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Embrace (Two Hearts Book 2)

Page 5

by Melissa Toppen

  I can't find it in me to speak. Words don't really seem to hold much meaning in a moment like this. There is only one way I can think of to show him how I'm feeling.

  Gently wrapping my hand around the back of his neck, I pull his face down to mine before pressing my lips to his. He starts out tentatively, working small gentle kisses across my mouth, his hands cupping my face.

  My heart beats rapidly in my chest and I struggle to control the butterflies swarming in my stomach. Every inch of my skin feels like it's on fire as I plunge my fingers into his hair and knot them in his dark locks.

  When my lips part on a moan, he loses some of his control and eagerly searches for my tongue with his. I happily comply and within seconds we are locked in a passionate kiss, in the middle of a venue packed with hundreds of people, while one of my favorite bands play in the background.

  The moment is everything I want and yet everything I wanted to avoid. The heat, the passion, the want coursing through me is enough to cloud my vision and blind me from everything but what is right in front of me.... Zayne.

  I love him and right now, there is not one damn thing I can do but embrace it.

  Chapter Seven

  “What are you doing here?” I finally manage to ask the minute the lights flip back on and the crowd starts to disperse at the end of the show.

  “Alec had some business to deal with and couldn't make it. He didn't want you out here all alone so he called me to see if I could take his place.” He says, dropping a hand to the small of my back as he leads me through a sea of people making their way towards the exit.

  “And he couldn't have called and told me that himself?” I raise my voice over the noise level of the crowd.

  “I asked him if he had given you a heads up but he said he only had time to call me and he wanted me to make sure that I told you how very sorry he is.” He says, not meeting my eyes when I glance back towards his face.

  Turning my attention forward again, I focus on not stepping on anyone's feet or running into anyone on our way out the door. As soon as we exit onto the busy sidewalk, Zayne grabs my arm and leads me to the edge of the building before stopping and turning towards me.

  “It's kind of my fault actually. I can't really handle any of the business related to our China merger, which you already know why. Since it's such a huge undertaking, Alec has spent hours working to make sure everything happens as smoothly as possible. Apparently they hit a bit of a hiccup this afternoon and Alec had been stuck in a meeting for three hours when he called me to ask me to meet you here.” He says, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and pressing his back against the brick wall behind him, giving him almost a bad boy look and making him even sexier.

  “So.... What you're telling me is that instead of being able to come out and enjoy a concert on a Friday night with his sister, my brother is stuck in the office because you couldn't keep it in your pants?” I say, my voice dripping with playfulness and yet I know he doesn't miss the edge to it.

  I try to fight a smile but when a slow playful one creeps across his face, I can't hold mine back. “Yeah, pretty fucked up when you think about it.” He says, shaking his head on a light laugh.

  “You officially suck as a best friend and as a business partner.” I say, cocking my head to the side and crossing my arms in front of my chest.

  I don't know when I found the humor in this whole situation but honestly, it feels better to joke about it then to be upset over it. What's done is done and I am really trying to live in the present.

  “I think I officially suck in a lot of ways. The most important of all, being how huge of an idiot I have been when it comes to you.” He says, gauging my reaction.

  “I'm listening......” I say, giving him a smile and hoping that keeping a playful demeanor will keep the mood light. I'm not sure I can handle deep and serious right now. Not when it's already damn near impossible to stand here with him and not pronounce my undying love for him.

  God, what is wrong with me? One minute I want nothing to do with him, the next I am mapping out the rest of our lives. Imagining what our children will look like and where we will live. I shake my head trying to reel myself back in.

  “I messed up Grace. I never should messed around with Ashley, I know that. As much as I wish I could take it back, I can't. But more than that, I'm sorry I ever let you walk away.” He says, reaching out to trail the back of his hand down my cheek.

  My breath hitches and I try to search for something to say but words fail me. In this moment, I can't think of one damn thing to say. All I can think about is how amazingly beautiful his blue eyes are, how my insides turn to mush when his mouth pulls up on one side in a hesitant lopsided smile, and how my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest at his words.

  “I know I don't deserve it Grace, but I was really hoping maybe we could start over. You know, the right way.” He says, shifting his weight from leg to leg. “I was hoping that you would agree to go on a date with me.”

  “What?” I blurt, completely taken aback by his request. I don't know what I was expecting, but having him ask me on a date was definitely not it.

  “A date Grace. You know, like dinner or something.” He says, a light laugh blending behind his words.

  “I know what a date is.” I say, still mildly in shock. “I'm just surprised that you're asking me on one.” I say, not trying to hide the confusion I feel.

  “Why is that so surprising? Isn't that what one does when they are interested in a person?” He asks, a playful and yet confused smile turning up the corners of his lips.

  “I mean yes, I guess so. But... Well... Isn't it strange that after everything we've been through up to this point, that you are just now asking me on a date?” I ask.

  “Yes, I suppose it is.” He says, straightening his posture and reaching out to take my hands in his.

  “There are a lot of things I regret where you are concerned Grace, the biggest one being that instead of treating you like you deserve to be treated, I made you feel like you were just another notch to me. You are not just another girl Grace. You are so much more than that. I want a chance to show you that. I want a chance to wine and dine you, to hold your hand and walk you home, to make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Because that's what you are to me Grace.” He says, tucking his hand under my chin and lifting my face up to meet his.

  “Give me a chance to do things right. Will you go on a date with me Grace?” He asks, his smile lighting up his entire face when I shake my head yes.

  My insides burst into complete giddiness as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug, my feet leaving the ground. I can't help but laugh at the sheer joy I feel in this moment.

  “But.” I start to protest, suddenly remembering one very important issue.

  He gently sets me to my feet and pulls back to meet my face, hesitation in his eyes. “But what?” He asks.

  “What about Alec? Aren't you afraid of him catching us together?” I ask, taking a step back so that I can see him more clearly, his face somewhat shadowed in the darkness.

  “I'm sure that I can figure out somewhere to take you where running into Alec won't be an issue. We are in New York after all.”

  “That doesn't mean anything. I have ran into you twice without expecting to and I've only been in New York a few weeks.” I say, shaking my head at him.

  “Twice?” He questions, his tone falling serious.

  “Me and Emma had a shopping day. I saw you across the street from Robyn's Cafe on the corner of fifth.” I say, my cheeks heating.

  As if realizing the exact moment I must have spotted him, his voice comes out even more hesitant.

  “I'm sorry Grace.....” He starts, but I hold my hand up, my fingers landing on his lips, silencing him.

  “Please don't.” I say, trailing my finger across his bottom lip as I pull my hand away. “You don't need to explain. I just need to know that by me agreeing to go on a dat
e with you, all other interactions with women remain purely platonic, at least until we figure out what the hell is going on with us.” I say, taking a deep breath before continuing.

  “Look, I don't know everything about your life, but from what I have gathered, you've been through a lot, we both have. It's hard enough for me to even be here with you, like this.” I say, gesturing between us.

  “I can't deal with my own issues and sort my feelings out when I am constantly competing with other women.” I finish, feeling relieved to have gotten that out without sounding completely idiotic.

  “You don't have to explain Grace. I told you....” He says, once again lifting my face to meet his. “I want to do this right this time. I don't want anyone else, I just want you.” The last part comes out as a whisper against my lips as he slowly lowers his face to mine.

  Placing a featherlight kiss across my mouth, he pulls back and gives me a breathtaking smile. “So.... yes to the date then?” He laughs when I roll my eyes at him but then playfully warns. “Eyes.”

  “Yes to the date.” I say, returning his wide smile and rolling my eyes once more just to make a point. He crinkles his forehead in dislike and then as if deciding not to push his luck, shakes his head.

  “How does tomorrow work for you?” He asks, entwining his fingers with mine and pulling me out onto the sidewalk.

  “Kind of short notice don't you think?” I ask, allowing him to lead me towards the venue's parking garage.

  He fakes offense and I can't help but laugh at his playfulness. “Fine.” I say, sighing in fake annoyance. His shoulders vibrate with laughter and he tightens the grip on my hand. As much as I want to pretend that such an innocent act doesn't stir a desire deep inside of me, the truth is, it leaves me with an aching burn that I know only one thing will soothe.

  Within minutes we reach my car, and while I am relieved that we seem to be on the same page about taking things slow and doing things right this time, I can't help but feel extremely disappointed at the same time.

  Even though I know it's not what we need, a large part of me hoped that he would throw me over his shoulder and give me no choice but to go home with him where we would then proceed to spend the whole night in his bed 'reconnecting'.

  “Hey.” He says, pulling my attention back to him. “Where did you go?” He asks, cocking his head to the side.

  “Sorry.” I apologize, feeling my cheeks flush. While I realize he can't read my mind, sometimes I feel like he knows exactly what I am thinking, and given what I was just thinking, I can't help but feel embarrassed.

  He shakes his head and smiles.“So tomorrow. Pick you up at seven?” He asks, taking a step towards me, leaving less than an inch between our bodies.

  “Seven, okay.” I agree, feeling overly distracted by the heat now surging through my body at our closeness. “You need me to meet you somewhere?” I ask, knowing that he would never want to be spotted outside of my apartment picking me up.

  “Not necessary. Just be outside at seven.” He says, leaning down until our noses are practically touching.

  “Okay.” I breathe, unable to control the quiver in my voice.

  He smiles a knowing smile and then gently trails his lips along mine. Before I have a chance to react, he pulls back and reaches around me, nudging me forward when he pulls my drivers door open.

  Surprised by the action, I step out of the way and then glance back at him. “Thank you.” I say, trying desperately to hide the disappointment in my voice.

  He's trying to show me that I am not just one of his whores, I remind myself, but it doesn't quite dull the sting completely.

  “I'll see you tomorrow Grace.” He says, leaning inside my door and placing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

  “See you tomorrow.” I agree.

  Taking a step back, he closes my door and then gives me another sweet smile before turning and walking away, no doubt towards his own vehicle.

  I can't help but watch him take step after step until eventually he disappears from my rear view mirror. Taking a deep breath and turning the key in my ignition, I jump when my cell phone starts ringing and vibrating in my back pocket.

  Leaning forward and retrieving it, I click the screen to answer it, seeing Alec's name flash across the screen.

  “Hey baby girl.” He says when I say hello. “How was the show? Did Zayne find you? I'm so sorry that I had to send him, I know you don't know him that well but I needed to know someone was there to keep an eye out for you.... Did he explain everything?” He hits me with multiple questions at once.

  “The show was amazing. Yes, Zayne found me and yes he explained everything. And it's okay. I know how extremely busy you are.” I say, propping the phone against my shoulder and shifting my car into reverse. “But for the record, next time something like this happens, you don't need to send someone in your place. A quick phone call that you aren't going to make it would be more appreciated.” I can't pass up the opportunity to give him a hard time. Even if sending Zayne was the best decision he could have made, I would never tell him that.

  “I'll make it up to you. I promise.” He says, clearly feeling very guilty, which in turn makes me feel guilty.

  “Alec, it's okay, really. I can't thank you enough for getting me the tickets in the first place. Tonight was.... well it was amazing.” I say, obviously not bothering to mention what made it so amazing.

  “That's great Gracie. I'm glad you had fun. Where are you now?” He asks, probably wanting to see if Zayne is still with me.

  “Heading towards my apartment now.” I say, pulling out into the street filled with traffic, no doubt caused from everyone leaving the venue at once.

  “Okay well, I'll let you go so you can concentrate on the road.” He says and then sighs when I laugh at his obvious over protection.

  “I'll be careful. I promise.” I laugh again.

  “I'll call you for lunch next week. Love you Grace.”

  “Love you too. And Alec....” I say. “Thank you so much for tonight. Honestly, it was amazing.” I say, trying to ease some of the guilt I am sure he feels for bailing on me.

  “You're more than welcome baby girl. Get home safe.” He says, ending the call before I have a chance to say goodbye back.

  Shaking my head, I toss my phone into the passenger seat and focus on the road in front of me.

  The further I get from the venue, the fewer cars there are to surround me. Driving through the darkness I am sure of only two things.....

  One, I have to be the absolute worst sister in the world for keeping whatever is going on with Zayne from Alec, especially after everything Alec has done for me.

  And two, seven o'clock tomorrow can not possibly come soon enough......

  Chapter Eight

  “Are you kidding me? You can't wear that!” Emma exclaims, leaning her small frame against the doorway of my bedroom and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

  “What's wrong with it?” I ask, looking at my black lace skirt and silver sequenced tank in the floor length mirror in front of me.

  “You look like you are heading to one of your grunge bars.” She laughs, shaking her head at me.

  “Grunge bars Em? Really?” I grimace, meeting her eyes in the mirror. “I think it looks okay.” I say, turning my attention back to the mirror.

  “It looks fine, just not appropriate for a date with the man that you are completely gaga for. You should be shooting for unforgettable, not okay. Wait right there.” She says, quickly backing out of my doorway and disappearing down the hall.

  I think Emma was more excited then me when I told her about my upcoming date with Zayne. “I'm really rooting for the two of you.” She had said last night while we laid in my bed and I filled her in on everything that had taken place last night. “You two are gonna show the world that fairy tales exist.” I couldn't help but laugh at that comment.

  I also can't help but feel like maybe this whole thing is just one monumental mistake. And I keep making it over
and over again. Isn't that the very definition of insanity? Doing something over and over again expecting a different result.

  It's like I'm an alcoholic and Zayne is the hardest liquor around. No matter how many times I tell myself I'm going to stop, once I see the bottle, I can't resist taking a sip. And taking a sip leads to me drinking the whole damn thing.

  Reappearing just moments later and pulling me from my thoughts, Em crosses the distance of my room and tosses a scrap of black material at me. “Here, try this.” She says, shooing me away from the mirror.

  “What is this?” I ask, holding up the small piece of material in front of me.

  “It's a dress Grace. Now shut up and try it on.”

  Quickly slipping out of my original outfit, I hesitantly step into Emma's black dress. It takes me a good two minutes to pry the material onto my body and by the time I finally get it into place, I'm quite certain that it is restricting my ability to breathe normally.

  “Em, you can't be serious. If I eat a carrot you'll be able to see it.” I say, indicating to how tight the dress is.

  “Oh don't be ridiculous.” She says, swiping her hand through the air and then making her way over to stand in front of me.

  Grabbing the front of the strapless dress, she twists it to the side and then pushes my boobs together. “Hey!” I exclaim, swatting at her hand.

  “What? You want everything to be in the proper place don't you?” She laughs at my expression and then continues to fiddle with the material.

  “Now look.” She says, turning me towards the mirror and grabbing the hem of the dress to fix the bottom just as I catch sight of myself.

  “Wow.” I breathe, completely caught off guard by my appearance. The dress is tight, most definitely, but not in a way that looks like it's too small or anything. Actually, it hugs to every curve I have perfectly and really accents my round hips. Ending about four inches above my knee, it's the perfect length too. Short enough to be sexy but not so short that it's slutty.


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