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BIG SHOT LOVE: 5 Billionaire Romance Books Bundle

Page 59

by Kristina Weaver

  I don’t deserve her trust, and I know it, but I don’t care. If that makes me an ass, that’s fine by me, as long as I get what I want in the end.

  Nic swallows and looks off into the distance her eyes unfocused, and I know not seeing any part of the deep blue ocean beyond the windows.

  “My husband…he was my best friend. He came into my life when I needed him the most, and I…I adored him. When Cody came along, we were really happy. Uh, he died when Cody was just over a year old. Brain aneurism. He just…died—and that was that.”

  She looks so sad that I can’t help but feel bad about her husband dying like that. Sure, I don’t know the guy, and frankly, I could do without hearing about his superhuman feats and how great of a screw he was, but for some reason I hate that she lost something that important to her.

  “So, uh, your son?” I press, not knowing how to react to her sadness.

  Her light blue eyes shutter for a second before she takes a deep breath and looks back out into the distance.

  “Cody. My light. The kid has a genius IQ. They bumped him up to ninth grade just last month, and it looks like he’s gaining momentum,” she says, though her smile seems just as strained as it is proud and loving.

  “You don’t seem too happy about that.”

  Fuck, who wouldn’t be thrilled that their kid is a genius who’s likely to be in college before he really becomes a man.

  “No, I am; it’s just…I wanted more for him than constantly striving for more, you know? And the tuition, God, you have no idea how much schools for gifted children cost.”

  While I appreciate that she’s talking, something about the way she’s skirting around anything personal has my hackles rising. Sure, I love the fact that her son is just as genius as his mom, and damn, do I appreciate that he must take more after her than his father, but I was hoping for something more than general talk.

  Maybe a photo? Something that’s more…personal.

  “He must be quite a kid. I remember how quirky you were when we were younger.”

  She smiles a little, and I feel as if the sun has started shining again.

  “Yeah. Cody is nothing like that; he’s a typical boy. He loves soccer and baseball and hockey, and I still read to him. Not little kid books, but it’s great that he still wants me to do those things for him.”

  That gives me hope. I’m no dunce, but I can safely say I’m no genius. Maybe the kid and I can get along fine with sports because, God knows, I am more of a jock than a bookworm.

  “We should set up a friendly game at Mom and Dad’s place. Invite some of his friends and play some ball. Or we could rent out a rink and play some hockey.”

  Nic’s face pales, and she shakes her head once before meeting my gaze.

  “Cody is at a really vulnerable age right now. I don’t want you flitting in and out of his life only to disappoint him, Lawson. He takes male relationships very seriously, and I know you, you’ll be all in till you lose interest.”


  “No! If I thought you were at all interested in him, that would be fine, but I’m not letting you use him to get in my pants, and then when you lose interest, which you always do, you’ll be gone again. Leave my kid alone, Law. He’s not a fucking tool.”

  “I know that! Come on, Nic. We’re friends—”

  “No, we aren’t. You’re my boss, and that is the way that shit will stay. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m tired; I think I’ll take a nap.”

  I’m left speechless when she storms off and a door slams somewhere down the hall. Seems Nico is wiser to my ways than I originally thought. No matter. If she won’t let me in, I’ll just have to find another door.

  Of course, I’ll do whatever I have to do to get her, including using her kid. I don’t feel a scrap of guilt, because while she thinks I’m my usual fly-by-night self, I have something a lot more permanent in mind.

  Nico Sharp is still my girl; she always has been and always will be. Now I just have to get the kid on board.

  Chapter Eight


  The space for the boutique is a dream of modern art. Situated slap bang in the middle of the retail deck, a veritable shoppers’ paradise, the little store is all white and sleek and boasts art that I can’t afford but would probably sell a kidney to own for a day.

  And the clothes…why Fox’s isn’t making money is beyond me because they boast a few lines from some of the world’s best designers—and even an eclectic mix of African apparel.

  I love everything about this place, and while it’s not yet up and running, thanks to the million changes Law wants to make, I have to grudgingly admit that the place is definitely going to be a success. Already I’ve had to field inquiries from a host of women who’ve walked by and want to come in to see the collections.

  The clothes are great, really they are, but I suspect a lot of those women spotted Law and wanted a closer look at his fine ass. Like Miss Big Boobs over yonder, who’d managed to slip by me earlier and is currently shaking her tarty ass at him.

  I hear another juvenile giggle and roll my eyes heavenward, trying to keep myself busy by cataloguing and pricing shoes to put into the system later.

  A lot of this work is actual hands-on stuff, but I don’t mind, and really, if it stops me from having to watch Law slaver all over the bleached-blonde, brainless twit currently piercing my eardrums, that’s fine.

  Keep telling yourself that Sharp.

  The blonde keeps giggling—and I risk a peek over, almost snarling when she leans closer, her boobs almost popping out of her neon pink halter top—and proceeds to start pawing him.

  The sight is enough to make an already sleepless night and the iffy temper I have from guilt spiral into what I refuse to believe is the green-eyed monster of jealousy, and it takes a monumental effort not to walk over, pick her head bald, and kick Law where it will hurt.

  “Oh golly! You played hockey? I just love hockey!” she titters, standing taller in an effort to thrust her already huge boobs closer to his smirking face.

  “Sure did. Goalie,” he drawls, looking over at me with a smirk that still has the power to make my insides go soft.


  Here I am, working my ass off, and he’s entertaining a tramp and bragging about his damn hockey career. Why I ought to…

  “Hey Nic, you just about done pricing those heels, babe? I need some help with these jersey things.”

  Who you calling babe, you flirtatious ass!

  “I’m busy.”

  He smiles again, as the blonde turns my way, her look letting me know that she does not appreciate my presence when she obviously wants to climb him like a monkey and swallow his tonsils.

  “You can get back to those later, sweetheart.”

  His tone goes commanding, and I finally look away from the chick to see him eyeing me with a look of desperation and a grimace that…

  “Oh! Er, yeah, sure.”

  He needs saving. Well, at least I hope that’s what his pleading orbs are telling me, so I drop the pricing gun and saunter over, putting a little extra sway into my hips for blondie’s sake.

  No, I am not a skinny model, but I have enough curves to pull off a lazy crawl that many a man has appreciated, and if Law’s eyes get any hotter, we might all combust.

  “We should finish this up first, huh?”

  At his nod, I sidle closer and force my way between the two. While I in no way want to give Law the wrong impression, I really hate Big Boobs McGee plastering her plastic ass all over him.

  She should have more pride. Yeah, that’s why I’m doing this. I’m educating the female species to being a class act instead of a quick fix.

  “We really have quite a lot to get through here, Miss…”

  “Mona,” she says through gritted, perfectly white teeth.

  Ah, Mona, Mona, Mona.

  “Well, as you can see, Mona, Law and I are incredibly busy at the moment.”

  Jesus, woman, take a freaking hint here!
I know your roots have probably infected your brain but geez!

  “But surely Law doesn’t need to work like a dog. He’s the boss after all,” she says, giving me a pointed look.

  Oh no you didn’t, you flaming floozy! I am so not a dog. I’m nerdy hot, and she freaking knows it. I should rip her—

  “Yup, gotta get this place set up so you girls can look good for your guys,” he cuts in, sensing my annoyance.

  I want to hit him so bad right now. For just a second, I saw a small hint of hesitation on Mona’s face, and I think she was close to trotting her too-tight butt out of here. Of course, the inveterate flirt had to go and freaking throw her a bone.

  “Oh, Law, that is so true. Why, don’t you think I would look great in this off the shoulder sweater?” she trills, pushing her boobs out even more.

  At this rate, poor Law is gonna lose a freaking eye to one of her jutting nipples. Maybe I should steer her towards nipple pasties, you know, just to save the sight of many a rich, handsome man…


  I jump in before he can answer and make the situation any worse than it already is.

  “Oh. of course you would. Just take a look at all that…display. Here, take this one, a freebie between friends.” I’m hustling her out as I’m shoving the free rag her way, just praying that Mr. Big Mouth can keep his tongue in check.

  Mona leaves with a bluster and a frown that lets me know she’s not giving up, and I lock the door and turn to Law with a snarl.

  “Next time you ask me for help, try not leading on Miss Plastic Fantastic.”

  He just smirks and keeps looking at me, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “Why, Nic, are you jealous, babe?” he croons, prowling over to me with a sensual smile. “You know you’re gorgeous.”

  “Can it; I don’t need you getting your plastic plague all over me, you pig. Now get back to work because I swear to God if you keep hitting on women while I’m doing everything, I’m putting that pricing gun someplace you don’t want it.”

  “Why, Nic, you naughty girl. I had no idea you were so kinky.”

  Oh for the love of…

  I ignore his purring drawls despite the heat that races through me at his sparkling gaze and shove past him to get back to the mountain of shoeboxes still awaiting my attention.

  An hour passes and I’m flagging.

  After storming out after lunch, I’d stayed in my room and ignored his knocking, foregoing dinner in hopes of finally getting so bored I’d just fall asleep and not have to spend any more time with him than I had to.

  Unfortunately for me, about five seconds after I did fall asleep, I had one doozy of a wet dream that woke me up with my hand in my panties, chasing an orgasm he’d been about to give me with his clever tongue.

  And then I’d been so riled up at the very thought of wanting him that I’d tossed and turned, and then spent hours pacing and trying to do yoga in an effort to calm myself down.

  Arousal is a bitch, especially after a ten-year dry spell. Plus, being this close to the only man to have ever hit my spot, well, let’s just say I’m not as immune to his scent or subtle flirtations as I want to be.

  “You look like hell.”

  The statement and the fact that Law has somehow managed to sneak up on me and is plastered to my back—Oh Lord have mercy, the man smells amazing!—makes me start, and I turn around at the counter I’m busy working at, trying unsuccessfully to inch my way to the side and away from his heat.

  “Gee thanks, Law, you’re such a flatterer.”

  His mouth tips down, and I see him frown before he reaches out and lays a hand on my cheek, stroking a thumb beneath my eyes.

  “You didn’t sleep last night, did you?”


  “I didn’t either. I thought about you the whole time. I remembered how you like to sleep naked most nights. Then I got so worked up thinking about your skin against the sheets that I got hard. Know what I finally did around three this morning?”

  My mind has officially shut down, and I let my body take over as he says the words. I shiver at the heated caress of his breath so close to my lips and feel my body respond to his nearness—even as he steps closer, letting me feel the hard length of his erection against my belly.

  “I flung the sheets off and started stroking myself. It was so hot, Nic. I pretended that my hand was yours, and I shot off so quickly I was still hard when I stopped coming.”

  Oh cripes. Oh sweet Lord above.

  He knows how much I like dirty talk, and this time is no different from any of the times he seduced me using nothing but words and his hot gaze.


  He leans closer, and I almost feel his lips graze against mine with every whispered word.

  “It felt so good, Nic. I came all over myself, whispering your name, wishing you were there, wanting your sweet tight heat wrapped around my dick. Did you think of me too, babe? Did you lay in bed and crave my touch, my mouth?”

  God yes.

  I bite back a whimper and bite at the seam of my lips, needing the small pain to center myself against the need to lean in and seal our mouths together.

  Yes, I thought about it all. The soft, wet caress of his lips against mine. His tongue and the out of control way he had of kissing me when he was so aroused he practically attacked me.

  The feel of his hands, as he caressed them over my skin, pinched my nipples, or pressed in lower where I’m wet and aching.

  And his mouth. God, just thinking of last night’s dream and the all too real sensation of his lips, teeth, and tongue feasting on me…

  “That’s it, babe. Picture it all in your head. You remember what it feels like to have my dick stretching you. My mouth eating you to orgasm.”

  He’s closer now, his body surrounding me, dominating mine, turning my resistance into a puddle of aching need.

  “Law, please…”

  “I will, Nic. I swear to God I will pleasure you so well.”

  Chapter Nine


  Her breaths are sawing in and out, and she has that dazed look about her that tells me that not only have I succeeded in stripping away her barriers, but she’s actually thinking about what we once shared and what we will again.

  Leaning closer, I press my lips to hers, just enjoying the satiny soft glide of our mouths meeting. No tongue yet, not till she gives me that breathy sigh I’m waiting for.

  When it comes, when she opens that slight bit and moans into my mouth, I will take full advantage and spear my tongue deep, a groan rumbling forth when the unique flavor that is Nic bursts on my tongue.

  My dick is so hard I can feel my pulse throbbing there and the telltale wetness of pre-cum. My body is screaming for action, yelling at me to rip her clothes off, throw her against the counter, and fuck her till we’re both boneless and insensate from the pleasure.

  I don’t. I use every bit of steely control I can muster and deepen the kiss, only letting my hands come into play when Nic moans deeper and starts rubbing against me.

  That’s my sign that she’s as into this as I am, so I go ahead and palm her breasts, her sweet, soft, abundant breasts, that fill my hands and make me want to do the naughtiest things to them.

  Her nipples are hard points that I take my time tweaking and admiring before I let my hands wander down to the skirt of her soft pink sundress. She’s still kissing me, her hands thrust into my hair, as if she fears I’ll pull away, keeping her distracted as I raise her skirt and quietly shred her panties, giving my hands free access to paradise.

  She’s so wet and hot I feel a growl of lust escape me when my fingers slip through her cleft and head straight for her opening.

  “Oh my God.”

  She’s coming back to her senses. I feel it in the way her body tenses and the slackening of her lips. I can’t have that. Not now when I’ve just dipped my toe in the pond.

  I’m not a greedy guy, but I’ve never spent much time on making sure my love
rs get theirs. All they’re after anyway is my money, so why should I go that extra step and sacrifice my pleasure for theirs?

  This time, though, I feel the need to bombard her with it, to make sure that when I’m done she won’t ever forget what I can give her. Before she can pull away and regain her scattered wits, I hoist her onto the glass and wood counter, drop to my knees, and dive in.

  Her taste hits me hard, so hard that I’m not sure I could stop even if she wanted me to. Thank God we seem to be on the same page because not a second after my first tongue swipe she grabs my hair and pulls me closer, her moaning sighs doing strange things to my heart.

  I lick and suck, enjoying her pleasurable groans even as my hard-on starts throbbing so hard it hurts. I can’t get enough, though, so I ignore the monster and set back in with a vengeance, using every memory of her I’d stored up.

  When she’s all but clawing at my scalp and begging for mercy, her yells of “harder”, “more” and “yeeees” ringing in my ears, I thrust two fingers home and suck at her so hard she bows back and climaxes on my tongue.

  “Law! Aaaah, yes. Please. Yes.”

  She’s so wild and uninhibited in her pleasure that all I can do is give her what she wants, gentling my strokes till she finally settles and slumps forward, her chest heaving.

  She remains that way, all drowsy and out of it while I rise and nestle back into the cradle of her thighs.


  Her body goes stiff suddenly, and when she peers up at me, I see her mind is still hazy but rallying very quickly. Regret and a whole lot of anger rushes forth, and I can hardly contain a grin when she rears back and scowls.

  “That was a mistake.”

  I’m still planted between her thighs and close enough to push myself into her heat.

  “Feel that Nic? That’s how much you turn me on, babe. Feel all that moisture? That’s how much I turn you on.”

  “I-this is no good, Law! Things can’t—”


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