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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 11

by Jane Pearl

  She turned to Connor with raised eyebrows. “A collar? Doesn’t that indicate a long term BDSM commitment?”

  Connor raised his shoulders in a shrug and smiled ruefully. “You are our property for the next year. We wanted some public symbol of our ownership.”

  A fire sparked in Briana’s eyes. “You expect me to wear this out in public?”

  Connor nodded with a slight smile playing around his chiseled lips. “We expect you to wear it all of the time unless we remove it.”

  Briana fruitlessly attempted to undo the clasp. She huffed in anger. “I can’t get it off.”

  Connor’s smile turned to satisfied. “I know. That is the idea.” He wrapped a proprietary hand around the back of her neck. “Your sore tits, ass and soon your well used cunt will all remind you that we own you.” He flicked a finger under the edge of the necklace and continued. “This is a visible sign of our ownership to any other Doms who might want to try and poach on our territory. This is a recognizable collar to people who practice our lifestyle.” He wrapped both arms around Briana’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. They made a handsome couple in the standing mirror. Calm blue eyes met anxious green in the reflection. “I guarantee you that this is for the best. Doms can sense a submissive woman from a mile away. As you sink deeper in your submission to us, it’ll be like a green light for these men. The collar will save you a lot of irritation.”

  The furrow in Briana’s brow deepened. “What do you mean a green light?”

  Connor’s tan hand cupped one breast then slid down to rest over her pudendum. He gently pressed the plump flesh over the clitoris. Briana’s eyes darkened and her head dropped back to his shoulder. As he rubbed and pressed, her red tinted lips dropped open and she released panting breaths. Her hips began to undulate into his caresses. Connor’s hand stopped stimulating her and returned to grip her waist again with its mate. Briana groaned in frustration at his withdrawal. He spoke again low in her ear. “Bri, your body is simmering with sexual tension just from the self stimulation you’ve done over the last week. When we’re fucking you regularly, you’ll have the look of a sexually submissive woman. Men can pick up on these signals, especially dominant men. They’ll be all over you in hopes they can put that look on your face. The collar will deter quite a few of them. They won’t want to deal with us.” He looked down at her ringless hands and a flash of frustration crossed his face. “An engagement ring would work as a better deterrent but I don’t imagine you’d allow us to place one of those on your finger?” His tone implied he was joking but was tinged with just a little bit of hope.

  Briana stiffened in his arms. “Of course not! I’m not too thrilled with this whole ‘collar’ thing. A fake engagement is out of the question.”

  Connor’s arms tightened briefly around her waist and then dropped. “I figured as much.” He placed a hand at the base of her spine. “Why don’t we join Liam for supper?” His tone reflected resignation.


  The breath caught in Briana’s throat as she and Connor walked down the stairs. The great room was dimly lit with candles and the light from the fireplace. The warm light made the room glow. Liam waited on a leather couch facing them as they descended. He stood and waited as Connor escorted her to stand next to the coffee table by the large stone fireplace. Briana held out her hands in delight and warmed them on the heat from the flames dancing merrily in the stone hearth. She looked over to Liam with dancing eyes. “It all looks so beautiful.” Her gaze swept around the room taking in an exquisitely set dining room table with several fat candles on small, deep red dishes. The chandelier over the table glowed dimly creating a sense of intimacy in the large space.

  Liam stepped forward and dropped a kiss on Briana’s cheek. “Gorgeous Luv.” His gaze dropped to the delicate yet barbaric collar around her neck. A look of satisfaction crossed his face. “I see you got our gift.”

  Briana’s lips twisted ironically. She idly fiddled with the collar while answering. “Your no trespassing sign you mean.”

  Liam burst out laughing and exchanged smiling glances with his brother. “I guess it is at that.” He gestured at the bottle of red wine on the coffee table. “Would you like a glass of wine before dinner?”

  Briana nodded. “Sure. Sounds good.” She gave him a hesitant smile.

  Liam gestured at the couch he’d just exited. “Take a seat.” Briana looked between the two men with large eyes then sat down.

  The twins exchanged glances. “Uh Darlin’’.” Connor cleared his throat. “When we are alone you need to sit with your skirt up and your legs spread.” Fingering the collar again, Briana stared at him for a moment then shrugged.

  “O...okay.” She stood up and pulled up the back of the skirt then sat down on the cold leather. Brrr! She hesitantly pulled up her skirt as she spread her legs to the side. Delicately folding the skirt up to her waist, she shyly exposed her pretty pink pussy lips framed by neatly trimmed dark red pubic hair.

  Liam’s eyes darkened and he looked up at his brother as he poured a glass of wine for Briana. “Did you check her while you dressed her?” Briana’s cheeks turned pink at his question.

  Connor smiled as he rubbed his upper lip. “Yup. Did a visual inspection. She was creaming really nice.” Briana’s cheeks went from pink to red. Trying to avoid their gazes, she looked down into her glass of wine.

  Liam frowned. “Do you think she should make it bare?” From her submissive posture on the sofa, Briana’s cheeks tinged pink at his words. It was odd being discussed as if she weren’t there.

  Connor took a moment to peruse the exposed riches laid bare under his eyes. “I think it would be beneficial in her training if the results of her stimulation would be apparent for all to see.” Briana’s cheeks blazed at his words. She could feel her secretions dripping upon the gradually warming leather under her butt cheeks.

  Liam nodded slowly. “I agree. I’ll set up an appointment at the Salon next week for a thorough waxing.”

  Briana felt a hard hand under her chin. “Do you hear that Luv? We’ll have you waxed bare next week for our pleasure. Are you okay with that?” She recognized Connor’s firm voice.

  Sabrina nodded while keeping her head lowered. “Yes Sir.”

  “Good.” Connor leaned forward and dropped a quick kiss to her lips. He held out a hand. “It’s time to eat dinner.”

  Briana placed a slender hand in his calloused palm and allowed him to pull her to standing. “Yes Sir.” Connor led her to the dining room table and pulled out the seat at the end.

  “You’ll sit here at the head. Liam and I will sit on either side.” He handed her down into the seat and dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “Remember the proper seated position Darlin’’.” Briana obligingly widened her thighs at his words. She pulled up her skirt to expose her dripping slit.


  Taking sips from after dinner snifters of brandy Connor and Liam exchanged glances over Briana’s head and smiled in satisfaction. The excellently prepared food coupled with a glass of wine had managed to lessen her apprehension to such an extent she’d laughed and talked throughout the meal. Her already rosy cheeks bloomed even more as the brothers fed her from their forks and leaned over to gently caress her stocking covered widespread thighs. When they’d risen from the table to take their after dinner drinks by the fireplace Briana’s legs had buckled slightly as she came to standing. Smiling down at her indulgently, Liam had steadied her with strong hands wrapped around her upper arms. Once she was stabilized, he wrapped an arm around her waist and escorted her to the leather couch facing the fireplace. He’d refused her offer of help in clearing the table and poured her a small glass of brandy. Dropping a kiss to the top of her head, he briskly helped Briana gather up the skirt and pull it out from under her buttocks. Once he was satisfied with the view, he joined his brother in the task of gathering the used dinner plates and placing the leftovers in the refrigerator. Briana lazily sipped the brandy and gazed sleepily int
o the roaring fire. She couldn’t remember that last time she’d been so relaxed. She blinked her eyes slowly and rotated her head to look at the handsome men efficiently cleaning up the dinner mess. She felt so spoiled being allowed to sit while they did the traditional womanly task. Her eyes ate up their lean, muscular frames clad in jeans, dress cowboy boots, open collared dress shirts (dark blue for Liam and dark red for Connor) topped by sports coats (grey for Liam and black for Connor). Her already primed pussy clenched at the sight. She couldn’t wait for tonight. Seeing that the men were almost finished, she lowered her gaze down to her drink as they walked to join her. The men sat on either side of her and helped themselves to the brandy. Briana could smell their distinctive scents as they settled back against the leather surface. After exchanging glances, one of them settled a firm hand on the back of her neck. “Bri, you don’t have to keep your gaze lowered unless we tell you to.” Warm lips brushed her left ear with these words. The grip on the back of her neck tightened and released. Briana felt the hair brushed away from her shoulder and the side of her head then she felt a soft kiss to the top of her exposed shoulder. She could smell a slight tinge of cucumber and musk. It had to be Connor. Her pussy involuntarily clenched in need. She heard a deep masculine chuckle from her right side.

  “Looks like Kitty wants to be petted brother.” Liam rumbled in amusement. Briana’s cheeks blazed red. A hard hand lifted her chin so that mortified green eyes met laughing blue. “Is that right Luv?” Liam’s tone reflected his amusement. Briana blinked and kept her mouth clenched shut. The fingers on her chin tightened. “Answer me Briana.” His firm tone couldn’t be ignored.

  Briana opened her mouth slowly then licked her lips. “Y..yes Sir.”

  “Yes Sir what?” Imperious blue blazed down at her.

  “Yes Sir...Kitty would like to be petted.” By the time she finished the sentence, Briana’s cheeks had regained their ruddy hue.

  Liam leaned forward and spoke so that his lips almost touched hers. “All you have to do is ask Luv.” He dropped a kiss to her slightly open mouth. As Briana caught a whiff of his distinctive earthy cinnamon scent she was disgraced by her cunt visibly contracting again in full view of both men. Liam released her chin and placed a hand on her thigh right above the edge of her black stocking. He lightly stroked the ivory flesh covered by a thin black garter that ran between the hosiery and her corset. Briana’s breasts tightened painfully at his caress. Connor’s blunt fingers mirrored Liam’s actions on her left thigh. Briana could feel the muscles of her thighs begin to tighten and release at their ministrations. They both idly continued rubbing circles over her flesh while drinking brandy and watching the fire. Briana’s hips shifted uneasily as the calloused digits circled closer and closer to her weeping slit. A moan sounded in her throat as a thick finger ran up and down the seam between her outer cunt lips.

  Connor laughed low in his throat. “I think your conditioning over the last week was very successful Darlin’’. Have you ever been this responsive with so little stimulation?”

  Briana shook her head from side to side whipping rumpled auburn curls against her dewy, flushed cheeks. “No Sir.” She stared helplessly into his eyes hoping that he or Liam would fill her needy pussy. Her chest rose and fell with frantic breaths as her arousal ramped up from their proximity and from their attentions. She almost cried when both brothers withdrew their hands simultaneously. Her hands fisted by her sides in frustration. They’d been so close!

  She was surprised when the brothers brushed her skirt down to cover her lap and pushed her legs together. After setting down his empty brandy snifter, Connor gathered both of her hands in his. After capturing and keeping her gaze, he dropped a kiss to the top of first one then the other delicate white hand. He briefly exchanged looks with his brother before switching his attention to her. “Bri...Luv.” He cleared his throat. “In order to be fair to Liam, I’m going to allow the two of you to sleep together tonight alone before I join you.” He glanced at his brother again. “I got to be with you alone ten years ago. It’s only fair that he be the first tonight.” Serious navy blue eyes looked searchingly into misty green. “I hope that’s okay.”

  Sitting up in surprise, Briana looked back and forth between the brothers. “Uh sure, that’s fine with me.”

  “Good.” Connor gathered her close and dropped a hard kiss to her upturned pink lips. “I’ll join the two of you in a bit.” He released her and came to standing. As if he couldn’t help himself, he leaned over and dropped another kiss to her now slightly bee stung lips. After a nod to his brother he turned on his heel and walked down the hallway that was to the left of the stairwell. Briana watched him exit until she could only hear boot steps on the wooden floors then a door creaking open then closing. Her attention turned back to Liam. He sat back and looked at her through simmering eyes as he finished the last of the brandy in his glass. Leaning forward, he set the glass down on the coffee table with a decisive click. He stood up and turned to look down at her. Speechless, he extended a hand to her. Briana felt a thrill run through her body as she placed a slender white hand in his calloused tan hand. He pulled her to standing with a jerk then picked her up to cradle her in his arms. Briana raised a hand to cup his cheek as he carried her up the stairwell then strode down the hallway to her bedroom.

  Briana gasped at the candles set up all around the room bathing it in a warm glow. The rumpled bedclothes had also been straightened and the bed looked like she’d never slept in it. She looked at Liam with a frown. He smiled in understanding. “Our housekeeper came in and did this while we dined.”

  She looked around in wonder as he carefully set her on her feet. “It’s so beautiful!”

  He nodded. “We wanted this to be special for you.”

  Tears gathered in Briana’s eyes. “This isn’t required in my contract.”

  Liam shrugged. “I think that you’ve probably figured out by now that this isn’t all business for us.”

  Briana blinked rapidly while taking in his words. Finally she nodded abruptly. “I do see that...but you need to know that I...”

  Liam shushed her by placing a finger on her lips. “I know. You’ve made yourself very clear on this matter.” He dropped a light kiss to replace his finger. “That doesn’t mean we can’t try to change your mind.” He drew back and smiled down at her impishly. “Now I think it’s time to get you out of that dress.” He made a circle with his finger. “Turn around Luv.” Keeping her eyes locked with his as long as she could, Briana reluctantly presented him with her back. She felt the bodice loosen then drop as he pulled down the zipper slowly. “Lift up your arms.” She complied and the dress was lifted quickly over her head. She could hear Liam’s breath catch in his throat at the sight of her in the form fitting corset coupled with high black heels and the barbaric Celtic collar. He dropped a quick kiss to her shoulder before throwing the dress over a chair in the corner of the room. “I understand that Connor taught you your first position today?”

  Briana nodded then answered softly. “Yes Sir. He taught me Lean Over.”

  “Good Girl. I’d like you to take that position for me now on the bed.”

  Briana instantly complied by walking to the side of the bed and arranging herself as commanded. Liam watched her for a moment appreciating the graceful line formed from the top of her lowered head to the base of her spine. In the golden glow of candlelight, he could see the dip at the small of her back with two small dimples on either side. His blood heated as his gazed moved over the ample curve of her buttocks down long ivory legs to the super high black heels. He moved to stand behind her then looked at the treasures this angle revealed. Her pretty pink cunt lips glinted with moisture framed by dark red curls. Liam felt his already semi-erect cock harden into a full erection at the sight. Without thinking, Liam undid his belt and opened the buttons on his jeans. His turgid erection sprang forward from the opening. He stepped forward to stand just behind Briana. She whimpered as he teasingly ran the tip of his cock u
p and down over her slippery opening. She impatiently pushed back at his penis as if to impale herself upon him. She cried out as he slapped her sharply on first one butt cheek then the other. “No moving while you are in position unless commanded to. Do you understand?”

  Briana whimpered then answered. “Yes Sir.” He continued to wet the tip of his cock in her juices. Briana’s whimpers and her involuntary cunt spasms escalated.

  Liam withdrew his cock. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  Briana nodded frantically. “Yes Sir.”

  “Do you want to come?” Liam continued.

  “Yes Sir.”

  Liam stepped back and stuffed his protesting member back into its denim cage. “I don’t think it is time yet. I want to teach you a few more positions.”

  Briana moaned in frustration. To her credit, she didn’t deviate from her proper form while protesting.

  “Stand up now Pet.” Briana gracefully straightened and turned around to face him.

  “I’m going to give you one more basic presentation posture we may ask you to do for us. Briana pouted her disappointment at him while she listened. Liam laughed inside. “Kneel on the bed with your face down to the side and your ass up in the air. Legs, of course, will be open wide. This is called Rear position.”

  Briana’s eyes shot daggers at him while she turned back to the bed. She clambered upon to it and settled herself into the proscribed position. Liam allowed himself a moment to appreciate her beauty before continuing. He walked up to the bed and leaned over to grab a small, round pillow from a bedside stand. “Do you recognize this Luv?” He held it down in front of Briana’s face so she could see it. New color bloomed on her cheeks as she identified the pillow she’d use to stimulate herself earlier before she’d napped.


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