Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2)

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Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2) Page 9

by Jaye Diane

  Emerald was thrilled to see that Jean was doing most of the cooking and seemed a very capable cook. Samantha chopped vegetables and stirred the contents of the pots cooking on the stove.

  Emerald drained her coffee and poured herself another cup. Black with one sugar the way she liked it. She heard her phone ring and fished it out of her purse. There was a burst of joy inside of her when she saw that it was Lincoln calling.

  “Hello,” She hurriedly answered, going to a corner of the kitchen in a vain attempt to get some privacy.

  “Merry Christmas,” He said, his voice low.

  “Merry Christmas to you too.”

  “How’s your day going?”

  “It’s good,” She said, “I’m in the kitchen with my stepmother and her mother, just hanging out while they cook dinner.”

  “My sister’s cooking dinner,” Lincoln said, “And my mother’s helping her out.”

  “Do you have a lot of family over?” It sounded very quiet in the background.

  “A good amount of aunts, uncles and cousins. Plus my grandmother. I’m hiding out in my old room. I needed some peace and quiet for a minute.”

  “Oh, that explains why I don’t hear anybody.”

  “I couldn’t call you with any of them around. I already spoke to my friends so they’d want to know who I was on the phone with this time.”

  “Oh, so no one knows about me?” She teased, smiling.

  “I didn’t say that,” His own tone was light and teasing. “My parents do. And so does Ally.”

  “Let me guess,” Emerald said, rolling her eyes, “Grace’s comment?”

  “My sister already suspected something was going on before that whole thing with Grace’s comment. And now that she saw what everyone wrote, she feels so sure of herself.”

  “I’ve heard that twins have some crazy weird connection.”

  “It’s true,” Lincoln conceded. “But in this case, Ally was just being bossy and nosy.”

  She laughed. She’d only met his sister a handful of times throughout the years but she did seem like a bossy but loving sister.

  “So did you get everything you wanted?” He asked, his own tone teasing.

  “Maybe I will…tonight…” She whispered. A more obvious invitation couldn’t be given.

  “I’ll be there.” He whispered too. A thrill ran through her and she wanted to leave at that very moment. They stayed on the phone for a few more minutes before hanging up.

  Something he’d said replayed in her mind and her heart began to pound. His parents knew about them.

  “Was that your boyfriend?” Jean asked as she put icing on a cake.

  “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Samantha said. “Shawn must not know about it because he told Deon that you’re single.”

  “What?” Emerald shouted. She didn’t know where to begin.

  “Oh well, Deon’ll be just fine.” Jean didn’t bother looking up from what she was doing.

  “Why was my father telling Deon anything anyway?”

  “Shawn was telling us about you,” Jean replied, “And Deon asked if you were single. Your father said you are.”

  It was strange that her father would encourage Deon. He didn’t usually like the guys she dated and she’d become convinced that he just wanted his daughter to stay single. In many ways, she wasn’t just his little girl, she was his only real family and one of his few friends.

  “Turkey’s done!” Jean said, peering into the oven.

  There was too much going on and Emerald quietly sipped her coffee while she tried to get her thoughts together. Lincoln’s parents knew about them. She wondered what they thought about her using their son for sex. And not only was Deon, Samantha’s nephew, interested in her enough to ask her father about her; her father hadn’t discouraged him! Her mind could barely process it all.

  Jean finished prepping the meal with a little help from Samantha. Emerald offered to help but they were nearly done. Emerald couldn’t wait to get the meal over with so she could leave. The whole day was too weird for her and she just wanted some alone time before Lincoln came over to her apartment.

  Jean started calling everyone into the kitchen to serve their own plates of food. She’d prepared turkey, baked mac and cheese, collard greens and white rice. Emerald served herself a plate after Jean and Samantha had served theirs.

  Everyone took their plates to the living room and her father shocked her again by saying grace. She couldn’t remember the last time, if ever, he’d blessed a meal. When she raised her head, her father gave her an insecure smile and she blew a kiss at him.

  Emerald was seated on the couch with Jean and Samantha. Everyone else sat on chairs and some old stools, balancing their plates on their laps. They ate as they watched some Christmas movie. Emerald didn’t watch the TV long enough to figure out what it was.

  As she ate, she actually enjoyed her meal. Jean really knew what she was doing in the kitchen. It was crazy how Samantha was the complete opposite.

  Samantha praised Shawn for getting the promotion and that led to Latrice talking about her new job at some hip clothing store.

  Emerald tuned them all out as they talked about one thing after the other. She had too much on her mind and couldn’t be bothered to pay them much attention. When she was done with her dinner, she took her plate to the kitchen. Jean was already in the kitchen cutting slices of cake.

  “Do you want some cake, Emerald?” She asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll have a piece. Thank you.” Emerald put her plate in the sink and then took the plate of cake from Jean. There was a slice of yellow cake and a slice of chocolate.

  Emerald sat back on the couch and ended up eating half of each slice. She knew better than to overindulge. She put her fork down on the plate when she was done and stood up. Going back to the kitchen, she didn’t realize that Tiffany was right on her heels.

  “So, you think you’re better than us, huh?” Tiffany demanded. “Looking like some ho in her cheap little dress.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Emerald snarled, instantly pissed off. When she was a kid she’d always fought out all of her problems and as an adult, she wasn’t beyond fighting now and then if need be.

  “Don’t think you’re special because Deon likes you,” Tiffany spat, crossing her arms over her chest. “He likes anything with a pussy.”

  “Is that what this is about?” Emerald demanded, “Nobody’s thinking about your brother.”

  She wondered if Tiffany was smart enough to realize that in her pursuit of the perfect insult for Emerald she’d just disrespected her own brother. Emerald doubted she realized it.

  “Sure,” Tiffany said sarcastically. “I know you dressed like that because you knew we were coming here.”

  Emerald looked down at her dress, which wasn’t cheap at all. She’d paid almost two hundred for it a couple of years ago.

  “I dressed like this because this dress makes me look even better than I usually do. It had nothing to do with you or anyone else here. Samantha didn’t tell us who she’d invited.”

  “As if I’m going to believe that,” Tiffany said.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you believe,” Emerald said. “Get out of my father’s kitchen before I kick your ass out of this house.”

  “You won’t kick me out of shit,” Tiffany said, walking closer. “This is my aunt’s house too.”

  “It’s my father’s house,” Emerald said, her hands balled into fists, her teeth gnashed together. “And guess whose name is on the lease? Not Samantha’s. So just try me.”

  “You stupid bitch,” Tiffany glared at her and stalked out of the kitchen, still muttering.

  That final insult made Emerald think of some of the messages that Marley had sent her. He’d called her a stupid bitch on more than one occasion in his messages. He’d even done it as he fired her. It hadn’t ever phased her as much as Tiffany’s insults did now.

  She’d come to her father’s home to celebrate Christma
s and instead of relaxing, she’d been on edge the entire time and had now been harassed by one of his guests. The gall of Tiffany to assume that she’d dressed provocatively for anyone. Emerald was steamed. She was able to keep herself in check because she’d endured a year of harassment from Marley. Tiffany was only a speck compared to him. And she wanted to keep the peace for her father’s sake.

  She pulled up the sleeves of her dress and got busy washing dishes. It was the least she could do since Jean had done the cooking. Plus she needed time to cool off.

  The kitchen door swung open and she looked up to see Deon come in with a few plates.

  “Put them right there,” She said, pointing to the counter. The sink was full enough already.

  He quietly sat the dishes down and leaned on the counter.

  She went on washing and rinsing a couple of dishes, trying to act like he wasn’t there. She was still pissed off and she didn’t want to take her anger with his sister out on him. But finally she could stand it no longer and dropped the sponge she was using. She turned off the water and stared at Deon.

  “Yeah?” She asked, wanting to get the confrontation over with. “Do you want something?”

  “Yeah,” He said quickly, a broad smile on his face. “I want you to have dinner with me.”

  “Sorry,” Emerald said insincerely, “I can’t.”

  “I didn’t even say a day yet.”

  “I’m seeing somebody,” Emerald told him. “So it doesn’t matter what day. I’m not interested.”

  He nodded slowly as if he were taking in some very important information.

  “So that’s how you wanna play it?”

  “What?” She was honestly confused. He thought she was playing?

  “You want to play hard to get, huh?”

  “I’m a grown ass fucking lady,” Emerald snapped. “I don’t have to play games with anybody.”

  She heard the kitchen door swing open but she didn’t look to see who’d come in.

  “I don’t know what kind of females you’re used to but it’s time that you upgraded. And I don’t mean with me,” She added hotly. “I’m seeing someone.”

  To hell with the dishes. I’m getting out of here.

  She started to walk past him but he grabbed her arm. She pulled her arm away.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Jean demanded and in a split second she’d thumped Deon with the broomstick.

  “Grandma!” Deon yelled. “Damn!”

  “Take care, Miss Jean,” Emerald said. This time it was Jean who grabbed her as she tried to walk out of the kitchen. But she did so very gently as if she was scared of how Emerald would react.

  “Are you okay?” Jean asked, still holding the broom.

  “I’m fine,” Emerald said, but her heart was beating so fast that it seemed to make her ears ring.

  “What happened here?” Jean asked.

  “I guess Deon’s not used to taking no for an answer.” Emerald glared at him.

  “What’s going on in here?” Shawn asked, rushing in. “Who’s yelling in here?”

  “It’s fine, Dad,” Emerald said. “This fucking idiot was bothering me but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  Deon laughed without humor.

  “Deon?” Shawn asked, looking to the younger man. “What’s up in here?”

  “She caught an attitude after I asked her out.”

  “All I said was I’m not interested and you couldn’t deal with being rejected.”

  “I just don’t like bullshit excuses. Bitches need to keep it real.”

  “Watch your mouth,” Shawn warned him.

  Jean thumped him with the broom again, causing Deon to cry out in pain.

  By now, a few other people, including Samantha, were standing in the narrow doorway watching the scene.

  “Did it ever occur to you that I was telling the truth?” Emerald yelled, losing the slight grip that she had on her temper. “You goddamn fool!”

  Deon took a step in Emerald’s direction, a frown on his face.

  “Leave her be!” Jean warned her grandson. “Emerald’s not single anyway.”

  “What?” Shawn asked at the same time that Deon let loose a string of profanity.

  “Don’t take her side, Grandma.”

  “I’ll do whatever the hell I want to do!” Jean said, waving the broom at him. He jerked to the side to avoid it. “I was right here when Emerald spoke to her boyfriend on the phone so I know she’s not single.”

  “I’m getting out of here,” Emerald said. “Bye, Dad. Bye Miss Jean.”

  She grabbed her stuff from under the sink, shoved the two gift bags at her father then rushed out of the kitchen. She picked up her coat and opened up the door, not even bothering to put it on or say goodbye to anyone.

  What a fucking a nightmare. Of all the ways she’d imagined the day going wrong, none of this had entered her mind. Samantha’s family were much worse than she’d imagined. From now on, she’d skip any occasions that they were a part of.

  Chapter Six

  Christmas was usually one of his favorite times of year but Linc would give anything to have the day come to an end. Allison had been teasing him all day, sometimes when other people were close enough to hear her. Luckily, her comments were usually vague and no one but their parents knew what she was talking about.

  Linc guessed that he deserved the ribbing after all he’d done to his sister in the past. They’d always been close yet had also been rivals. But he was already annoyed with her game and the questions that his relatives were beginning to ask.

  After dinner was over, he escaped to his father’s office and sat at the desk to turn on the computer. It was a little too early for him to leave so he’d hide out until he could make his escape. Playing some computer games would hopefully make the time go by faster.

  The computer started up and Linc signed on before opening the internet. The office door opened and his sister came in.

  “I thought I’d find you in here,” She said, closing the door behind him.

  “If you came here to start with me again, turn around and go back where you came from.”

  “I’m sorry.” At least she looked like she genuinely meant it.

  “Why have you been giving me shit all day?” He blurted, standing up behind the desk.

  “I was just teasing you. I guess I got a little carried away.”

  “A little?”

  “A lot. And I’m sorry.”

  “So why’d you do it?” He watched her walk over to the desk before leaning on it.

  “You’ve always been so...confident and damn near invincible when it comes to women. I guess I’m getting a kick out of seeing you so unsure of everything.”


  “You’ve never been in love before. Women have always chased you. Well now the shoe’s on the other foot and it’s kind of funny.”

  “I’m not in love,” He denied, sitting back down and staring at the news headlines flashing across the computer screen.

  “I hate to tell you this, but it’s kind of obvious.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Every word she spoke made him tense up that much more.

  “Right. Because me falling in love in high school and marrying my high school sweetheart means nothing.” Allison smirked. “Right, I don’t know what I’m talking about.”

  “Can you just leave me alone? I’d like to get a chance to actually relax today. It is Christmas,” He added with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

  Allison surprised him by coming around the desk and leaning down to give him a hug as he sat in the chair.

  “I’ll stop bothering you; I swear.”


  “Grandmother was just asking about you,” Allison said over her shoulder as she walked towards the door. “Don’t hide in here for too long.”

  Once she was gone, he leaned back in the high-backed chair and closed his eyes. His head was beginning to thump and he felt queasy. Was Al
lison right? Was he in love with Emerald? He knew he cared deeply for her. He cared more about her than he’d ever cared for a woman not related to him. But love?

  He got up and went to the liquor cabinet, quickly pouring himself a whiskey. He threw it back, his eyes watering. He poured himself a double and took it with him to the computer. He sipped the fiery liquid and went to a game site that he’d used before. He’d just started a game of bingo when the office door opened yet again.

  His father walked in and wordlessly poured himself a drink before sitting in one of the chairs facing the desk.

  “Are you okay, son?” Lawrence asked, taking a sip from his glass.

  “Fine.” Linc exited his bingo game and shut the computer down. He didn’t know why he’d let his sister get him so rattled. He felt so stupid. He pushed his glass away. If he drank anymore, he’d be too buzzed to drive and he definitely had to see Emerald tonight.

  “I’ll be fine when I can get in my bed,” Lawrence complained. “I can’t stand the noise. I must be getting old.”

  “I doubt that.” His father was in good shape for a man in his fifties. He was very much an athlete and had encouraged Linc to be very active as a child. Linc knew that’s where he’d gotten his love of running and swimming from. Of course in high school, he’d also been involved in organized sports.

  “It would take a saint to deal with all these hours of nonstop gossip, jokes and laughing.” Linc usually had a high tolerance for his mother and aunts’ banter but not this time.

  “You’re right.” Lawrence laughed. “Those women would test the patience of a saint.”

  They laughed together for a minute and Lawrence leaned forward, his expression becoming very serious.

  “I’m here if you want to talk, son. About anything.”

  “I know, Dad.” Linc smiled. “I’m still trying to figure some stuff out.”


  “Yeah.” Linc stared down at his hands. “Tomorrow makes two weeks since we…became more than friends.” Thinking that was vague enough, Linc went on, “But it feels like it’s been a lot longer. She’s become so important to me.”

  “You two have known each other for years now. Is it possible you cared for her before now?”


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