Book Read Free

Take My Dress Off

Page 3

by S. Gilmour

  “Too late,” Jen called. “He sees you. He’s coming down the driveway.” I tightened the reins and turned Goldy back around, nudging him forward. Chaz was jogging down the paved drive toward us and waved.

  “Paige?” called Chaz. “Is that you?” He cautiously came up to the side of Goldy.

  “Hi, Chaz. This is my friend, Jen.” He nodded at Jen and looked up to me. “Jen just moved in down the road and we were out for a ride. I noticed your car…”

  “Do you want to come over and go swimming with us?” Jen piped up. I shot her an, I can’t believe you said that look.

  Chaz looked back and forth between Jen and me. “Why not. Let me change and I’ll be right back.” He jogged back down the drive.

  Jen giggled when he was out of range. “Holy shit, he’s cute. I can’t wait to see him half-naked.”

  “Hands off, Jen.”

  “He’s not my type anyway.”

  Chaz returned on an old, beat up BMX bike (that was way too small for him) in a turquoise tank top and white Ocean Pacific board shorts.

  “Lose the bike. You can ride with Paige,” ordered Jen.

  “No way. I don’t like horses. And they totally don’t like me. My sister had one and it bucked me off.”

  “Oh, everyone has a bad horse story,” she chastised.

  I slid down from Goldy’s back and faced him squarely. “Face your fears,” I challenged.

  He thought for a moment then tossed his bike onto the lawn. Jen held the reins and I gave him a leg up. Then he offered his arm and hauled me up. Jen tossed the reins at him as I settled behind.

  “I don’t want to drive,” said Chaz. “You do it.”

  “You can do it,” I coaxed. I put the reins into his left hand. “Goldy neck reins, it’s really simple. Plus, we’re going in a straight line. I’ll be the co-pilot.” I gave Goldy a kick and he began to walk. Chaz tensed up and tightened his legs around Goldy’s belly. Goldy responded by tossing his head and trotting.

  “Whoa!” yelled Chaz and yanked back on the reins. Goldy threw his head in the air and stretched his neck out. “How do I slow him down?”

  “Stop gripping with your legs,” I warned. “That means go faster.” We bounced uncomfortably as Goldy trotted faster and faster. I put my arms around Chaz’s waist to balance. Well kind of. I just wanted to put my arms around him. His body felt hard and toned and the lingering scent of Polo cologne clung to his neck, like he had put it on a long time ago. I tried not to laugh. Jen was not trying at all. I could hear her giggles as we passed her.

  “Whoa, Goldy, easy.” I put my hands over Chaz’s death grip on the reins and gently pulled back. Goldy slowed back down to a walk.

  “Make him stop, I’ll walk.”

  “You’re doing fine,” I reassured. “Just relax.” Goldy continued to walk and Chaz relaxed too. We settled into a nice pace and I kept my arms around him. I wanted to press my cheek into his back but I controlled myself. When we got to Jen’s house I dismounted and took the reins.

  “How do I get off this thing?” he asked.

  “Lean forward and swing your leg around. Then lean on your stomach and slide off.” Chaz cautiously followed my directions, relieved as he stood firmly on the ground.

  “That wasn’t so bad, huh, Chaz?” asked Jen.

  “That was great. NOT,” laughed Chaz. “Yep, I for sure still hate horses.”

  “Wuss!” teased Jen.

  I handed her the reins and she headed off to the barn to put the horses away while Chaz and I walked to the pool.

  “Nice place,” he commented as he looked around. “She just moved in?”

  “Three days ago.” I shrugged out of my t-shirt and tossed it onto a lounge chair. Chaz did the same and dove into the pool. I slipped my shorts off as he popped up from under the water and shook his head, spraying water all over me.

  “C’mon, what’s taking you so long, slowpoke?” he teased and splashed water at me.

  “That’s it. You’re dead!” I jumped in next to him. We started a splash fight which progressed to wrestling and eventually to him playfully tossing me across the pool.

  “Hey, that’s not fair.” I brushed the water from my face and retied my ponytail.

  “Do I need to separate you two?” Jen slowly lowered herself into the water and I glanced at Chaz to see if he was noticing her. Jen had curves. Jen had boobs, big ones, and they were stuffed into a yellow bikini halter top constructed of tiny triangles. He didn’t seem to notice.

  We spent the rest of the afternoon bobbing around on floats with the occasional water fight when Chaz decided I had dried off too much. As the sun shifted to the side of the house it started to cool off and so did we. We climbed onto the loungers and wrapped ourselves in big Nautica beach towels.

  Chaz closed his eyes, a small smile extending across his full lips. “You ready for tomorrow?” he asked. “For Almost Paradise?”

  “You know it. Are you ready for your first show?”

  He opened his eyes. “Can’t wait. I get to have my first time with you,” he winked. I almost fell off the chair. Did he really just say that? Did it mean something?

  Jen stood up and began to towel off. “I gotta get ready for work.” She was a greeter at Land and Sea Steakhouse and hated it. “You guys can hang out if you want.”

  Chaz swung his long legs onto the concrete and stretched. “Actually, I need to get going too.” I couldn’t help but glance at his well-toned stomach as he extended his arms over his head. I felt heat rising up my neck and it wasn’t because it was hot. His eyes locked with mine and my face reddened for being caught. He snapped his towel at my legs and narrowed his green eyes. “I’m not riding back on that crazy horse. I’ll walk home, thank you very much.”

  “I’m heading back that way, I can drop you off,” I offered way too quickly. He replied by offering his hand and pulling me from the chair.

  The drive was quick. “You can drop me here,” he said as I turned into the driveway. “I need to check the mail.” He turned toward me and pursed his lips, like he wanted to say something but changed his mind. I felt like I was burning up. It was hot in my car and the air conditioning was just starting to pump out cold air but I didn’t think that was the reason. I didn’t want this day to end so soon. I felt relaxed, like I could be myself. I was always on edge with Dillon. I wondered what Chaz had planned for the rest of the day? Tonight?

  He covered my hand that was on the gear stick with his. I sucked in my breath as he gazed thoughtfully into my eyes.

  “Thanks for the swim. It was fun hanging out with you and not having to worry about eight counts,” he grinned. I agreed by giggling like an idiot and said a breathy goodbye as he stepped out of the car. He turned and paused just before he closed the door, his tall frame leaning into the car. “A bunch of us are going to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the drive-in tonight. Want to go?”

  A date? Was this a date? Is he asking me out on a date? I had to bite my cheeks to keep from grinning from ear to ear.

  “Danielle and I might hang out but uh… no major plans. Sure.”

  “It starts at midnight. I can pick you up around eleven?”

  Yes, I believe this is going to be a date.

  “That sounds good.” My heart was soaring!

  “Great. Ask Danielle if she wants to come along,” he smiled. “The more the merrier, right?”

  My heart plunged into my stomach. This was not a date.

  “Okay,” I said trying to mask my disappointment.

  “See you tonight.” He shut the door and I backed my car down the driveway. He waved as I passed him at the mailbox. Obsession by Animotion blared from the car’s speakers. How fitting.

  I would make sure that Danielle had other plans.


  Danielle said she had already planned to ditch me tonight to go out with her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Shane Davis. Shane had just finished his first year at San Diego State and in my opinion, was a total and complete
asshole. I was a wreck! I didn’t know what to wear but she offered to come over and turn me into an irresistible knockout.

  “What about this?” She held up a hot pink Esprit blouse.

  “No way, that’s totally old.”

  “Paige, I give up. We’ve gone through everything in your closet.”

  “I have no clothes.” I sulked on my bed.

  “You have plenty of clothes. You just don’t have any new clothes.”

  “Give me your outfit.” She looked hot in a tight, black, mini-skirt and gold sleeveless crop top.

  “Not even, bitch,” she smirked and rested her hands on her hips, her gold bangles ringing as they slid to her wrists.

  “Fine. I’ll wear the Espirit blouse,” I groaned. She paired it with tight, white, cropped pants, a silver belt, and I pulled out my silver pumps from underneath my bed.

  “Pumps? Seriously?”

  I looked her up and down. “You’re wearing pumps.”

  “I’m going to a very grown-up dinner in Pacific Beach. You’ll be stumbling around in the dirt at the drive-in with a bunch of kids.”

  “I am a professional, I can scale fences in these babies. If wearing pumps was an Olympic event I’d get the gold.”

  “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Danielle teased my hair and sprayed enough Rave- Number-Three to burst a hole in the ozone.

  “Who knows, maybe we’ll end up there with you,” she called as she climbed into her old car. I secretly hoped not. I didn’t want to become a foursome yet. I needed quality alone time with Mr. Serna first.


  The low roar of the Mustang announced its presence before it arrived in our driveway. Chaz was right on time. Maddie was covering a nightshift in the ER so I didn’t have to deal with her recitation of rules. I ran out to the driveway as Chaz pulled in and tugged on the passenger door. It wouldn’t budge.

  “It’s jammed,” he chuckled. “My sister crashed it when it was her car. I’ve never bothered to fix it.” I climbed over the door onto the front seat.

  “I would have opened the door for you. Just not the passenger door,” he smiled and leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek. His lips were warm and soft. I was glad it was dark so he couldn’t see me blush.

  This was a date!

  It seemed everyone in town was at the drive-in. I had never seen so many kids or cars! When I was little I would tag along with Dad and Maddie. They would put me in pajamas and I would sleep in the backseat while they had a “date night.” Now I was here on my own date night, I hoped. Chaz went to the trunk and took out a brown paper grocery bag.

  “Picnic? I asked.



  “No way! Are you a virgin?”

  “Excuse me?”

  He slammed the trunk closed and shook his head. “No. I didn’t mean that,” he laughed. “Have you ever seen Rocky Horror?”


  “Ah, so you are a virgin,” he smirked.

  We left the car and pushed through mingling teenagers. I followed him down to an area with rows of metal chairs in front of a raised stage. The large screen was behind the stage.

  “I thought you stayed in your car at a drive-in,” I teased. I was more than disappointed. I had imagined sitting in the private, cozy, confines of Chaz’s car, his arm draped casually around me as we shared a tub of popcorn, our hands occasionally touching as we both reached in at the same time…


  I looked over, quickly snapping out of my thoughts. A young man had joined our group.

  “This is Spade. We’ve known each other since like… fourth grade right?”

  “More like third I think.” He smiled warmly and shook my hand. “Joseph Spader.”

  Spade was tall and lean with copper hair and a dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose. He had that generic boy-next-door look. The look that Danielle always went for but never stayed with very long.

  “Spade, this is my friend, Paige. We’re modeling tomorrow in that show I was telling you about.”

  Friend? Great. This was not a date.

  “That’s bitchin’. I’m totally going to show up and make fun of you guys.”

  They continued talking and I turned and scanned the crowd. The seats were starting to fill up with people holding props or dressed in costumes. I wondered what I was getting myself into.

  “Hey, Paige.”

  I spun around to see Donny dressed in the most bizarre costume I’d ever seen! He was wearing a black leather vest, black opera length gloves, tight black trunks, and fishnet stockings. His big feet were crammed into red platform heels and he had a white face and dark lipstick.

  “Holy shit, Donny! Is that you?”

  “I’m in the play that gets acted out on the stage as the movie is playing. I’m Dr. Frank N. Furter.”

  “Oh,” I sighed in relief. I thought he had lost his mind. “I didn’t realize there was a play too.”

  “Oh my God! Are you a virgin?” Here we go with the virgin thing again.

  Chaz turned from his conversation. “She is a virgin.” Big smirk from Chaz. He pushed me to Donny and before I knew what was happening I was being pulled onto the stage.

  Donny cupped his hands together over his mouth and shouted into the crowd. “Attention, everyone. We have our first virgin of the night!”

  Within seconds people formed a ring around me and started to sing and dance. Ring around the virgin, ring around the virgin, they sang. I was mortified. They disbanded as quickly as they gathered and disappeared back into the crowd.

  “My dear, you are no longer a virgin,” said Donny as he bowed and pretended to lower a cap from his head. I spotted Chaz in the row of seats below and walked over to him. He couldn’t contain his laughter.

  “You knew that was going to happen didn’t you?” I scolded with my hands on my hips.

  “It’s happened to all of us, don’t be pissed.” He chucked me under the chin. “C’mon, it’s a tradition.” My body softened. I couldn’t stay mad at those beautiful green eyes. “I’m going to the snack bar, want anything?”

  “Surprise me.”

  Chaz disappeared into the crowd and I sat down. I peeked into his paper bag. There was a newspaper, two green plastic squirt guns, hotdogs, a flashlight, rubber gloves, toilet paper, toast, rice, and two party hats. Hmm, this night was going to be interesting that was for sure.

  “Paige,” called a low voice.

  I whipped around to find dark eyes staring back at me.


  The “old me” would have melted. The “new me” was annoyed.

  “You here with Danielle?” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his Calvin Klein’s and glanced down at me through tousled bangs.

  “Nope. Where’s Jordan?” I smirked up to him.

  “Not here. I came with Donny.”

  I did not want to spend my first date (or whatever it was with Chaz) with Dillon too.

  “Shouldn’t you be at home getting your beauty sleep?”

  “Shouldn’t you?” I spat. We glared at each other as the excitement of the crowd buzzed around us.

  Chaz’s return broke our awkward silence. “I got you a Butterfinger, is that okay?” He glanced back at Dillon. “Oh, hey, Dillon. Donny looks great. You’re not dressed up.”

  “I just came to watch.” Dillon studied us warily for a moment. “The show’s about to start. I guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  “Later,” said Chaz.

  I didn’t say anything.

  “You ready to lose your virginity?” laughed Chaz.

  I tore open my Butterfinger and nodded. If he only knew.

  The show was incredible! Donny was in his element as Dr. Frank N. Furter. Chaz cued me on when to use the props and when to shout out the lines. I couldn’t believe how fast the time went by. Before I knew it the credits were rolling and Donny was taking a bow with the rest of the performers. We packed all
of the props back into the bag and went up to the stage to find Donny. When we found him he was taking a drag on a joint with Dillon and the guys who played Riff Raff and Rocky.

  “Hey guys, what did you think?” Donny smiled through heavy lids as a thin stream of smoke escaped his lips. We showered Donny with praise and he beamed.

  “I’m glad I got to be a part of your de-virgining,” winked Donny. Dillon raised his eyebrows at me. Donny offered the joint to me and I shook my head. Chaz took it carefully from Donny and took a long drag before returning it. I was surprised. I didn’t know Chaz was into that. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Donny offered it to Dillon and he took a drag and passed it over to me, his dark eyes challenging mine.

  “Excuse me.” I turned to Chaz. “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll meet you back at the car.”

  “I can walk you,” Chaz offered.

  “No thanks, I’ll be fine.”

  I didn’t really need to use the restroom but I wanted to get out of the Ring of Weed and away from Dillon. I was dreading the Almost Paradise fiasco tomorrow. Actually…now today. I stumbled a few times on the rocky ground and prayed I wouldn’t twist my ankle or Maddie would kill me for ruining her show. Damn pumps, Danielle was right. I ran into Marissa and chatted with her for a while. I was on my way to the parking lot when I was confronted by Dillon, again. He was half-hidden in the shadow of a large truck but I could see his eyes glittering in the darkness.

  “How long are you going to stay pissed at me, Paige?” He ran his hands through his hair.

  “I’m not talking to you when you’re high.”

  “I barely had a hit. I’m not high.” He looked around and leaned in closer. “Why are you so freakin’ hot and cold to me?”

  “Me? I’m hot and cold? That is the biggest joke I’ve ever heard,” I scowled.

  “I can’t tell what you want from me.”

  “What I want from you?” I choked back a laugh. “What I want is for you to quit messing with my head, that’s what I want.” I spun on my pumps to turn and make a grand exit but my heel caught in the dirt and I lost my balance. Dillon reached for me and pulled me with him into the shadows. The damp night clung to his sweatshirt and caused me to shiver.


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