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Blond, Black, and Blue

Page 4

by Ruth Temple Taul

  Daniel stood watching like a man entranced, a wide smile on his face. It was obvious he was not accustomed to watching children play.

  Caitlyn was also watching him and wishing their Dad had found them as fascinating as Daniel did.

  “Mr. Daniel,” Sarah was saying. “This one’s name is Pitty Pat, this one is Susie Q, this is Puddles and the other girl is Daisy. The two boys are Dutch and Dingo. Do you like the names? I have lots of others if you do not.”

  “We could not change them, each one of the puppies looks just like their name. Watch them run, Pitty Pat and Daisy are trying to run away,” Daniel said laughing as Sarah ran to catch them.

  Daniel had steaks to cook on the grill, along with fresh corn, still in the shucks, soaking in a big pan of water. Big Idaho potatoes were wrapped in foil on the big grill as well.

  Daniel had made a pitcher of margaritas for the adults and pink lemonade for the children. The four adults enjoyed their drinks, at leisure, on comfortable lounge chairs in the shade.

  Ben teased Betty about playing hard to get. “She wants me, anyone can see she does, but I’m not going to be easy,” Ben teased Betty as she shook her fist at him, but she had a sparkle in her eye.

  The puppies finally tired and were gathered up by the children to be put back in their pen. Sarah promised them she would come back often to see them, saying goodbye to each one in turn.

  The smell of corn and potatoes cooking were enough to make your appetite work overtime. When Daniel put the steaks on the grill, it spread such a delicious aroma through the air, they could hardly wait for them to be ready to eat.

  “Everything smells so wonderful,” Betty said.

  “I hope you enjoy it. This is my entire repertoire of cooking,” Daniel confessed, winking at Ben.

  Betty and Caitlyn had set the table on the screened patio and tossed the salad. Ben brought a tray of corn and potatoes while Daniel delivered the steaks. They were as delicious as the aroma promised they would be. They were so tender they could be cut with a fork and the flavor had everyone asking Daniel where he had found such exquisite meat.

  “I pick them up on my rounds as I’m doing my job. I’ve got to go on another assignment next week. It is in the Middle East and I do not even know when I’ll be back. I just know it will be several months. If you have no objections, I would like to give the children each a puppy. They can choose the one they want, I’ve got the rest sold. I’m letting a friend have the parents,” Daniel said sadly.

  The children were so happy over the prospects of a pet. Caitlyn and Betty just looked at each other. This was a vacation week and they refused to deny them anything that might bring them happiness. There had been so little happiness in their lives before coming here. The children chose Daisy and Dingo for their own. Their happiness had their faces glowing! The adults smiled at their complete delight over the puppies.

  The afternoon had been so pleasant they hated to see the sun begin to set, knowing it meant sailing home again.

  “Oh, first mate,” Daniel called to Logan. “Let us let the ladies keep the puppies in the cabin. They’re bound to fall in the water if they’re topside.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain. All women below deck for safety sake. We men will sail you home safely,” Logan said, trying to sound official. Daniel and Ben almost choked trying not to laugh at his seriousness.

  The sail home was luxurious and lovely. The ladies were fighting sleep from the gentle sway of the boat. Sarah lost the battle. She and the puppies slept blissfully together.

  When they reached Betty’s pier, Ben and Logan jumped off and tied up the boat. Daniel had peeked in the cabin and saw Sarah asleep. He picked her up and carried her to her bed as she slept on.

  Betty and Caitlyn carried the puppies and kept Ben company. Daniel said, “I probably will not see you good people until after my assignment, so take care I’ll see you around New Years.”

  Ben went home soon after then Betty and Caitlyn had tea and recounted the pleasant events of the day.

  Had they known the unpleasant days they had coming soon neither would have been able to sleep.

  Chapter Three

  LOGAN WOULD START SCHOOL on Monday, so today was their last day for sleeping late. Caitlyn had the puppies outside and was reminiscing over the past week. Aunt Betty had crammed it so full of activities the horror of her life in Boston seemed far in the past.

  It was a month later the sheriff delivered a summons for Caitlyn to appear in court. Jessie was charging her with desertion, kidnapping, stolen property and breach of trust. Caitlyn had expected trouble but this was ridiculous. Had he convinced himself this was true? What would she do in a court of law? Could he take her children?

  “Calm yourself down honey,” Aunt Betty said, “Millie has a lawyer who will tell you what to do, step by step. We will see him and you will feel more at ease.”

  “I’ve expected him to show up here every time I open the door,” Caitlyn said trembling.

  “I did not tell you, but he did call once. I told him I would blow him apart with my shotgun if he set foot on my property,” Aunt Betty explained.

  “You do not have a shot gun or any other kind of gun,” Caitlyn said.

  “I know that and you know that, but he does not know that. Any man who abuses his wife is a selfish coward. He is not going to do anything that endangers himself,” Betty said angrily.

  “Aunt Betty, I’m so sorry I got you involved in my troubles,” Caitlyn said as tears began to flow.

  Putting her arm around Caitlyn, Betty explained, “Honey, I have always been involved. You’re the closest thing I’ll ever have to a child. I would rather be involved with you here than to be waiting for the police to come tell me he’s killed you, like Millie’s girl was.”

  ‘My poor children have been through so much. Why did I not leave sooner?’ Caitlyn wondered out loud.

  “Because he convinced you it did not really happen, it was your fault, you did it, not him, you made him do it, you deserved it and the list goes on and on. You told yourself you wanted to hold your marriage together, you’re staying for the children sake, maybe it will not ever happen again; these are some of the reasons that women stay with men like Jessie. It is never easy to break up a home and change everything in your life. We will set up an appointment with the Attorney and get through this, one step at a time. Do not worry about Jessie getting the children. He does not want that responsibility. The hearing will be in two weeks, let us go shopping for something new to wear to court. Maybe have lunch out after we get through shopping. I predict that one day you will find life can be beautiful,” Betty promised.

  When Caitlyn met with the attorney, she was so agitated she could hardly answer. Talking about her life with Jessie made her experience flash backs until she became physically sick.

  The Attorney held her hand and said, “No more questions today Caitlyn. When we get to court just answer all questions truthfully and leave everything else to me, O.K.?”

  “Yes, I’ll try,” Caitlyn answered tremulously.

  As they stood to leave, Betty handed the Attorney an envelope of pictures, which he took, and nodded knowingly.

  Caitlyn was suffering from a bout of nerves. The experience with the lawyer had revived so many memories, she felt she would suffocate.

  When they returned home, Betty made her a hot toddy and put her to bed wrapped in a warm blanket. If she could get a nap she would feel better by the time Logan came home from school.

  It was a difficult two weeks that Caitlyn had to wait for the trial. It should have been just a hearing but Jessie’s Attorney had convinced him he had a better chance with a trial.

  When Caitlyn walked into the court room, Jessie was already there looking smug. She looked at him and wondered, ‘how on earth did I allow this vermin to put me through so much misery?’

  Her anger gave her streng
th. She vowed that Jessie would not see any emotion from her whether she won or lost her case.

  After everyone was sworn in, Jessie’s Attorney told the jury that Caitlyn had skipped out of their house in the middle of the night, taking all the money in the account, taking the children against their will, and leaving no forwarding address. His client had suffered much in not knowing where his family was. He was a pillar of the community, a hard working man, an example of what a loving husband and father should be.

  “What time of night did Mrs. Caitlyn Franklin come to your house?” Jessie’s attorney asked Betty.

  “She did not come at night. She called me after she had taken her son to school at eight am. It was then I went to her house to get her and the children,” Betty said.

  “Will you tell the jury why you took them away?” asked the Attorney.

  “Caitlyn called and asked me to come get her. She said she could not take any more beatings,” Betty answered.

  Jessie’s attorney jumped up and shouted, ”I object. My client has never abused anyone. He is a pillow of his community.”

  “Objections overruled. Let the burden of proof be with the defending Attorney,” the Judge decreed.

  “Your Honor, I would like to submit these photo’s dated Monday, October the thirtieth; first to your honor then to the jury,” Attorney Shultz said as he walked toward the judge.

  “Exactly what are these pictures of?” the judge asked, holding up pictures of the wrecked house. “The house my client fled from, your honor, pictures of her bruises. If you will look closely you will notice discoloration indicative of old bruises also brighter colors showing newer bruises. The dates they were taken and as you can see, are all October 30th. As you can also see, they’re all of my client.’’ Attorney Shultz stated.

  The judge looked at Jessie, but Jessie averted his face and refused to make eye contact with the Judge.

  When the Judge was finished with the pictures he had a look of disgust on his face as he handed them back to Attorney Schultz.

  The pictures were then handed to the jury and no one made a sound as they looked them over. They all stared at Jessie with contempt.

  The Judge called both Attorneys to his stand and said, “This is a farce, if it is not settled today, I’m holding Mr. Franklin in contempt of court.”

  The jury returned in fifteen minutes with a not guilty verdict for Caitlyn. The Judge ordered Jessie to pay all court costs and to pay child support.

  “When a divorce is granted, Mrs. Franklin will get full custody. If Mr. Franklin should go near her in the meantime he will be arrested. Court adjourned!” the Judge said angrily as he pounded his gavel.

  Jessie was harassing his Attorney as they left.

  Betty was very satisfied with the verdict and whispered to the Attorney to add the price of a divorce to his fee and to start proceedings as soon as possible. Attorney Schultz was very cooperative.

  Caitlyn did not have to speak to anyone except the Judge. She was not sure of all that transpired but Aunt Betty was happy so that meant the trial had gone well.

  They were sitting on the front porch swing when Logan came home from school, so they all had cookies and milk while Logan brought them up to date on all the exciting things that happened at school that day.

  The weather had been too cold to take the boat out, but Ben had repaired the motor and the children had a can of worms prepared for the first sunny day they could go fishing.

  It was a month later when Logan brought some Thanksgiving turkeys home he had made in class. Caitlyn was admiring his handiwork when she gasped and nearly fainted.

  Betty saw her pale and asked what was wrong.

  “Thanksgiving is the twenty eighth, that is next week! Aunt Betty, I think I need to see a Doctor.’’ Suddenly Betty realized why Caitlyn had turned pale.

  “Oh, no,” Caitlyn said, “what will we do?”

  “We’ll see what the Doctor says before we panic. There’s been so many upsetting things, it could easily be something else. Whatever the outcome, we’ll do whatever needs doing,” Betty said decisively.

  “Just when I thought I could go to work. At least we’ll be getting some child support from Jessie soon,” Caitlyn said.

  “Let us count our blessings Caitlyn,” Aunt Betty said, “you are well away from Jessie, you are not getting beaten any more, and the children are getting along famously. They have not had a nightmare in over a month. Those puppies have been therapeutic for them too.”

  “When I count my blessings, I always start with you, Aunt Betty. I just do not need this particular blessing right now. I can hardly believe this after I’ve been so careful. I love babies but I would never want to bring another child into Jessie’s world,” Caitlyn said emphatically.

  “We will have to live on a budget but we will make it honey,” Aunt Betty said.

  Ben came into the yard while they were in the swing.

  “Ladies, I came to invite everyone to dinner. A friend of mine is having his ‘Grand Opening’ of his restaurant tomorrow night. He is open to family and friends tonight, I made reservations for both nights. How about it?” Ben asked.

  “Ben, you know I do not want to leave Caitlyn now. You should have mentioned it earlier,” Betty grumbled.

  “I did not know about it earlier, I only found out last night. The reservation is for five. I do not want to leave Caitlyn either. If you do not start being nicer to me I might dump you all together and come courting your niece, or just maybe Logan and I will take Sarah and let you both stay home,” Ben teased.

  “I hate to admit it, but Ben’s got a good idea. After today we could use some pleasantries,” Betty admitted and Caitlyn agreed.

  “Does this mean you’ll go? This friend of mine has had some hard times I really want to see him successful in his restaurant,” Ben said hopefully.

  “You win Ben, what time shall we be ready, or do you want us to pick you up at your store?” Betty asked.

  “Six thirty. I’m coming to your door to get you and I am not driving the pick up truck,” Ben said mysteriously.

  Betty could not help smiling at him. He was an old dear she had to admit. He was trying so hard to please her.

  Betty and Caitlyn decided to lift their spirits by dressing up, so when they saw a new Cadillac drive up promptly at six thirty, they both looked beautiful and excitedly expectant. The children looked band box new too and excited over Ben’s new car.

  Betty had never seen Ben in a suit and her heart gave a little flip when she saw the dark suit, polished shoes, white tie and new haircut.

  “Good evening, beautiful,” Ben said, caressing her with his eyes.

  “Good evening yourself, you good looking devil,” Betty said softly.

  Caitlyn quickly put the children in the back seat and got in beside them. Betty did not seem to mind that the only place left to sit was beside Ben.

  When they entered the restaurant, the owner greeted Ben warmly, giving them a choice table near the bandstand, admonishing the waiter to give his friends the best of service. There was laughter at several of the tables. Suddenly, Caitlyn was so grateful to Ben for his thoughtfulness she suddenly felt like laughing, like dancing, and like being happy for a change.

  “I had forgotten what it was like to be carefree, I am beginning to feel like I am coming to life again,” Caitlyn said softly to her aunt.

  Ben heard her and said, “Sweetheart, you’ve got more happiness coming up than you’ll know what to do with.”

  Of course Caitlyn knew this was just wishful thinking. ‘If only I dared hope,’ she thought.

  Ben ordered three Tom Collins and two Shirley Temples. “We’ll make a night of it, “That dance floor is so little we’ll have to dance one at a time,” he said laughing.

  The waiter brought delicious appetizers with their drinks and the children felt like the
y were very special, sharing an evening out like this and sitting at the grown ups’ table.

  Ben asked if he might order for everyone, getting permission, he ordered filet mignon all around with Sarah getting the petite one. They had mixed lettuce salad with the house dressing a luscious baked potato with sour cream, butter and bacon sprinkles.

  The steaks were still sizzling when they were served. The aroma was heavenly. A small side dish held buttered asparagus.

  When they cut the steaks, they were tender and most delicious. Caitlyn had to admit they were almost as good as Daniel’s steaks.

  Logan and Sarah were busily eating but an occasional ‘yummie and ‘umm could be heard.

  When they had finished eating the delicious dinner, a dessert cart was rolled out. Chocolate and coconut cake, pecan lemon meringue pie, éclairs, napoleons, petit fors, and ice cream, all delightfully displayed.

  Ben said, “anything you want kids, tonight is another celebration.”

  “But only one dessert, I do not want you to get sick,” Caitlyn admonished.

  The musicians started playing around the room with a microphone. Betty looked beseechingly at Caitlyn and said, “Honey, I hope you’ll sing for us tonight.”

  “Oh, I will, Aunt Betty, it is such a great evening I feel like singing, for a change,” Caitlyn said. So when they brought the mike she sang so beautifully she was encouraged to sing along with the band. She sang in a very melodic soprano voice for a half hour then began taking requests. It was obvious Caitlyn was having a great time. She ended her performance with two sing along songs: ‘Margaretville’ and

  Dolly Partons’ ‘Love is Like a Butterfly‘, which everyone applauded heartily for.

  After she was seated with her family, the restaurant owner came to her table and offered her a job in the restaurant for three nights a week.

  Caitlyn looked at Betty, who nodded. She looked at the children who said, “Yes, Mommy, tell him yes!”


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