The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance Page 5

by Alexia Chase

  I hitch my thumb over my shoulder. “Bathroom.”

  She stops, and her mouth drops open. “Holy shit, Gunner. You look hot.” She steps into my space, and then, she circles around me. “Fuck, who is she?”

  “What?” I try to make my face devoid of emotion. Shit. That’s a dead giveaway. I relax my shoulders and give her a devil may care look. That’s better.

  One side of her face elevates into a smile. “You don’t get dressed in an Italian suit and get your hair cut for a cousin’s wedding.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Who’re you taking?”

  “A friend.”

  “A friend?” She whistles. “This friend is going to get her socks knocked off with one look at you.”

  I shuffle my feet and stare at the wall. Should I tell Veronica the truth? She’s the only one I trust not to blab it to everyone under the sun. If I make her promise. Forgetting that part is a surefire announcement to be shouted at the top of her lungs. Shit. If she gets drunk, I’m screwed. Never mind. I’m not telling her anything.

  “Yes, she’s a friend. I only invited her because Mom threatened to saddle me with Tiana.” I shrug. “I might have told Mom a little white lie and said the woman I’m bringing is my girlfriend.”

  She grabs her stomach and laughs uncontrollably until Joselyn pokes her head out the door. “What’s funny, Momma?”

  Veronica’s eyes narrow into little slits, and she marches over to Joselyn and snatches her off the ground. “You are rotten.”

  “She’s perfect.”

  “A perfect pain in the ass.” She shakes her head and blows a raspberry on Joselyn’s neck, who giggles and claps.

  “I can’t wait until you get this friend of yours knocked up and have a little shit running around.” Veronica nuzzles Joselyn’s cheeks. “God, I could eat you up.”

  “Shit.” I pivot on my heel and open the door to my bedroom.


  “Condoms.” Not that I’m going to be lucky enough to get into Dani’s panties, but I’d hate to get the opportunity and not be able to follow through.

  “Hell, yes.” She punches me in the arm. “I can’t wait to meet this friend, who’s only a friend, that you’re wearing an Italian suit for, while going to a family wedding, and needing multiple condoms for.”

  “Don’t say anything.” I glare at her. Way to go. Stepped right into that one. “I’m serious, Veronica. I don’t think I stand a chance with her.”

  “What the fuck? How could you not stand a chance with someone?”

  “We’re friends. She’s a trainer for the team, and we get along great. But she’s put me in the friend zone.” My face heats. “When we met, I thought she was a lesbian.”

  “Seriously?” She rolls her eyes. “Because a woman doesn’t throw herself at your feet, you think she’s into girls?”

  “No, because I really like her and…” Double shit. I’ve said too much.

  Veronica moves Joselyn from one hip to the other. “Oh, my gosh. You’ve got it bad. You think she’s ‘the one?’” Her eyes dance with amusement.

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “If she is, I’m probably screwed.”

  She cuffs my chin. “You’re Gunner Sinclair. The hottest guy on the football field. If you like her – woo her. Girls eat that shit up. She won’t stand a chance.”

  “You think?” Could I have a shot with Dani? My heart skips a beat as overwhelming hope floods through me.

  “Yes, I think.” She winks. “Grab the whole box. Get a hotel room and blow her mind. At this point, you’ll probably blow your own mind.”

  “Funny.” A whole box of condoms. Holy cow. I’m not sure I’m up for that. Well, fuck. I’m up for that.

  “When I get to the wedding, I’ll look for you. You can hold Joselyn for a minute.”

  My eyes narrow into slits, and I wrinkle my nose. “Why?”

  “Don’t be a dumbass. Girls love babies. If she doesn’t want to rip your pants off and polish your knob in this outfit, a toddler will seal the deal.”

  “God, you’re crude.” I laugh. As stupid as this conversation is, I’m strangely glad I had it.

  Veronica holds out her arms and makes faces at Joselyn. “You’re going to have a little baby cousin before you know it, little one.”

  “Veronica, stop.”


  “Don’t get carried away. She might not be interested.”

  “If she knows you’re bringing an entire box of condoms, she’ll be more than interested.”

  “Shit. What about the team? I’m supposed to stay focused until the season is over. We were so close last year.” I study the space behind her. The open floorplan leads to the main floor.

  “Argg, don’t. Get laid. Football is a game. Sex and romance are – real life.”

  “I know that, but the guys depend on me to stay focused. Coach. Hell, the entire town and state. They’re all depending on me.”

  She places a hand on my chest. “Falling in love might be exactly what you need to be the best player you’ve ever been.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “You are not wearing that.” Ashley shakes her head in disgust as she walks into my bedroom. “That’s completely unacceptable.”

  “Why?” I wrinkle my nose and glance down at the dress – it’s navy blue and form-fitting on top. I twist around and study my butt. The fabric flutters around my knees. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Nothing.” She shrugs. “If you’re going to a PTA event at the school. You’re going to a wedding with one of the most famous men in the city.”

  My breath catches, and my hands shake. This is a horrible idea. I’m not the type to covet the limelight. I need to call him and tell him I can’t go. I’ve got an intestinal bug. That’s it. I take a step toward my desk.

  “What are you doing?” She crosses her arms and glares like I’m something nasty in a trashcan with a lid that won’t close.

  “Calling him and canceling. I can’t do this.” I run to the desk, but before I can reach my cellphone, Ashley snatches it up and shoves her arm behind her back.

  “No, you aren’t. You’ll go and have a good time. Give me a second, and I’ll get you something appropriate to wear.” She turns on her heel and disappears out of the room.

  Great. I can’t wait to see what she considers appropriate. I fall against the wall and scrutinize my reflection as she exits the room.

  I run my hands down the fabric. It looks fine. Gunner doesn’t seem to be the type to get caught up in clothes, or what a person is wearing. I’ve seen him on the news when they’re getting off the team bus. He dresses nicely, but he’s usually casual.

  Gunner’s not the type who wears a purple suit that screams for the paparazzi to do a photo op. Now, Tony, on the other hand, would wear a snappy suit and beg for some media attention.

  Several seconds later, Ashley returns with a black skintight dress. And when I say skintight, I mean slither in like it’s a snakeskin. The bodice has heart-shaped cups that should cover my boobs, but where the navy dress flows, this one hugs. Everything.

  “I can’t wear that.” My face heats until I’m afraid I’m going to spontaneously combust. “That dress screams hook up.”

  She stretches out her arm toward me, and the dress dangles on the hanger between us. “And, you aren’t interested in a hook up?”

  “No.” I shake my head vehemently.

  “Wrong answer.” She steps into my space and shoves the dress at me. “Wear it, and I’ll do your make-up.”

  “Ash, I can’t. I don’t want him to think I’m expecting something more than a fake date.” I hold the hanger like it’s a bomb about ready to detonate. Ashley knows all about Gunner’s mom and her matchmaking plans.

  She cocks her head. “Do you want him dating this woman his mom has picked out?”

  “No.” Damn it. I answered way too quickly. Not that she doesn’t already suspect I have feelings for him.

  “Stop fighting it. Yo
u aren’t fooling anyone.” Her face softens. “Why are you pretending you don’t like him? He’s a great guy, and you would be perfect together. You both love sports and working out. You both prefer hanging out together over partying with the crowd. What’s the problem?”

  “I’ve never been the girl that guys are interested in. The only guy I’ve really dated was Tad, and you know how that ended.”

  “He was an idiot.”

  “Maybe so, but Gunner’s not that different than him. They both played football.”

  “And, that’s where the similarities end. Tad was a jerk.”

  I dated Tad for six months in college. He finally dumped me and said it was because I wasn’t feminine enough and started dating a cheerleader. Not exactly a glowing review of my sexual skills or a boost to my self-esteem. Since then, I’ve not exactly put myself out there in the dating pool.

  “I’m not going to disagree, but that doesn’t change the fact I’m not even remotely in Gunner’s league.”

  “Why don’t you let him decide?” Her eyes are open wide as she raises her hands in question. “Put on the dress and let me do your make-up. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “Fine.” I stomp to the bathroom and shut the door with a snap. What’s the worst that could happen? Probably a lot. Making a fool out of myself is number one. I hold the dress out and study it.

  More likely, I’ll bust the damn seams. Ashley and I have similar builds, except I’m a couple of inches taller and have bigger boobs.

  Most of the time, I don’t pay any attention to them as their confined in a sport’s bra, but there won’t be any way to ignore them in this dress.

  I lay the outfit down on the changing bench. After I’ve removed the perfectly acceptable dress, I shimmy inch by inch into the black contraption. When it’s firmly in place, because that’s the only available option, I gape into the mirror.

  Holy batshit. My mouth falls open, and I twirl in a small circle. Wowzer. This thing is tight. I bend down at the knees to see what happens. Surprisingly, the fabric stretches with me, and my ass doesn’t end up on display.

  It looks fantastic. My heart beats erratically in my chest, and my palms are covered in sweat. Oh, my God, am I ready for this? If Gunner has any interest in me sexually, this dress is like throwing out a red cape to a bull. I’m going to be pulverized.

  “Get out here.” Ashley bangs on the door.

  My hands shake as I twist the knob and step into my bedroom.

  “Oh, my Gawd, Dani. You look amazing. You’re going to knock his pants off.”

  “Isn’t that supposed to be ‘knock his socks off’?”

  “Why?” She shrugs. “Do you want to play footsie with him or ride his flagpole?”

  “Shut it.” I roll my eyes, but that doesn’t stop the shudder ripping through my body. I would love to ride his flagpole. Long and hard.

  I might not be a girlie girl, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to experience being swept off my feet and flat on my back. Shit. I wave my hand furiously in front of me to cool off. My entire body is glistening like I’ve run a mile.

  “Sit.” She straightens her shoulders and motions to the chair in front of my make-up table. The cases are covered in a light coating of dust, it’s been so long since I’ve used them.

  As she applies the blush, eyeshadow, and eyeliner, I watch my face transform. I’m still me, but a seductive me.

  Finally, she stands back. “What do you think?”

  My bottom lip quivers. “Perfect. Thank you, Ash.”

  “Don’t you dare fucking cry.” She swats my upper arm. “He’s going to be here any second, and you’ll end up looking like a raccoon.”

  “Okay.” I gulp and ignore my inclination to get all blubbery. Damn it, I’m not a sap. Now’s not the time to get emotional.

  The doorbell rings, and I choke on my spit.

  “Good God, girl, you’ve got it bad. Hold yourself together, or you’ll end up puking on his shoes.”

  “Shut up.” I smack at her and stand up. It’s Gunner. Why am I making such a big deal about it? I’m going to run interference for him. Nothing more.

  When I open the door, I’m speechless. Gunner is wearing a custom Italian suit, and I’ve never seen a more handsome man.

  My core instantly heats up and begs me to jump on him. He just got here. Calm down. But, damn, he looks good enough to eat. Inch by inch.

  My gaze travel to his thighs and then to his crotch. Don’t look there. Shit. Too late. My eyes land on his crotch again.

  Are his pants tight? Or is he happy to see me? I choke back a snort. I’m so out of my element here.

  His gaze skates over my dress, and he doesn’t move. Several seconds pass, and he remains still as a statue. Is he breathing? Hell, is he okay? I wave my hand in front of him. “Gunner?”

  “Yes?” The only thing moving are his eyes as they travel from my feet to my breasts and stay there.

  I clasp my hands together in front of me to keep from crossing my arms over my chest. You let her convince you to wear this damn thing. Now, you’ve got to live up to it. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” He shakes his head. “Yeah, I’m good. You look stunning. I wasn’t…” He trails off and blushes. “Shit. That’s going to come out wrong.”

  Ashley comes up behind me and throws her arm around my shoulders. “You two are so cute. Go on. Have fun. Do something I wouldn’t do.” She laughs. “Never mind. That doesn’t leave much on the table. How do you feel about anal sex? I’ve never tried it. Well…” She presses her lips together as if she’s about to admit something top secret. “There was this one time… “

  “Are you through?” I can’t believe she’s embarrassing me like this.

  “Yep.” She grins. “Just breaking the ice. You should have sex. You’re both sexy as shit – “

  “Stop.” I step out from under her arm, grab Gunner’s hand, and slam the door in her face. “Well, that was embarrassing.” As I try and step forward, he doesn’t move, and I fall toward him.

  A slow smile curves up his cheeks. “She has a great idea.”

  I arch an eyebrow. “Anal?”

  “Shit.” He laughs and rubs his face. “That might be going a little too far on the first date.”

  “First date?” I raise eyebrows even farther until I’m fairly certain I look like I’ve had bad plastic surgery.

  “Sure. Why not?” He pulls me into his arms, and my mouth dries.

  I’m in Gunner’s arms. His. Arms. Are. Around. Me. Holy cow. I want to jump up and down, but I don’t dare move. If I do, he might let me go.

  “Will your lipstick get smeared?”

  “I don’t know.” My forehead wrinkles. “I didn’t check.”

  “I’ll check for you.”

  His lips land on mine, and I nearly melt into a heap on the sidewalk. His mouth is soft but firm. I moan, and my eyes slam shut.

  Then, Gunner’s tongue lightly strokes across the seam of my lips, and everything stops. The birds no longer chirp. The sun disappears, and I can’t smell the grass, even though somewhere in the distance, a neighbor is mowing their lawn.

  My brain freezes as time ceases to advance. My fingers latch onto the lapel of his suit so I can stay upright, and I sway against him. His hard cock presses against my belly, causing my clit to convulse.

  God, yes. My arms wrap around his neck, and I hold him in place like I’m going to chase after him if he tries to escape. I guess the question of whether the dress works is answered.

  Whether he’s interested in the plain Dani or not, he’s enthralled with the splashy party girl – Danielle. But I won’t be her in the morning. Then, what?

  Chapter Twelve


  What in the hell? My fingers drum on the steering wheel as I wait at the stoplight. Did I just ask Dani out on a date? This was supposed to be a fake date to keep my mom from setting me up. Not a one-way ticket to a relationship.

  My gaze darts to the exposed
flesh of her thighs. How in the hell am I supposed to think clearly when she answers the door dressed like a runway model?

  Shit. I’ve been lusting after her for weeks, and that was before I saw her perfectly round globes straining against the material of her dress. My fingers itch to caress her flesh, and the person behind us honks.

  Of course, the light is green. How long have I been sitting here gawking at her legs? I step on the gas and ease into traffic.

  “Are you close to your cousin?” Her fingers worry the hem of her dress.

  Focus. Watch the traffic. I bite my bottom lip and steady my breathing. “We were close when we were younger. The whole family would get together at my grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving and Easter dinner.”

  “That sounds fun,” she sighs.

  “You said you were an only child. Did you have cousins you were close with?”

  “No. Not really.” She shrugs and stares out the window. “My parents were from San Francisco originally, and we didn’t get back there much. Maybe every couple of years. That didn’t make it easy to get close with the family.”

  “That’s too bad.” I frown and flip on the blinker. Her life sounds lonely, with no siblings or close relatives. My sister was a total pain in the ass while we were growing up, but we’ve always been tight.

  Hell, when Veronica and her ex split, she moved in with me and has been there since. If I get in a relationship with Dani, she’s going to have to accept Veronica and Joselyn as part of my life. Shit. Don’t go so fast.

  “It’s okay. I had a close relationship with my parents, and I had two best friends I was with all the time. We still talk every week, and then, I have Ashley. She’s…” Dani pauses and then grins. “You’ve met her. She’s something else.” Laughter bubbles off her lips.

  “Yes, she is.” Dani’s amusement flows through my veins and warms my insides.

  Why not see where things go? Maybe we’re a good match. Shit. I can’t. We’re still months away from the end of the season. I can’t afford to make time commitments that take me away from my goals. The team must be my number one priority.

  As we pull into the parking lot of the enormous church, Dani’s eyes grow wide. “How many people will be here?”


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