Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2)

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Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2) Page 10

by Jaye Diane

  In all the years he’d known Emerald, he’d been attracted for her, looked forward to seeing her whenever he could and enjoyed her company. There had been times that he’d worried about her and even missed her.

  “Yeah,” He said aloud to his father as the realization hit him. He’d cared about her all along. Not as a friend. He’d known he’d had a thing for her. But this was more than just attraction. He’d dreamed of a relationship with her and had harbored feelings for her. “I have cared about her for a long time. I don’t even know how long.”

  “So don’t be afraid of your feelings now.”

  Linc nodded, seeing the world through new eyes. He wasn’t rushing anything. In many ways, he’d been pursuing Emerald for years. He just hoped that she’d eventually feel some of the emotion for him that he felt for her. The last thing in the world he wanted was to finally give his heart to someone and have her walk away in return.

  “I’m sorry,” Shawn said, touching Emerald’s hand. They were sitting in her car and she had the car warming up. “If I’d known you had a boyfriend, I never would have told Deon that you’re single.”

  “It’s okay,” She replied. “If it’s all the same to you, I don’t want to ever talk about Deon again. Just answer one question please.”

  Her father nodded.

  “You never liked any of my old boyfriends. And you never seemed to want me with anybody so why would you give Deon any info on me?”

  For a few seconds, Shawn stared out of the window not speaking. Finally, after several seconds had passed, he shook his head and faced her.

  “I used to think I was protecting you from a broken heart,” Her father said, his face grim.

  Her eyes widened. She was shocked by his confession and didn’t know what to say.

  “But all I was protecting you from was living and learning. A broken heart hurts but it wouldn’t kill you. Shit, I survived your mother dying. You could survive a breakup.”

  She bit her lip and looked down at her hands. The first broken heart she’d suffered had been because of him, her own father, but she’d long been over it and she didn’t see a reason to tell him that now.

  “It took me a long time to learn from my own mistakes. I’m still learning. But I don’t want you to pay the price for how I’ve raised you or for what I’ve done wrong in my life.”

  “You did okay raising me.” It was a lie and they both knew it.

  “No. I didn’t. And I’m sorry.”

  She sniffled, the sudden onslaught of tears catching her by surprise. Her father leaned over and hugged her.

  “I’m sorry for what you went through tonight. I’m sorry for so much. But it’s going to be better from here on out.”

  He kissed her cheek and pulled back. She wiped away her tears and managed a smile.

  “I forgot to give you this,” He said, reaching into his coat pocket. “It’s from me and Samantha but she wants you to know she picked it out.”

  He put a small box in her hand and she turned on the light in the car to get a better look at it. She unwrapped the sparking silver and green wrapping paper, finding a red velvet jewelry box. She opened it, revealing a lovely pair of gold lever back ruby earrings.

  “My birthstone,” She couldn’t help but murmur. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “You’re welcome, baby.” His own voice was gruff from trying to control his emotions.

  “Make sure you tell Samantha that I said thank you. I would go back and tell her myself but…” She shook her head.

  “Its okay. I’ll tell her.” He scratched his chin before saying hesitantly, “So this boyfriend of yours… Who is he?”

  She thought about correcting her father and telling him the truth about her relationship with Lincoln. But she quickly dismissed that thought. Having a relationship based solely on sex was not something you shared with your parent.

  “You know him. Lincoln. Lincoln Thayer.”

  “Lincoln, Lincoln,” Shawn repeated as if testing the sound of the name. “I don’t know anybody named Lincoln.”

  “The man who walked me down the aisle at Robyn’s wedding? That’s Lincoln.”

  “That white guy?”

  “Daddy!” She objected, irked.

  “I’m not complaining about him being white,” Shawn said grabbing her hand. “But can’t I be surprised? You never dated a white guy before.”

  “Okay,” She said, calming down. “That’s fair. You’re right.”

  She’d actually dated a couple but it had never gone beyond a date or two so they hadn’t been worth mentioning to her father.

  “And how long has this been going on?”

  “Only a couple of weeks. It happened at the wedding.”

  “So it’s too soon for me to grill him,” Shawn concluded, making her laugh.

  “Way too soon.”

  “In a few more weeks I expect to see him. I need to see what kind of character he is.”

  “He’s not a character,” Emerald said defensively. “He’s a nice guy.”

  “Two weeks is too soon to tell how somebody really is. Believe me, I know.”

  “He’s Devin’s best friend, Daddy. I’ve known him for like eight years. He’s one of the good ones. Trust me.”

  “Well I’m still going to have to see for myself,” Shawn said stubbornly.

  Emerald thought about the few times her father had met her boyfriends. He’d never been friendly. Maybe the new Shawn would be nicer. Oh well, she’d cross that bridge when the time came. If the time ever came.

  “Get going now,” Shawn said, letting her hand go. “It’s getting late.”

  “Maybe I’ll come by tomorrow,” Emerald said. “We can eat leftovers and watch movies.”

  “Sounds good,” Shawn said. “You drive safe and text me when you get home.”

  She promised that she would and her father got out of the car. She slowly pulled the car out of the parking spot and drove to her apartment, her mind feeling boggled down after everything that had happened that day.

  From the conversation with her father, to her interactions with Samantha’s crazy family, it had been a weird and crazy day. She just wanted to mellow out, maybe have a bubble bath and lots of sex. She bit her lip in anticipation, putting the negative aspects of the day out of her mind as she thought about being with Lincoln again.

  When she reached her neighborhood there were no parking spots in sight. After doing a parking spot search earlier in the day in her father’s neighborhood, she was immediately aggravated to have to search again. While she drove, her phone rang several times. Finally she pulled over to check it.

  A message from Robyn. A message from Marley. And a missed call from Lincoln. She called Lincoln back, sitting in her double-parked car.

  “Where are you? I’m outside of your door.”

  “There’s no parking,” She grumbled.

  “I’m coming outside.”

  “Okay. Let me come back around.” She hung up the phone and sped down the dark street, littered by dirty ice and snow. She yelped when she saw that there was a parking spot around the corner from her apartment. Going as quickly as she could, she positioned the car and then put it in reverse.

  “Thank you!” She exclaimed to no one while she fixed the car in the spot. She turned off the car and got out. Her cell phone rang again.

  Seeing that it was Lincoln calling again, she answered the phone.

  “Are you okay?” He asked seriously.

  “I just parked. Sorry,” She said, already walking down her street. The streetlight was out near her building but she could make out his lean, tall frame standing in front of her building.

  “It’s alright.”

  “I see you,” She said, unable to hold back a smile. “I’m coming down the street.”

  She hung up the phone as he looked from side to side and then turned towards her. Her feet were aching in her heels but she still walked as fast as she could.

  They shared a brief kiss before they walked into her bu

  “God, what are you wearing?” He whispered, touching her dress.

  “A dress,” She replied stupidly, seeing the appreciation on his gorgeous face. Knowing that he liked what he saw was a balm to her soul and she began to feel giddy.

  Lincoln cupped her ass as they walked up the stairs and his possessiveness made her nervous but also caused an odd warmth to spread through her. From time to time his hand would slide on her behind and it was such a sexy caress that she felt herself becoming wet before they’d even reached her door.

  This can’t be normal.

  Her throat was very dry when she took out her keys. She unlocked the door and walked into the apartment. She turned on the lights and spotted the folded piece of paper on the floor immediately.

  “Can you sit this on the coffee table?” She asked Lincoln, giving him her bag of snacks.

  “Sure.” When he turned and walked to the table she hurriedly bent and picked up the note. She shoved it into her coat pocket before removing her coat.

  She told herself that it wasn’t a big deal. She told herself that Marley would eventually get tired and leave her alone. But it didn’t matter what she told herself. The situation was becoming scary because it felt out of her control.

  She’d always felt like she had some control because she’d assumed that once she spoke to Marley, he’d back off. But she’d spoken to him and he still wouldn’t go away. She was so tired of looking over her shoulder and getting his stupid notes and texts.

  “Are you okay?” Lincoln asked as he took off his own coat.

  “I’m good,” She said, hanging up her purse and stepping out of her heels. The cool floor felt so good on her sore feet. She bent down to pick up the shoes and when she stood up, Lincoln was so close to her that her head bumped his legs.

  “Do you have any idea how good you look right now?” He whispered.

  “I’m glad you like it,” She said, already breathless because she could see in his eyes how much he wanted her.

  “I love it,” He corrected, backing her up against the door. His hands were already on her. He lifted the dress until it was above her hips.

  She squirmed when he pulled her stockings down to her ankles. He bent down in front of her and placed one hand on each of her legs. She closed her eyes as she felt his hands slide over her ankles, up her shins and up her thighs. She struggled to get the stockings off of her feet and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. Brazen as ever, she spread her legs and swallowed several times, her quick breaths keeping her throat dry.

  He ran his hands down to her ankles and then up again, going even slower than he had the first time.

  “Lincoln!” She complained through gritted teeth.

  He stood up and leaned his head towards hers. She yanked him against her and put everything she had into the kiss, her tongue invading every inch of his mouth. He reached between their bodies and slid one finger into her.

  She mewled against his mouth as she thrust against his finger. It just wasn’t enough and she wanted more of him.

  He grunted and broke the kiss. He stepped back and she cried out again, the ache so fierce and so intense that it was almost painful.

  “I have to have you,” She demanded breathlessly, looking into his eyes, “Now.”

  “I know, baby,” He said, breathing heavily too. He removed his belt and then unbuttoned his slacks. As soon as his pants were unzipped and he began pulling his zipper down, she was on him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  He pressed her against the door and positioned himself at her entrance but didn’t enter her.

  “Lincoln,” She protested again, pushing her hips against him. She was dripping wet and he wanted to draw this out?

  “Fuck,” He whispered. “Baby, let me get the rubber.”

  Her head fell back against the door and he gently set her down before going to his wallet. She closed her eyes, in awe over the mistake they’d almost made but so hot that she couldn’t muster up enough common sense to be upset with herself.

  That was the second time they’d almost slipped up. She knew it wasn’t smart but her only excuse was that he took over her mind and common sense went out the window.

  He finally returned to her and picked her up. He was inside her in one swift thrust. She wound her arms around his neck and her hips around his waist then held on as if her life depended on it.

  He didn’t want to leave her. He finally admitted that the cause of the tension in chest was because he didn’t want to leave. It was nearly five in the morning and he wondered if he could get away with staying. It was Saturday. They were both off. But they hadn’t yet discussed spending the night and he wouldn’t cross that line until they’d at least talked about it.

  He nudged her but she didn’t stir. She had to be as exhausted as he was. He’d never had so much sex in one night, in his life. And still he wanted her.

  After the last time they’d made love he’d allowed himself to start dozing but he’d gotten out of the bed knowing that once he fell asleep, he’d be out for hours.

  Already dressed, he stood near her bed watching her for several moments. He really didn’t want to leave. Her voluptuous body spread out in the bed was so tempting, beyond inviting and sexy as hell.

  He forced himself to walk away from the bed so he could call a taxi. If he didn’t get the call over with he just might give in to the strong urge to stay and deal with the consequences later. The call was quick and she didn’t move at all.

  He poured himself a cup of juice, drank it and washed the cup he’d used. He was starved too but knowing he was going straight to bed once he got home, he didn’t eat anything. He sat on the couch and wasted time checking his email on his phone. He’d often glance in the direction of her bed but the entire area was surrounded by thick curtains to create some semblance of privacy, and he couldn’t see her.

  Checking his watch, he jumped up and put his coat on. He went to her bed and shook her.

  “Hmm.” She didn’t open her eyes and didn’t move an inch.

  “I’m leaving, Em,” He whispered. He kissed her forehead and let himself out. “Come lock the door.”


  He wondered if he should try to wake her. There were three locks on her door. Two could be locked before the door was closed but the other lock had to be locked after the door was closed. He figured she’d be safe with two out of three locks being used. But he still felt uneasy knowing that someone had tagged her door and slashed her tires.

  The cab came after he’d been outside for a couple of minutes and he hopped in quickly. His eyes felt dry and irritated from the lack of sleep. It was still dark outside and it was so quiet in the cab that soon he was struggling to keep his eyes open. When the cab pulled up outside of his apartment, he paid the driver and rushed out.

  A few minutes later he entered his apartment and took off his coat and shoes, not bothering to remove anything else before climbing into his bed and pulling the blankets over himself. It took him only minutes to drift off to sleep, wishing that he was in Emerald’s bed with her instead of alone in his own.

  Emerald woke groggily, hearing someone banging on her door. She sat up in her bed, feeling disoriented for a moment. The banging sounded again and she got out of the bed, completely nude. She threw on a long T-shirt and took her robe with her as she rushed to the door. She shrugged into her robe as fast as she could.

  “Who is it?” She asked as she knotted the robe.


  Her heart pumped into overdrive and she looked through her peep hole. Sure enough, two uniformed police officers stood outside of her door. Suddenly shaking, she opened her door.

  “Is there a problem, officers?” She asked, her voice sounding squeaky and awkward.

  “I’m Officer Reynolds,” The first officer said and gestured to his partner. “This is Officer Sanchez. Are you Emerald Felton?” If it wasn’t for his kind blue eyes, she might have been alarmed by his booming voice. He was
tall and reed thin and he couldn’t stay still, as if he’d had too much coffee.


  “And you own a 2002 Jeep Liberty?”

  “Y-yes,” Emerald said, her entire body trembling. “What happened?”

  “There’s been an incident, ma’am,” The other officer, an older Hispanic man, spoke quietly. “May we come in?”

  “What’s happened?” Emerald demanded, raising her voice.

  “Your car was on fire,” The second officer, Sanchez, spoke again, looking sympathetic. “May we please come in, ma’am?”

  Emerald stepped back and waved them in, her heart beating so hard that she struggled to absorb what had just been said. He’d used her car to get to her again. And it was apparently much worse this time. She slammed the door shut and tripped over her own feet, nearly falling onto the floor. She regained her balance and rushed to the couch.

  She sat down and took in several deep breaths, trying to get herself together. Falling apart wouldn’t accomplish anything. She was too strong to give in. He’d been stalking her for almost a year and she’d taken it all in stride. No way would she give in now.

  Still, she clasped her hands tightly on her lap and her heart refused to calm down. As she spoke with the officers she felt as if she was on the outside of the scene looking in.

  “You’re here so I’m assuming that it’s…bad.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Officer Reynolds said. “Your car has been completely destroyed by the fire.”

  She couldn’t hold back the gasp. It felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. She’d had the car for years, had saved faithfully to buy it. And now it was gone.

  “The arson investigator is still at the scene,” Officer Sanchez told her. “He-”

  “I’m being harassed,” Emerald blurted, her voice sounding weak to her own ears. “He slashed my tires last week. He…” Her voice trailed off and she was horrified to realize that couldn’t even talk.

  She was vaguely aware of Reynolds going to her sink and turning on the faucet. Sanchez was talking to her but she had no idea what he said. She rubbed a hand over her forehead and inhaled deeply. Reynolds brought her a glass of water and placed the glass in her shaking hands.


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