The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance Page 4

by Alexia Chase

  “Motherfucker, seriously?” He glares at Tony and elbows him hard in the ribs.

  “Shit. I’ve got to play Sunday.” He drops his arm off Gunner’s shoulders and rubs on his abs and side.

  “Do you tell everyone you meet about my sex life?”

  “Your lack of sex life, in this case. And, I only tell the important people. The ones that matter. Jenna’s the love of my life, so she knows everything. Dani’s your…”

  He pauses several seconds and sweat breaks out on my forehead. Oh, my God, what’s he going to say?

  Finally, he continues, “Dani’s your friend, and she already knows. All your friends know, so what’s the big deal?”

  “Just shut up about it,” he growls.

  “If you’re getting worked up about it, why don’t you get laid?” He turns to me and smiles. “Why don’t you have sex with Gunner and put him out of his misery.”

  “I…” My eyes are huge, and my mouth is dry. Holy shit. Do I have a neon sign on my forehead advertising my complete infatuation with Gunner? How mortifying.

  Jenna hits him in the chest. “You’re embarrassing them. Stop it.”

  “Well, if I wait for one of them to initiate this thing, we’re all going to die of old age.”

  “Tony, you don’t get to decide who has sex with whom.”

  If I sit still enough, will they all forget I’m here? This conversation is not happening. It can’t be.

  “Look at them.” Tony turns from Gunner to me and then back to his wife like we aren’t listening. “They’re adorable. They’d make beautiful babies together, and he’d get the corncob that’s stuck up his ass out.”

  “Jesus Christ, you’re a prick.” Gunner shoves Tony, who jumps up and lands on his feet. If his reflexes weren’t as quick, he would have fallen on his ass.

  “We’re friends. Nothing else. Let it go.” He brushes past the two of them and weaves through the crowd.

  Tears spring to my eyes. Shit. This is not how I envisioned the evening ending. Or even starting. Lord, I need a drink and ten hours of sleep. Maybe a new job.

  “Tony, you need to apologize to Dani.” Jenna switches her attention to me. “I’m so sorry. He’s got a huge heart, but sometimes he’s thickheaded.”

  “I’m not the thickheaded one. Gunner is,” he growls.

  “It was nice meeting you.” I grab my purse and slide out of the seat. I’ve got to get the fuck out of here before I bawl.

  Chapter Eight


  I draw in the fresh air outside the restaurant and blow out a steady breath. Tony is getting on my damn nerves, he couldn’t be any more obvious if he tried. Clearly, he’s realized I have feelings for Dani, and he’s hellbent on embarrassing the shit out of me.

  If she were attracted to me, I’d do something about it. Celibacy pact of not. Unfortunately, she has zero interest in me in a sexual way.

  The moon casts a glow along the sidewalk as I trudge to the parking lot. I should have stayed home and babysat Joselyn for Veronica. That would have beat this night by a mile. Now, Dani’s going to be too humiliated to talk to me, and what fledgling friendship we’ve developed will have gone in an instant. Thank you, Tony.

  My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I should toss it under the tire of my Grand Cherokee and run over it. Hell, it’s not my phone’s fault that my personal life is shit. I snatch my phone out of my pocket. Mom. Crap. Now, what?


  “Who was the girl you were talking to?”

  What the fuck? My stomach dives to my feet. Don’t tell me the paparazzi got a photo of Dani and me together. I rub my forehead. “What?”

  “I’ve been calling for the last hour. I figure there must be some girl if you’re ignoring me.”

  Thank God. Adrenaline rushes out of my body, leaving me weak. “I was having dinner with several guys from the team.”

  “You should be dating. Not spending all your time with a bunch of guys. How are we getting any more grandchildren?”

  “I don’t know.” I hit the key fob and open the door of my Jeep.

  “Do you need your father to explain the birds and the bees to you again, so you understand how procreation happens?”

  “No. I don’t,” I grind out as I slip onto the driver’s seat. Why suddenly does everyone have their heads up my ass about women? My personal life has not been front and center of every conversation since high school.

  “Fine, but – “

  “I’m good, Mom. Thank you.” I hit my head on the steering wheel and slam the door shut.

  “Anyway, the reason I’m calling is that you never RSVP’d for Heather’s wedding next Friday.”

  “Can’t go.”

  “Yes, you can. The game is in town, so you can’t use that as an excuse. Your Aunt Eva and Heather specifically picked a date with your schedule in mind.”

  Fuck. I love my Aunt Eva and her daughter but dressing up and being fawned over by a bunch of people is not my idea of a good time.

  Most people probably wouldn’t believe it, because I’m the guy that loves the limelight of professional sports. However, once the helmet is off, I like my privacy.

  “Isn’t Veronica and Joselyn going enough?”

  “No, that isn’t enough. At least Heather didn’t make you a part of the wedding party like your sister and niece. The least you could do is show up.”

  I shove the key in the ignition and twist it. The engine hums to life. “I’ll send a gift. Where’re they registered?”

  “You. Are. Not. Sending. Only. A. Gift.” Her irritation is evident in the space between each word. In my family, my mother rules the roost. My dad likes to pretend he’s running the operation, but everyone knows the score. “Fine. I’ll go. Put me down for one.”

  “You’re not bringing a date?” The disappointment is clear enough over the phone, I can see her shoulders slumping.

  “No. I’m not bringing a date. I’ll show up at the wedding, give them their gift, and leave. If Veronica wants to stay late, I’ll bring Joselyn home.” Surely, this is enough to please her.

  “If that’s what you want. I’ll sit you next to Nellie’s daughter, Tiana. She’s been dying to see you again.”

  “No.” Oh, hell no. Tiana is a complete loon. The last family event I went to my mom had the brilliant idea to invite her high school best friend Nellie and her daughter.

  The image of Tiana’s bleach blonde hair, spray-on tan, oversized fake boobs, and a slightly off-kilter smile flashes through my mind. I had to block her on social media three different times. Each time, she’d open a new account under a phony name. It took months to get her to stop stalking me.

  “Well, if you aren’t interested in her. I have another friend – “

  “Mom, I’m seeing someone.” The words are out of my mouth before I can take them back. I don’t want to take a date, but I sure the fuck don’t want to be set up with what my mom considers an appropriate mate.

  This is fucking stupid. I bet no one is envisioning this scenario when they think of Gunner Sinclair.

  “That’s perfect, dear. I’m sure we’ll love her.”

  Good Lord, she thinks the woman is real. I’m actually going to pull this off. “I’m not sure if she can come to the wedding.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll place Tiana next to you, and Lucia across from you. We need some entertainment.”

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. My family and friends are such assholes. And, who in the hell is Lucia? I can only imagine she’s as equally messed up as Tiana. “She’ll be there.”

  “Thank you, dear. Someday, you’ll appreciate my encouragement.” God, she goes from sounding like a ball-breaker to June Cleaver in a split second. “When do you leave for the game?”

  “We fly out tomorrow morning.”

  “Be careful. Your dad and I’ll be watching.”

  “I will. Take care and see you next weekend.” As annoying as she is, I love my mom more than anything. Both her and
my father. They’ve been my biggest supporters. My family attended all my college games and make as many of my pro games as possible.

  “I love you, Gunner.”

  “Love you, too. Tell Dad, I love him.” I click off and rest my head against the headrest.

  What am I going to do about the wedding? If I don’t bring a date, my mom’s going to be hellbent on setting me up with someone. And, her choices are more like getting a pair of argyle socks when you’re hoping for a pair of thigh-high stockings.

  Would Dani go with me? My eyes pop open. The streetlight in front of the Jeep makes the interior of my vehicle bright enough to read inside.

  We get along well, and we’re kind of friends. Never mind. After Tony’s stunt tonight, she’s never going to talk to me again.

  I groan. Maybe I should try one of those dating apps and forget all about my celibacy pact. I put the vehicle in drive and back out of the parking lot.

  Chapter Nine


  The lights are off when I open the gym door, and my heart dives to my feet. The team flew in last night, so I’d hoped Gunner would come in early to workout. Great. He must be taking the day off with the rest of the team.

  Pathetically, my little girl fantasies had conjured up a scenario where he couldn’t go another second without seeing me. Right. That so isn’t going to happen.

  I unlock my door and shake my head. There’s no reason for him to be in today. Most of the players avoid the stadium like the plague on an off day. They prefer sleeping in or having sex. Who wouldn’t?

  There will be a few stragglers throughout the day. Those who got hurt during the game or ones who are rehabbing from previous injuries will meet with their trainers. But it won’t be Gunner.

  I slide into my chair, roll backward, and close my eyes. I’ve turned into such a fangirl with a crush. I watched every second of the game and experienced a rush of adrenaline each time the camera panned onto him.

  My dad probably thinks I’m going through menopause at this point. Not that my dad wasn’t doing his fair share of Gunner gushing. If there are openings in his fan club, we would get top honors.

  “Hey, Dani.”

  “Oh!” I squeal and jump in my seat. Gunner. Shit. My face heats as I twist to face him. “Sorry, you scared the shit out of me.” Shit. I just said shit to Gunner. What’s wrong with me?

  He bites his bottom lip, and his chest heaves as he stares at the ceiling.

  “It’s fine. You can laugh. I’m sure I sounded like someone threw a snake in the room.”

  “You might have.” He chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest.

  My gaze follows his movements. Damn. He’s so sexy. His pecs twitch as he rotates his head from side to side. Fuuuck. “Good game yesterday.”

  “You watched it?”

  “Of course. My dad and I always watch the game.”

  “Awesome. I knew you said you guys were fans, but I didn’t know if your dad stuck with his first team or not.”

  “Kansas City gave him his last chance to play, and we’ve been here ever since. He loves the city and the team.” I shrug. “There were some hard feelings with his old team when he was traded, but it’s all resolved now.”

  “That’s good.” He nods.

  “Yes, it is. Dad’s got a soft spot for his old owner. They go out at least a couple of times a year to play golf and catch up on old times.” I scoot back.

  “It’s cool to hear stories like that. I hate when some of the older players have been treated poorly by past owners. He’s lucky to have two teams to support him.”

  Thank God all the awkwardness from our last meeting is gone. Now, we’re back to Gunner and Dani. Friends.

  It sure beats two people who avoid each other because their friends try to set them up. Well, it would be better if said friends were successful at getting us to hook up, but I’ll settle for friendship.

  “Dani?” Gunner’s face is suddenly serious as he shifts from foot to foot in the threshold of the door.

  “Yes?” My hands are sweaty, and I rub them on my spandex leggings.

  “Can I ask you for a huge favor?” He licks his lips and swallows. Before I can answer, he continues, “Feel free to say no. There’s no pressure.”

  “What?” My heart skips a beat. He’s nervous. What makes Gunner Sinclair nervous?

  “I need a date for my cousin’s wedding.”

  Holy shit. Is he asking me out on a date?

  He puts his hands up as if to ward me off. “Not a real date, but as a safeguard against my parents. My mom is trying to set me up with a woman who stalked me for three months. I’m not going through that again.”

  My arms are heavy as I stand. I didn’t think I could be this disappointed. Even though I knew he didn’t want to date me, it still feels like a kick in the gut to hear the words out loud. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I can’t be with him all night and not go farther down the rabbit hole with my growing feelings for him. I need to cut this off before I get hurt. Besides, he’ll have plenty of time to find someone to take that he’s attracted to. I don’t want to interfere with that.

  “I understand.” A tinge of pink covers his cheeks. “You probably have a date this weekend.”

  I tilt my head back and gawk at him. “This weekend?”

  “Yes,” he groans. “I’ve been ignoring my mom for months about going. I hate parties, but she insists I go. If one thing in my family is true, it’s that if my mom puts her foot down, it’s happening.

  “You need a date. For a wedding. This weekend.”

  “Yes.” He shoves his hands into his gray sweatpants. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find someone else to go. I’m not about to go alone and be my mom’s sacrificial lamb. I’ll be getting married next if I’m not careful.”

  I cough uncontrollably until tears fill my eyes. He steps forward and pats me on the back. Oh, my God, how embarrassing. I’m such a loser.

  “Are you okay?” His eyes are filled with concern, which takes some of the sting out of the situation.

  Yes. No. “Yes,” the word squeaks out as I try not to pass out. Why does the thought of Gunner getting married make me want to hurl?

  When I sober, I know one thing for sure, he’s not going to the wedding alone. Or, finding another cheap floozy to go with him. If he needs a friend to be his wing woman, I’m his girl. No strings attached. Somehow, I’ll figure out how to not get my heart broken.

  “Gunner, I’ll go with you.” I step backward to put some space between us, and I place my hands on my hips.

  He cocks his head to the side and furrows his brow. “You will?”

  “Yes, I will. I figured you had plenty of time to find someone to go with you that you wanted to date, but since the wedding is this weekend, I’m not leaving you high and dry.” I shrug. “We’re friends, and friends help each other out. I would hate to see you get conned into something you don’t want to do.”

  “Don’t feel obligated. I’d eventually get rid of her again.” He shudders. “But she’s a schemer. I had to block her on social media through numerous accounts. I even had to give her photo to the security guard at my condo, so she wouldn’t try and sneak in.”

  My eyes bug out. I’m obsessed with him, so I get the appeal, but I wouldn’t chase him around like a crazy stalker. Would I? “That’s awful.”

  But, look at him. For Christ’s sake, he’s wearing skintight sweats that mold to his muscles like a second skin.

  “It was.” He clasps my upper arms.

  Oh, Lord, I’m going to melt into a puddle.

  “I’m serious. If you have something else to do this weekend, I completely understand.”

  “Stop. I’m going. Friends help friends.”

  “Thank you.” He stares into my eyes. “I appreciate it.”

  My knees wobble, and the pulse at my throat flutters like a kaleidoscope of butterflies have taken up root there. “You’re welcome.”

  Is he going
to hug me? Oh, my Gawd. The butterflies shift to my stomach and swarm in circles.

  He clears his throat and drops his hands to his sides. “The wedding is at St. Michael’s on Friday night. It starts at five o’clock. Then, the reception is at the Grand Hotel. We shouldn’t have to stay long.”

  “Okay.” I flush and cross my arms over my chest. “What should I wear?” I glance down at my athletic wear. “I’m assuming this is out.”

  His gaze travels to my feet and slowly back up to my eyes. “You can wear whatever you want. But it’s formal attire.”

  Are his eyes darker? Is he thinking about sex? I shudder. “Okay,” I squeak out and cough. Hello, Mini Mouse – every guy’s dream seductive voice. Yeah, right. “I’ll find something.”

  “Well, I guess I’d better go work out. I’ll see you around.”

  “You too.” Thank God, I sound human again. When he pivots and walks to the machines, my eyes drift, as always, to his ass. Damn, I could bounce a quarter off his backside.

  Chapter Ten


  When I step out of my bedroom, I see Joselyn running down the hallway wearing nothing but a diaper and a pair of stockings. “Jos, where are you going?”

  She turns and gives me a giant toothy grin before twisting back around and sneaking into the bathroom.

  I shake my head and smile. Joselyn is an absolute doll. Her black curls fall in waves around her chubby face, and her eyes are forever lit with mischief and joy.

  My sister hops on one foot as she comes out of her bedroom door while sliding a pump on her foot. “Where did she go?” The joy in Joselyn’s eyes is in complete opposition to the total frustration in my sister’s.

  How does Veronica do it? Single parenting is not fucking easy. My stomach clutches. Not that her being with Rafael is ever going to be an option. I’d gut him first.

  He’s lucky as fuck I never knew he used her as a punching bag until she was well away from him. Rafael was strategic in his choice of targets. Thankfully, when Veronica got pregnant, she found the strength to get away from him and left.


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