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Unicorn's Unease

Page 10

by Crystal Dawn

  “Find anything else worthwhile?” Pru peered over her reading glasses at her.

  “Not a thing that’s helpful. Unless he’s still at his latest address, the guy’s will have to hunt him.”

  “They will do it. He’s a menace by any standards. Jorge is the type Hubolla looks for when he recruits. He’s a so much like him it’s not funny.”

  “I know you’re right. I just wish we could do more.”

  “In an ass backwards way we have. By getting captured we helped uncover Jorge and the nest at Turnia.” Pru grinned.

  “Only you would find a bright side to the darkest thing.” Janel observed.

  “It’s a talent. Julio has it too. He told me by escaping I helped him find you.”

  “He was right. Had you stayed, we both would have died. I would never want that.”

  “I know, but it could have ended badly.”

  “That was out of your hands. You did the right thing. The only thing you could have done that at least might help and it did.”

  “I won’t ever feel good about that day.”

  “Me either but I won’t ever blame you for it.” Janel insisted.

  “Let’s look at his information and gather what might help the guys hunt him down. By that time we will be ready to meet them for supper.” Pru declared.

  Everyone knew there was nothing glamorous or exciting about gathering data, but it had to be done. They decided to err on too much information rather than not enough. All the recent information on the human web should help locate him. The other information should help them figure out what the hell he was and profile him. At least that was their hope.

  Pru grabbed the papers placing them in a notebook and they headed upstairs to meet the guys. They would not be happy with the news they were about to receive. The guys were early with a set table and the food already there. The flowers in the center and the candles set the mood. That mood wouldn’t last long. Pru and Janel exchanged looks. Their guys wouldn’t like the surprise of flowers and candles being wasted.

  They all sat down before anyone spoke. “We know you tow are working on something and we’d like you to share it with us.” Herk suggested.

  “You won’t like this but we believe Jorge is alive. He’s not human and may be vampire. He’s around three hundred years old and eats babies.” Pru spoke quickly.

  Herk and Julio looked stunned. “Are you certain?”

  “Yes and we’ve gathered information on him for you.” Pru handed the folder over to him.

  “Goddess, I’m sorry Janel.” Julio said.

  “It’s not your fault. Now that we know, we can go after him.”

  “I knew you’d agree.” Pru said.

  “We’ll get our best trackers on him. I must say you two did a great job of gathering information.” Herk admitted.

  “It was important and we saw how it could affect the war once we got some facts.” Janel explained.

  “Right now we better eat before the food gets cold. Once we’re done eating I’ll give assignments to some trackers so they go out first thing in the morning.” Herk observed.

  They began to eat and the food was excellent. The base was set up to be comfortable when soldiers were off duty and efficient when they were on duty. Pru had added some other features in different rooms to make them attractive or relaxing. It was a home away from home. That helped ease the homesickness that threatened her every day. With little to do, the mind traveled to memories and most of those were at home.

  The males had guard duty and other things they did that kept their minds engaged. They were trying to shield the females from the pains of war but that would never work. What happened was only to clear for them all to see.

  Once they were done with eating, Herk and Julio hurried away to decide who to send after Jorge DeVega and what they should tell them about him. Her thought was they should tell their trackers everything because the monster was horrible. He was a danger to everyone and especially those trying to capture him.

  She and Pru went to have a cup of tea then off to bed. It had been a long and busy day. It was hard to keep their energy up and stay well rested when their stress levels were through the roof. Janel was coming to terms with what had happened, but now she had a driving need to see that monster dead.

  Once she knew he was dead, her recovery would be complete. Meanwhile she lay on her bed waiting for sleep even though she knew he would appear in her dreams. The king of nightmares there to terrorize her. It wasn’t long before she drifted off and the dreams began.

  “I knew you’d come to me.” Jorge said looking exactly like he had the last time she’d seen him. “You’re filling out more. Feed the little brat for me. I like my babies plump and tasty.” He laughed fiendishly.

  “My child is not for the likes of you. You are a vile evil vampire.”

  He looked stunned then he howled with laughter. “Figured it out, did you? It won’t help you. You’ll watch me cut him out of your belly and eat him piece by piece. No one can protect you.” His image faded out until he was gone.

  Janel shot up into a sitting position wildly looking about the room only to find she was alone. A dream that was all it had been. He might still be alive, but he wasn’t near her and her baby. Lying back down it took a while but she got back to sleep. Nothing bothered her this time until she woke in the morning.

  Julio lay next to her and she could even feel his heat. How had he gotten in bed without waking her? It didn’t really matter, she rolled over and went back to sleep. She woke up later to find Julio gone. Light came through the window and it was time to get up. It was a shame he wasn’t here for a little morning loving.

  Chapter 11

  Finding Jorge

  He was an aberration among vampires and he would die. Julio promised himself plus he had promised his mate that it would be so. Now was the time to use all that excess alphaness that Janel complained about him using on her to something even she would agree was a good use for it.

  Herk had set their best trackers, six of them, on the job but Julio needed to do more. “Don’t go off alone. That would be madness. This male is powerful and his madness just lends him more strength.”

  “I know you’re right. What if I gather a squad of males to join the hunt? I’ll stay in touch with the trackers, but I can investigate other clues they aren’t tracking themselves. He’s crazy like a fox and using abilities honed over centuries to evade them.”

  “That would be acceptable if all of you stay within line of sight. I’m nervous enough that the trackers chose to work in two teams of three. It’s also probable they are not staying together as I asked them to.”

  He suspected Herk was right. As the best trackers from the North American continent, they were over confident. It was almost certain they had brushed off warnings, failed to read the folder they’d been given, and were acting as if this was a usual hunt. It was not.

  Julio hurried to the dining room where all the males he wanted would probably be. Jespers sat waiting for him. “I’ll need you after the meal.”

  He saw Conoly, Daven, Hapten, and Fred all gathered together. “I need you guys and Heral if he shows up right after the meal.” They nodded and he got his plate filling it full. Hunting evil took a lot of strength.

  Heral walked in going right to his group. He knew they would inform him. The six males which included his brother Jespers was a squad he worked with a lot for small jobs. Heral and Fred were Pegasus which were much like Unicorns with a few differences. Hapten was something altogether different. The herd had taken him in as a youngling, but even though they could feel his power he had never shifted.

  Some thought he was a witch while others thought him a dragon. Julio didn’t care as long as he was on their side. He’d seen him do incredible things on missions and his ability to do what was needed was all he cared about. That and the fact that they all liked him. Hapten was a great guy and he could drink anyone under the table.

  Jespers and he sat and ate w
ith a hearty appetite. He knew he was doing all he could so he refused to worry about the outcome. Jorge would be dealt with harshly. Julio would see to it personally. His plate empty, he cleared his spot taking things where they belonged. Some of his males were still finishing up but the others came to him. When they were all there, they looked at him expectantly.

  “The trackers are hunting Jorge DeVega. He is our enemy and a sick bastard. The male is old, probably a vampire and is strong as well as cunning. While we hunt, keep each other in view. We will also keep in touch with the trackers.”

  “If they hunt him, why are we?” Hapten asked.

  “He has been hunted many times in his long life yet he still lives. Jorge is cold, ruthless and will use anyone and anything to escape. He eats the babies he cuts from young mother’s wombs so they watch him do it as they die.”

  “We will do our best to catch him.” Hapten assured.

  “I have addresses where he has lived, has family, or has been seen. We’ll go to the places the trackers chose not to.” Julio explained. He showed them the address and flashed.

  The place was an old hunter’s cabin that was falling down. The forest was in the process of reclaiming it. They slowly approached it and sniffed for any scents that would alert them to an enemy. There was nothing.

  They entered it and looked around but there was nothing particularly helpful. Old letters and books were so badly rotted they couldn’t be read. “If he was here, it was in another lifetime.” Jespers observed.

  “It wouldn’t take that long for a poorly built hut to fall apart in these conditions. But it won’t help us as far as being a lead to his current location.” Julio admitted. Let’s move on.”

  “Wait.” Heral demanded. He stepped forward holding a metal box that looked like it had been buried.

  Julio busted the lock off and opened it looking inside. “Goddess!”

  “Is that what I think it is?” Fred asked.

  “Yes, it is an embryo. Either human or supernatural and dried like a mummy. A letter was in the box and he pulled it out reading it quickly. “It says they gave his lover something to make her have a miscarriage. Her father then married her to another.”

  “And so we witness the birth of a monster.” Conoly declared.

  “But the ones he punishes aren’t those that did this to him. He tortures those completely innocent.” Julio noted.

  “That’s what crazies do.” Daven included. “They no longer can tell the good from the bad.”

  “This box looks like it’s been here a long time, but the event would have happened mid eighteen hundreds.” Julio explained.

  “And he’s carried it around in his mind ever since.” Colony agreed. “Maybe we should move on?”

  “Let’s put the box back where it was. It’s kind of like a grave.” Julio declared.

  “It is a grave.” Jespers said.

  The box was closed and buried back in the ground where it had been found. It seemed Jorge’s brush with evil had contaminated him. Or maybe he’d had a touch of it already. “Here’s the next address. It’s lowlife bar. Be careful it’ll be full of crazies.”

  They all looked at the address and flashed. The ability to move that way was truly incredible and highly adaptive. How it found addresses was impossible to explain. It also set the traveler down avoiding walls, deep falls, and fires or other dangerous things. There was no doubt that magic had a heavy hand in it.

  Popping out near the bar in an alley, they all gathered before they walked out of it and found the door to the bar. The bar itself was a sleazy looking place with its own particular odor. Julio coughed as the smell hit him in the face when he opened the door. A collection of ruffians were gathered at the bar where an angry looking bartender about six foot five with huge shoulders stood.

  His head was shaved and tattooed with a scorpion. The tail was right between his eyes. With no room at the bar, they looked around finding one small table but grabbing two extra chairs so it would work. Julio put his chair against the wall but not too far from the table. His gaze slowly went over those gathered there while Jespers ordered six bottles of beer.

  The barmaid was a pretty thing and looked too young to be working in this place. The fact that even the drunks weren’t bothering her made it clear she had someone’s protection. Perhaps the mean looking bartender. She brought back the beer and smiled at Jespers. His brother was a pretty boy most of the females loved. Had they been anywhere else, Jespers might have flirted a bit. Here that wouldn’t pay. The barmaid hurried away disappointed.

  “See him?” Jespers asked softly. I shook my head. The less we talked in here the better.

  Ten minutes later a male walked in that resembled him but was not him. Had he been mistaken for Jorge on the report? Maybe or maybe they were family who hung out together sometimes.

  “He resembles him. Family, maybe?” Julio wondered.

  “Think he’ll show?” Jespers asked.

  “More likely with him here.” Julio guessed.

  Ten minutes later Jorge walked in surrounded by muscled up bad guys. He made a straight line to the table where the guy that looked like family sat. Carefully, Julio pulled out a blowgun putting a dart in it. Wham! It flew out and hit Jorge and he looked around surprised. The other guy called out to him so he ignored it probably thinking it was a bug. Big mistake.

  Julio put his blowgun which was disguised as a pipe back in his pocket. “Did it work?” Jespers asked.

  “We’ll see when the time comes.” Julio said. It was amazing if such a small amount of drug could prevent him from flashing.

  It was bound to happen. Jorge sat down across from his relative facing in their direction. His gaze drifted over them and then hurried back. That’s when Julio knew he recognized them. All Jorge’s males flashed away but poor Jorge was left behind. He lifted his gun to shoot them but Julio nailed him first. Everyone in the bar dropped to the ground with some even crawling out the door.

  Now with less between them and Jorge, his guys and he kept shooting him. It was obvious he’d been hit multiple times but the rub was vampires didn’t die easily. They had to be burned to ashes or decapitated. Nothing else would work. Julio pulled his sword and as his males fired he worked his way closer to Jorge. One of Jorge’s buddies came back and was hit by bullets but braved it anyway.

  Julio saw what he intended and rushed forward to stop it but was just seconds too late. The bastard got away again by being flashed by his buddy. He’d gotten a good look at Jorge’s family and friends. They had to be hunted too now. Separating him from those that would help him was essential. There was no way they could allow that abomination to live.

  It was unlikely after what had just happened that they would find him today. Now the crazy scary dude would be even more deranged. They flashed back to base before the bartender came after them. He was already walking their way.

  “That was a complete bust.” Julio said once they were back at base.

  “Not so. We know the no flash shit works.” Jespers said.

  “We also know more about Jorge. Like why he’s nuts and that he has a support group and family.” Hapten observed.

  “That may not even help us.” Julio said.

  “But it might. Everything we know is a piece to the puzzle.” Hapten concluded.

  Julio hated optimists. Now he would go and report to Herk. He’d get his ass chewed because he’d not checked in with the trackers. Of course they hadn’t checked in with him either. Assuming Herk was either in the dining room or his office he headed to his office first.

  “Hey Herk.” He greeted when he found him there. His friend looked upset. “What’s wrong?”

  “The trackers found Jorge and two of them are in medical. At least it’s nonlife threatening. How did things go with you?” Herk asked.

  “Good news bad news. The no flash drug works but he had help escaping. He was with a squad and one looked like a relative.” Julio described.

  “He’ll be pissed now.
” Herk warned.

  “He was already crazy. There’s no sanity in him.” Julio went on to explain what they had found.

  “Some monsters are made while others are born.”

  “So it would seem.”

  “There’s more news. It seems our mates contacted Pru’s mother about the possibility of Jorge being a vampire. They are sending someone and her mom is sending Gertie.”

  “Pru’s sister? Who is the vamp?”

  “Yes, Pru’s sister. The vamp is Darby.”

  “Wait a minute. Isn’t he Gertie’s…”

  “Yes, he is her fated mate. A match they have both fought against.”

  “Goddess, it just gets better all the time.” Julio observed. “When will they arrive?”

  “Definite plans aren’t yet given, but within a week whether we catch Jorge or not.”

  “Why would they come once he’s dead?”

  “My guess is they hope he’s not a vampire. Gertie probably hopes he is.”

  “This is all we need with the war already all around us. Now it’ll be among us as well.” Julio declared.

  “We’ve been given no choice. Pru and Janel are looking forward to Gertie coming. I’m sure Darby has friends among us as well.”

  “They can piece him together after Gertie’s through.”

  “She does have a tough reputation.”

  “And he’s a lover not a fighter.”

  “Maybe it will be entertaining to watch?” Herk suggested.

  “More than likely painful to see Darby unmanned.”

  “So what now? I’m two trackers down and Jorge knows about our new trick.”

  “It might still work.”

  “He might be crazy but he isn’t stupid. Jorge will find a way to prevent getting hit again.”

  “Then we need a new trick. Maybe a spell to say he is immobilized?”

  “Their spells are hard for non-witches to use.”

  “If that’s true, why do they have so many people buying love spells and such?” Julio asked.


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