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Seven (Angels of Death MC)

Page 4

by Hilary Storm

  “So Clutch, now that you’re feeling a bit lighter. Is there anything else you’d like to say?”

  “Good lucking finding the informant, assholes. I fear no fucking death.”

  A loud gunshot echoes as Clutch’s head jerks hard to the right and blood spills from the large exit wound of Blade’s glock.

  “What the fuck, Blade? We needed to get him to talk.”

  “There wasn’t shit that traitor had to tell us; burn the bodies and get the prospects out here with a truck to clean up the mess. Have them scrap the bikes and we’ll take the parts. Get it done or get the fuck out of my club.” I don’t argue; Blade’s lost and needs to collect his shit before I even try and talk some logical sense to him. It’s been a long night and this shit has my adrenaline at full capacity. I need to get home and see my girl. There’s nothing better than fucking after something this deep.

  Chapter Six


  “So did Blade really walk in on you naked in the club? Do you not know better than that, Piper? I can’t believe he didn’t literally cut Switch’s dick off right there.” We both know the possibility of that happening in the beginning was very real, but luckily time has been on my side with this.

  My attraction to Switch has only grown and it’s obvious he’s had a connection with me since the first day we met.

  “Yes, I did and it was fucking fantastic, so don’t hate on me for finally getting Switch to give in to me. I was beginning to think I was losing my fucking charm.” She laughs loudly as I flop down on the couch next to her.

  “How long will the guys be gone?” I turn to her, impatiently wanting her to tell me how quick they are on these jobs, but we both know sometimes it’s the next day before they ride back in.

  “Not sure. I don’t like how Blade was when he left here. I know that means someone is about to seriously pay for some shit they’ve done.” She looks worried and I have to admit for the first time I’m actually thinking about their safety out there. I’ve never been around when they rush out and to be honest it’s unnerving to watch the aggression on my brother’s face. Seeing him like that made me see just what he could be capable of.

  “I know. We could drink until they get back to pass the time.” She smiles at me knowing I’ll win this and we’ll end up drinking, but she has to put up some sort of fight and be the voice of reason. “Don’t even try to tell me no.”

  She laughs loudly at me as she walks to the liquor bottles behind the bar. “I’m not saying no. I know better than that. Besides, it’ll only get us ready for the guys when they return. If Switch is anything like Blade after a night like this, you’re in for one hell of a treat tonight. Consider this your warning.” I stop mid step and look at her curiously.

  “Sex is great after a run. Just wait. Now drink up. Tonight we drink to new beginnings and fucking fantastic orgasms that hopefully will come to you as often as they do me.” Her huge smile makes me happy and for once my heart is full knowing we’re both in a position to be content with our love lives.

  We both down the shot and set it down for another fill just as the door bursts open to the clubhouse bar and a bloody Blade and Switch both walk with aggression towards the bar. Blade walks behind the bar and Switch stands on the other side leaning against it. The intensity is unreal and I honestly don’t know whether to say something or just watch them to see how this plays out. Blade grabs a bottle of whiskey from the private stock and pours two shots. He’s staring down Switch as he does everything. He finally sets the bottle down and takes both shots for himself.

  Neither of them break eye contact the entire time. “Lock it all down tonight. I’m out. I’m driving Six home. We can deal with this shit tomorrow.” I can feel there’s tension between the two of them, and judging by the amount of blood they’re both covered in and the shirts they just stripped out of, I’m willing to wait it out and get it out of Switch after Blade and Tori leave.

  Switch fires a comment that makes the room halt to a silence. “You’re gonna pull that bottle out and take two shots and not pour me one after the run we just had? I had your back the entire time, even when you didn’t want to listen to a damn thing I had to say.”

  “You follow the orders I give you. There isn’t room for second guessing when we’re on a run; it’s life or death out there and my job is to get shit done and do what’s best for the club.”

  “All I’m saying is he could have said more and you let your anger and hatred blind that.”

  “When you’re wearing my patch, then you can fucking question me. Until then we do as planned.” This is enough of this I’m not going to sit here and watch my brother and the man I’ve fallen for decide to try and beat the hell out of each other over this.

  “That’s enough, you’re not going to come in here and start a fucking fist fight with each other over whatever the hell just happened out there.” Blade shoots me a death glare telling me to mind my own business, but he should damn well know better than that. I’m not going to sit here silently while this goes on in front of me. I grab the bottle of whiskey from in front of Blade and grab all four shot glasses and fill them. “You’re both here alive and you have us, so man the fuck up, swallow your damn pride and take these shots like men and get the fuck over it.”

  Both Switch and Blade are now staring at me blankly like they just saw a ghost. Neither of them object and reach for their glass while Tori and I follow.

  “Here’s to alcohol, making dicks soft when they try to be hard.”

  “I thought this was my club, but apparently this is a fucking sorority house.” Blade drops his shot glass and begins to walk away.

  “Evan, stop being crazy. That’s your little sister and she cares about you. I care about you and we’ve been worried about you boys all night. Can’t you just chill the fuck out and have a drink with us? You guys can resolve all of this tomorrow and you know I can take care of your over-aggressive ass later.”

  “Alright, this is bullshit. Six. I fucking get it, I’ll handle all of this my own way tomorrow. Switch, catch.” Blade throws a towel from under the bar and shoots him a look that says this isn’t over, but I’ll let it slide for now. “It’s a bar towel but at least you can clean that dried blood off your face. If we’re gonna drink, let’s fucking drink. I need a few before she tries to do some crazy shit and tie my ass up.” He finally smirks toward Tori and I try to feel better about where they’re at in all of this, but something still doesn’t sit right with me.

  “Jesus Blade, didn’t you make the rule about not bringing up sex lives around me? Or do you want to start this game?” I try to lighten up the situation even more, but his look doesn’t follow how I hoped he’d react.

  “Talk about fucking around and I’ll make you leave. I’ll send you away from this fucking place like I should have in the first place.” His words only infuriate me and this is the point where yet again I’m going to put him in his place.

  “Excuse me. Try to make me move and you’ll have one hell of a fight on your hands. I’ve already made it very clear that you do not control me.” I slam my shot glass down and walk away from the bar. Who does he think he is? And what is it going to take to get him to take me seriously?

  “This is my fucking club. People need to remember that shit.” Evan swipes his hand across the bar, sending all the shot glasses to the floor. He keeps walking until he slams the front door behind him.

  I watch Tori’s look become even more frustrated before she stands to follow him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Pipes. I have to handle his cranky ass.” She squeezes me tight in a hug and I can feel a shift in the air as I watch Switch over her shoulder.

  He’s watching my face. Watching me. His eyes never leave me, even when Tori tells him goodbye.

  He’s standing, yet leaning against the bar as he looks like he’s waiting for me to come to him. I sit on the arm of the couch and exhale in frustration. This night has been pure fucking chaos and now he’s sitting here looking at me like he’s abo
ut to attack me. And sadly, I can’t even think about sex right now. I need a damn minute to clear my head.

  Fuck. He just ran his hand through his hair and flashed that sexy as hell smile in my direction. Yeah, I won’t last long being upset with him looking like that.

  Chapter Seven



  They’re fucking gone.

  I can’t take another minute of this, I need to feel her now. The tension in my body can only be relieved in two ways. Either fighting or fucking. And right now fucking her is all I can think about.

  “Woman, you’re coming with me.” I walk over to Piper and pick her up and toss her over my shoulder. She smacks my ass and I don’t even try to stop her from kicking and cussing at me. It only takes her a few seconds before she’s reaching around my waist and trying to grab my cock. I smile as I continue walking. She’s feisty as fuck with a mouth on her that matches my own. I couldn’t imagine anything less than that from a woman I’d be with.

  She grips my dick through the denim and slides her hand over it a few times. She can play her games because she knows she’ll get so much more of that from me. I owe her so much for the weeks of teasing she’s tortured me with.

  This only encourages me to grab a handful of ass and squeeze tight; of course I let a finger slide into her shorts just to torture her even further. “Switch. Stop. Seriously. I can walk my damn self.” She can consider that a reminder of who’s in charge here and I think she does because she gets real quiet as I continue to walk us through the house.

  We make it up the stairs and into the shower when I turn the water on us both. Yes, we’re fully clothed, but sometimes peeling wet clothes off of a sexy body is something I like to do.

  I let her slide down and lock herself around my waist as the water consumes us both. She begins to trace the music notes on my chest and locks her eyes on mine. I can read her; she wants to know it all. Every detail of what made me who I am, but right now isn’t the time. I need to be inside her. I need to feel her wrapped around me as I fuck her over and over.

  I push her back against the wall with my kiss and rip her shirt open down the front. Her perfect tits are exposed as water runs down and over them. I watch the water trail a path over her body and imagine running my tongue over each and every one of the streams sliding over her body.

  She slides her fingernails down my chest then reaches for my belt. I watch as her eyes shift and desire floods her face. She’s looking into my eyes the entire time she works my belt open and something hits me deep inside as she bites her lip and grinds against me once my pants fall open. She’s sexy as fuck and I love that she doesn’t try to hold back with me. She’s bold and takes what she wants and luckily we want the same thing right this very moment.

  I grab her ass and hold her against me as I quickly kick my pants off. They fall somewhere in the shower with us, but I don’t give a shit where. I’ve never craved someone as badly as I do her and I want nothing in the way of getting to her.

  I let her to her feet only to kneel down and strip her tiny shorts from her body. I slide her legs over my shoulders and lift her off the floor. She arches her back perfectly and leans back against the wall as I rise to my feet, giving me the perfect angle to fully taste her as she straddles my face.

  Her wetness begins to flow as my tongue works her. She tastes every bit as good as I’ve been imagining and it’s making me fucking crazy. Her grip on my hair is tight and her moans are loud as I send her into an orgasm. Her release takes over her entire body until she’s left in her own euphoria as she leans heavily against the wall.

  I look up to watch everything about her. She’s gorgeous. I should know, I’ve watched her for weeks as she strutted around in front of me and then continued to torture me in my dreams as I slept. Her hair is drenched and partially stuck to her face. Her breathing is deep, causing her tits to move and my dick to beg for some attention. Her lips are swollen from my kiss and her body is flushed from the heat of the shower. She couldn’t be sexier than she is right now.

  I guide her down as she runs her hand through my hair and pulls me in for a kiss. She wants this, all of this with me. Her kiss is rough and demanding, only encouraging me to be the same. I pull her hair back and then grip her throat with my other hand. She stops to look at me as we both breathe heavily against each other.

  Our chemistry is like a wildfire consuming everything in its path. I’ve never felt like this and that shit should fuck with me, but it doesn’t. For once in my life I feel like everything is right where it needs to be.

  I press myself against her as she runs her hands over my back. I can feel her fingers tracing the muscles in my back, taking in every ridge like she’s burning it to memory. My skin erupts with sensation as she continues to explore and I realize just how long it’s been since I let a woman appreciate me like this. This really isn’t something I let happen with other women.

  She lets her nails graze over my shoulders again and my dick decides I’m done being patient. I’m fucking rock hard watching her and I can’t take another second of this. I fill my hands with her ass and pull her closer to me. She slides her leg up over my hip, allowing me to enter her and I start to slide into her slowly. Fuck, she feels amazing.

  She grips tight on the back of my neck and pulls herself against me as she feels me thrust inside her. The feeling of arousal is consuming me. She’s consuming me. Her tight grip on my cock only intensifies my desire to fuck her senseless.

  Fuck. I need to make her come for me.

  I crave it. I crave watching her take me in and lose her mind as she accepts all that I’ll do to her.

  Her eyes meet mine and she never looks away as I thrust in and out of her. “Ah. You feel so fucking good.” She blinks as my deep voice spreads across her lips and my tongue slides over my bottom lip. That’s all it takes for her to dive in for another rough kiss as we both fight for air while the water falls over us.

  We move against each other with desperation to get closer even though it’s not physically possible. She’s fucking perfect and I’m not sure I’m ready for all she brings into my life, but right now, in this very moment I know I want to try. She’s blasted her fucking way through my wall even though I resisted her many times. I wonder why I even bothered trying to hold her back. I knew the first day I met her that she was a persistent woman that would end up getting what she wanted; I guess I just figured she’d get tired of me rejecting her. Now there’s no fucking way I’ll ever deny her again. She wants my dick, she fucking gets it. I’ll give it to her in any way she wants.

  I let one of her legs free as I brace myself against the wall. She stands shorter than me like this, so I spin her leg over and thrust myself hard into her from behind. I can tell I’m deeper by the response her body gives me and the way her hands clasp to the tile wall of the shower. Her moans of pleasure fill my ears and only help to fulfill my sexual cravings.

  I grip her hip with one hand and take a fistful of hair with the other. She arches her back and looks over her shoulder with complete satisfaction on her face. She loves me rough. “Oh, fuck yesssss.” I can’t hold back my appreciation any longer. “Piper, I love when you’re about to fucking lose it. I can feel you clamping down on my dick. Come on baby, let me hear you.”

  She begins to moan louder. She turns to spread her hands over the wall again and I take notice of her gorgeous back again. Her ink intrigues me, but not enough to stop and trace it right now. I’ll save that for another day… or night.

  I decide to pull her against me and let the sight of her tits under my tatted arm and my grip on her send me so close to the fucking edge. Her entire body stiffens and I can feel the walls of her pussy enclose on my dick right before she releases.

  I don’t even give her a chance to regain herself before I thrust deep and hard into her again. I want this moment to last forever with her. I need to consume her in the deepest way, just like she has me. She needs to crave everything I have to give her
and tonight I have so much more.

  I slow myself and make each thrust more intense as I rock her G-spot every time. She begins to say my name and before I’m done, she’s screaming it. I can’t get enough of this; I’m drowning in the sound of her appreciative voice as she continues to whimper each time I enter her.

  I pull out only to have her wrapped around my waist again. I don’t let her lean against the wall this time, I want to have her completely at my mercy. I grip her ass tight as I begin to move her up and down on my cock. She feels amazing in my arms like this and her eyes are taking in my determination to make her feel me in every way. Each time I slide her slowly up and down on my length I can feel our connection getting stronger. This is so much more than a fuck and I can tell she feels it too.

  I ignore that feeling and thrust deep into her over quickly, trying to make her scream again. “Switch, I’m ready. I need to please you the way you’ve pleased me.” Fuck. Her words are like a drug to me. She slides down my body and drops to her knees, gripping my thighs as she does.

  She works her hands up and down the length as she licks the head of my hard cock. Before I know it she’s working her way down the shaft with her tongue and then pulling back to take me into the back of her throat.

  Fuck. She swallows hard on me, making me feel my own release surface with a fury. I pull back knowing I’m so close, but she continues to stroke me hard until she’s aiming my dick so that my cum lands on her chest.

  She gives me an instant look of gratification in what she’s done for me. This girl has me fucking crazy. The look on her face right now is something I never want to forget. She’s sexy and her confidence only makes her more irresistible to me.

  I pull her to her feet and let her wash herself first before I grab the bar of soap to slide it over her body. I find myself taking in every one of her curves and some of the detail in her ink.


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