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Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2)

Page 13

by Jaye Diane

  She lifted up and was about to get out of bed but his arms snaked around her waist, holding her in place. She looked down at his face to see that his eyes were still closed.

  “Lincoln,” She said, her voice low. “Someone’s at the door ringing the bell.”

  He opened his eyes, instantly alert. He let go of her and got out of the bed. She thought about staying in bed. She felt well-rested but distinctly anti-social after everything that had happened. It was probably someone there to see him, anyway. Robyn and Devin were the only people who knew that Emerald was there.

  Lincoln walked out of the room and she looked at the clock. It was after ten in the morning. No wonder she felt so rested. She got out of the bed and quickly made it then fluffed the pillows. She realized that it was the first night that she and Lincoln had spent together without having sex. She knew that she must have loved it to have ended up snuggling with him the way she had.

  She quickly checked her appearance in the mirror. Her hair was a mess and she tried to quickly brush it down. Shrugging, she walked out of the room still dressed in her pink nightshirt and shorts.

  She looked down the hall towards the living room but she could only see partially into the room and she didn’t see Lincoln or his visitor. She rushed to the bathroom to at least get her teeth brushed before she went to greet an unknown guest. She used some of Lincoln’s lotion on her ashy legs and walked out of the bathroom. If it was Robyn or Grace visiting, they would have come for her by then. Knowing that made her approach the living room with reluctance.

  Lincoln was sitting on the couch deep in conversation with a petite brunette, their heads bent towards each other. The brunette was wearing a pale peach dress suit with a matching hat on her head. One of her legs was crossed over the other and the expensive peach pumps on her feet immediately attracted Emerald’s eyes.

  “I’m not leaving,” The brunette murmured, her voice low and delicate. “I am staying right here. Why are you behaving this way?”

  “I’m not behaving any kind of way,” Lincoln whispered, sounding exasperated. “Now’s not a good time to visit, that’s all.”

  Before she could jump to any conclusions at all, Emerald cleared her throat and forced a smile to her lips.

  They both looked up in surprise but at least neither of them looked guilty.

  “Good morning,” Emerald said brightly. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “Not at all. Good morning,” The other woman said, tilting her head to the side and staring as if studying Emerald’s appearance. Though she wasn’t rude and there was no inflection in her voice at all, Emerald had the distinct feeling that she was being examined.

  “I’m going to put a pot of coffee on,” Emerald said pleasantly. She wasn’t one for over-the-top displays and she wouldn’t ever fight over a man. But this woman would know that Emerald had a comfortable place in Lincoln’s life one way or the other and showing how familiar she was with his home would do the trick.

  “Would either of you like some?” Emerald asked pointedly.

  Lincoln was already frowning and the sight of it made Emerald’s heart stumble.

  “No, thank you,” Came the cultured reply. The woman openly stared now but she slowly began to smile.

  The smile made Emerald feel awkward and she turned and started to walk out of the room.

  “Emerald, wait,” Lincoln said hastily and she turned to him with her brows raised.

  “What’s up?”

  “I’d like to formally introduce you,” Lincoln said, a tense smile on his face, “Emerald, please meet Audrey Thayer. My mother.”

  Chapter Eight

  Emerald’s mouth dropped open upon hearing that she was meeting Lincoln’s mother. She snapped it shut and it was her turn to stare. His mother looked as young as he did and there was no resemblance other than hair and eye color. They were both brown-eyed brunettes but had no similar features at all. She’d never have guessed that they were related, let alone that this was the woman who’d given birth to him.

  Audrey stood up and extended her hand to Emerald and Emerald quickly shook it.

  “We’ve never been formally introduced,” Audrey said, her dainty voice warming up. “I’m happy to finally meet you.”

  Emerald had seen pictures of his family in Lincoln’s bedroom but she hadn’t really examined them. His mom hadn’t looked familiar at all sitting there with him on the couch.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too,” Emerald said, wondering what Lincoln had told his mother about her and their relationship.

  “I’ve heard so much about you,” Audrey said, folding her hands in front of her body.

  “Oh,” Was all Emerald could manage.

  “Yes, Allison is beside herself thinking that-”

  Lincoln cleared his throat and shook his head at his mother.

  “Allison’s your sister, right?” Emerald vaguely remembered his twin sister. They’d met less than a handful of times over the years.

  “Yes,” Lincoln answered dryly. “That’s one thing I like to call her.”

  Audrey started to speak, closed her mouth and looked at Lincoln.

  “I’m going to put the coffee on,” Emerald said, “Lincoln, are you sure you don’t want one?”

  “I’m sure,” He replied, giving her a quick glance.

  Emerald smiled and got the hell out of there. Lincoln was acting odd and it was making her uneasy. His mother seemed nice enough. Emerald took her time measuring out the coffee grounds and water, in no rush to get back to the awkward living room scene.

  She searched the refrigerator for something to make for breakfast. She’d make plenty just in case they wanted some. She felt so perturbed that she didn’t even want to go back to ask if they wanted some.

  She had mixed feelings about meeting Lincoln’s mother. Sure, the lady seemed okay with Emerald seeing her son but looks could be deceiving. She didn’t know anyone’s parents who were okay with purely sexual relationships. Someone as refined as Audrey Thayer couldn’t possibly know the true nature of the relationship, Emerald realized.

  She took out a carton of eggs and began cracking them into a bowl. She searched for a few other ingredients then set about making an omelet, deep in thought as she did so.

  She wished his mom had finished the sentence she’d been saying. What had Lincoln stopped her from saying? Oh well, she’d never know now. She wouldn’t bother asking. It was probably better off that she didn’t know anyway.

  His mom was sitting on the couch again, hands folded across her lap, gloating and tapping her foot excitedly.

  “I knew she was beautiful when we saw her at the wedding,” His mother murmured. “But I didn’t know how much of that was makeup and how much was natural. Even that picture we saw online didn’t do her justice. It’s quite clear now that she is a natural beauty. No wonder you’re so attracted.”

  “New topic,” Linc ordered, leaning back on the couch and putting his hands behind his head.

  “I see that she slept here with you.” His mom said as if he hadn’t spoken. “Does that mean you two are finally officially a couple?”

  “What are you doing here?” He demanded. He’d asked her that as soon as she’d come in but she’d refused to answer, merely going to sit on the couch to question him about his behavior. He wasn’t about to open himself up to an interrogation.

  “Honestly, Linc, do I need a reason to visit my very own son?” She shook her head.

  He stared at her without replying. She quietly stared back at him. Several seconds went by before she at last spoke again.

  “Fine,” Audrey said huffily. “I spoke to Allison last night and she mentioned a little something about a conversation you and she had on Christmas. I had a feeling something was going on but Allison confirmed it.”

  “Confirmed what?” Linc asked. “Allison’s so fucking nosy.”

  “I’ll thank you to control your language,” His mother warned, making him feel like a small child again.

nbsp; “Confirmed what?” He repeated, still frowning but his tone lower.

  “She said that this relationship you have with Emerald is serious and being that you’ve never had a serious relationship before, I naturally became concerned.”

  “Concerned? Mom, I’m a grown man. I’ll be fine.”

  “I know not to butt in.”

  “I hope so.”

  “But I want you to know I’m here for you.”

  “Of course I know that! When have you not been here for me?”

  “What’s the matter with you? You’re being cantankerous and just plain crabby.”

  The description caught him by surprise and he laughed.

  “I’m sorry, Mom.” Linc quickly squeezed her hand then stood up. He made sure that Emerald was out of earshot before he came back to his mother and stood in front of her.

  “My relationship with Emerald is very complicated. I’m trying to take it slow for her sake.”

  “It’s not moving all that slow,” His mother said calmly. “She’s sleeping here with you.”

  “This is the first time she’s stayed a full night,” He said, trying to quickly string together an explanation that didn’t include too many details.

  “She’s going through a personal situation and she needed a place to crash last night.”

  “What kind of personal situation? It’s not an ex-husband is it? I thought Allison said that this young lady had never been married.”

  “She’s never been married,” He assured in a hurry. “I don’t want to say too much. It’s not my business.”

  “Okay.” Audrey unbuttoned her light peach suit jacket and removed it then handed it to him. She removed her little peach hat and handed that to him too.

  He’d kind of been hoping her visit would be quick but it was obvious she was getting comfortable so that she could stay longer. He hung her jacket and hat next to her coat.

  “I’m going to go check on Emerald.”

  His mother nodded and reached into her purse as he left the room. He went quickly down the hall to the kitchen. The coffeepot was dripping and Emerald was at the stove.

  “Hey, Em.”

  “Hey,” She said without turning around.

  “It smells good in here.”

  “I’m making an omelet. Want some?”

  “Sure, sounds good.” He approached her from behind and put both hands on her shoulders. “How’d you sleep?”

  “That was honestly the best sleep I’ve had in a long time,” She said, flipping the omelet. She turned to him and smiled.

  “Good.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “Do you think your mom wants some of the omelet?” She gestured to the huge omelet in wide skillet.

  “She’s probably eaten breakfast already but I’ll ask her.”

  She wordlessly turned back to the stove and he wandered back into the living room. His mother was talking on her cell phone.

  “Yes, dear,” Audrey murmured into the phone. “I’ll be home in a little while.”

  She closed her little flip phone and placed it inside her purse.

  “Was that Dad?” Linc asked, sitting beside his mother on the couch once more.

  “Yes. He told me to leave you alone and come home.” She laughed as if she’d heard a joke.

  “You can leave whenever you’re ready,” Linc said sweetly.

  “I want to get to know Emerald. You’ve never brought a woman home to meet us before.”

  “I still haven’t,” He pointed out. His mother didn’t need to know about the amount of women he’d brought to his home over the years.

  “Well…” His mother tapped her fingers on her knees. “She seems important so I’d like to stay.”

  “She’s cooking breakfast,” Linc offered, refusing to confirm anything else. “Would you like some?”

  “Oh, no thank you. I’ve eaten already.”

  He’d figured as much. His mother was always up at the crack of dawn. She was always the one who’d had breakfast on the table when everyone else was just getting out of bed.

  Emerald’s cell phone began to ring and he jumped up to go answer it. It was Grace.

  “Hello?” He answered. “Hi, Grace.”

  “Hey, Linc,” She said, sounding surprised. “How are you?”

  “I’m good. You?”

  “I’m okay. How’s Emmy? Robyn was bringing me up to date on the psycho asshole.”

  “She’s good,” Linc said. “She’s pretty calm, considering everything that’s gone on.”

  “I had no clue she was dealing with that. I feel awful!”

  “No one did. She didn’t want us to know.” His mother was obviously eavesdropping.

  “Is she around? She said she’d call me when she got up but I’ve been sitting here waiting and…”

  “Yeah, hold on.” He took the phone to the kitchen.

  “Who is it?” Emerald asked, not even reaching for it.

  “It’s Grace.” Did she think he’d actually let her talk to that dickhead Marley?

  She smiled in relief and took the phone with one hand, handing him a plate of food with the other.

  “No breakfast for Mom.” He said to her as he walked out of the kitchen. She nodded and began talking to Grace. He resisted the urge to listen to their conversation and went to the living room with his food.

  Emerald kept the conversation with Grace very short, giving Grace her word that she’d call her back as soon as Lincoln’s mom had gone home. She picked up her plate of food and her mug of coffee and took her time getting back to the living room.

  “Really, Linc, since when do you eat on the couch?” His mother was complaining as Emerald entered the room.

  “I like to be comfortable,” He said, then put a huge forkful of omelet into his mouth.

  Emerald smiled uncertainly and sat down on the couch. She put her plate on the coffee table and held her mug. Lincoln sat in the center, with her and his mother on either side of him, and for that she was grateful. What was it about meeting your boyfriend’s mother that instantly put you on edge?

  Boyfriend?! The surprise thought nearly made her drop her mug. She didn’t like the turns her thoughts kept taking lately.

  Emerald sipped her coffee and sat the mug down. She quietly began eating her food.

  “So Emerald,” Audrey leaned up so she could see Emerald around Lincoln, “I hear you work at the same game company as Devin.”

  “Yes,” Emerald replied once she’d swallowed her food. If it had been anyone other than Lincoln’s parent she would have probably slipped up and spoken with food in her mouth. But she was so aware of everything she did with his mother there with them.

  “How do you like it?”

  “It’s a decent job,” Emerald answered honestly, meeting the other woman’s eyes with her own. “The pay is very good and it’s a fast paced environment so it’s never boring. I feel fortunate that Devin got me the job.”

  “Oh did he?” Audrey nodded slowly. “That was nice of him. I’ve never worked. When I was growing up it was never suggested that I ever would. I suppose I am lucky that my husband felt that way also.”

  Emerald wondered what the point of the conversation was. Was Lincoln’s mom just feeling her out, trying to get to know her or very subtly interrogating her?

  “I’m so sorry for the situation that you have been dealing with,” Audrey suddenly said. “I’m glad that you were able to turn to Linc.”

  “Mom!” Lincoln protested, mouth full of ham and cheese omelet.

  Emerald frowned at him, upset that he’d told his mother her private business. She hadn’t even wanted him to know and now he’d told his mother!

  “I’m sorry!” Audrey said hastily.

  “Lincoln…” Emerald said firmly, so wounded and hurt that she wanted to scream. But she’d been trained at keeping a lid on her emotions and even now she couldn’t explode. She stood up and put her hands on her hips.

  He jumped up too, wrapping his arms around he
r. She backed away, stepping out of his grasp.

  “Mom, don’t say another word,” Lincoln muttered, his voice quavering slightly. “Emerald, don’t get upset. Mom doesn’t know anything specific.”

  “Then why would she…?” Emerald looked at Audrey. “Then what are you talking about? What are you trying to get at?”

  “Nothing at all, sweetie.” His mother stood up, a very tense smile on her face. “Linc said that you’re going through something personal, which is why you stayed the night here. I suppose I let my overprotectiveness get the better of me. I apologize.”

  “Oh, I see.” Emerald smiled brightly, wishing that they’d both disappear. Or maybe it would be better if she, herself, disappeared. “You’re worried that I might get your son mixed up in some shady business. Is that it?”

  “I didn’t mean to imply-”

  “It’s alright, Mom.” Lincoln said, frowning as he looked from Emerald and back to his mother. “Don’t say anything else, please. You’ve said enough.”

  Audrey nodded stiffly and clasped her hands behind her back.

  “Emerald. My mother didn’t mean to offend you. Please don’t get the wrong idea.”

  The only idea she had was that she didn’t belong in Lincoln’s apartment and she probably didn’t even belong in his life. She suddenly felt so alone, so devastated, that she wanted to hide somewhere and cry.

  “Its fine,” She said, her voice devoid of all emotion. “I’m going to get my things together and get out of here. Problem solved.”

  “There is no problem,” Lincoln barked. But she was already walking out of the living room. “Emerald!”

  “I’m so sorry,” She heard Audrey say again from behind her as she entered the hallway.

  She fought back tears and rushed to Lincoln’s room. She’d made a mistake in coming here to Lincoln’s apartment. Meeting his mother had made it painfully obvious that Emerald was where she didn’t belong. She knew she was probably being too sensitive but at the moment she didn’t care. She didn’t owe anyone an explanation, especially some lady that she’d just met.


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