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Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

Page 14

by Janine Infante Bosco

  “Why three?”

  “Because when we took the drugs we killed three of his men and a dozen whores that were cutting and packaging the heroin,” Jack ground out.

  The story got better and better, the hole deeper, and the body count higher.

  “You know Riggs did the security cameras at Sun Wu’s property on Mott Street. Well turns out that’s how he knew that Wu was keeping a stash house there. He dipped into the feed and caught them cutting and packing the drugs. It was pretty cut and dry when we went in, didn’t have time to work a plan. We shot our way through the front door, and put holes in anyone who got in our way. Somewhere along the way Wolf lost his cool and started shooting the whores and Riggs took his ski mask off,” Jack explained, shaking his head before he sat down and dropped his head to his knees.

  I clenched my fist, bringing it down on the rolling cart and sent all the contents to the floor.

  “I gotta get out of here,” I ground out.

  Jack raised his head, fixing me with a glare.

  “Riggs bought us some time. You need to get yourself fucking straight because I can’t have you strung out on shit, wallowing in your misery because you know just as well as I do, giving that motherfucker his money was just the beginning,” he fumed.

  “Wait. Where did you get the money to give him?”

  “Our boy Riggs is a rich boy living life as an outlaw,” Jack said, shrugging shoulders. “Guess money doesn’t make the world go round,” he added. “The Bastards haven’t contacted us for the drugs. If I had to guess that could go one of two ways…they can be pining for you to make this shit right or they could give a fuck less and looking for a way to end us.”

  “Well it shit as sure isn’t the first one,” I grunted, spreading my arms wide. “I’m stuck here, easy to find me, easy to get me, but only people strolling through that door are Knights,” I said.

  “I’m sending Pipe and Wolf into the field to sway some of the nomads into joining our charter. The only reason the club is standing is because we’ve had Bianci and the Valente kid watching our backs, pitching in with this whole Jimmy mess but they’re not fucking Knight’s. We can’t put them on the back of a bike, put an AK-47 in their hands and a cut on their backs.

  I crossed my arms against my chest and damned everything to hell.

  “What about Lace?” I asked, instantly regretting the question as it left my lips. I watched as he cocked an eyebrow.

  “What about her?”

  “You put Wolf and Pipe on her ass and now you’re sending them off on a goddam excursion,” I pointed out.

  He stepped closer, his eyes darkened making them almost as black as the shirt he was wearing. “What’s going on Black?”

  I forgot he was my friend.

  I forgot he was the Bulldog, and that I answered to him.

  He was just a man.

  Just Jack.

  And I was a man who had run out of fucks to give.

  “Don’t like her roaming around without protection when there are two fucking wars about to slam into our territory. I’m sure you don’t either,” I stated.

  “Yeah, and I know why I don’t…. not too sure why you don’t,” he questioned warily.

  “It’s real simple. She may be your daughter but you made her a part of all our lives,” I ground out. “Can’t order me to protect her one minute and not the next, can’t give me her life, tell me it’s precious then expect me not to put her high on my list of priorities. I’m not made that way and you of all people should know that, understand it, because it’s the sole reason you asked me to look out for all those years ago…you knew I wouldn’t be able to turn that shit on and off so, don’t ask me too now,” I chided. “So, if Wolf and Pipe are going out on the road, someone needs to keep an eye on her,” I added.

  He crossed his arms and silently assessed me, letting my words ferment in his head.

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing your ass will be out of here soon,” he said finally before narrowing his eyes as he uncrossed his arms and stepped closer. “Let’s pray I can hold my shit together, and keep my business away from her until her knight breaks free,” he said, squaring his shoulders back before turning around. “Another reason for you to get your act together…apparently no one watches out for Lacey like you—not even me,” he sneered, pulling open the door before pausing and looking back at me. “She’s my daughter, Black, mine, my only surviving child. You remember that the next time you question my intentions,” he paused. “Actually, do yourself a favor and don’t question my intentions when it comes to my daughter.”

  He turned and strode out the door, closing it behind him.

  What the fuck was wrong with me?

  I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends as I stared at the door.

  I was losing my fucking mind, spiraling out of control like an addict going through withdrawals and for the first time it wasn’t drugs making me unravel.

  It was her.

  I meant it when I said there was no on and off switch with me. I wasn’t the type of guy that was satisfied with a little, I wanted it all, pushed and pushed until I got it too.

  I got my appetite wet with Lacey and now I’d never be sated.

  It was that revelation that turned two impending wars into three and the third would be the bloodiest and most destructive.

  Brother versus brother.

  President versus Vice President.

  Two men who only know one side now knew two.



  I shook my head, releasing my hold on my hair and crossed the room as I pushed the thought away. I couldn’t go to war with Jack…the idea was ridiculous.

  Almost as ridiculous as thinking I’m capable of letting her go.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I worked up enough nerve over the next week to face Blackie, allowing Reina’s admission of Blackie’s truth drive my courage to confront him. He might not be ready to hand me over his scars but I would let him know the way I felt. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He could either accept my feelings or he could push them away but either way I would not hide them.

  Not from him.

  Not from anyone.

  Silly nicknames that started off as a joke, an attempt to get him to smile, became a lifeline for both of us. That had to count for something didn’t it?

  It means everything to me.

  And now I know it means something to him too.

  He was transferred to a private room and well enough not to be in intensive care anymore. I knocked before I stepped into his room, closing the door behind me as my stomach twisted in knots. I walked further inside and noticed he wasn’t in bed, or even in the chair perched in the corner. I turned around and walked into the bathroom only to find it empty too. I stepped back into the room just as the door opened and when I lifted my head, my eyes locked with his.

  I blinked, taking another look at the freshly shaved man in front of me and my eyes widened. He was dressed casually in a pair of black sweats and a plain white t-shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders. His hair that usually hung messily around his face was pushed back and tied in a short ponytail at the base of his neck. There was no scruff lining his jaw exposing all his perfectly hard features.

  “Are you okay or do you need me to help you get back into the bed?” The nurse questioned from behind him.

  “I’ve got it,” he muttered, keeping his eyes on me.

  The nurse glanced at me, smiled slightly before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her.

  “Hi,” I choked. “I was starting to think you were discharged,” I stammered, watching as he pursed his lips before his tongue took a swipe at his bottom lip.

  “Not that lucky,” he said, tipping his chin behind me. “Give me a minute?”

  I glanced down at myself in confusion before looking over my shoulder and shaking my head, realizing he needed to use the bathroom.

  “Oh, right…” I move
d out of his way, lifted my eyes back to his and watched as they took a quick perusal of my body.

  I had seen that look before, that night, and I remembered how it made me feel like the most desirable girl in the world.

  A sound escaped his lips as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I swear that sounded like a moan or maybe a growl, whatever it was, it was fucking sexy. I lifted my hand to my throat, letting my fingers mimic the way his dug into my skin that night in his room, and dropped onto his bed.

  I wonder if he remembered everything about that night the way I did. If he could still taste me the same way I could taste him.

  The bathroom door closed jarring me away from my thoughts and forced me back to reality. I stared at him trying to remember the speech I recited in the car on the way here but the only word that came to mind was muscles.

  Tight, sinewy, muscles covered in ink.

  It was probably a mortal sin to look like that after having a heart attack.

  “You’re staring,” he said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall in front of me.

  I swallowed.

  “So are you,” I whispered.

  He bit the inside of his cheek as he quietly assessed me before he nodded.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without jeans or facial hair,” I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s kind of a shock to the system,” I continued, cocking my head to the side. “What’s your excuse?” I asked, running my sweaty palms down my denim clad thighs. I watched him intently, waiting for his bullshit excuse and saw the faintest glimpse of a smile form on his lips.

  God, I wish he smiled more.

  He shook his head, the smile disappeared and for a split second I wondered if I imagined it.

  “Make a man wish he didn’t hit the bottle so hard,” he muttered. “Then maybe I’d remember when you became so bold,” he said, pushing off the wall as he turned and took a seat next to me on the bed.


  He thought I was bold.

  He had no idea it was taking every bit of courage I had to be here, demanding he see the woman I am and not the girl I was. Maybe then he wouldn’t feel so guilty.

  I glanced down as his thigh brushed mine.

  “Didn’t think I’d see you until I got out of here,” he started, fidgeting with his hands until he finally placed them on his knees and leaned forward. He looked over his shoulder at me. “Thought I scared you off the other day,” he said, huskily.

  “I told you once before I’m not afraid of you,” I said, clearing my throat so it didn’t sound so raspy.

  He kept his eyes pinned to mine for a moment before letting them dip lower. I tried to follow their path but lost all train of thought when he placed his hand on my leg.

  “I owe you an apology,” he said, his massive hand wrapped around my thigh and gave it a slight squeeze before he lifted his eyes back to mine. “So, pretty…” he murmured.

  His closed his eyes briefly before blowing out at a breath and standing up. I felt the loss of his touch instantly and automatically stood with him. He crossed the room, putting as much distance as possible between us before he fell back into the chair in the corner of the room and dropped his face into his hands.

  “You don’t owe me anything, Blackie,” I blurted. “You saved me once again,” I added.

  “I’m not talking about that,” he growled, lifting his head. “I’m talking about the night at the clubhouse,” he clarified.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head, closing the distance between us until I was standing in front of him. I would not plead with him not to take back that night.

  Not this time.

  With Reina’s words playing on repeat in my head I decided the only way for Blackie to accept this thing between us was to remind him of what it felt like to be with one another. Maybe if I reminded him of how it felt when the rest of the world faded and it was just us maybe then he’d think twice about his apology.

  “No?” He questioned as he narrowed his eyes. “I took something from you, Lace, something you can’t get back and something I won’t forget. I fucked us both that night,” he seethed.

  “You didn’t take anything I wasn’t offering,” I retorted. “I know you think I’m a little girl but I’m not and I haven’t been for a while. You may be my first but you weren’t the first man to touch me,” I ground out. “I’m not some goody two shoes, too prim and proper to get down on her knees because her father is some big bad biker,” I sneered.

  “Shut up,” he shouted.

  “No! You said you saw me that night, but it was a lie wasn’t it? Because if you did, you’d see I loved every fucking minute of having you. Open your eyes Blackie and take a look, take a good long look,” I dared.

  “I see you, Lace, been seeing you for a long time now,” he said, reaching out and gripping my hips. “Don’t tell me to fucking open my eyes because I’m trying so fucking hard to close them and not look at you. It’s a real struggle to tame the beast inside me and not spread you wide and take you every which way a man can take a woman,” he said through clenched teeth. “Trust me, I fucking see you, girl and you’re all woman.”

  I licked my lips as I felt something down in the pit of my belly ignite. An animalistic sound escaped his lips, something feral, and oh so fucking hot.

  Was the beast becoming unleashed?

  Yes, please.

  His fingers dug deeper into my hips and he pulled me between his legs.

  “Sit,” he commanded, pulling me down so that my ass sunk between his thighs. He brushed my hair aside, and I felt his hot breath against my ear as he leaned over my shoulder. “You feel that?”

  I did.

  His thick erection strained and twitched against my ass. A short breath escaped my lips as my back fell against his chest and his arms wrapped around me, pressing me tight against him.

  “Answer me,” he demanded.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Good, next time you doubt I want you, remember feeling my cock pressed against your sweet ass and know the truth was against you just as it was inside you,” he affirmed, pressing his mouth against my neck. “It’s time for you to open your eyes, angel, time for you to take a good long look at who you’re playing with,” he added as his teeth grazed the sensitive spot behind my ear.

  I closed my eyes, pushing my ass against him as my hands gripped his hard thighs. My body fell into a trance, one induced by Blackie’s words and for the first time in my adult life, sex wasn’t something I needed to rush to do, a game I needed to play catch up on, it was something I craved. I wanted to explore, I wanted to learn, and I wanted to do it all with Blackie.

  “I’m a greedy bastard Lacey, got marks on my arms,” he paused, loosening his arms around me. “Open your eyes and look down,” he ordered.

  My eyes fluttered open, and I did as I was told, focusing on the track marks on his forearms that were slightly fading.

  “Got marks down in my soul too, all proof just how greedy I am,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist again. The tip of his nose trailed down the side of my neck, pushing away the collar of my shirt and his lips fell over my shoulder.

  “And this greedy bastard won’t apologize for taking that sweet cunt of yours. This greedy bastard will forever hold onto that, take that shit proudly to my grave…”

  His words trailed off as his teeth sank into my shoulder.

  “My Lace…” he murmured against my skin.

  I clawed his legs, desperate for more…more words…more of his mouth…just more. His lips glided over the flesh his teeth branded soothing the sting.

  “I’m sorry, baby, sorry I didn’t take my time with you. I’m sorry I didn’t prime that pussy before I took it. I’m sorry I didn’t watch you get off, that, I didn’t make it good for you,” he hissed.

  “It was good,” I replied quickly.

  “Did you get off?” he questioned as his hands dropped from my waist to my thighs, slowly trailing down to my knee
s before forcing them apart.

  I couldn’t speak.

  “You’d know if you got off, you’d be licking your lips and clenching your thighs because the memory alone would get you wet,” he feathered my shoulder with kisses before pulling his head back. “Look at me Lace,” he demanded.

  He twisted me, lifting my hips, so I sat on his thigh, bringing us face to face, nose to nose.

  “So sweet,” he murmured as he took my face in his hands.

  “Blackie,” I whispered, my breath ragged as he turned me inside out.

  “Goddamn Lace,” he grunted, lifting his hips to push against me. “Like it when you say my name, angel,” he said before he sucked my lower lip between his.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and for the first time in my life I felt like I belonged. I kissed him back, exploring his lips with mine, memorizing the feel, the fit, the way they meshed so perfectly.

  Two imperfect people.

  Perfectly suited for one another.

  His fingers snaked into my hair, dragging them through the long waves until he fisted the ends, pulling my head back and breaking the kiss. I groaned in protest but his hot wet mouth closed over my throat and I forgot all about the loss of his mouth on mine.

  “Please,” I begged, as he continued to suck and graze my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair, dragging the rubber band at the base of his neck away and freed his hair from the restraint. It was my turn to tug on the ends until his head lifted and his hooded eyes met mine.

  The room grew silent, the only sound was our breaths as we both stilled and continued to stare at one another.

  “What?” I whispered.

  He opened his mouth to speak when the door opened and Riggs strode in carrying a pizza box.

  “Ah, fuck!” He groaned. “Why? Why am I the only one who walks in on this shit!?” He grunted, tossing the pizza box onto the bed before pointing to us. “You two got some sort of death wish!”

  “Give us a minute, Riggs,” Blackie ground out.

  He rolled his eyes.

  “Join an M.C. they said,” he muttered, turning around. “It’ll be fun they said,” he continued as he slammed the door behind him.


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