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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

Page 14

by Alexia Chase

  The fact I almost took a job nearly a thousand miles away makes me want to vomit. It would have been the biggest mistake of my life. I’m here where I belong. Well, maybe not here – exactly. The apartment with Ashley is a little small to be our permanent residence.

  “Fuck. I can’t even get grossed out by the two of you, you’re so damn cute.” She flops into the recliner next to us and throws her feet on the coffee table.

  “Have you told Ashley your thinking about moving in with me?”

  “Yes, she told me. I can’t say I’m thrilled by the prospect of losing my roommate, but she’s shit for a cook, so don’t think you’re getting some great deal.”

  “Shut up.” I lay my head on Gunner’s chest. The steady beat of his heart soothes me. I can’t wait to move in with him, but I’m a little intimidated by his sister and niece also living there.

  He’s assured me his house is big enough for all of us. Once I move in, we can have our own section of the house; and only interact with them if we choose to. Who has that big of a house?

  “I love Dani for her sweet – “

  “Don’t say it.” Ashley looks at him like she’s going to slug him.

  He raises his hands in defense. “Personality. What did you think I was going to say?”

  “Pussy.” She counters. Not the least bit embarrassed.

  Oh, Lord. My face heats, and I squirm next to him. Lord, she’s such a big mouth.

  His hand slides up the flesh of my leg, and goosebumps scatter in all directions. “Right after her personality, I love her tight, wet pussy.”

  “Oh, my God.” I slap my hand over his mouth, and he bites on the pad below my fingers. My nipples pucker in response. “Stop it.” My voice comes out in a pant.

  “Well, it looks like my stay here is overextended. I’ll leave the two of you to get busy fucking each other’s brains out.”

  Gunner sucks my index finger into his mouth, and my eyes roll back in my head. I’m never going to get enough of him. When the front door slams shut, I straddle his hips and grind into his dick.

  “Hey.” He grins.

  “Hey, back at ya.” I laugh and grab the hem of my shirt. “I missed you.”

  His eyes never leave mine as I toss the shirt behind me. “Are you sure you’re fine with moving in with me? I understand if this is all too soon.”

  “Nope.” I shake my head. “I want to be with you every second I can be. I know your time is limited, and I’m not going to beg for more. However, I’m not giving up any second I can have.”

  “Good.” His hands skate over my stomach, and he cups my breasts.

  “You better do that quick because I’ve got a surprise for you.” My heart thunders in my chest.

  “What kind of surprise?” He pinches my nipples and twists them between his fingers.

  “Damn, I might regret it because I love your hands all over me.”

  “Now, you’ve got me intrigued.” He leans up and sucks the tip of my breast into his mouth. My clit twitches and moisture pools in my panties.

  “It’s your turn to be tied up.” I bite my bottom lip. Please, don’t scare him off. What if he’s not as into kinky sex as he said? Is he going to think I’m a creep?

  “Fuck,” he says around my nipple. The vibration causes my pussy to ache and thrust my chest into his face. His eyes glow with lust. “That sounds hot, babe, don’t ever worry about turning me off. I’m up for whatever goes through your dirty mind.”

  “Good,” I growl and grab his hand. “Let’s start in the bedroom and then move into the kitchen.”

  “You’re on.” Gunner sweeps me up into his arms and carries me to my room. Well, it will only be my room for a few more days.


  As I jog over to the sidelines, Tony drops his arm over my shoulder. “Great game, man.”

  “Thanks.” After this game, we’ll be four wins, and no loses. The first quarter of the season is in the books, and we’re leading our division. It feels fantastic. Exactly where I planned for us to be.

  He steps back when we get to the bench. “Hey, I don’t want to be all girlie, but I’m glad you didn’t let your single-mindedness interfere between you and Dani. You’re great together. Bring her over before the next home game for dinner. I think she and Jenna have hit it off.”

  “I will.” I take a deep breath. “She’s moving in tomorrow.”

  “Damn, man. You move fast.” He hits my upper arm.

  I shove him in the chest. “Dude, we’ve talked about my arm.”

  “I hit the left one, asshole.”

  “Ah, good point.” I shrug. “I’m not letting her get away from me. She almost moved to the East Coast.”

  “Shit.” He shakes his head. “You would have sucked ass if she left town. The season would have gone up in flames.”

  “You’re right. I would have.” He expects me to deny it, but he’s right. I would have lost it if Dani left me for good.

  “You’ve got it bad.” He laughs and waves at Jenna as she walks down the sideline with their daughter, Marissa, in her arms.

  “You made a damn good-looking kid.”

  “Thank you, she’s a fucking doll.” He rotates toward me. “You going to make pretty babies with Dani?”

  “Of course. Been at it since day one.” I search the crowd for Dani and her parents. I’m nervous as hell about meeting her family. Daniel was my idol growing up, and if he doesn’t think I’m good enough for his little girl, I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

  “Babe,” Tony growls and pulls his wife into his arms.

  Jenna sniffs and wraps her free arm around his waist. “You stink.”

  “Sweaty sex turns you on.”

  “Yes, it does.” She arches up and meets his lips.

  When he steps back, Tony lifts Marissa into his arms and swings her around. “Daddy was great out there today, wasn’t he?”

  “Da best.” She grins and claps.

  That’s what I want. A gorgeous wife who worships me, and a couple of babies. When I saw Dani’s image on the jumbotron holding Joselyn, my stomach did a backflip. She hates all the attention, but she’ll put up with it for me.

  “Gunner.” Dani. I smile and turn to watch her walking toward me with her father and mother. Here goes nothing. If they hate me, I’m doomed.

  They stop in front of me. Dani has her mother’s eyes and her father’s high cheekbones.

  “Mom. Dad. This is Gunner.” Dani rotates to me. “Gunner. These are my parents, Daniel and Elise.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I shake Daniel’s hand. His grasp is firm.

  “My daughter said you had my poster on your wall when you were a kid.”

  “Yes, sir. You were my favorite player while growing up. I watched all your games with my dad. I was even lucky enough to go to a couple of your games in person.”

  “Shush.” Elise steps forward and hugs me. “He already has a big head. He doesn’t need you gushing over him.”

  “Okay.” My heart beats loudly in my ears. Things appear to be going well, but I don’t want to jinx it by saying the wrong thing.

  Dani’s mother stands back and grabs my shoulders. Her eyes travel up and down me. “Damn, you’re a handsome man. Dani’s lucky to be – “

  “Honey, don’t get graphic.” He glares at her.

  “Yes, dear.” She tsks and releases me. “But look at those thighs. It reminds me of you when you were younger. Damn, you could really pound – “


  “Weights, dear. I wasn’t going to say how his thighs felt against my legs when we were having sex.”

  “Thank God for that.” Dani rolls her eyes. “You’ve already said enough.”

  “Yes, dear.” She grabs her husband’s upper arms. “You’ve still got some decent guns on you.”

  He wiggles his eyebrows. “You can play with them later.”

  Elise fans herself and blushes. I see exactly where Dani gets her spunk. Her parents are crazy. Dani steps forwar
d and places her hands in my face. “You were fantastic today. Thank you for inviting me to the game.”

  “Sweetheart, this is where you’ll be every Sunday. I play better when I know you’re here watching me.”

  “Good.” She kisses my lips. Her plump mouth is soft as I relish the closeness.

  Her dad slaps my back. “Enough of that. You can do that later. We want to invite you over for dinner sometime and get to know you better before the new wears off.”

  I move backward to put some space between us. Her eyes are filled with love as she winks and places her arm around her dad’s waist. “The new is never going to wear off. Your daughter’s perfect. I was worried I’d never find someone who understands the life of a professional player. The hours it takes to be at the top of my game. But she compliments me perfectly.”

  “Son, she makes you a better player.” Daniel pats Dani’s back, and then he steps toward me, placing his arm around my shoulders. “I’ll make you a better player. Let’s go over some drills.”

  This is a dream come true. Private lessons from my favorite childhood player. Life can’t get any better.



  Two years later

  The overwhelming scent of frosting, flour, and sugar surround us as soon as we walk into Chloe’s bakery. My mouth waters while my stomach churns. It’s as if my body can’t decide whether to be excited or revolt.

  “Come on over.” Chloe waves and motions us to the counter. “We thought you’d never get here.”

  “We got detained,” Gunner mutters as he swoops in and snatches Zack from my hip. His face lights up every time he sees his daddy.

  “I’ve heard that before.” Jenna snorts as two of their three children run between the tables trying to catch Chloe and Rich’s two kids. The space is filled with screeching and laughter with an occasional scraping of chair legs on the cement flooring.

  “Don’t get any ideas.” Gunner frowns. “This little man is the ultimate cock block.”

  Tony watches the antics of the kids in the main seating area. “Dude, you have no idea. Wait until there are two and then three of them. It’s complete and utter chaos.”

  “You told me it was awesome.” Gunner glares at him.

  Behind us, a large crash occurs. I spin around to see a chair lying on the floor and a wide-eyed Marissa. Then, her bottom lip pokes out, and she wails.

  “Yes. Making babies is fantastic. Watching them afterward and trying to keep them alive.” He shakes his head. “That’s a shitshow. How in the hell they don’t kill themselves is a complete mystery.” He snatches up Marissa and pats her on the back.

  “Bullshit.” Jenna rolls her eyes. “You love being the king of the castle.” She walks over to Gunner and wraps her arm around his waist. “Don’t let him fool you. He gets plenty of sex.”

  “Define plenty.” He grins and winks at her. His eyes light up as he tickles his oldest daughter. They finally managed to have a son on their third try.

  “Daddy, you are the best.” She smacks a wet kiss on his lips.

  Chloe wraps her arms around my shoulders. “Don’t freak out. Everything’s going to be fine.” Chloe and I have become close over the last couple of years. She’s one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met, and she bakes a killer cupcake.

  I shake my head. “I don’t know.”

  Rich gives me a pointed stare. “Well, dear, you can’t exactly take it back.”

  “I know.” They’re helping me plan a surprise for Gunner, and I’m a little anxious about his reaction. He might not be as happy as I am. I gnaw on my bottom lip.

  “What’s going on?” Gunner nuzzles Zack’s neck and then sits him down; he giggles and toddles over to the others. He’s the most gorgeous combination of the two of us.

  Gunner’s pouting about Zack’s interference in our sex life, but he worships the ground our son walks on. Zack whimpers. Gunner’s there. Zack cries. Gunner’s frantic. Zack laughs. Gunner throws a celebration.

  Rich places his hands to his mouth like a megaphone, “Kids, be careful.”

  The kids respond with a mixture of, “Yes, Daddy, and Uncle Rich.”

  “Nothing’s going on.” I grab the white package off the counter and eye the wicker basket. Please, be excited. I’m about to amp up our role-playing Chloe and Rich style. And inside is a special treat for Gunner. If it doesn’t disappoint him.

  Three hours later, after Zack’s soundly asleep in his bed, I sit the package and basket on the coffee table.

  Gunner’s stretched out on the sofa with his feet next to the basket. “So, what’s all the subterfuge about?”

  I rip open the package. At least this part of the surprise will please the hell out of him.

  The silken red material is soft against my fingers. I hold up the little red riding hood costume and the black crotchless net stockings.

  He whistles and pats the cushion next to him. “That’s hot.”

  “Do you think it will look good on me?” I put it up to my chest. The top dips down enough, I’ll be lucky if my nipples aren’t showing. Not that it matters. It’s designed for his eyes only.

  “Yes. I know it will.” He grabs my hand and pulls me down to his lap. “You’ll look even better out of it. After.”

  I lick my lips and grind my sex against his lengthening erection. “After?”

  “Definitely.” He holds the stockings between his thumb and index finger. “The first time I want you wearing the whole thing as I take you from behind.”

  “Fuck. That sounds delicious.” I groan and claim his mouth. His hands massage my ass as his tongue strokes deep into my depths. God, he makes me ache.

  Several minutes pass, and I finally pull back. I need to tell him all the surprises before I can only moan and plead for him to bring me to the brink. “I’ve got something else for you, but I’m a little worried about how you’re going to respond.”

  “What?” His forehead wrinkles as if he’s concerned about my potential revelation.

  My fingers shake as I haul the basket off the hard surface and swing it over to him. I swallow over my dry mouth and then lick my lips. It feels like sandpaper. Please, be happy. “Open it.”

  “Okay.” He eyes the basket as if it holds a serpent inside, ready to lash out and puncture him with its fangs.

  Slowly, he opens the lid. Shit. It’s taking too long. I peer inside.

  In pink icing on the top of a cake are the words, ‘My eggs love your swimmers.’ I shake my head. “It’s supposed to say, ‘I’ve got a bun in the oven.’ But Rich must have helped her.”

  “I see.” He laughs and swipes his finger through the top of the cake. When his hand is free of the basket, he places his finger in my mouth.

  I close my eyes and moan. Fuck, Chloe is a killer cook. “That’s so good.”

  “We’ll eat the whole damn thing later when we finish celebrating.” He places his hand on my still flat belly. Well, as flat as it got after Zack was born, and I spent six months trying to fit back into my pre-pregnancy spandex. “I love you, babe, and I can’t wait to meet this little fry.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  He glowers. “I will never be mad about making babies with you. You’ve known since day one I want a big family. Even when I pout about missing my mommy time.”

  “Good.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “Although, after this one, I think we’ll take a break for a few years.”

  “Deal.” He waggles his eyebrows. “You want to get a sexy au pair to help us out?”

  “Sure.” I shrug. “As long as he has tight abs and a big – “

  “Hussy,” he growls and laughs at the same time. “I see, I’m going to have to punish you.” He grabs the costume. “Dress up, now, and spread your sweet thighs for daddy. I’ve got a hard rod to spank you with.”

  “Please, sir. I’ve been a very bad girl.” I hop off his lap and strip. His gaze watches my every move.

  As I slip the stockings up my legs, he spins me
around and swats my ass. “Ouch. What’s that for?” My heart races as I twist at the waist to study him.

  “For questioning whether I’d be happy or not.”

  A thrill of excitement floods my body at the heat in his eyes. “Are you going to punish me?”

  “Thoroughly.” He shoves his shorts down his thighs and fists his shaft. “Get busy. My cock’s getting cold.”

  Lord, I love this sexy, dirty man.

  Free Book

  Can a guy find love with his best friend’s younger sister?

  Three years ago, Jeremy met his best friend’s little sister. At sixteen, she was way too young for him, so he only pursued a friendship with her and left town.

  Now, his best friend, Niles, is getting married, and he’s come back to town.

  What happens when they get put in the same place now that she’s of age?

  Niles doesn’t want Jeremy anywhere near his sister due to his player ways.

  Is Jeremy still a player? Or has he been patiently waiting for Angie?

  Will she lose her virginity to a one-night stand?

  What happens when a sweet, innocent girl meets up in the closet with a sexy biker?

  Jeremy’s back in town, and he’s sporting an ENORMOUS Harley between his thighs.

  What happens next? You must read to find out.

  Do you like to feel the rapid heartbeat and fluttering butterflies of falling in love?

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  This short story is a standalone book from a dual point of view.

  What troupes are your favorite? This book includes: dual POV, over-the-top, friends to lovers, best friend’s sister, brother’s best friend, insta-love, second chance, rom-com vibe, secret relationship, heartbreak, swoonworthy alpha hero, sweet heroine, family and friend shenanigans, situations that aren't what they think they are, and a miscommunication that just might break everyone’s hearts – yours included.


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