rounded a bend in the road. Briana gasped as she saw the large rustic lodge set at the top of a natural meadow. The creek she’d noticed earlier meandered at the bottom of the bunchgrass covered expanse. Connor wheeled the truck up the driveway and parked in front of the home. “Here we are.” He turned and placed an arm on the back of the seat by Briana’s head. “Your new home.”

  Briana looked at him for a moment. “For the next year.”

  Connor stopped for a beat, face blank, then nodded. “For the next year.” He pushed open his door. “Stay there and I’ll help you out.” Disregarding Briana’s protests, he opened her door, unlatched her seatbelt and lifted her down from the high vehicle. Liam climbed out of the back seat and slammed the small back door on the club cab.

  “We’ll show you your room.” Liam grabbed a suitcase out of the bed of the truck and rested it on his shoulder. He offered her his free hand. Connor grabbed her toiletry bag and captured her other hand. The twins eagerly escorted her up the wide wooden stairs to the covered porch. Briana smiled at the comfortable outdoor furniture scattered over the wood plank floor. Looking over her shoulder she could see why someone would want to linger on the porch. The creek she’d noted earlier meandered down a grassy valley edged by tall pine trees and a few deciduous trees sporting fall foliage. She saw birds darting to a fro, happily eating small flying insects. All in all it was an idyllic scene. She suddenly experienced a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  “Come on Darlin’’. We want to show you the house.” Liam’s voice interrupted her reverie. The twins pulled her forward. Connor let go of her hand long enough to unlock the door. He recaptured her hand and led the way through the door followed by Liam. She found herself in the middle of a huge great room with a fireplace along the back wall. Several comfortable overstuffed couches surrounded a large coffee table by the fireplace. A stack of wood was neatly arranged on the grate just waiting to be lighted. To her immediate right, a large antique dining table glowed under a dark wrought metal chandelier. To her immediate left, there was another smaller seating area anchored by a colorful throw rug. As the men led her into the room, she noted gold tinted plasterwork on the walls with several botanical paintings filling up the considerable amount of wall space. When she neared the fireplace she could see a breakfast bar to her right with what looked like nickel counter tops and a dark green base. Comfortable bar height chairs with black leather seats and backs lined up neatly along the bar. Behind the breakfast bar she took in an ultra modern kitchen with dark green cabinets and a large butcher block central island. A walkway along the right side of the bar led into a hallway. She turned around and saw a wide stairwell leading up to the second floor. A hallway opened to the left of the stairwell and continued along the rest of the length of the house.

  “It’’s beautiful!” Briana’s face lit up in delight at the warm, airy feel of the home.

  Liam’s hand squeezed hers as he answered. “I’m glad you like it. We’ll give you a tour of the place later after you’ve unpacked.” He tugged her arm behind him as he headed for the stairs. Connor eagerly mirrored his brother’s actions. Briana found herself dragged up the wide dark wood staircase leading to the second floor. At the top of the stairs, she noted a loft area directly above the great room with a railing overlooking the stone fireplace. The loft area contained a few comfortable couches anchored by another colorful area rug. Floor to ceiling windows looked over the meadow. Briana could vividly picture herself comfortably ensconced on one of the couches under a cozy blanket reading a book. In her vision, the now green meadow outside would be covered in snow. She could even see a Christmas tree in the corner of the room.

  “Bri? Bri?” Briana shook her head. She’d been so caught up in her daydream she hadn’t heard Connor speaking to her.


  “So, what do you think?”

  She took a deep breath, relaxing for what seemed like the first time in a long time. Not taking her eyes off of the view she answered vehemently. “I love it!”

  Connor looked smug. “We thought you might.” He smiled into her glowing eyes for a moment then exchanged satisfied glances with his brother. “Now come see our wing of the house.”

  Briana frowned. “Wing?”

  Liam laughed. “We’ve set the home up so that this wing...” He indicated the hallway to their right. “Is for our private use. That wing.” He pointed to the hallway to his left. “Is for guests and will eventually be for our children and their nanny.”

  Briana raised auburn eyebrows and cocked her head. “Your children? Do you plan on having a mother or mothers for these mythical children?”

  The twins exchanged identical inscrutable glances then looked back at her. “Ideally we will share a wife.” Connor shrugged. “We’ll just have to see if our plans pan out.” He took a deep breath and hitched up the bag he was carrying. “Well, enough of that. Come and see your room.” He and Liam led her down the hallway to a large doorway at the end. It had double doors that were slightly open. The brothers pushed their way in with broad shoulders and the doors swung open wide.

  Briana’s breath caught in her throat. What an amazing bedroom! An overlarge (obviously custom made) bed dominated the far wall of the room. It was opulently appointed with a dark green watered silk duvet. A gorgeous brocaded green and gold bed skirt shimmered under the edges of the duvet. Pillows made of the same extravagant material perched at the top of the bed over ivory bed pillows. The bed was saved from looking too feminine by the leather padded headboard behind the pillows. The dark brown headboard had several buttons on it creating a diamond pattern in the leather. A large window dominated the wall over the bed with two long windows to either side. Through the windows, Briana could see the mountains to the south of the lodge. On her left was another wall dotted with large windows overlooking the meadow and the creek. A large antique dresser took up the middle of this wall. To her right she could see a door that must lead to the master bath and large bi-fold doors that must be the closet. Nice! Her gaze wandered around the room taking in details. She saw a large leather topped bench at the foot of the bed matching the headboard. Two more antique dressers flanked the entry doors. More botanical watercolors dotted the walls of the room.

  Pulling her hands from the brother’s grasp, she embraced the room by flinging her arms out wide. “I love it!” Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Liam and Connor visibly relax.

  A large hand ran over the back of her head to her neck where it gripped for a moment. “I’m...” Liam cleared his throat. “I’m glad Darlin’’.” He dropped his hand. “Let’s get you moved in.” He placed her suitcase on the top of the bed. Connor relinquished her cosmetics case as well.

  “We’ll bring up the rest of your stuff.” Connor dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “Why don’t you start unpacking?”

  Briana nodded her head. “Okay, which dresser is mine?”

  Connor pointed at the dark oak dresser on the wall of windows. “That one is yours.” He pointed to the doors on the other side of the room. Hang your clothing where you want in there. We’ll take the rest of the space.”

  Briana nodded her head hesitantly. “O...okay. Thanks.” She gave a tentative smile then turned to her cases and started to u


  Briana woke to a calloused finger gently brushing her cheek. “Darlin’’, it’s time for you to wake up.” Liam’s voice came out in a rough whisper right next to her ear. “I must say, it’s a dream come true seeing you in our bed.”

  Briana’s long lashes fluttered open to expose green eyes very similar to the watered silk green bedcovers. “ long did I sleep?” She stretched her arms languorously overhead then she rolled on her side to face him with slender hands stacked under her head. Sleepy green eyes met amused cobalt blue.

  A low chuckle rumbled in Liam’s throat. “About four hours. You must have needed the rest.” He reached out to rest a hand on the indent of her waist under the silky nightgown she’d donned before climbing into bed. The hand started to slide up and down on the slick material before sliding down to rest on her backside. Large fingers gripped her buttock meaningfully. “I guess next time we tell you to take a nap, you’ll do it without protest.” The roaming hand now rubbed in proprietary circles over her still heated flesh.

  Briana blushed hotly at the memory of Connor matter-of-factly pulling her over his lap when she’d said that she didn’t need to take a nap in the afternoon like a child. That she’d placed her hands on her hips and yelled it into his face probably hadn’t help. Easily overcoming her resistance, Connor had pinned her flailing legs with one of his. Then he’d held her hands at the small of her back with one hand while he pulled up her skirt then pulled down her lacy white underwear to mid-thigh with the other. After he’d arranged her to his satisfaction, Connor had leaned down to whisper in her ear. “When you don’t mind us, there will be consequences young lady. It is important that you understand this fact ASAP.” He began spanking her with stinging slaps alternating between her buttocks and down to the backs of her thighs. Briana fumed and spit at him like an angry cat while struggling in his grasp. It made her even more annoyed when she turned her head and saw Liam leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest and a half smile on his face. At first, Connor’s slaps had just stung slightly then they’d increased in intensity until Briana stopped struggling and started blinking her eyes rapidly. She was surprised to feel tears gather in the corners of her eyes. Connor’s spanks continued at the same intensity until tears ran down Briana’s cheeks. He stopped instantly and rubbed her blazing hot orbs gently. He leaned over again to whisper in Briana’s ear. “Do you have something to tell me?”


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