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armor of magic 02 - rising light

Page 4

by Pond, Simone

  “What did I tell you about sneaking up on people?!” I yelled, shoving Julian. “And how’d you’d know when I was arriving?”

  He laughed and stepped forward. “You think I don’t keep tabs on you, roomie?”

  “You’re incredibly annoying.”

  “And you’re incredibly sneaky. But I got my eyes on you.” He motioned two of his fingers at his eyes then to me.

  “Are you going to introduce me to your friend?”

  “Fiona Farrow, this is Detective Rocco from the NYPD.” Julian leaned in closer. “And one of the baddest ass-kicking Protectors this side of the Continental Divide. Maybe in the whole damn country.”

  I went to shake Rocco’s hand, but he pulled me in for a hug. A sturdy, back-slapping hug that knocked the air from my lungs. “Nice to meet ya,” he said in a thick New York accent. “And welcome to The City. It’s a beaut, but it’s a friggin’ mess, lemme tell ya. A friggin’ mess. These g-damn bloodsuckers filthin’ up the place. Used to be a place people respected. Now they just fear it. But still, it’s a great city. These bastard pricks won’t take it down. I won’t let ’em.”

  Quite a speech for our first introduction. I came up for air and smiled. “I’m excited to see the leaves,” I said.

  “Beau-ti-ful. Can’t beat The City in the fall. Gotta see The Park if we got time. Here, lemme get your bag.”

  Though my suitcase had wheels, Rocco lifted it like it weighed nothing. Which it didn’t. I had packed a lot of clothes. Mostly sweaters and boots. After all, it was autumn in New York.

  “We’re doubled parked, probably should get goin’. You hungry?”

  “I could eat.”

  “I know where we can getta slice on the way to the hotel.” Rocco led the way out of LaGuardia, dodging supernatural entities left and right. For his size, he was brisk, like most New Yorkers.

  Julian punched my arm lightly. “You find what you were looking for in New Mexico?”

  The moment of truth. I could either share about the business card for Diamond Escorts or keep it to myself. I wasn’t a hundred percent on anything yet. The escort service could end up being a dead end. Charlotte might not even be in New York City. If I told Julian about the potential lead, no doubt he’d butt in and complicate the matter. He’d probably tell Rocco, which meant more interference. I just wanted to do some quiet digging and see if my hunch was correct. If I happened to find a link to the head of the vampire faction, Lucius Diamond, I’d bring in the other Protectors. For now, I just wanted to figure out things on my own without any meddling.


  After a few slices at a hole-in-the-wall pizza joint—which was better than any pizza I had ever eaten—Rocco dropped Julian and me off in front of The Plaza.

  “Get some shut-eye. Tomorrow’s gonna be a big day,” Rocco said.

  Julian gave him a fist bump, and I politely smiled as I stepped out of the beat-up sedan. He stuck a red police light on his hood and peeled away from the enormous hotel.

  Julian reached for my shoulder before I could walk ahead. “I should warn you, I’ve noticed a lot of crazy shit since I got here. Way more stuff going on here than in San Francisco. Did you know vampires can walk right out in the open with other people? And they glow. And dude, the lady vampires are freaking hot.”

  Ignoring him, I rolled my suitcase toward the entrance. An attendant darted over to me and tried to take the handle.

  “Oh, I’ve got it. I’m fine,” I told him.

  Disappointment fell across his face and he glanced at Julian. Then Julian took out a twenty and handed it to the guy.

  “Why’d you do that?” I whispered as we stepped into the grandiose lobby. I had to stop and take in all of the lights, paintings and ornate details. I suddenly felt small inside this epic historical building. Nothing in San Francisco compared to The Plaza. The opulence of the room was like walking into another dimension.

  “I kinda got a reputation to keep up,” Julian said.


  “I’m the kid who tips well. Don’t want to disappoint anyone.”

  “Well, that was nice of you. I could learn a few things from you, kid.”

  He smiled and pulled me toward the elevators. “Wait till you see our suite. It’s the stuff dreams are made of.”

  I thought maybe Julian had been exaggerating a bit, but turns out he wasn’t. The suite was more luxurious than anything I’ve ever seen. It was larger than most apartments and the furniture was elegant and refined. I was afraid to touch anything.

  Julian ran over to the windows and pulled back the curtains to reveal a view of Central Park. Strings of lights decorated the pathways and created an enchanting view. I didn’t dare to think what was happening in the darker corners of the ginormous park.

  “Your room is over there. Away from the living room. Didn’t want to disturb you. Just in case I have some guests over.”

  “Guests? We’re here for business.”

  “Yeah, but all work and no play makes for a shitty time in the Big Apple.”

  “I have to say, this is spectacular. I’m beyond words at the moment. I mean, you can definitely afford this, right?”

  He winked. “Got you covered, roomie.”

  “Very generous of you. I hope I can pay you back one day.”

  Julian waved his hand, shooing me into my room. “Get some rest, like Rocco said. We’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

  I nodded, knowing I had no intention of going to sleep. I needed to start looking for the location of Diamond Escorts.


  First, I called the number on the business card and got a generic voicemail recording. I didn’t leave a message. I tried a bunch of Google searches using variations on the name, but nothing. The websites that do reverse phone lookup couldn’t provide any information. These people had some intense security measures around their company. Even the damn darknet proved to be futile. After exhausting all options, there was only one logical choice remaining: I’d have to visit Lucius Diamond’s office.

  The sun came up, bringing daylight back to the city that never sleeps. Before Julian woke up, I took a quick shower, put on a black dress, matching heels and a pastel pink cardigan, and left the luxurious suite at The Plaza. I left him a note saying I’d gone for a morning run, hoping he wouldn’t see right through that. When I was out front, I slipped one of the attendants a twenty to cover for me if my friend happened to inquire. He hailed a cab, and I took off for Wall Street. Finding Lucius Diamond’s office had been simple. After all, he was one of the biggest players in the stock market. He might’ve been able to hide his vampire-ism from the world, but not his business at the largest investment bank on Wall Street.


  The cabbie dropped me off in front of the offices of IP Montgomery. I had expected Wall Street to be a titanic avenue of ominous-looking buildings, but the streets were narrow and the buildings looked like every other in “The City.” Endless bricks, marble and hundreds of perfectly aligned windows reaching toward the sky somewhere far above. And of course, there was construction going on. Though it was only 7 a.m., people bustled down the sidewalks, coffee cups in hand, rushing to work.

  I walked into the lobby and headed for the elevators, but before I had a chance to press the button, a security guard tapped my shoulder.

  “Can I help you, miss?”

  “I was on my way to see Mr. Diamond.”

  “You’ll have to check in.”

  I hadn’t expected security to be so tight, otherwise I would’ve just cloaked myself and snuck into the building. The guard wouldn’t find me in that computer of his, but I went along with him because I didn’t think running out of the building would look too good.

  “Name, please,” he said, standing behind the white marble counter.

  I didn’t have an appointment, but I did have a list of clients from my research. “Miss Hoffman.”

  Scanning the computer, he scrunched his brows and glanced up at me. “I don’t
see your name listed. Sure you got the right day?”

  I took out my phone and pretended to be looking at my calendar. Sweat dripped down my back. “I’m quite sure today is the day. I spoke to him myself,” I lied.

  “There he is now, if you want to work things out.” The guard pointed to a tall businessman wearing an impeccable designer suit. His dark blond hair was parted on the side and neatly combed. He wore black frames and looked more like an underwear model than an investment banker. He also had that magical sheen that I had noticed on the other vampires roaming around LaGuardia and The Plaza and all over the lobby of IP Montgomery. Vampires had most definitely taken over the city; Detective Rocco was right about that.

  “Oh, thank you!” I smiled at the guard and followed Lucius Diamond to the elevators. His supernatural aura exuded a sharp aroma of fennel with an undertone of sulfur. It was intoxicating, almost to a dizzying level.

  I ducked behind a planter containing a large tree and tapped the top of my head. It was time to get supernatural on his ass. Fully cloaked, I ran after Diamond and squeezed into the elevator with a flock of vampires and normal business people. One man bumped up against me and looked around, confused, so I pressed against the corner, holding my breath.

  Lucius got off on the top floor and strutted down the hall with his head held high. Judging by how the people moved out of his way, it was clear this man was important. He was an untouchable force, no doubt about it. Power oozed from his glowing sheen and wrapped around those passing by, almost like the scent of intoxicating perfume. People couldn’t help but admire the charming man. But I could sense the evilness. It smelled like burning tar. This man was clearly on par with Cagliostro and maybe even more dangerous since he operated out in the open.

  I followed him into his enormous office and stopped short. While all of the worker bees were crammed into monotone cubicles, Diamond’s office had a spectacular view of the entire city. The king of the vampire faction sat on top of the world. I made myself comfortable on his black leather couch and waited for him to begin his day.

  Lucius took a few calls, but mostly he sat behind his multiple monitors, scanning information. I stood behind him for at least twenty minutes trying to comprehend the details to no avail. I had zero clue how to decipher anything from the constantly shifting NYSE numbers and percentages.

  His assistant buzzed in. “Sir, your 9 o’clock is here.”

  “Bring him in,” Lucius instructed.

  The stubby man who entered the office was a vampire, but not like the charming ones I had encountered so far. I could also smell demon on him. Or maybe it was warlock? A pungent scent of bologna oozed from him. He must’ve been a hybrid. An immediate dislike itched my skin.

  He sat across from Lucius, looking like a smarmy businessman who’d rip off old ladies given the chance. “Morning, sir,” he said.

  Lucius didn’t look away from his monitors. “Cosby.”

  “Just circling back. Last night went well,” he said in a pinched, nasally voice.

  “Appreciate it. And were the girls happy?”

  Girls? Could they have been talking about the escort service? Maybe luck was on my side, and I’d be able to get the address and get back to the hotel before Julian rolled out of bed.

  “They loved the play. Hamilton is ‘so hot’ right now, according to your daughters.”

  Dammit. Not the escort service. And vampires could have children?

  “Yes. Well, that’s it for now,” Lucius said, dismissing the man.

  “Sir, did you have a chance to look at that portfolio I put together?”

  “I gave it to one of my men. He’ll be in touch. That’s all, Cosby.”

  Cosby skulked out of the office with his head hung low.

  I walked back over to the couch, wishing I had grabbed some coffee before starting this caper. I was bored and starting to grow tired from lack of sleep. I lay back on the soft cushions, kicking up my feet.

  The office door shutting jolted me awake. I couldn’t believe I had let myself doze off on the job. A woman walked into the office and took a seat across from Lucius, who hadn’t moved from his station all morning. The woman had her dark hair cut into a sharp-angled bob and wore a black skirt and jacket. She didn’t exude any sheen or other supernatural vibe, which meant she was human. Lucius glanced up when she crossed her long legs. A wicked smile appeared and he stood up and sat across from her.

  “Deandra,” he said, shaking her hand.

  “Lucius,” she said, smiling casually.

  Though I sensed they had been intimately involved, they kept their conduct professional. She took out her tablet and began pulling up figures and details about his various companies. My ears perked up, hoping this would be the big reveal, or at least give me some sort of breadcrumb to follow.

  “The pension plans have been sold and the monies transferred into Diamond Escorts,” she told him.

  Score! My plan was finally coming to fruition. I checked the time; it was a little after ten, so Julian would probably be up. But I’d be back to the suite by lunchtime. No problem.

  “And you’re positive there’s no trail back to IP Montgomery?” Lucius asked.

  “Sir, have I ever left a trail?”

  He grinned and leaned forward, kissing her neck. Deandra moaned and reached for his crotch. Okay, so the professional part of their conversation was finished. I slinked back over to the couch, praying that they wouldn’t take it any further.

  My prayers were answered when Deandra stood up. “I have a meeting.”

  Lucius inhaled deeply and stretched out his enticing allure to embrace Deandra, but she pulled away, unaffected by his charms. Either she was a strong woman or immune to vampire magnetism. By the crushed look Lucius wore, I could tell this bothered him deeply. I’m sure he was used to getting whatever he wanted. He politely smiled and escorted Deandra to the door. I followed behind, hoping to sneak out with her. I still needed the location of the escort service.

  Before I could slip out after her, Lucius shut the door and turned to face me. “Can I help you with something?” he asked.

  I glanced over my shoulder and around the room to see who he was addressing, but the office was void of any other people.

  “I’m speaking to you, Miss Farrow.”

  “So you can see me?”

  “Of course I can.”

  So, the vampire could see through my cloak. Either he had some extra-special powers or he was getting help from somewhere. Perhaps the missing Sacred Scroll? None of the other supernaturals could detect me, which made me wonder if he was hoarding the powers all to himself. Vampires tend to be a bit selfish.

  He put his arm around my shoulder, his charm rippling through my bones and causing me to swoon. Why wasn’t the magical Armor protecting me from his allure?

  “Come, sit,” he cooed into my ear.

  Pulling away, I stood by the door for a quick exit. “I’m done sitting around. I want you to tell me a few things.”

  He walked over to the kitchenette and poured himself a steaming cup of coffee. The rich, dark roast wafted over and my mouth watered. Oh, how I needed some coffee. But I couldn’t let him wrap me into his spell.

  “What can I help you with, Miss Farrow?”

  “A couple of things. First, I need to know if a woman named Lilith Amon is working at Diamond Escorts.”

  Sipping his delicious-smelling coffee, he paused, lifting his eyes with curiosity. “Why does that interest you?”

  “I don’t care about the succubus, but I’m concerned for her twin sister, Charlotte. They’re running from Cagliostro. I’m sure you’ve heard of him.”

  Lucius chuckled. “Of course I’ve heard of Cagliostro. We go way back. Old fool thinks he can actually go up against the Monarchy. He’s been campaigning for my faction for centuries. But as you can see, we have it quite good here in The City.”

  “Yes, and judging from a certain business card I came across for Diamond Escorts with Lilith’s signature c
harm, I’m guessing she came to you for protection.”

  “You are good,” he said, and I couldn’t tell if he was being a smart-ass.

  “Just tell me where they are and I’ll leave you to your business.”

  He laughed and walked back over to his desk. “And why would I do that, Miss Farrow?”

  “I basically just overheard you and your hot colleague admit to defrauding state pension plans and using the escort service as a money laundering front.”


  “What’s to stop me from running this story and having you locked up for good?”

  “Seeing that I’m the head vampire of the AOV, that’s highly unlikely. You’re wasting your time, Miss Farrow. I’m untouchable.”

  “Your vampire magic doesn’t scare me. I’ll take you down.”

  His smug grin made me cringe five levels deep. “No you won’t.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you can’t. Nobody can.”

  Lucius Diamond was a real cocky son-of-a-bitch. I mean, who did he think he was? Nobody is that untouchable. I kept pressing to see if I could find a crack in his vessel.

  “What about the murders you’ve been committing in the Southwest? A little risky, encroaching on Cagliostro’s territory, don’t you think? That’s going to catch up with you. How will your vampires respond to their leader acting so slapdash?”

  “I have nothing to do with those murders. I’m being set up. Why do you think they’re leaving behind business cards for Diamond Escorts? You actually think I’d be that sloppy?”

  I didn’t want to sit there and argue with the head of the Ancient Order of Vampires. “Let’s say that’s true, how do you think your vampire friends will react when I leak that you have possession of the missing Sacred Scroll and that you’re using it for your own selfish gain?”

  Lucius glanced up from his monitors. Originally, I hadn’t been a hundred percent that he had the Scroll, but now I knew for sure. His pale green eyes said it all. I used his moment of vulnerability to my advantage and scribbled my number on a legal document sitting on his desk.


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