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Tann: Delti Utopia 6 (A Sci-Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 6

by Celeste Raye

  Mariana's anger hit a new high. Who was he and where was the good Tann from last night? The anger got her adrenaline pumping, and the dizziness was wiped away. No way was he going to ignore her or what he'd done. He could pretend the kiss hadn't happened, even bury it in the back of his mind, but she would force him to remember and admit it.

  In her searches, she'd discovered that one of the crew members was female and she'd found some interesting clothing among her things. There was perfume too. She'd go down three levels for her shower and get those treasures from the pile she'd made for herself. He'd pay for acting so aloof and uninterested.

  Tann and Tika were working diligently on the control panel when she arrived. Tann was underneath it, his upper body hidden from view. However, Tika saw her and let out a shriek, "Whoa! Where did you get those? I want some."

  Mariana was nervous and self-conscious but also determined. Her hair was sleek and shiny, not a tangle in sight. A dark line just above her eyelashes made the blue in her eyes pop. Her plump lips were bright red. She wore denim bottoms, cut so short they barely covered her backside. The t-shirt's sleeves had been ripped off and the hem was ragged, hanging two inches above the waist of her bottoms. The shirt revealed her cleavage and her belly button. The rugged boots on her feet laced up to her ankles.

  "I found a stash of things when I was cleaning. There was a female aboard. There's a pile for you too. Go look. It's the first one in the hallway."

  "Your broth is on the command center," she replied as she raced out, the idea of new clothes making her feet move faster.

  Mariana groaned, "Gross, isn't there anything else left?"

  "There's lots, but you can't have it yet," Tann answered, sliding out from under the control center. "Your stomach isn't ready for it. The controls are fixed. We're making progress—" His words slowed as he eyed her bare legs.

  Mariana saw his shoulders tense and his breath hitch when he raised his head higher. He continued to sit on the floor, just staring. His eyes darkened as they had in the washroom. She knew when his pulse sped up. She could feel it under her own skin. Her pulse leaped to meet it. She took a step nearer, but he slid backward, banging his head. He was confused. She knew it as if she was inside his head. Taking advantage, she leaned over and felt for a bump on the back of his head. In the process, she gave him an unobstructed view of her ample chest. She blushed profusely when heat sparked between them.

  "Move," he commanded, shoving her aside. "I have a promise to fulfill. You're welcome to join us, but you'll need to stay in the shade of the ramp, especially in that getup. Take water with you." He walked away, dismissing her.


  Tann felt her hurt and confusion hit him in the chest. She'd put herself on display and that had taken great courage on her part. God knew it had taken all his strength to forgo her offering. Her bared curves made his hands itch to touch every bend. Her belly button called out for his tongue, and those breasts made him as hard as steel. This couldn't happen. Obviously, she remembered the kiss, and he'd never forget it. He was marked, and would remain so forever. She was the one, the part of him that was missing. Sadly, for them both, they would have to remain disconnected. The pain would lessen with time, he hoped. If the timing had been different, they might have had a chance. But, this assignment and her wish to become a pirate made it all impossible. Once she began running with Torbin's men, it would be his duty to put her behind bars with them.

  Tika bounced up wearing a pink tie-dyed top and pants that looked more like bloomers. He rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh. She spun happily in a circle. "Aren't they great? They're the brightest clothes I've ever owned. For once, I feel like a girl."

  Not wanting to hurt her feelings by telling her she reminded him of a wooden clown he'd played with as a child, he smiled and lied, "They're wonderful. You look like a doll, and the colors match your bright, shining personality."

  Actually, the clothes were too loose and overwhelmed her in size and color. She had no resemblance to the woman she wished to be. She looked far younger than she claimed: a child who needed a family instead of an undercover space cop and a woman that was barely old enough to be called such.

  "Are you ready for your reward? We're going outside and you're going to fly," Tann surprised her by saying.

  She squealed in delight. "Do you mean it? Is it safe? Are you flying too? Can I tell Mariana? Can she watch?"

  "Yes, to all of the questions. I don't think the pirates in these parts would confront two Naga in dragon form. Besides, I need to fly, you need the practice, and we all need to get out of this tin can."

  Transforming and taking flight were guaranteed to relieve a portion of his angst. He could release tension and anger while drawing in peace. It wouldn't alleviate his longing for Mariana, but it would boost his strength and the resolve to keep her at arm's length.

  His body and soul were fully aware of Mariana. Without looking, he could visualize the exact spot she chose to sit and watch the spectacle of weredragons in flight. The picture of her in her new outfit was emblazoned on his brain, and he could feel her heartbeat from where he stood. It unsettled him to realize he was feeling her emotions and functions from farther away each day. Whatever was connecting them was gaining strength.

  "Okay, Tika," he said, giving the child his attention. "Go for it. Complete the transformation and show Mariana how beautiful you really are."

  A giggle escaped as her skin shimmered and changed hues. Scales of gold covered her from head to toe. She grew larger, in full control of the change now. Her wingspan and height were less than Tann knew his to be, yet still impressive. When her woman's body caught up with the dragon's, she'd be stunning.

  "Well done. You're a master now," Tann declared, beginning his transformation. He stretched his muscles, let his shoulder blades widen, and welcomed his dragon's release. The range of deep purple hues caught the sunlight. With a swoosh of his mighty wings, he lifted toward the clouds. Tika had to try twice, but she finally rose as well with a joyous roar.

  Chapter Ten


  The relief was immediate. Tension flew away with the wind currents. Happiness jolted his heart: his own and Mariana's. She was happy for him and Tika, though he sensed a small regret that she couldn't be up here with them.

  Showing off and expending pent-up energy, he did rolls and loops. A giggling gold dragon attempted to follow suit. Tann found a way to disconnect from Mariana for a short time, and it allowed his mind to surrender to the dragon's desires. He rode the air currents, gliding with the clouds. At times, he swooped down to the pond a small distance from the ships hiding place. He never stayed there long because his sightline to the ship was blocked by trees. Even the dragon was protective of the human and Naga child.

  Several times, he spewed dragon fire flames. As they left his body, so did the man's concerns and duties. If he allowed it, the dragon would take over as the dominant form, and all his troubles could stay behind. Only a few Naga had done so, and they'd become wild, untouchable, creatures who preferred solitude. The pull was strong, especially when your man's mind was troubled or you were very young. He'd forgotten to give Tika that lesson, and that thought reordered his mind.

  As he reconnected to Mariana, a sense of dread shuddered through the dragon. Something was very wrong. She was afraid. No, it was more than that. Danger! She was in danger, and Tika's smaller dragon was fighting someone. His powerful eyes could see her using her claws to swipe at the ground; where, who, or what the problem was, remained concealed at the ship's level.

  Tann's scales prickled and raised. His claws clenched and his wings beat the air. Mariana screamed, and it tore at his heart. The beast was ready for battle. What belonged to him was under attack, and he would destroy whatever sought to take it from him.

  There were men, ten or so, swinging knives and swords at Tika. She managed to elude them and keep them away from Mariana at the same time. Yet, two more were wrestling with Mariana. She scratched and
clawed at them, but they laughed and dragged her further from the ship.

  Their filthy hands were touching her soft skin, roaming to places he hadn't dared touch. Uncontrollable rage shot through him. Mariana was meant to be his mate. Anyone who touched her without her permission had to die. As a man, he could control the rage. As a dragon, it was impossible. His claw closed over the first man's head. He tossed him into the air and turned him to ashes with dragon fire. The second released Mariana and began to run. He didn't get far before he too was only ash.

  Upon seeing Tann use dragon fire, Tika took it as a sign to use hers as well. It wasn't as extreme, and her aim was off, but it did the job well enough to make the others scatter.

  Both dragons landed and hurriedly changed back, rushing to Mariana. Tann pulled her close, nearly squeezing her breath away. "Where did they hurt you? I'll kill them."

  "Tann, you already did," she replied, shaking so hard her teeth chattered. "I'm bruised, but I'll be fine. They saw me alone and decided now was a good time to take a new concubine. You got here in time because they argued amongst themselves for so long as to who got me first. Sweet Tika did her best to save me."

  With the adrenaline of anger and fear pumping through his veins, Tann wasn't in control of his actions. He scooped Mariana up and stampeded into the ship, ordering Tika, "Get inside. Shut and lock the door. Go get food. The transformation will have taken all your nutrients. Stay away from my quarters."

  He never slowed down. He chose to use the automatic lift, a risk they had refused to take on this often uncooperative spaceship. It was either risk it, carry Mariana through endless hallways going slowly down one level at a time, or let her walk. He got his miracle: the lift worked.

  Tann's cabin was close. Once inside, he slammed a hand over the door control. It closed and locked. Only then did he allow Mariana to slip to the floor. He searched her arms, legs, and head for injuries. His scowl grew worse with each bruise he discovered. Those disgusting, evil, vagrants had dared to touch her soft, sweet skin. It made him sick to see the greasy handprint on her exposed belly. He placed his own hand over the spot, wiping away the grime and laying claim to that area. His splayed fingers spanned from one hip to the other.

  Mariana sucked in her muscles and gasped, causing him to raise his eyes to her face. There he found a mix of desire and doubt.

  "You sent me away after I kissed you and then you kissed me when you thought I didn't know it. I tried to seduce you with these clothes, and you were blind to it. Yet, you got angry and killed those men for touching me. I don't understand what's happening or what I'm supposed to do," she said all at once.

  Tann caught her tear on the tip of his finger and licked it off. "No more confusing signals," he promised. "Running from this connection was futile. It was destined and what is meant to be shall always take precedence over what we believe to be right. Put your hand over my heart and feel it beat just for you. Every breath we take is as one. I tried to deny it. I pushed you away, but when I saw someone else trying to lay claim to you, I couldn't stand it. You're mine and have been since the beginning of time."

  He cupped her face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away the rest of her tears. "Tell me, Mariana. Do you feel it? Do you hear our hearts beating the same rhythm? Do you know when I'm happy or sad? Did my joy in flying reach your soul?"

  "Yes," she answered, emphatically. "I feel all that and more. What can we do about it? You don't want me."

  "I lied to protect us. I do want you. There's so much about me you don't know, and I can't confess to you. This connection makes us vulnerable to Torbin, all the pirates, and a group I have sworn my life to. I want you anyway. What we can be together is so much stronger than the rest. I have to ask for your trust, though I don't deserve it. Do you trust me, baby?"

  "How many times have you saved my life in a span of a few days? I have absolute trust in you," she replied.

  "Will you give yourself to me freely?" Tann begged, his forehead touching hers and his eyes closed.

  "Always," Mariana whispered.

  Their lips met, and a spark flew. "You marked me somehow, didn't you?" she asked against his mouth.

  "You are marked, yes. So am I, but I am not to blame. It was your lips that branded mine. I don't understand it nor does it matter. We're destined." He drew her in for another kiss, gentle, yet intense. She sighed into his mouth and answered the kiss with a tentative one of her own.

  "I don't know how to do this. Teach me," she said.

  "Whatever you feel like doing, go ahead and do. You're perfect just the way you are. We'll go slow, until I can't. I won't mean to hurt you, but I might."

  "Whatever I want?" she asked. "I want this." Her small, soft hand weaved into his hair, and she sucked on his bottom lip.

  Tann growled and let his tongue tangle with hers. At first, Mariana was surprised, but she learned quickly. Bravery was one of the reasons he was so attracted to her. Her hands moved down and under his shirt. She shoved it upward, seeking the tattoo. The kiss she put on it this time lingered.

  The shirt landed on the floor, and hers followed. She blushed and wrapped her arms around her chest, suddenly shy. "No, baby. Don't hide from me, ever. You've teased me, now let me see all of you," Tann pled.

  With a gulp, she forced her arms to drop. She had kept her breasts hidden from men since she was twelve. Sometimes, she'd bound them tightly beneath her uniform to make them less prominent. It was difficult to overcome ingrained habits, even when you wished to be touched.

  Slowly, so he wouldn't frighten her, Tann covered the mounds with his big hands. They were smooth and full, and just for him the nipples stood at attention and darkened. His thumb grazed them. Mariana purred. Encouraged, he lowered his head and took one in his mouth.

  "Oh, yes," she moaned. "That's nice. So warm."

  Tann heard desire, not fear. So, he moved to the other one and continued.

  "Does it work both ways?" she naively asked. "I mean, do you like it?"

  "Delicious," he replied.

  Falling to his knees, he ran his tongue into her belly button. She giggled and said, "That tickles."

  Tann raised an eyebrow but didn't stop. He was distracting Mariana from noticing he was removing the tiny scrap of denim she'd worn to entice him. Soon, she was as naked as the day she was born. Her body was just as he'd imagined it: creamy skin, smooth, soft, and delectable. "Turn for me," he commanded.

  Mariana obeyed. He finally saw the round backside that had tormented him for days. He gave it a squeeze and a pat, before turning her around to face him. "May I touch you here?" he asked, indicating her center, her most private area.

  She closed her eyes against her fear and nodded. Carefully, he ran one finger along the slit. She startled but held her ground. He did it again, only deeper. A scent he recognized as her heat reached his nose. It was intoxicating. He had to taste her. Opening her slightly, he breathed in the heady smell and licked upward. She cried out, and moistness wet his fingers. With one hand, he pushed her down on the bed. Still on his knees, he moved the few inches necessary to draw near. He spread her legs, and she trembled. She watched, her mouth opening into an oh, as he lavished her core with his tongue. Nature took over, and she raised her hips, asking for more. Tann gave it.

  Due to their connection, he knew exactly when to slow down or speed up. Her needs were his. He kept her on the brink until she begged for release. One flick of his tongue in just the right spot brought her ecstasy.

  While she was still trembling from her release, he rose and removed his pants. "Look at me," he demanded. "See what you do to me, baby. I ache to be inside you, but I'll refrain if you're scared."

  She stared at the long, pulsing, shaft. Tann saw curiosity more than fright. "Whatever I want," she said, not realizing he could hear. Her hand shot out and wrapped around him. She blurted, "It's hard, yet silky. It beats the same as your heart. Does it hurt?"

  This sweet, innocent woman was going to be the death of him. Her han
ds on his staff were the culmination of a dream. "It hurts a little," he explained, with a patience he never knew he had. "It wants a release, like you had. It wants to join with your body."

  "Then come to me, Tann. Let my body take away the pain. It still throbs and wants you. Please."

  Her invitation and consent were all he needed. He climbed into the bed, hearing it creak in protest. He turned her longways and raised her knees toward her chest. He wanted her open and ready, hoping to cause as little pain as possible. He probed gently to be certain she was wet. He watched her beautiful blue eyes widen with wonder as he took his time entering her warmth. When he met resistance, he pulled back slightly and pushed forward in one smooth move. She gasped, but not in pain. Her eyes held fire.

  "More," his precious girl said. He gave her his all, and together they reached the stars.

  Chapter Eleven


  Mariana awoke wrapped around Tann's hard body. She was using him as a bed since the one they laid in was barely wide enough for Tann alone. Hearing his heart beneath her ear was a pleasant way to wake up. She smiled to herself. She was truly a woman now. Tann's woman. He'd stated that as fact many times over during the long night and proven it repeatedly. Her body was sore in places she hadn't thought possible, but if her dragon wanted more, she was more than ready to give of herself. Some of the aches weren't so pleasant. Livid bruises on her arms, legs, and belly were reminders of the kidnapping attempt. Logically, she should be horrified by the way Tann had killed those men. She wasn't. She was secretly proud of his actions. She would have done the same if she'd been able.

  Tika, poor kid, what did she think about them disappearing all night? Was she okay? They hadn't checked to see if she'd been harmed. Shame washed over her. The girl had bravely fought a whole group of ruffians in a form she wasn't used to. She'd dodged knives and swords to protect Mariana, and they'd left her on her own without a second thought. How selfish! More shameful than that, she didn't regret it. The glorious night was to be celebrated, not repented.


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