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Blond, Black, and Blue

Page 6

by Ruth Temple Taul

  “I’m afraid you’ll get tired of the children if you had us all the time,” Caitlyn explained.

  “What I’m tired of is being alone in this big house. I never realized what was missing in my life until I met you and your family,” Daniel said sincerely.

  Caitlyn put her arms around Daniel’s neck smiling said, “Do not give up. I’m weakening.”

  With delight Daniel dropped to his knee and said, “Caitlyn, my darling Caitlyn, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Caitlyn‘s heart felt safe and surprisingly comfortable as she easily answered him saying, “Well, Daniel Connelly, I thought you‘d never ask!!” Once this engagement was sealed with a proper kiss, Caitlyn went into the hallway and called the children. They came running down the hall, both talking at once about the bird nest.

  “Come see what a nice bedroom Daniel has,” Caitlyn told the children. After showing them through, she asked them to sit down because she and Daniel had things to talk over with them.

  “We were not too loud were we?” Logan asked, in wide eyed expectancy.

  “Not at all,” Daniel said. “Something a lot more important. First let me tell you something of what I saw when I was in the Middle East. There were families who had their homes blown up, some hurt badly by explosives. Whatever happened to them, the families were always comforted by each other. A family is a very important thing in life. You all are a family but you are missing a Dad. I could be a Dad if I had a family. I’ve asked your mother to marry me, I’m asking you two to let me be your Dad so we can all be a family together.”

  Logan and Sarah looked at each other. Sarah’s little chin was trembling and tears swam in her eyes as she asked “Will you be hitting Mommy too?”

  “Never! I would never hit your mother,” Daniel said as he sat beside Sarah and put her on his lap.

  “Dad said he never hit Mom, but I know he did. We heard it all the time,” Logan said.

  “Logan, there are men who hit their wives, beat their kids and do other cruel things. Those people are sick in the head, they are cowards. I’ve never hit anyone in my life and never will.

  I intend to treat your Mother as good as I know how and I’ll expect you two to help me out. I’ve never had a wife before either, so I’ll need some pointers from the two of you, O.K.?” Daniel asked.

  “Here’s something else. If all three of you decide to marry me, I want to adopt the two of you. Your name would not be Franklin anymore, it would be Connelly. We would be the happy Connelly family, famous for their sailing and fishing.”

  “Will I still be your first mate?” Logan wanted to know.

  “You are going to be my first Mate whether we are a family or not,” Daniel said gravely.

  “You promise not to hit Mommy or scare us?” Sarah asked seriously, her eyes wide

  “I promise not ever to hit your mommy or scare you. I also promise to take you to Disney World every year,” Daniel said smiling down at Sarah.

  “Then I promise to marry you and be your little girl,” Sarah answered, taking his hand.

  Logan stood at attention, saluted smartly and said, “I promise to be a good son and a good first mate Captain.”

  “Just what does Caitlyn say to the rest of her family?” Daniel asked, holding his breath.

  “I promise to be the wife and mother of this family, to love all of you and do my best to keep you out of trouble,” Caitlyn said.

  Daniel and the children let out a whoop for joy that brought Betty running. She was sure someone was hurt badly.

  She was calling “Caitlyn, what is wrong? Who is hurt?”

  “Oh, Aunt Betty, Daniel has asked us to marry him and we all said yes!” She answered with a laugh.

  “So soon? Do you not think this is rushing things too fast?” Betty asked worriedly.

  Daniel answered for everyone when he said, “It is very important we get married before the new baby comes. We are rushing with the legalities but we are taking our time on everything else.”

  Caitlyn may change anything in the house to suit her taste, but we’ll need furniture in the children’s rooms pretty quickly, maybe furnish at least one guest room.

  “May I go along when you shop for my room, Mommy?” Sarah asked timidly, not sure if her question would get her scolded.

  “If it is alright with Daniel, you certainly may,” Caitlyn answered.

  “Of course it is alright. You are my girl now and we will all go together,” Daniel answered enthusiastically.

  Sarah hugged Daniel’s neck and whispered “Thanks, Dad.”

  Daniel’s eyes were so wide, Betty thought he was in pain.

  “Daniel, what is wrong?” Betty asked.

  “Sarah called me Dad,” he answered huskily.

  Caitlyn quickly said, “Let us go see about dinner folks. I stay hungry these days.”

  Everyone trooped happily down the stairs, the children, excited over the prospects of living in this house with Daniel! They soon went outside to play and explore until dinner was ready.

  “Do you think you will like living here Sarah? This is like a castle and to have Daniel for a Dad will be cool. Just think Sarah, this will be our home ,” Logan said importantly.

  “I like the name Connelly. ‘Franklin’ makes me think of Mommy getting hit. I think Daniel liked it when you called him Dad. Let us keep doing it all day. It will surprise him and be fun too,” Sarah said mischievously.

  They were called to dinner, and while they ate the delicious steaks, Logan spoke up, “Dad, will you teach me how to cook steaks like this?” Logan asked with a grin.

  “It is a family secret son. Of course I will teach you,” Daniel said proudly noticing he had been called Dad again and was asked for advice.

  “Will you share a family secret with me too Dad?” Sarah asked

  “I’ve got my grandmother’s secret cookie recipe that I’m saving for you, Sweetness. One day when we’re alone we’ll make them and surprise everyone, just you I,” Daniel promised, smiling broadly.

  Daniel looked at Betty and Caitlyn and said, “Did you hear that? I am a Dad, to the best two kids I ever met.”

  “When are we going to become Connelly’s, Dad? Sarah and I do not even like the name Franklin now,” Logan asked.

  “If your Mom agrees, I’ll get my Attorney to start work on it tomorrow. It will still take several weeks but that will give the three of you time to buy new furniture for your rooms. That way, when we all get married, you can move right in,” Daniel explained patiently.

  In the busy weeks that followed, Caitlyn woke up one morning to a big surprise. In the drive was a new van with a big white bow on top. The vehicle was top of the line with all of the amenities. Nothing had been left off or out that could make it more desirable. The children clapped ,cheered and ran all around the van finding something new every few seconds.

  “Wow,” said Logan. “I will be hot stuff at school when I get out of this baby.”

  “Now, why did he do a thing like this?” Caitlyn said crossly.

  “What a tough break,” Betty answered when Caitlyn grumbled about Daniel’s generosity.

  “It looks like you are going to have to get used to the good life, you poor thing,” Betty said, grinning widely.

  “Now you do not start on me,” Caitlyn said with a wide grin. “You know I am having a difficult time in believing this is even true.”

  Daniel had insisted Caitlyn have a key to his house. He also wanted to help them shop for furniture, as he had already put a large sum in an account for her. He wanted the fun and excitement of watching Caitlyn and the children shop, and the pleasure of being with his new family.

  Daniel got a call from his Attorney early one morning telling him the judge had a postponement and could marry them and take care of the adoption that afternoon at two. The next opening was a mon
th away.

  “We’ll take it!” he said excitedly.

  He immediately called Caitlyn to tell her to be ready to leave at one o’clock and we must be there at two or wait another month for the adoption. I can not wait another month my Darling”

  “We have to get Logan from school Daniel, will we have time?” Caitlyn asked, worried.

  “We will make time. I’ll call the school that we are coming for him. Just be ready at one, please dear,” he pleaded.

  They arrived at the Judge’s chambers, with five minutes to spare, with the children very quiet and looking frightened.

  “I felt like I had been sent to the Principal’s office,” Logan said later.

  Daniel and Caitlyn had written their vows to include the children.

  “Do you, Caitlyn Franklin, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the Judge asked.

  “I do, your honor,” Caitlyn said.

  “Do you, Daniel Connelly take this woman for your lawfully wedded wife?” ask the judge of Daniel. “ I do your honor,” he said.

  “Do you, Logan Franklin, take this man to be your Dad from this day forward?” The Judge asked Logan.

  “I do, your honor,” Logan replied.

  “I do too, your honor, I love him,” said Sarah, who was afraid the Judge thought she did not count because she was too little.

  “That is good,” said the Judge. “I was going to ask you next.”

  “That being said, by the authority given me by the state of Massachusetts, before God, and these witnesses, I now pronounce Daniel and Caitlyn man wife. I pronounce the four of you officially the Connelly family with Daniel Connelly being the father of these two fine children, Logan Connelly and Sarah Connelly.”

  Ben was comforting Betty who was crying and clinging to him.

  Daniel kissed his bride then held each child in turn, told them he would always love them.

  Daniel invited the Judge to share their wedding dinner with them.

  “I wish I could, this has been the best part of my job, unfortunately my next case is criminal and can not be postponed. My congratulations to all of you,” the smiling judge answered.

  “Thank you, your Honor, I am a very fortunate man,” Daniel replied.

  The wedding party arrived at the restaurant amid great fanfare. Ben had gone all out. He had the violinist reserved to play at their table for an hour. They had the private room for their party and even had a small, private dance floor. Ben and Betty had decorated the room with hundreds of white flowers, calla lilies, roses, carnations and babies breath all brought together with festive streamers. Betty knew the local baker and only she could have gotten such a wedding cake; four tiers high that was beautifully displayed on a side table. The children were wide eyed and excited over it all.

  Ben had ordered prime rib of beef for all, with baked potatoes, new green beans and Caesar salad.

  “Eat hearty, children,” Daniel said. “We will not eat like this again until one of you get married.”

  Ben had had a few drinks when he asked Daniel, “Tell me old man, how do you feel about this ready made family?”

  “Ben, I tell you the truth when I say it is a dream come true,” Daniel said. “Nothing on this earth could make me happier. I’m the happiest man alive tonight. I’m going to dance with my wife, dance with my daughter, then dance with my Aunt Betty.”

  They danced and dined, then Daniel danced with his women folk again. The party might have lasted hours longer but Caitlyn remembered Logan had school tomorrow.

  “Are you going to your house tonight?” Logan asked.

  “At whose house, Logan?” Daniel asked.

  “At your house, oh, I forgot already at our house?” Logan answered.

  “Dad, when can I sleep in my new room at our house?” Sarah asked wide eyed.

  “We are going to go to our house tonight , to stay forever. I think it would be a shame if you slept on the floor, with your new bedroom set all ready for you,” Daniel told his new daughter teasingly.

  “Logan, we get to sleep in our new rooms tonight, is that neat or what?” Sarah said with excitement as they drove home later.

  After the children were snuggled into their bed, Daniel and Caitlyn shared a bottle of sparkling fruit juice in front of the fireplace.

  “Would you rather I slept in the guest room?” Daniel asked later.

  “No, dear, I do not want you to do anything different for my sake. I do care for you Daniel and respect you more than you can imagine. Let us not rush the consummation of our marriage until we both know the timing is right,” Caitlyn said seriously.

  “It will be any way that you are most comfortable with. I feel so blessed to have you here. Those kids are so much fun, I could wake them up just to watch them. I’ll be taking video’s of them all the time. I’m so proud to be a Dad and fortunate to realize how important it is,” Daniel said with feeling.

  “I have to tell you, Daniel, I think you’re one in a million. The children and I are the fortunate ones. I’ll never take your generosity for granted I promise you.” Caitlyn replied with tears in her eyes.

  “Come along Mrs. Connelly, tomorrow is the first day of our married life and .I have children to drive to school with business in the principal’s office. ”he stated with a big smile.

  After they were in bed, Daniel asked, “Hey, may I get a good night kiss?” After the kiss, he added, “You feel so good, all soft and curvy, let us sleep close in case it snows.”

  The next morning, Logan and Sarah were proud as punch to have their Dad drive them to school. Daniel would sign up to participate in all activities that included a Dad.

  Caitlyn watched Daniel help the children into the car, then run back for Logan’s lunch. He seemed to be having the time of his life. The three of them were laughing uproariously over something he had said.

  ‘I wish Aunt Betty could see this. She would love it!’ she thought, as they drove away.

  Caitlyn was still having trouble believing their good fortune. When she remembered Daniel’s tenderness, his thoughtfulness and his generosity, her heart gave a surprising jump when she felt herself go warm all over.

  He had made them all feel so welcome to his lovely home. It would take time for Caitlyn to be able to say ‘my home or our home’. She loved the antiques in the house and would not dream of replacing any of it. She did want to rearrange the living room and bedroom to get a better balance and a little of her personality into the room.

  While Daniel was at school with the children, Caitlyn got a flashlight and decided to explore the attic. It was filled with exquisite pieces of antiques. Some so beautiful she knew she had to use them somewhere. She was so engrossed in examining the furniture she was still there when Daniel came back from the school.

  He was on the second floor, near the bedrooms, then sounded panic stricken as he loudly called her name.

  She quickly went to the head of the stairs and shouted, “Daniel, what is wrong dear?”

  He looked up at her and exclaimed, “Thank God you are all right, I’ve been all through the house calling you. I thought you had fallen somewhere.”

  He had run up the stairs as he spoke and Caitlyn could see he was as pale as death and was trembling.

  He put his arm around her and said, “Let us get down stairs Sweetheart. I have got to have a large brandy to settle my nerves.

  I’m going to ask you not to go up the stairs when I’m not here. You are eight months pregnant, unless you can promise me you’ll stay on this floor when I’m gone, I refuse to leave you alone again,” Daniel said worriedly.

  “We are married one day already I’m getting nagged,” Caitlyn said teasing.

  “I’m sorry, honey, but I could imagine all sorts of things. Are you going to promise me?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes, dear, you have a valid point and ye
s, I do promise,” Caitlyn answered. I am so happy, I forgot that I am pregnant and as big as a barrel,” she answered.

  “Not too big for me to put my arms around you though,” he said as he pulled her to him.

  At that moment the baby gave a strong kick.

  “What was that?” he asked perplexed.

  “Your child just kicked you. He’s so active today. Put your hand on my stomach and tell him hello,” Caitlyn suggested.

  “I can do that? He would not mind? I will not hurt him will I? Hey! That was a strong kick. Does he do this often?” Daniel asked excitedly.

  “Stand real close to my stomach and you can feel him,” said Caitlyn. “This is so awesome, hey little baby, this is your Daddy speaking,” Daniel continued.

  “While he’s playing football, let us lie on the bed with my stomach to your back and you can feel him better,” Caitlyn advised.

  Later he was on the phone to Betty bragging that the baby almost kicked him off the bed.

  Sarah giggled when she felt the baby kick. “He wants to go fishing,” she said.

  Daniel wanted the baby bed set up in their bedroom. I will be glad to be the one who’s get up with him or her at night. I do not want to miss a minute as it grows up.

  Chapter Four

  IN THE DAYS TO come, Caitlyn appreciated Daniel’s caring for the children as it was difficult for her to walk.

  They got into a routine of she making breakfast while he got Logan ready for school. Sarah always rode with them unless Daniel had business in town. He insisted Caitlyn carry her cell phone in her pocket any time he was not at home.

  ‘So, this is what it means to be cared for,’ she mused happily. ‘If I’m dreaming, do not wake me.’


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