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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

Page 10

by Alexia Chase

  “Love it.” He leans forward at the waist and glances inside the boxes. “Yes, Crab Rangoon.”

  “Of course.” I shake my head. “You can’t have Chinese without crab and cream cheese. It would be criminal.”

  “I agree.” He plucks one up and brings it to his mouth. “Thank God, you invited me over. Otherwise, I’d be at Tony’s house eating tofu and quinoa.”

  “Really?” I wrinkle my nose. “Ashley’s bad enough to live with, but she eats carbs. At least on special occasions.”

  “Tony’s wife, Jenna, usually gives us some good stuff to eat. She’s not as obsessive as Tony.”

  “Us?” I plop down next to him and fold my legs into a cross on the cushion.

  “Jeremiah and Devin are my sidekicks. We do everything together during the season. We were all drafted together the same year, so we’ve been tight since day one. When Tony came to the team, we let him join our little posse.”

  “You guys seem to get along good.” I grab a carton of Chow Mein and lean back against the cushions.

  “We do.” He nods. “They’re all great guys. I’d do anything for them. I’m not going to say we don’t bust each other’s balls a lot, but we’re close.”

  “That’s awesome.” I bend forward and grab a plastic fork. “I hope you aren’t offended by my use of utensils. I’m not a chopstick kind of girl.”

  “Thank God.” He laughs and grabs his own fork. “I was afraid I’d make an ass out of myself and need to eat fried rice out of your hair later tonight.”

  I wiggle my eyebrows and give him a saucy look. “I’m not opposed to you eating something else, but we can skip the rice.”

  He tilts toward me and bites his bottom lip. “I fully intend to lick every inch of your pussy until you’re so spent you can’t move a muscle. And then, I’ll do it again.”

  “Oh, hell.” I shudder and swallow. “You’re dirty. You make my entire body tingle, and when I move my legs, my lips slide against each other.”

  “Shit,” he growls. “You’re pretty filthy yourself. Eat. Now.”

  “Yes, sir.” I stab the fork into the noodle and beef mixture.

  “Keep that ‘sir’ in mind. I brought some silk ties from my closet. Does your bed happen to have posts?” His eyes are dark and filled with intense heat, making every muscle in my body turn to a puddle of melted goo.

  “Only two at the head.”

  “Too bad. I guess it’s only the wrists, today.”

  The fact I’m turned on by the thought of being restrained is a complete shock, but I’m vibrating in anticipation. “How quickly can you eat?” I lick my lips and watch his hands as they hold the red and white container. I want them all over me. Waiting is overrated.

  “Screw eating.” He tosses the food and fork down on the coffee table. “Drop it.”

  “Yes, sir.” I grin and place my utensil and container on the surface with a clank. Several noodles and a piece of beef plop over the top and land in a pile. So, not important. I can clean up later. I need those strong, sure hands caressing my body.

  He stands, grabs my hand, and pulls me up. “Bedroom?”

  I jerk my head to the left. “Down the hallway. Doorway at the end.”

  “One second.” He lifts me into his arms and walks over to his bag. “Hold on.” I wrap my arms around his neck and clutch tightly to keep from sliding down. His muscles move and bulge in unison as he reaches down to grab the bag.

  My heart races with each step closer to my bedroom. Am I ready for this? Do I truly trust him enough to let him tie me up and not be able to make him stop? Adrenaline shoots up my spine.

  Thankfully, I left the door open. He passes through the threshold and kicks the door shut. “In case Ashley comes home, we don’t want to give her a heart attack.”

  I snort. “She’d grab popcorn and watch. She’s the least bashful person I know.”

  “Then, I’d better lock it. I’m not into an audience in the bedroom. I get enough on Sunday afternoons.”

  “Is everything ready for tomorrow’s game?” I lay my head against his shoulder as he navigates to the bed.

  “Yep, nothing to worry about. I’ll get up and head home at eight o’clock and be at the stadium by nine.”

  “Good.” I nod. Fourteen hours. Plenty of time for sex, eating, and sleep.

  When he lays me on the bed, my eyes widen. Here goes nothing. My heart thunders against my ribs, and my thighs quiver in anticipation. This is the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done.

  That isn’t exactly hard to accomplish. Everything I’ve done with Gunner has been the dirtiest thing I’ve done.

  It’s not like I score high on those social media quizzes with a list of naughty things – the ones where you get one point for each one you’ve done. Before Gunner, I would have probably scored a three.

  He grabs the fabric of my leggings at the waist and drags them down my legs. When he reaches my feet, I kick them off.

  “No panties, again?”

  “Why? You’re only going to take them off.”

  “Good point.” His eyes narrow, and the muscle in his jaw tics. “As long as you wear them at work. I don’t want any of the guys getting any ideas.”

  “Don’t worry, Gunner. I wear panties at work.”

  “Good.” He grins and tosses his shirt over his head.

  I pull mine over my head and unclasp my bra. For a second, I pause with my arm over my chest.

  “You don’t have to hide from me.” His hand rests on the top button of his jeans. “You’re beautiful. I love every inch of your body and intend to worship it.”

  My heart swells at his words. It’s the closest he’s come to saying he has deeper feelings than ‘like.’ “Okay.” I drop my arm and slide my bra down my arms. My nipples tighten at his perusal.

  “Beautiful.” He licks his lips and unfastens his pants. “Touch them.”

  My heart stops. “What?”

  “Squeeze your nipples while you still can.”

  Oh, fuck. My body convulses, and I follow his command. “Yes, sir.” I lightly run my fingertips over the hard pebbles of my breasts and wiggle against the mattress.

  “That’s it. Imagine my mouth sucking your tits as I work in and out of your tight hole.” He rubs his erection through the denim of his jeans.

  As I watch his movements, my mouth drops open, and I moan. He’s so fucking hot. I cup my breasts and pinch down hard on the tips. My pussy is slick, and every nerve in my body is buzzing for his touch.

  He jerks the zipper of his jeans open, and his cock bounces out of its confines. He fists it and strokes up and down his flesh. “Do you like to watch?”

  I jerk my head up and down.

  “Say it,” he hisses as his movements become more erratic.

  “Yes, I like to watch you jerk off.”

  “Good.” He grins and drops his hand. “Something for another day. I would love to watch you masturbate, but now, I’m tying up my beautiful lady and pleasuring her.”

  “Yes, please.” All reservations have disappeared. I’m beyond being able to think rationally. I want his hands on me.

  He strolls over to the bag and unzips the fastening. The sound is loud, and I shudder in anticipation. When he pulls the first blue silk tie out, I groan.

  “That’s it, baby. Be ready to enjoy yourself.”

  “I am. I’m so fucking ready.” I spread my thighs wide, slide my hand over my belly, and flick my finger over my clit.

  “Naughty girl.” He tsks and shakes his head. “That’s mine today.” He grabs my wrist. “I can’t let you take away my fun. If I do, I’ll have to paddle your behind.”

  “Shit.” I moan and thrash against the pillows. Do it. Fucking, now. For God’s sake, all this anticipation is driving me insane. One touch, and I’ll explode off the bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  My balls ache by the time I secure her second wrist. My cock juts out as her tongue works over her lips.

’ve thought about kinky sex before but never trusted anyone enough to try it. I can’t afford to have my personal business blabbed all over town. However, I trust Dani. Completely.

  “What’s your safe word?”

  “What?” She blinks and moves her gaze from my erection to my eyes.

  “A safe word. If I do something that scares you, hurts you, or you don’t like, I need you to tell me.” I place a hand on her cheek. “I want you to enjoy this.”

  “Okay.” She nods and stares with utter devotion. “Monkeys.”

  “Monkeys,” I chuckle. Damn. Am I worthy of this woman? I sure want to be. “Fine. Monkeys it is.”

  Her gaze returns to my cock, which is even with her mouth as I adjust the tie. “Not too tight?”


  “Good.” I jerk forward, and my dick brushes against her cheek. “Suck my dick.” I gasp the base and rub it against her lips.

  Her mouth opens, and she raises her head up. As her tongue flicks over the head of my jutting flesh, I groan. This is so fucking hot.

  I slowly thrust my hips forward so she can take me deep inside her mouth. Her soft tongue swipes over the edge of my flesh like a snake sliding through the grass. Sheer bliss.

  She wiggles against the mattress, and I pull my hips back. This is about her. Not me. I study her as I crawl down her body. Her eyes glisten with lust, and her pink tongue works over her pouty lips as she collects the spit that pooled at the corner of her mouth while she sucked me off.

  Her wrists are bound above her head, leaving her round globes completely exposed. I want to taste everything at once. She grinds her legs together as if she’s trying to relieve the ache between her thighs. God, I want to feast on her like a starving man at a buffet.

  I grasp her knees and spread her legs wide apart. “Fucking hot,” I growl and lean down between her thighs. The heat of her body radiates off her. She smells like musk and sweet sex. I swipe my tongue over her swollen lips, and she gasps.

  “God, yes. Eat my pussy. Make me cum. Please.” She strains against the restraints and presses her heels into the mattress to raise her ass off the bed.

  Holy shit. “Anything you want, baby.” I place my hands on her inner thighs and lick deep into her sex. Her entire body quakes as I feed on her juices.

  Each thrust of my tongue is greeted by another gasp and thrust of her hips. She grinds against my face as if she’s trying to suffocate me. What a way to go. My tongue swirls around her tight nub, and she screams, “Fuck.”

  I can’t wait anymore. My balls are so swollen I’m afraid they’re going to rupture. I fist my cock and rest on my knees at her apex. “I’ve got to bury myself deep in you. I can’t wait any longer.”

  She bites her bottom lip and nods as tears pool on her lashes. “Yes, please. Fuck me, Gunner. Hard. Take me.”

  Lord, I’m going to die. I dive deep into her pussy with one thrust. My eyes slam shut as I relish the feel of her sex sucking me off.

  “Yes.” Her head thrashes from side to side, and her legs clasp around my waist.

  I lunge into her repeatedly like a battering ram. My balls slap against her ass until I’m almost delirious. Sweat beads on my forehead and drips down my nose. It’s too much. I need to get relief, but I can’t. Not yet. “Shit.” I stop. “Are you still okay?”

  “Fuck, yes,” she growls. “Don’t fucking stop. I’m about to cum.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I chuckle and grab her hips. “Right, here?” I rock against her and then pull out to run the crown of my dick against her G spot.

  “Fuck, yes. Right, there.” Her eyes roll back in her head.

  I repeatedly slide over her stiff edge until she’s quivering under me. Her muscles growing tighter with each lash of my shaft.

  “Yes. Yes. Fuck. Fuck,” she screams out and quakes against the mattress.

  Motherfucker. This is heaven. I watch her move under me until I can’t take it another second. I slam to the hilt and convulse as my seed spills inside her. Holy shit. I collapse on her with my face in her neck. “Son of a bitch. I forgot a condom again.”

  Her lids remain closed as if she’s spent. “Fuck. It seems like if I don’t get pregnant this time, I need to get on the pill.”

  “Good idea.” I reach up to unfasten the restraints. I want to collapse and drag her to me, but I must release her first.

  Once her arms are free, I rub the red spots. Crap. Did I hurt her? “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, perfect.” She smiles and rubs against me.

  “Thank God.” I kiss her lips and pull her on top of me. I could spend the rest of my life with this woman.

  My head spins, and I close my eyes as our chests bounce against each other from our ragged breathing. I’m knee-deep in love with Dani Vaughn.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The sun streams through the opening between the curtains of my bedroom window. Late Sunday morning is my favorite time of the week. I don’t have to work. The neighborhood is quiet except for the random vehicle starting up to head for church or a family brunch. And I can sleep.

  I stretch and snuggle closer to the warmth. The warmth? It’s more than my cocoon of body heat. I inhale and take in Gunner’s musky scent. A smile spreads up my cheeks, and I open my eyes.

  The man is beautiful. There are no wrinkles to mar his face, just a hint of a five o’clock shadow. So sexy.

  I reach up and run my finger along his jawline. He stirs, and his eyes pop open. For several seconds, his focus appears off as he blinks and glances around the room. Finally, he settles on me. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” My grin grows wider, and I trail my fingers down his arm. Last night was magnificent. If it is possible, I fell for him even more.

  The attentiveness and thoroughness of his devotion is something I would never have asked for. No other man has looked at me the way he does. He makes me feel feminine and treasured. Two things my ex was devastatingly bad at doing.

  He scoots closer and places his lips against mine. Crap. Morning breath. I pull back and place a hand over my mouth. “Morning breath. Let me brush my teeth first.”

  “Okay.” His hand massages my hip and my clit pulses.

  Oh, hell. What’s one kiss? “Never mind.” I raise up on my elbow, and he grabs me.

  When our lips meet again, I groan and slide my lower body against his swollen cock. Even though it’s only been a few hours since we last made love, I need to touch him again. To be as close to him as possible.

  His mouth trails along my jawline until he reaches my ear. When his hot breath fans against my sensitive flesh, I dig my nails into his shoulders.

  “God, you make me so needy.”

  “Doll, there’s nothing that makes me happier than knowing you want me.” The growl in his voice does things to me I’m not prepared for. I want to curl up in my bed and live here forever with him. Unfortunately, that’s not life. We both have responsibilities to uphold.

  His fingers slip down my belly and over the soft curve of my abdomen. Goosebumps scatter along my flesh as an electric current is shooting through me. I spread my thighs apart and give him access to my sex.

  His finger flicks over my throbbing clit, and I grind my sex against his palm. “You are so wet and ready for me.”

  “Yes.” I love everything the man does. I love Gunner Sinclair. The butterflies in my stomach flutter and flip as the knowledge floods every inch of my body.

  “I love the feel of your pussy sucking me off.” He slips two fingers inside my tight hole and thrust deep inside.

  “God, that feels so good,” I mew. The ache between my legs is greedy for the sweet release of ecstasy. A bliss only he can bring me. My breath is heavy and hard as I strain against him.

  The sound of a cellphone buzzing breaks through my whimpers of pleasure. Who the hell is calling?

  Damn it. I don’t care. They can wait for five minutes. That’s all it will take before I come undone. The phone chirps again.
br />   He stiffens, and his hand stills. Shit. Seriously? My head falls against the pillows. The ceiling light mocks my quest for orgasm.

  “What time is it?” Gunner’s voice is strained as he rolls off me in search of the vibrating cellphone.

  “I don’t know. I don’t have a clock in here.” I groan in frustration and raise onto my elbow. Between the curtains, the sun shines off the golden buckets of my potted plants on the deck.

  What time is it? My heart sputters in my chest and then slams against my ribs. Gunner’s game. Holy fuck.

  “Son of a bitch.” He jumps off the bed and snatches the phone off the dresser. Once he swipes the screen, he slams it against his ear. “Yes?”

  I grab the sheet and hold it to my chest. The look in his eyes scares me.

  “I realize that now.” He grabs his jeans off the floor with the phone tucked between his head and his shoulder.

  While hopping on one leg, he works the denim over his feet and up his thighs. Without fastening them, he snatches his t-shirt off the end table.

  “I did something stupid. I’ll be there in under twenty minutes.” Every muscle in his body is tight enough that if he had coal up his ass it would turn into a diamond.

  My fingers shake. Being with me is stupid. Fuck. It is. What if he misses the game? Will he get fired?

  Tears spring to my eyes. He’s going to dump me. There’s no other way around it. He can’t be with me and focus on his career.

  This situation is the reason he doesn’t date during the season. I could cause him to lose his career. I want to curl up in a ball and lose myself in pity and anguish, but that’s for weak people. I’m not that girl. I take responsibility for my bad decisions.

  “I’ll be there. I’ve got to call Veronica and have her bring my gear to the stadium. I don’t have time to go home before the game.”

  I slip off the bed and grab a robe. When I have the sash tied around me, I inhale and prepare for a wave of sadness to overwhelm me.

  When he rolls his shoulders, and his eyes catch mine, there isn’t a hint of softness in them. He’s in complete game mode. No emotions. No weakness. Pure adrenaline. I shiver.


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