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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 20

by Jane Pearl

  “You know that there would be consequences if you masturbated before we left tonight.” Connor’s firm voice rumbled in the hushed interior of the vehicle. Briana squirmed in embarrassment. Her bare buttocks slid easily over the black leather seat as she moved.

  “I couldn’t help it. You’ve had me on restrictions all week. I couldn’t even use my pillow or Teddy! I’m going crazy.” She pushed out a burgundy tinted lip mutinously.

  Connor’s blunt tipped finger played up and down over the ivory flesh exposed above her thigh high shimmery stockings. Briana’s hips rocked involuntarily at his stimulation. She could feel arousal fluids seeping down her hairless pussy. Her cheeks bloomed at the thought of the limo driver seeing the wet spot she was almost guaranteed to leave.

  “We are your masters. You don’t get to question our decisions. If we tell you to not masturbate for a week, you do it. We don’t have to give you a reason.” Connor’s voice was low in her ear.

  Briana sputtered. “But..”

  Connor and Liam exchanged identical exasperated looks. She’d given them an ear full before they’d left the house even though Connor had pulled up her dress for a quick reminder spanking. The spanking had succeeded in silencing her but she’d fixed them both with evil glares the whole time they’d donned dress coats and linked her wrists to theirs. Liam sighed then reached into the pocket of his coat.

  “I’d hoped that this wouldn’t be necessary but it looks like you aren’t going to listen to reason.” He held up the pacifier she’d used in Seattle. “Open up. You aren’t allowed to talk until we give you permission. Keep this in your mouth until we say otherwise.” At Briana’s narrow eyed glare he leaned over to look directly into her stormy green eyes. “Or we can stop this limo and I’ll spank your ass while you lean over the hood. Your choice.” Briana’s eyes went from furious to alarmed. She didn’t want the driver watching her take a spanking. It would be so humiliating! Her gaze darted to the sound proof glass between the front and back of the vehicle. She was so relieved that he hadn’t heard any of their exchange so far. Making up her mind, she nodded abruptly before opening luscious dark red lips. Liam popped it in her mouth and her lips closed over the rubber nipple. She automatically started sucking on the item.

  The men took in the oddly arousing sight. After her afternoon nap, Briana had allowed a stylist they’d hired to do her hair and makeup. Her auburn hair was neatly coiled at the base of her skull with a few wispy curls on her neck and around her face. Dramatic eye makeup highlighted her gorgeous green eyes. Burgundy lipstick emphasized the plump curves of her lips. The bright pink pacifier looked incongruous nestled between the expertly colored lips of a sophisticated lady who was obviously attending a formal event.

  Their gazes flicked down to the treasures exposed by Briana’s widespread legs. The pink pearl of her clitoris stood out proudly above exposed inner pussy lips. Glistening moisture coated her lower lips, making them as shiny as the lips on her face. Blue eyes lifted and met and identical masculine lips quirked in anticipatory smiles.

  Connor took in a deep breath then looked away from his brother before turning his head back with a smile. “Champagne brother?” He nodded his glossy black head at the icy bucket in front of them containing an opened bottle of sparkling wine. At Liam’s nod, he poured the pale gold fluid into a flute glass sitting in a drink holder next to the bucket. “Here you go.” Liam picked up the glass with his free hand and took a sip. He nodded appreciatively. At his nod, Connor poured a glass for himself.

  “Bri, do you want a sip?” Pouting around her pacifier, Briana shook her head no. Connor shrugged his shoulders and took a sip. The men spent the rest of the car ride talking about business and ignoring the fuming woman sitting between them.

  The trip took them about forty five minutes. Briana’s eyes widened as the limousine pulled in front of an obviously upscale hotel. Liam leaned forward and pressed the button on the intercom to talk to their driver. “James, please give us a moment. I’ll tell you when we are ready to exit.”

  The driver’s voice came over the small speaker sounding slightly tinny. “Yes Sir.”

  Liam sat back and looked down at Briana. “Are you ready to mind?” Excitement at the coming event made her forget her grievance. Briana nodded enthusiastically with the pacifier still lodged firmly between her lips. Liam reached up and removed the offending object. It made a slight pop. Raising a brow at the lipstick smeared on the back of the pacifier, Liam set it carefully on the drink caddy. Connor fished in his pocket and pulled out a small key. Smiling warningly at Briana, he unlocked the padlock holding her attached to him. He efficiently re-attached the chain to her bracelet. Liam took the proffered key and did the same to the chain on his wrist. Once his hands were freed, he grabbed a snowy white handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped off the pacifier. Both items ended up in his coat pocket.

  “You might want to repair your makeup.” Connor offered a small silvery, beaded clutch to Briana from his coat pocket. Briana hurriedly opened up the purse and carefully touched up her lipstick with the small compact mirror in the bag. After finishing, she looked expectantly between the two men.

  “Shall we go?” Her voice vibrated with excitement. She’d never been to a party like this before. She couldn’t wait.

  The men smiled at her enthusiasm. Liam leaned over and spoke on the intercom. “We are ready James.”

  The tinny voice replied immediately. “Yes Sir.”

  The brothers skimmed Briana’s skirts down just as the door opened. Briana shivered at the blast of icy air that entered the vehicle. Connor slid out and turned to offer a hand to her. She gladly accepted it; making a graceful exit. Liam climbed out and stood beside them. He turned to address the chauffeur. “You’ll need to make sure the bellhops carry our bags to our room.” He looked at his brother. “Do you think we should have them take up our coats as well?”

  Connor shrugged his large shoulders under the wool overcoat. “Good idea. Let’s wait until we get inside so Bri doesn’t freeze.”

  They ushered her between them through large glass doors. They ended up in a high ceilinged lobby full of bustling hotel staff and party goers in tuxedos and glittering gowns. A bellhop came up behind them. “James told me that you’d like me to take your coats to your room?” Connor helped Briana out of her warm outer layer before divesting himself of his own outer garments. Liam followed suit. They all handed the items to the bellhop. The obsequious young man nodded his head while backing away from them. Briana noticed that he had a twenty dollar bill tucked in his hand.

  She started as a warm, calloused palm slid into her hand. “The party is this way Luv.” Liam’s brogue thickened as he looked her up and down. “What a vision of loveliness.” Roses bloomed on Briana’s cheeks at his perusal. The beaded silver dress draped elegantly from her outer shoulders to cross over her full bosom. It nipped in tightly at her waist then flared over full hips to skim down her thighs. The full length skirt was split half way down the front to show a flash of her legs to mid thigh as she walked. Delicate shimmering silver high heels finished the ensemble. The jewelry she’d been given for Christmas glimmered at her neck and wrists. Over her protests, her men had given her matching earrings on Boxing Day. Briana consoled herself with the thought that she’d be able to leave all of the jewelry with the Kerrigans when she was done with her term of service.

  Connor’s voice broke into her reverie. “I wish I could treat you like you are mine too but it wouldn’t be appropriate at this event.”

  Briana’s eyes melted into soft green pools. “I wish you could as well.” She briefly cupped his face then dropped her hand self consciously and looked around. She didn’t want to start any rumors.

  Liam cleared his throat. “We should probably join the pre-dinner cocktail party. After all it is our charity.”

  Connor shook his head. “It’s a shame we have to go to all of this trouble just to help families who’ve lost a parent to cancer. Unfortunately, the big spende
rs won’t just make a donation. They want a party.”

  Liam’s hand tightened on Briana’s. “At least we have Briana with us…it should make this event more…bearable.”

  The trio made their way to the huge ballroom on the back of the hotel. Large windows looked out to the twinkling lights on the ski area located on the mountain behind the hotel. Briana’s breath caught in her throat at the sight. It was truly magical.

  “Would you like a glass of Prosecco?” She turned around at the waiter’s question. After looking to Liam for permission, she picked up the long stemmed glass and took a sip. She noticed a banner and picture on the wall on the far side of the room. By squinting her eyes, she could just read what it said.

  “The Jack Kerrigan Fund.” She read out loud. She turned her head to look at Liam. “Your father?” She asked. Liam nodded. Her face softened in understanding. “Is it difficult to be reminded of your loss?” Liam’s mouth tightened as he nodded again.

  Overhearing their conversation, Connor moved closer to the pair as he spoke. “Though it’s been many years. We…” Briana’s eyes welled up as he swallowed deeply before continuing. “We, really miss him.”

  Briana placed a reassuring hand on Connor’s arm. “I can’t imagine.” She looked up into his eyes. “Though it became all too real when my Dad had his stroke.” She blinked back the tears as she continued. “I had to envision my life without him in it.” Her chest lifted and lowered as she took a deep breath. “In many ways, I realized that life is too short. I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t start spending more time with my folks before they die.”

  A cultured voice interrupted their interaction. “So, Liam and Connor Kerrigan this must be why I haven’t seen you two for awhile.” A well groomed brunette woman smiled wickedly at the trio while lifting a martini glass up to her lips. Briana dropped her hand from Connor’s arm and looked in askance between the two men.

  Liam cleared his throat before answering. “Bri, this is our friend...Constance. Constance, this is my, our girlfriend Briana.”

  Briana’s eyes darted back and forth between the two men. Had Liam messed up? Did Constance know about their proclivities? She wasn’t sure what to say or do.

  Constance tipped back her head as she let out a throaty laugh. Humor glimmered in her striking amber eyes. “She isn’t quite sure how she should introduce herself to me. Girlfriend, submissive…slave?” Evil amusement twinkled in her eyes. “And of course, the fact that she is fucking both of you must be a big dark secret.”

  Briana let out an audible gasp. Liam placed a protective arm around her shoulders. “Pull in your claws Connie. Briana isn’t up to your brand of bitchiness.”

  Constance smirked at him then took a deliberate drink from her cocktail before answering. “Seems that I remember you loved my claws.”

  Liam’s arm tightened around Briana. “If I loved them so much I’d still be with you.” He took a long drink then continued. “We’d still be with you.”

  Connor nodded in agreement. “I’d like to think we all had fun. I imagine that you’ve moved on as well.” This said in a conciliatory tone.

  Constance shrugged an elegant shoulder. Briana couldn’t help but note that her dress looked like incredibly expensive haute couture. She had that air of old money and privilege. Having lived in the vacation mecca of such people for most of her life, Briana could smell a trust fund baby from miles away. As if divining her thoughts, Constance looked Briana up and down. “So, what do you do?” Her tone implied that Briana stripped in a trucker bar in order to make her trailer park lot rent.

  Connor grabbed Briana’s hand tightly in his. “She was the CFO of CAP Corp in San Francisco before leaving her position to run her family’s pub in Bozeman.”

  Constance rolled her eyes. “Oh…from CFO to pub manager. Sounds like a great career move.”

  Liam shook his head in distaste. “Still the same Connie. Just so you know, we’ve been planning to offer a CFO position to Bri when she’s done helping at the pub.” Ignoring Briana’s look of surprise, he looked down at his feet for a moment while rubbing his chin then look back up at Constance. “I think we’re done here. We really need to talk to our event coordinator.” He inclined his head in a polite nod as he started to lead Briana away. Briana heard Connor take his leave of his former lover and then join her and Liam. He soon joined them as they walked across the room.

  “Elaine…Elaine…” Liam’s voice carried across the crowded room. An elegantly coiffed woman with short silver hair looked as if to see who was calling her name. When she saw Liam she smiled brightly and walked toward them with wide open arms.

  “Liam…Connor…I’m so glad you are here.” She lifted her hands up to cup first Liam’s cheeks and Connor’s cheeks while bestowing a kiss on their lips. She stepped back and gave Briana a kind but inquiring smile. “Is this your date Liam?”

  Liam pulled Briana into his side as he smiled at Elaine. “Yes, this is Briana. How are things going?”

  Elaine took a deep breath then looked around. “As you can see, we are at capacity with all of the elite.”

  Liam nodded affirmatively. “Good…good. Is there anything you want us to do?”

  Elaine shook her head and smiled indulgently. “No, just enjoy your evening.” She looked down at the watch on her wrist. “We should be heading into dinner soon then the auction. When that is done we can sit back and enjoy the rest of the evening until midnight.” Liam and Connor nodded.

  Liam cleared his throat. “Just let us know if you need anything.” He looked at his brother and their date. “Otherwise we’ll just mingle and boost donations.” He dropped a sly wink.

  A slight blush touched Elaine’s cheeks. “Any effort is, of course, appreciated.” She batted her eyes at her employers.

  Briana shook her head. Liam just couldn’t resist a little flirting. She moved out of his embrace to pull on his hand. “I’m starved. Are there any appetizers?”

  Liam smiled down at her indulgently then looked up at Connor. “Looks like we’d better feed our lady.”

  Connor guffawed. “Wouldn’t want you to waste away Luv.” He turned to address the event planner. “You can text either of us if there is a need.” He nodded his head. “Thanks so much.”

  Elaine’s business-like eyes softened as she answered him. “It is a very worthwhile charity. I’m so glad to be involved.” Tears glimmered over icy blue orbs before she blinked them away. “I just wish that these resources would have been available when I was a child.”

  Connor squeezed her upper arm reassuringly. “I do too.” They exchanged understanding smiles. Connor visibly collected himself before turning to his brother and Briana. “Let’s go see what sort of culinary delights Elaine has planned for the evening.” He winked at the older woman as he followed the other two members of his party to join the throng of people gathered around linen covered tables on the far wall. Liam politely pushed his way through tuxedo clad men and women dressed in a rainbow of beautiful gowns. Briana followed him while absently looking around at the glittering party attendees. Her gaze caught on an elegant champagne blonde head attended by two hunky men. She stopped dead and stared. Liam glanced back with a frown and stopped too. Connor almost ran into them before also coming to a standstill.

  Briana cocked her head. “I’m positive that I know them.” She released Liam’s hand to push her way through the crowd. The brothers exchanged puzzled looks before shrugging their shoulders. They followed their woman on her quest. Briana touched the bare, alabaster shoulder of the blonde woman. “Maria?”

  She turned and threw her arms around Briana in greeting. “Briana, I can’t believe it is you.” She looked at the men on either side of her with mischievous eyes. “This dull party has just been saved.” The two men smiled down at her indulgently while shaking their heads.

  The taller man looked up and laughed as Connor and Liam joined them. “Kerrigan brothers, it looks like our dates know each other.” His bright green eyes glimme
red with humor as he reached out a hand. “Good to see you again.”

  Liam grasped his hand and pumped up and down. “Brett Harrison, you mangy dog. Nice to see you.” He turned to the other man. “Adam, I see you’re as ugly as usual.”

  The powerful, bull-like man on the other side of the women shook his head before offering a hand to Liam. Humor also glinted in his flinty grey eyes. “Wish I could say the same to you. I imagine all of the single ladies here are bemoaning the fact that the Kerrigan brothers are being monopolized by the same gorgeous lady.”

  Briana’s eyes widened at his words then flitted around the faces now surrounding her. “You all know each other?” Her hand gripped Maria’s unconsciously. “That is just way too much of a coincidence.” Her gaze turned suspicious. “Maria is the one who told me about Discreet Assignments. Did you set this whole thing up?”

  Liam and Connor exchanged bewildered glances then turned back to her. Connor shook his head. “No, I’m as surprised about this as you are.”

  Maria wrapped a hand around Briana’s upper arm. Earnest velvety brown eyes met confused mossy green. “They told us about your pub but I swear that they didn’t say anything about Discreet Assignments. That is all on me.” She looked at the Kerrigan brothers and continued. “They guys and I went into the pub last summer when we came into town for the weekend. Briana and I hit it off and shared quite a few pints while they boys played pool.” Her warm eyes softened. “Briana unburdened herself to me about the bar and the embezzlement…how she didn’t know what to do to save her family business.” Her pink tinted lips pressed together then she continued. “I told her about Discreet Assignments and how it had been a life saver for me.” She encompassed both of her husbands with a warm look. “Once she admitted that she’d liked being dominated by an old boyfriend I knew she’d be a shoe in.” Her hand squeezed Briana’s arm before she let go. Her knowing gaze took in the Irish twins and Briana. “It looks like they did their usual great job matching you up. Congratulations!”


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