Book Read Free

Music Notes

Page 7

by Lacey Black

  Chelsea is a tiny little thing. You can practically put her in your pocket. She’s adorable with her short, curly brown hair and big green eyes. Where Chelsea is small, Tara is tall and slender. She stands a good two inches taller than my five foot seven inches, and has no curves to her whatsoever. She’s like a tall, lean, beanpole. But her lack of curves doesn’t detract from her natural beauty. She has long dark hair the color of midnight and striking brown eyes.

  “Did you hear the same report?” Tara asks me, pulling me into their conversation.

  “Uh, no, not really. I don’t really follow country music,” I confess, cringing at my lack of knowledge about my coach.

  “Shut up! How is that possible?” Chelsea asks in horror.

  “Well, I just don’t listen to country music. I know who Beau is, of course, but that’s the extent of it,” I add, feeling the shocked stares of the two young girls in front of me.

  “You are so screwed in this competition,” Tara says as Chelsea shakes her head dramatically like a bobble head.

  “Yeah, I might have a long road ahead of me,” I say as I turn to see my roommate and duet partner pounce on Beau. He smiles that million-dollar smile directly at her and you can hear the audible gasps from the two ladies around me.

  “I heard Shawna is really good. Like really, really good. She’s the frontrunner on this team,” Chelsea says in a whisper. “At least that’s what I overheard from another production assistant.”

  “Ladies, I’m Ben. It’s nice to meet you,” Ben says just over my shoulder as he introduces himself, resulting in a collective giggle from the giggle twins. “You about ready?” he asks, directing his question at me.

  Before I can answer, Tara asks with a huge smile, “Is he your boyfriend?”

  “Oh, no!” I exclaim, probably a little too quickly and with too much emphasis. However, my answer still doesn’t stop Ben from resting his hand on my lower back again.

  “Are y’all ready for tomorrow?” I hear from behind me in that deep, rich southern drawl. Again, with the uncontrollable shiver.

  “Hi, Beau!” Chelsea exclaims. “I am sooooooo excited to be on your team,” she adds with a few bats of her overdone eyelashes.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Beau adds with a wink. Flirt. Oh, he’s definitely charming and knows how to work the ladies.

  “Me, too. I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Tara adds as she twists a long strand of her dark hair around her pointer finger.

  “And you? Layne, is that correct?” he asks, turning those stunning eyes directly at me.

  “Yes, Layne. I’m ready for tomorrow,” I answer but without the schoolgirl crush effect.

  Beau nods his head at me and continues to watch, intoxicating me as if I just downed a fifth of something hard and potent. His eyes appear so much deeper and darker up close. How that’s even possible, I don’t know.

  “And you are Ben, correct?” Beau asks, turning his attention towards the man standing next to me.

  “Yes, sir. I can’t wait to get started tomorrow,” Ben says as he shakes his hand.

  Beau glances down and seems to notice Ben’s hand return to my lower back. I try to step aside a little and create some space between Ben and myself. The last thing I want to do is encourage his advances.

  “I guess I’ll see y’all tomorrow,” Beau says as he turns his attention to the next group of contestants. Just before he shakes hands with Troy, I catch Beau’s eyes roaming my body. It’s a quick once-over, but it’s definitely a look, nonetheless. Tingles of excitement race through me at the idea of Beau Tanner checking me out. Me. But as quickly as the excitement races through me, it’s snuffed out. There’s no way Beau Tanner would want anything to do with me. He’s a country superstar, dating an A-list movie star. Why in the hell would he be interested in a bartending rocker-wannabe like me?

  Gabby starts to round us up and we all head towards the exit. Just before I get ready to leave the room, the hairs on the back of my neck start to prickle with awareness. I glance backwards and notice Beau. He’s standing alone at the back of the room and his eyes are focused on me. My entire body goes up in flames every time he looks my way. I have no idea why I’m reacting the way I am, but I don’t like it. There is no room in this competition for distractions. And Beau Tanner? Oh, he’s definitely a distraction.

  A tall, gorgeous distraction.

  I might be in trouble.

  Note to self: Every girl needs a least one fabulous pair of panties. Nothing boosts your confidence like a little scrap of lace.

  Shawna and I are the last duet to meet with Beau on Wednesday afternoon. We ride in silence, with a few of the other duets for the other teams, towards the studio. It makes for the longest day ever when you’re stuck in a room with someone who ignores your existence. Finally after lunch, I decided to do a little sightseeing around the exterior of the hotel. The fresh air was a welcome reprieve over the stuffy perfume and high priced body lotion I’m forced to inhale in the room.

  When we exit the van, I follow behind Shawna. She’s dressed in a casual, yet stylish sundress with brown and pink cowboy boots. As always, she’s perfectly assembled and gorgeous as she makes her way into the building. Confidence and determination roll off her in waves. I know this is going to be a huge battle for me. One I hope that I’ll overcome as the victor. I glance down at my red skinny jeans and black halter top. It’s nothing fancy or glamorous since I chose to go the comfortable route. My favorite pair of black ankle boots gives me the confidence boost I need as I step inside the atrium.

  We wait with Gabby outside of our assigned studio. Gabby and Shawna chat animatedly about who knows what. I choose to lose myself in my own thoughts as I try to remain calm and focused. Eli. Nothing focuses and grounds me like my son. His smile has gotten me through so many hard times that he’s all I need to bring me to my center of gravity.

  At exactly five o’clock, the door opens and Marshall and Veronica exit the studio with smiles on their faces. I’ll take it as a good sign since they’re both smiling after spending their first hour with our coach.

  “Ladies, you’re up next,” Gabby says as she motions towards the door. Shawna practically sprints to the doorway to be the first one inside. I try a few deep, calming breaths before stepping through the entryway.

  Inside, Beau is seated on a stool in front of a music stand. Shawna is at his side two point three seconds later, practically salivating all over her designer duds. I wonder if her lip-gloss is drool proof? Laughter erupts from the front of the room before I’m even halfway there. At least she’s not pulling any punches in this competition, right?

  “Hey,” Beau says, their laughter dying down as I approach them.

  “Hi,” I reply as I take my place next to Shawna. She instantly tries another hair flip, but I’m prepared this time and am able to duck out of the way from the flying dreads.

  “So, I had a harder time choosing a song for you two to sing. Shawna, you’re pure country and so just about any song choice would have fit you. Layne, you’re more of a rocker and so I struggled to choose a song that still stuck to my country routes. Ultimately, I went with Miranda Lambert. She’s stone cold country for Shawna but still has all the sass and attitude that I associate with Layne.”

  “I love Miranda Lambert,” Shawna coos as she sets her perfectly manicured hand on Beau’s forearm. “She’s one of my favorites.”

  I instantly start racking my brain for Miranda Lambert. Songs…songs…songs…What songs does she sing? Wait! She was once married to some famous guy, right?

  Shit. I’m so screwed.

  “Well, I really think that Miranda’s song “Fastest Girl in Town” will complement both of your singing styles. Here are the music sheets,” he says as he hands us each a booklet, complete with music and lyrics.

  “Do you know the song?” Beau asks, turning those steel eyes on me.

  “Uh, no. Sorry,” I reply with a sheepish grin.

  “That’s okay. We’ll run through i
t a few times today and you’ll have time to learn the words. I was afraid you may not know it, so I have it on my phone,” he says as he digs his cell phone out of his back pocket and brings up the song.

  It immediately starts with the standard country twang, but after the first few beats, I realize it’s not that bad. And then Miranda starts to sing. Instantly with the opening line, “You got the bullets, I got the gun, I got a hankerin’ for gettin’ into something,” I’m immediately pulled into the song. I like it. A lot. I’m even able to ignore the fact that Shawna is singing along.

  After it’s over, Beau turns to me, “So, what do you think?”

  “I actually really like it. The beat is super catchy and the words are edgy and brash. I think it’s the perfect song,” I tell him honestly. “I never would have thought I’d be so excited to sing a country song,” I add with a little laugh.

  Beau stares at me with a beautiful smile on his face. His smile is breathtaking. It lights up his entire face and transforms him from Country Hottie to Holy Shit, He’s Smokin’!

  “I think it’s the perfect song,” Shawna says, pulling our attention towards her.

  “Yeah,” Beau says as he clears his throat. “So, Layne, I have you singin’ the red parts and Shawna, you’re singin’ the black parts.”

  “But Beau, I would be perfect to start off the song. I’m actually a country singer and all,” Shawna quickly adds.

  “True, but it’s not about who sings what style of music or who sings first. I picked parts that I thought would complement each of you. I’ve got a few parts that y’all sing together and those are in blue,” Beau says as we skim the music sheets and find the blue highlighted parts.

  “So, are ya ready to give it a dry run through?” he asks.

  Forty-five minutes later, our time is up and I feel like I finally have most of the lyrics down. At least my part, anyway. Tonight, I’ll work on studying the music and memorizing the entire song. I want to have the entire thing down before tomorrow’s practice session with Beau. Plus, he gave me plenty of suggestions to work on for tomorrow.

  “I’ll be honest with you both. This is the duet that I’m lookin’ forward to the most. I think y’all are both dynamic behind the mic and have plenty of charisma to charm the hell out of the audience,” he says with a slight lift of the corner of his lip.

  “Oh, Beau. You are too sweet,” Shawna coos and touches his forearm. Again, with the touching.

  “I believe this is gonna to be an epic battle. I’ll see ya both here tomorrow,” he says before we head out of the room.

  Those tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up again causing me to turn around before I reach the door. Those eyes. They’re mesmerizing and hypnotizing all at the same time. I’m afraid I’d be completely useless against their power. Beau smiles that half smile one more time before I’m whisked out of the room and led towards an awaiting van.

  The entire trip back to the hotel, I relive the last hour. From his lingering glances to his southern drawl, I quickly determine that Beau Tanner might be my kryptonite. He might be the one thing that brings me to my knees and makes me forget all of the guy tips I’ve been schooling for the past four years. Four longs years. I haven’t been celibate, but I haven’t been what I would call sexually active either. I’ve gotten by. But the sight of that tall cowboy has my body humming and my blood pumping like never before. He makes me want to throw all of the rules straight out the window. And it’s only the first week.

  I am in so much trouble.


  “I need to go shopping,” Corie says just after dinner.

  “Okay, so go,” I tell her as we make our way down the sidewalk and back to the hotel.

  “No, I want you to go with me. I was checking out that schedule and the list of services available at the studio. It has a full gym, you know. There’s a whole list of classes I want to take,” she adds with a huge smile.

  “Are you talking about exercise?” I ask, stumbling on the word like it might bite me.

  “Yes, silly. That and I need to get some new underwear,” she adds quietly while looking around to make sure no one heard her.

  “Underwear?” I ask, both of my eyebrows sky-high.

  “Yep. My grandma always said that a new pair of fancy underwear is a great way to boost your spirits or your confidence. Since I’m already practically higher than a kite on adrenaline from today’s session with JoJo, I figured a good confidence booster couldn’t hurt. I’m up against a girl who sang back up for JLo two years ago, so I could use a little self-assurance.”

  “Your grandma told you that?” I ask curiously.

  “Yep. Well, that and not to sleep with a man until the second date. You don’t want to appear too easy,” Corie says with a decisive head nod.


  “My Gram was the best. I lived with her from the time I was sixteen until about two years ago when she passed.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I tell her when I see the pain in her eyes.

  “Yeah. She was hit by a car crossing the street after leaving The Pussycat Club,” she tells me with melancholy.

  “Wait. What? Your grandma was at a strip club?” I ask, stopping dead in my tracks on the sidewalk.

  “She wasn’t there to watch or anything. She worked there. Gram could sling a beer like no other,” she tells me. “She had regulars of all ages. Gram had a huge following,” Corie says.

  “Oh. Well, okay then. So, underwear?” I ask looking to change the subject. Whoever would have thought that I would be interested in changing the topic to underwear?

  “Yes! Let’s go to that nice department store on the top of that one place on Quincy. It looks like it’ll have great stuff,” she says as we head into the hotel. “I’ll meet you down here in fifteen, okay?” she hollers as she hops on the elevator.

  “What was that about?” Troy asks beside me as I watch the elevator doors close.

  “I just had the strangest conversation about underwear and strippers and her grandma. I think I could use a shot.”

  “Do I want to know?” he asks as he leads me into the lounge.

  “I’m pretty sure you don’t,” I tell him, trying to shake off the images in my mind.

  Note to self: Avoid future topics that involve grandparents and strippers.

  Fifteen minutes later, Corie joins us in the lounge. After another shot of liquid courage in the form of Jim Beam, we head out of the lounge and towards the street. Corie tells me all about her life before the show. Growing up in Cleveland and being raised by her grandma after her parents were killed in a car accident her sophomore year of high school, Corie is determined to make her Gram proud and win the show. Apparently, Gram was a huge fan of other reality singing shows and always encouraged Corie to give it a shot. I tell Corie about living with my mom and about working at Chaser’s. I even tell her about Eli, though I don’t give her the backstory that I know she’s itching to find out.

  Together, we steer through the stacks of undergarments at the large department store. I keep thinking back to what she said about it boosting your confidence. As I hold a dainty black lace thong in my hands, I start to think there’s something to what Gram preached. I can feel my spirits lifting as I contemplate which pair I’m going to buy. Not that I have a place or time to wear these panties, but the thought of having something so sexy and delicate against my skin is doing wonders for my self-confidence.

  Maybe I should wear them every day.

  Or not.

  I take my selection up to the counter and let the girl who could be Shawna’s Barbie twin ring me up. “$32.60,” she says.

  “Thirty dollars? For a scrap of lace?” I ask as I fish out my debit card.

  “There’s a Target down the street if you’d prefer something cheaper,” she snips back to me with a snide look.

  Oh, she’s Shawna’s twin, all right.

  Note to self: Avoid bitchy blonds wearing makeup more expensive than my entire outf
it. And always check the price tag before you go to pay.

  “So what song are you singing?” I ask as we head down a floor to hit the athletic wear section.

  “We’re singing ‘Escapade’ by Janet Jackson,” she says excitedly.


  “Yeah, Jackie’s range is a little higher than mine, but it should be a good duet. I haven’t heard that song since I was really little so we spent the entire time relearning the lyrics. Heck, I’m pretty sure that song came out the year I was born. How about you? What are you and the Diva singing?”

  “We’re singing Miranda Lambert’s ‘Fastest Girl in Town’.”

  “And what are your thoughts on singing a country song?” she asks while pulling a pair of tight black stretchy shorts off the rack.

  “I’m surprisingly okay with it. At first, I was a little bummed. I mean, I know Beau is a country singer so the chances of having to sing country was pretty good, but I was hoping he’d humor me and pull out some Stevie Nicks or something.”

  “Don’t we wish,” she mumbles as she digs through workout tank tops until she finds her size.

  “Aren’t you getting anything?” she asks, flicking her chin towards the breathable nylon material.

  “You’re really going to make me do this?” I whine before diving into the little stretchy shorts.

  “Yep, I am. Get a sports bra, too, if you don’t have one. We don’t want your girls popping out while you’re doing aerobics or spinning.”

  Another fifty-five dollars, a pair of tiny blue shorts, a black tank top that barely covers anything, and one sports bra later, we’re heading back towards the hotel. I’m surprised that my spirits are actually pretty high. I don’t know if it’s the shopping, the lacy underwear, or the company, but I feel less homesick tonight than I have in the past two days.

  “I don’t understand why I couldn’t just wear my yoga pants and a t-shirt to workout in,” I mumble.

  “No one wears that to workout in LA. Yoga pants are for cleaning your bathroom and drinking wine. Shorty shorts and sports bras are for showing off what your mama gave you,” she counters.


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