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Jared Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Anitra Lynn McLeod


  Everyone looked toward the doorway.

  Jared almost cried he was so relieved. Jonas stood there, his face concerned, his demeanor calm. If anyone knew what was going on with McBride, it would be his loving companion.

  “Did you use him?” That weirdly disjointed cast was back on McBride’s face. He turned to Jonas in the doorway. “Did you drink from this boy?”

  “You know I didn’t.” Jonas stepped into the parlor. “Remove his collar and look.”

  Easton tried to stand and possibly run, but Jared grabbed him, holding him close.

  “He’s going to kill me!” Now Easton struggled against Jared.

  “He won’t,” Jonas assured. “But he’s the only one who can remove your collar. Do that now, McBride.”

  Despite the tenseness of the situation, Jonas kept his voice calm and even. As if he controlled McBride by invisible strings, McBride jerked over to where Easton was, reached down, and took off his collar. Everyone, included Jared, looked intently at Easton’s neck.

  Jared didn’t know what the others saw, but he saw a light scar that was higher and farther back on Easton’s neck than a true bite should be. It didn’t really look like a bite, but what else could it be? What really hurt was the fact that he’d asked to see Easton’s neck and he’d playfully pushed him away. Easton knew and didn’t say anything. That hurt more than anything else.

  “I’ve seen enough.” Jared stood, which left Easton on the couch by himself. Someone had used his mate, and that cast doubt on everything they’d done.

  McBride appeared to be on the verge of erupting into violence, and perhaps he would have, but for Jonas. Murmuring soothing words, Jonas slipped his arm against McBride’s and gently drew him away from the parlor. Over his shoulder, Jonas said, “Take him home.”

  “I don’t want him.”

  “Take him home with you, Jared. Don’t make me loosen my hold on McBride, because I honestly don’t know what he’ll do.”

  Against his better judgment, Jared turned and offered out his hand to Easton. Once he was standing, Jared let go and walked off. He didn’t care if Easton followed him or not. Whatever his story was, Jared didn’t care. No wonder Ollie hadn’t wanted him. He must have gotten a good look at his neck under the collar and realized the truth. Rather than tell him, Easton let the truth lie hidden. No wonder he didn’t want Jared to look at him yesterday. Easton said he wanted to wait for McBride, but that wasn’t true at all. The truth was he’d given himself to another who was now gone.

  As Jared walked back to his house, he heard Easton’s footsteps behind him. He didn’t turn and look back or wait for him to catch up. He was devastated. He’d felt something special between them that had apparently been utterly one-sided. Given how messed up the world was now, he might never have another chance to get a mate, but he’d take loneliness over bonding himself to a liar.

  Chapter 9

  Easton followed Jared into his house, but when Jared went toward his bedroom, he turned and told Easton he wasn’t invited. He then slammed his bedroom door as hard as he could. Easton stayed in the living room. He knew Jared wouldn’t want to share his bed with him now or ever. Grabbing a pillow from the chair and a blanket from couch, he swaddled himself up and thought about sleep, but he knew that wasn’t likely. His entire body was still shaking after being manhandled by McBride. Clearly, everyone was shocked by his behavior, but none of them knew what it was like to have McBride’s wild, furious eyes peering so intently at them. Only Easton knew that terror. McBride had seemed so enraged that Easton was convinced he was going to rip him apart bare-handed. When Jared had placed himself between Easton and McBride, Easton thought Jared had forgiven him, or at least would listen to his story, but as soon as the danger had passed, he’d walked away without a backward glance.

  Without a collar, Easton was considered ownerless. Any man who saw him could claim him and do whatever he wanted with him. That was just about as terrifying as McBride’s sudden fury. Easton had always been comfortable with his role in life, but now he realized how utterly vulnerable he was. Everyone around him had choices whereas he had none.

  When a light came on at one of the houses, Easton rose from the couch and went to the window to look out.

  Caleb stood on his porch, looking toward the big house. He seemed to be speculating about something there. Or maybe he was thinking of something entirely different and just happened to be looking in that direction. It was difficult to say, as his hard features were almost entirely unreadable.

  As Easton stood there, considering how big and powerful Caleb was, a solution to his dilemma came to him. Next to McBride, Caleb was the biggest man on the farm. He could protect Easton as long as Easton was willing to please him in exchange. Easton glanced down to the bulge in Caleb’s shorts. He swallowed hard. If he were rough, he could hurt him. Everything Devers had told Easton about sex came rushing back. Pain, fear, blood—it could be like that with a man like Caleb. His own brother said he fucked a robot to death. If a metal man couldn’t handle Caleb, what chance did Easton have?

  Easton looked back toward the bedroom where he knew Jared was. With Jared, sex had been a languid exploration with both of them receiving equal amounts of pleasure. Easton had been so happy in those moments. He knew he should have told Jared about the bite, but he was too afraid, and now it was too late. Trust was such a fragile thing. One small slip could shatter trust completely. But to be fair, this wasn’t a tiny mistake. A bite was a big deal, bigger, in fact, than a broken factory seal.

  Turning his attention to Caleb, he watched him as he continued to observe the big house. What was he thinking about? Not that knowing would change anything. Maybe he was thinking of leaving the farm. Maybe he was thinking of some new project he could do. Or maybe he was thinking of nothing at all. Easton sometimes stared out the window thinking of nothing. The thrall master had called it a meditative state, but Easton didn’t need to name it to know that after he zoned out for a while, he felt much better. Freeing his mind of thoughts temporarily seemed to make the new thoughts he had come cleaner and more organized.

  Making up his mind, Easton threw off the blanket and exited Jared’s little house. As he stepped out onto the porch, Caleb noticed him and turned his head Easton’s direction.

  Caleb’s hair was unbound and draped over his shoulders. Easton wasn’t able to see how long it was, but he imagined it went down to at least his midback. For a split second, he thought about changing his mind, but he didn’t see any other choice. If he didn’t want to be tossed around between all the Morgan brothers like the mechanical man had been, he needed to pick the biggest and strongest to protect him.

  After hastily wiping his eyes, Easton lifted his head and walked toward Caleb. Since his temporary paper shoes had disintegrated a day ago, he was barefoot, which made his steps slow and even. Caleb watched him with a guarded expression. He didn’t seem welcoming, but he didn’t seem like he was disinterested, either. If anything, he was probably curious, but his face showed no emotions at all. Easton realized if Caleb had been asleep, he wouldn’t know about the ruckus. Even if he’d watched McBride bodily take Easton into the big house, he didn’t know why.

  With guilty intent, Easton reached up and touched his neck right where the pale bite mark rested. Caleb wasn’t a fool. He would know something was amiss if Easton was collarless and walking away from Jared’s house. However, if he would just give Easton sanctuary, it didn’t really matter what he thought or what he said to the others.

  Another half dozen steps brought Easton to Caleb’s porch. The massive man still hadn’t said anything, and his intense gaze hadn’t strayed from Easton from the moment he’d stepped outside. Easton opened his mouth to speak, but Caleb shook his head. For some reason, the simple gesture was terrifying, and Easton had no idea why. Perhaps it was the notion that, with the most subtle movement, Caleb could control him.

  The story he’d kept hidden most of his life burbled up and
wanted to explode from behind his tensely held lips, but he refused to open his mouth. Caleb would ask if and when he wanted to know. Maybe, if Easton pleased him completely, Caleb simply wouldn’t care. The image of Jared flashed in Easton’s mind. His shy smile, the way he’d looked so surprised and pleased when Easton had sucked his cock and plunged his finger deep in his ass. Jared had loved that trick, and Easton had loved doing that to him. But Jared couldn’t forgive him for the bite mark.

  Caleb lifted his hand, stopping Easton in his tracks.

  Easton stood on the porch feeling the cool, moist air caress his body. He shivered, but not from cold. Somehow, without showing anger, Caleb’s eyes were far more terrifying than McBride’s had been. Easton considered running, but Caleb was so close now all he would have to do is reach out one massive hand to Easton’s shoulders and he’d be pinned in place.

  While he stood there, trembling, Caleb walked around him, looking him up and down, and then he leaned in close and smelled him. It was animalistic and strangely erotic. Easton waited for his assessment, but Caleb didn’t speak. After making a slow circle around him, Caleb returned to the front of Easton and stopped.

  Caleb lifted his hand and touched Easton’s neck right where the faint bite was.

  Easton hung his head. No one wanted him. It was one little bite so long ago, but it had ruined his life. What seemed so unfair to Easton was that it wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t understood what was happening, so he had been unable to stop the man from biting him. One little nip was all it took to destroy his chances at a safe and happy life.

  “Who bit you?” When Easton kept his head lowered, Caleb cupped his chin and lifted his face. “Tell me.”

  “The thrall master.”

  Caleb let go of his chin, but he didn’t pull his hand away. Instead, he lowered his fingers to the scar. “Did he hurt you?”

  Easton didn’t know how to answer that. The thrall master had said he was just going to show Easton how most slammers performed feedings. He had placed Easton in a chair, stood behind him, and then placed his mouth on his neck. He didn’t bite down, not at first, but then something happened and the thrall master wouldn’t let Easton get up. Over and over, he licked the spot on his neck, his breath wheezing against Easton’s skin. He hadn’t been afraid, just confused about what was going on. It was supposed to be play, but it had turned scary and serious.

  “How old were you?”


  Caleb grimaced and removed his hand.

  “Please don’t send me away.” Easton had thought Caleb would be a monster, but so far, he was the only one who had shown him kindness despite his shame.

  “You have no collar.”

  Easton shook his head. “No, I don’t. McBride removed it.”

  “That means anyone can claim you.”

  This time, Easton nodded, but he no longer held out any hope.

  “Come inside.” Caleb turned and went within his house.

  Easton stood there for a moment, not certain that he’d understood him, but when Caleb looked back over his shoulder, Easton stepped forward. As he followed Caleb inside his home, he kept his attention on his hair. It was truly beautiful and came down to the middle of his back in thick strands of glistening black. Easton had an insane urge to touch it, but he knew he wouldn’t until Caleb told him to do so. Unlike the easy give-and-take with Jared, Caleb was clearly the dominating force, and he would dictate everything they did.

  “Are you claiming me?”

  Caleb spun to face him so fast that Easton froze where he was. With a step, Caleb was close enough for Easton to see the hairs that had escaped his razor. Just a few were a bit longer than the others on the right side of his face. Easton only noticed because his fear made him hyperaware. Suddenly, Caleb lifted his arm, and Easton thought he would strike him or grab him, but he only reached past Easton and pushed the front door closed.

  Now they were alone.

  Unlike Jared, Caleb didn’t lick his lips or look around like he was afraid of getting caught. Caleb probably didn’t care. He was a slammer who did what he wanted and didn’t concern himself about other people.

  Easton was even more afraid of that than he had been of McBride. There was something menacing about Caleb’s silence and his speculative gaze. Easton had no idea what he was going to do to him. Beat him, eat him, or perhaps fuck him. He could do all three and then toss the remains of his dead body out in a heap. What was truly terrifying was that Easton didn’t think anyone would care.

  When Caleb moved away, Easton uttered a sigh of relief. Some of the tension seeped out of his shoulders.

  “Sit.” He pointed to the table, and Easton dutifully sat. If Caleb told him to stand on his head, Easton would hop to it without a single question. “Are you hungry?”

  “No.” Easton’s stomach hurt so bad he wondered if he’d ever eat again. “I feel sick.”

  “You’ve had a rough night.”

  “Is it going to get rougher?” Easton thought that was as close to the true question as he wanted to get. He didn’t know how to ask Caleb what his intentions were. Right now he should just be thankful he had a place to be.

  “That depends.” Caleb settled across from him.


  “You.” Caleb leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving Easton’s face.

  “What do you want me to do?” Easton realized he shouldn’t have asked. It was almost like he was trying to get Caleb to make him do something, and that was the last thing he wanted. Then again, Caleb clearly didn’t need any encouragement. If he wanted something, then he was more than capable of asking for it. Or making Easton do it.

  “I want you to tell me what you really want.”

  Stunned, Easton had to clarify. “You want to know what I want?”

  Caleb nodded.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Easton had imagined a whole bunch of crazy things happening to him when he entered Caleb’s house, but a psyche-probing session wasn’t one of them.

  “Do you love Jared?”

  Torn between telling the truth and saying what he thought Caleb might want to hear, Easton simply shrugged noncommittally.

  Caleb slapped one big hand to the table. His blow caused the table to bounce, and so did the chair Easton was sitting in. “I asked you a question.”

  “I think I could have come to love him, but he doesn’t want me now that he knows I’m totally broken.” Easton spewed it all out in one big chunk.

  “Broken?” Caleb leaned back in his chair, his gaze assessing. “Jared fucked you then kicked you out?”

  Easton winced at the way Caleb made it sound so ugly and vulgar. “He didn’t want me when he realized I’d already been bitten.”

  “He didn’t ask when it happened?”


  “So he popped your factory seal, found your neck was ruined, and then turned you loose?” Caleb tsked several times. “And I thought he was smarter than that.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Sometimes a man doesn’t know what he’s got until it’s gone.”

  Easton still didn’t grasp what Caleb was talking about, but he chose silence over saying something inane that might upset his new and rather strange master.

  “Stay right there.”

  Easton did as instructed, but he slumped down a little. When Jared had given him that same instruction, he’d gone off to get a bottle of greasers.

  Caleb rose from the table and went back toward what Easton assumed was his bedroom. The house had the exact same layout as Jared’s, so Easton was fairly certain Caleb went to his room, but for what? Was it greasers? If it was, would he be gentle? Or would he take him outside, toss him in the stocks, then make enough noise so that everyone could come out and see what he was doing? Easton chewed at his bottom lip while he waited.

  Caleb returned to the table with a swath of green fabric that matched his eyes. “I’ve been saving this since I turned eighteen.”

  “It’s beautiful.” Easton thought it was just a piece of fabric until Caleb put it on the table. When he did, Easton realized it was a very intricate thrall collar. His heart sank a little. He still wanted Jared, but he supposed he had no choice but to become Caleb’s property.

  “I’ve always wanted a mate.” Caleb’s massive fingers stroked very delicately over the fabric. “The idea of having someone to call my own appealed to me. But then I realized that it was unlikely to ever happen.”

  Confused now, because Easton had thought it was clear he was offering out himself to Caleb, he tried to be noncommittal in his answer just like he had been with his shrug. “I don’t see why not.”

  “Because I don’t like skinny young men with no body hair and timid personalities.”

  Easton felt his spine stiffen. He had gone from one brother who didn’t like him to another who didn’t like him for an entirely different reason that he couldn’t do anything about. “I was fashioned this way. It wasn’t my choice.”

  “I’m not saying you’re ugly, Easton. To the contrary, you’re very, very beautiful.” Caleb continued to stroke the collar lovingly, almost as if he was picturing the man he wanted to wear it, the one he didn’t think he would ever get. Something about the motion was very sad to Easton. “Given how the world has been spun so far from center, I have no doubt that men would gladly fight to the death for you.”

  “But I’m broken.”

  “I don’t think most slammers would care.” Caleb flashed him a rather sad smile.

  “Your brother does.”

  “Jared might have felt differently if he’d taken the time to ask you about the situation, but he chose to act without thinking.” Caleb shook his head and sighed like he was disappointed in Jared. His behavior was more that of a father rather than that of a brother. “I think Jared will wake up tomorrow in a world of regret. But it will be too late.”


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