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Forgotten Lullaby

Page 9

by Rita Herron

  A wave of nostalgia hit Emma. She already wondered where the time had gone. She’d missed the first few months of Carly’s life.

  TIME DRAGGED BY. Knowing Martha was taking care of Emma and Carly gave Grant enough peace of mind to actually work at home for a few minutes, but every second he spent in limbo, not knowing if Emma would ever remember him, seemed like an excruciating eternity.

  After Warner left, Grant had arranged for a security system to be installed. Then Priscilla called from Paris. She and Pete had plans to have drinks with the president of Comp. Link that night. Grant should be ecstatic, but he felt edgy and tense, wondering if Pete would represent his ideas effectively. Would Pete give Grant the credit or steal it to further his own career?

  Forcing his mind back to his work, Grant drew up a projected schedule for the new building project he’d been assigned on the outskirts of Raleigh. The complex would provide office space for more than five thousand people and include recreational facilities, food courts, a day-care center and a three-acre park.

  At least working had momentarily distracted him from the Paris deal and his family problems, he thought as he finished the draft. But Emma never strayed far from his mind. And neither did the threat to her life.

  The doorbell dinged and he checked the peephole. Emma’s former boss, Dan McGuire, stood on the porch stoop.

  “Hi, I came to see Emma,” McGuire said in a thick voice.

  Grant instantly recalled the detective’s suspicions about McGuire and the fact that he and Emma had dated in high school. “What do you want?”

  McGuire’s tanned face blushed against his white-blond hair. “I brought her a get-well gift.”

  Grant’s gaze flew to the package in the man’s hands. He’d always thought McGuire was an okay guy, the bodybuilder type that some women liked. Did a violent criminal mind lurk behind his innocent-charmer act?

  “Is she available?” McGuire asked. “’Cause we miss her at the store and I wanted to tell her we’re all thinking about her.”

  “She’s in here,” Grant said, gesturing toward the den. Martha waved from the hallway, cradling Carly in her arms.

  “Hey, Ms. Martha. How’re you doing?” McGuire asked.

  “Fine, Dan. I’ll be over at the store around six to clean. I’m going to give this little one a bath.”

  McGuire nodded and Martha went into the nursery. McGuire followed Grant, ducking his head and fiddling nervously with the package in his hand.

  Emma’s eyes widened when she saw her former boss and classmate approaching. Grant chewed the inside of his cheek at the bright smile she offered him. Emma remembered Dan, but not him. He hadn’t thought about how much that would hurt, but it did.

  Kate suddenly bustled in with a bag of groceries, narrowing her eyes at McGuire. Did Kate know something about McGuire she hadn’t told him? Or was she being her normally cynical self?

  “Hey, there, Emma, Kate.” McGuire’s wide grin surprised him, made Grant wonder if McGuire had been interested in more than a working relationship with Emma. She’d mentioned going back to work right before her accident, but he’d passed it off as just a whim. Maybe…

  “I heard about your accident, Emma, and wanted you to know how sorry I am.” McGuire shrugged. “So I brought you something. I hope you like it.”

  Emma smiled hesitantly. “Thanks, Dan, that’s so sweet. I’m sorry I don’t remember working for you.”

  McGuire handed Emma the box, and Grant rubbed his chin with a finger, studying the man. Kate left the groceries in the kitchen, then returned, perching on the sofa beside Emma like a protective mother hen, irritating Grant more.

  Emma’s fingers trembled as she ripped the gold wrapping paper. Grant eased over beside her and watched as she lifted the lid off the little white box.

  “Oh, my,” Emma whispered.

  “It’s beautiful.” Kate glanced up at McGuire with a touch of admiration. “I’ve never seen a piece like this. It must be early eighteenth century.”

  “It just arrived,” Dan said. “I bought it from an estate in England.”

  Grant clenched his jaw as Emma removed the delicate antique heart-shaped necklace from the box. Suspicions fueled his quick temper. “Why did you choose a locket, McGuire?”

  McGuire ran a hand through his short wavy hair. “Kate told me Emma lost hers in the accident, so when this one arrived, I thought Emma might like it as a replacement.”

  Kate’s startled gaze shot to Grant’s. “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to tell him. You seemed so upset about the necklace, Grant, I asked Dan if he had something similar to replace it.”

  “This is really sweet, Dan,” Emma said. “And there’s no harm done, Grant. The necklace is lovely.” Emma opened the clasp and gestured for Kate to fasten it around her neck. “I’ll find a picture to put in it right away.”

  Grant’s breath whistled out between his teeth. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to McGuire’s motives than he was letting on. And if he and Emma had been involved, Emma wouldn’t remember, but McGuire would. “I would have replaced the necklace,” Grant grated out.

  Emma and Kate both looked at him with puzzled expressions. He hadn’t shared the detective’s information about McGuire with them yet, so they had no idea what he was thinking, that perhaps McGuire already knew about the locket before he talked to Kate, that he could be the one who’d run Emma off the road and taken it. And now McGuire was pretending to be nice to her to get close to her, so he could… No, Grant could hardly bear to think it.

  McGuire’s nice-guy act just didn’t cut it—he didn’t trust the man for a minute. And he’d be sure to caution Emma as soon as McGuire left.

  EMMA TRIED TO SHAKE OFF the tension pervading the room as Grant escorted her former boss to the door. Why had Grant acted so uptight around Dan? Dan had always been such a sweet guy, even back in high school. She was certain she had enjoyed working for him. Was Grant jealous of Dan? And if he was, why? Had she given him some reason?

  Did they have marital problems? How had their love life been before the wreck? Did Grant enjoy making love to her? Was he missing it? Did she enjoy it?

  She must, she thought, her fingernails curling around the afghan. Because every time he walked through the door and his blue eyes searched her face, she thought about being close to him. What it would be like to be loved by him. To be possessed by the heat in his body and the passion in his eyes.

  Kate brought a tray of tea and snacks to the table, and Grant came in with a scowl on his face, his tall sexy form appearing in the doorway. “I need to talk to you about McGuire.”

  “What is it?” Emma asked.

  Grant’s eyes grew shuttered as he walked over and sat down beside Emma. Her nerves tingled with anxiety at his forced calmness, and when his leg brushed hers, a feeling of sexual awareness settled in the pit of her stomach. Jealous or not, this man radiated an enticing aura of masculinity. Then he gently covered her hand with his, and the warmth from his fingers sent desire pulsing through her. Stranger or husband, friend or lover, his gaze was almost hypnotic.

  Making love with him would probably be powerful.

  “Warner told me that McGuire has a prior arrest record.”

  Emma swallowed, unable to fathom Dan involved in any criminal activities.

  “What were the charges?” Kate asked.

  “Selling stolen goods,” Grant answered. “The detective’s still checking into him.”

  “Was he convicted?” Emma asked.

  “No. But who knows what happened.” Grant shrugged. “The guy could have bought his way out or gotten off on some technicality. Happens all the time.”

  “Or he might be innocent,” Emma said quietly.

  Grant’s slight scowl made her uneasy, but his voice remained level when he spoke. “You’re always so trusting,” he said gently. He brought his hand up and rubbed a strand of her hair between his fingers. Goose bumps shimmied up her arms. “But you can’t trust anyone, Emma.”
  Including you? She bit back the words, afraid to ask. His look was dark, dangerous, protective. Predatory.

  There were lots of ways to be afraid, she decided. And she was definitely afraid of Grant Wadsworth. Afraid of never remembering him. Afraid of the way he made her feel.

  Afraid she’d fall into bed with him in total abandon, even though he was a stranger.

  GRANT TRIED TO IGNORE the momentary look of desire sizzling in Emma’s eyes. She was vulnerable and scared. She didn’t remember him as her husband. And the look had only been fleeting.

  But he wanted her, anyway.

  He hadn’t meant to make Emma more nervous than she already was by telling her about McGuire, but she wanted him to be honest, and he’d never forgive himself if he hadn’t warned her about Dan’s past.

  He’d failed to keep her safe once. What if he let her down again?

  “I’m about to serve dinner,” Kate announced. “Grant, will you put Carly in her playpen while we eat?”

  “Sure,” Grant was tired of Kate ordering him around in his own home, but he didn’t want to upset Emma’s fragile state by making waves with her sister. He gently reached for Carly, giving Emma a heartfelt smile. She pressed a kiss on Carly’s cheek and a streak of tenderness swept past his anger toward Kate.

  “She looks so content in your arms,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

  “She’s precious.” Emma’s dark eyes searched his face for reassurance. “She doesn’t really understand what’s going on, does she?”

  “I don’t think so,” he said, hoping to alleviate a little of her worry. “She knows you, though, Emma.” He cradled Carly in his arms, tucking the soft blanket around her tiny feet, then gazed lovingly at Emma. “She knows your smell, your touch, your gentle voice.” Just like I do.

  Emma smiled warmly and touched his hand, her fingers brushing lightly over his knuckles. “She knows you, too. You’re a wonderful father, Grant.”

  He swallowed, wondering if she’d say the same thing if she could remember the past few weeks. The days and nights he’d abandoned the two of them for his job. And the night she’d had her accident, when he should have been home, instead of out with a client. And Priscilla.

  EMMA FORCED HERSELF to eat, hoping to regain her energy, but the tension between Grant and Kate tied her stomach in knots. She either had to go to Kate’s or send Kate home. Kate’s negative attitude about men grated on her nerves. How badly had Kate taken the divorce? Maybe Kate needed counseling. Or maybe she’d already seen a counselor, Emma thought, irritated at all the missing details of her life.

  The doorbell rang and Grant excused himself to answer it while Kate cleared the dishes. Seconds later he returned with a bouquet of fresh daisies.

  “They’re beautiful,” Emma said, sniffing the sweet fragrance as Grant placed them on the table. “Who sent them?”

  Grant checked the card. “They’re from my folks. They’ve called every day to check on you.”

  “How sweet.” Emma unfolded the pale yellow stationery and read silently.

  Our dearest Emma,

  It broke our heart to hear about your terrible accident. Grant explained to us that you lost your memory. Things in life don’t always go as planned, such as your surprise pregnancy, but remember that Carly is a symbol of your love.

  We hope you’ll be able to accept Grant’s love and hold him to your heart now, because we know he needs you, dear, just as you need him. Doctors have all kinds of cures for things these days, but only a strong love like the one you and our son share can heal a troubled mind.

  Willene and Ed Wadsworth

  Emma swiped at the tears streaming down her cheeks, touched by the handwritten letter. When she glanced up at Grant, tenderness warmed his eyes. He stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “Don’t cry, sweetheart,” he said in a low voice. “My mom wouldn’t want to upset you. She loves you.”

  “It’s so sweet of them,” Emma said. I wish I could remember them. And you.

  “You’ve always loved my parents,” he said as if he’d read her mind. “But my mom can be kind of long-winded.”

  She nodded. “She sounds wonderful.” Not like my mother.

  “I finished the dishes,” Kate said, interrupting the moment.

  Grant’s smile faded automatically, and Emma tried to keep her fragile control, disappointed at the sudden tension in the room.

  “You want to watch TV?” Kate asked.

  Emma shook her head, aware Grant was watching her. “I’m feeling stronger this evening, Kate. I’m sure you’re ready to be home, so you can leave anytime.”

  Kate’s surprised expression took Emma off guard. “But I told you I’d stay and take care of you and Carly.”

  Emma patted Kate’s hand affectionately, uneasy at the suspicious look Kate shot Grant. “I know and I appreciate it, sis. But it’ll probably do me good to be here with Carly and Grant.” She forced a smile. “The doctor said a normal routine might trigger my memories.”

  “And I’m not going anywhere tonight,” Grant added in a voice that warmed Emma all the way to her toes.

  Kate frowned, then began to gather her things. “Okay, but call if you need me, sis.”

  When Kate closed the door behind her, Grant slipped his hand over Emma’s. “Thanks, Emma. It’ll be nice, just the two of us tonight.”

  “You mean the three of us,” Emma said with a slow smile, gesturing toward Carly’s room.

  “I mean the three of us,” Grant said with a wink. “But right now Carly’s asleep and I have you all to myself.”

  No, she wouldn’t go to Kate’s just yet, Emma decided. She’d stay here and get to know her husband again. And she’d try to make their marriage work.

  The phone rang, waking Carly, and Emma went to her. Detective Warner’s booming voice filled the line. “Did you find something?” Grant asked without preamble.

  “Nothing specific yet,” Warner said. “At least not enough to make an arrest.”

  “Is it about McGuire?”

  “No, haven’t found out anything else on him. But I’ve been checking on the other people on your list.”

  Grant’s fingers tightened around the phone. “Yeah?”

  “The boy who witnessed your wife’s accident said the Jeep he saw was a dark color. That guy, Landers, who works with you owns a black Jeep. It just so happens that Landers’s Jeep is in the shop, having some bodywork done.”

  Pete? Grant’s heart stopped, the memory of his last encounter with Pete flashing through his mind. Pete had been more than ready to take over the Paris project for Grant, and he’d been agitated when Grant had contemplated going on the trip and leaving Emma. It was obvious Pete wanted the job promotion at work. Would he stoop to desperate measures to obtain it?

  Chapter Seven

  Grant’s voice dulled to a low rumble, and the hair on the back of Emma’s neck rose. Then Grant hung up the phone, hesitating before he looked at her, and her nerves stretched thin.

  “What was that all about?” Emma asked.

  “It was Detective Warner. He says the boy that witnessed your accident described the car that hit you as a dark Jeep.”

  Emma searched his face, wondering if he was keeping something from her. “Did he say anything else?”

  Grant shook his head. “He didn’t learn anything more about McGuire.”

  “You don’t really think Dan had something to do with my accident, do you?”

  Grant shrugged. “I don’t know what to think, Emma.” He looked at Carly. “Is she sleeping?” Grant asked quietly.

  Emma kissed the top of Carly’s head. “Yeah. She dozed off again.”

  “I’ll put her in her crib.” Grant smiled as he gently curved his hand under Carly’s bottom and lifted her to his chest. Carly seemed so fragile and small next to his broad chest that Emma’s heart squeezed with emotion.

  He returned a few minutes later, running a hand through his hair. “Are you ready for bed?”

; An image of Grant carrying her to bed sent a sliver of awareness up her spine. But the tightness in his voice alarmed her.

  “Grant, was there something else you wanted to tell me about the call from the police?”

  Grant shook his head, averting his gaze. “No, nothing else.” He offered his hand and helped her stand. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

  Emma hobbled, feeling awkward and nervous. She wanted to alleviate the troubled look on Grant’s face, but she didn’t know what to say. He turned down the covers for her, then jammed his hands into his pockets.

  “Can I get your gown for you?”

  The huskiness of his voice sent a tiny thrill running through her. At the same time the intimacy frightened her to death. “I can manage,” Emma said quietly.

  Their gazes locked, questions lingering in the air. Heat sizzled between them, the master bedroom simmering with lost memories, nights of lovemaking, a reminder of the vows they’d spoken and the life they shared, the marriage she’d completely forgotten.

  Finally Grant backed toward the door, disappointment drawing his thick dark eyebrows into a V above the bridge of his nose. “Will you call me if you need anything?”

  “Y-yes.” Emma winced at the uncertainty in her voice. He nodded, a frown tightening the fine lines beside his gorgeous blue eyes, then left. She hated causing him so much grief. He honestly seemed to care for her and for Carly. And if he was a faithful husband, the kind of soul mate his mother had described in her letter, this separation had to be torture for him. But what if Kate’s comments about not trusting men weren’t based solely on her own experience? What if Kate knew something about her marriage she was afraid to tell her?

  Their lives were suspended in space and time, and Emma realized she held the key to all the answers, locked somewhere in her mind. The question remained, haunting her day and night—would the answers be lost forever?

  Emma huddled beneath the covers, staring into the darkness as she listened to the sound of the shower running. Knowing Grant was naked fueled fantasies she wasn’t prepared to act on. Would she normally strip her clothes and join him? Would they make love with the warm water sluicing their backs and faces?


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