Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2)

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Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2) Page 17

by Jaye Diane

  “Are you okay?” Tasha asked, coming to lean against Emerald’s desk.

  Emerald nodded her head and watched Devin speak to the two detectives. He’d walked in right behind her and seen the bright red and green Christmas box on her desk. Nothing could have prepared her for what was inside. She’d thrown up right there next to her desk, fortunately making it into the garbage can.

  At least the detectives had been a little nicer this time around. It was obvious there was no way she could leave herself a box full of fresh blood all the way at her office in New York City. There had been different color hairs floating in the blood along with a note taped to the inside of the lid. She’d tried not to look at the note, knowing that it would only upset her but she’d begun to read it before she even realized she was going to.

  “Do you want some coffee?” Tasha asked. “Or tea?”

  “No thanks.” Emerald stared down at her hands, which had finally stopped shaking. Other than Devin standing with the two detectives, it was already business as usual. For a while, her desk and the entire area behind the glass island had been treated as a crime scene. Now that everyone was gone, it was becoming calm again.

  Lacey was talking on the phone and typing on the computer. A few people sat in the lobby, presumably with appointments. She was sure that they’d stopped at the receptionist desk but she’d been so preoccupied talking to the cops that she must have missed it.

  “Let me know if you need anything,” Tasha said sympathetically.

  “Thanks, Tasha,” Emerald said gratefully. She didn’t even pretend to work, watching Devin’s face as he talked to the cops. His expression at times looked impatient and then just plain angry. Finally he looked somewhat calm and shook the detectives’ hands before walking away.

  Emerald jumped up out of her seat as he approached the glass island.

  “I’m going to head upstairs now,” Devin said, his voice nearly a whisper. “The boss was asking for you and me. But I’m going to try to talk to him myself.”

  “Thanks, Dev.” She didn’t want to explain this nightmare to another person. She knew she shouldn’t let Devin handle it but she figured it was okay since she hadn’t asked him to do it. He’d offered.

  “The detectives are about to go check the security footage. This is all about to be over.”

  She nodded her head but she was afraid to hope. She wouldn’t believe it was over until it actually was and Marley was behind bars.

  Devin smiled reassuringly and walked to the elevator.

  Emerald went to her desk and went about trying to get some work done. She was very aware of the detectives coming and going and it was hard for her to concentrate. Why had Marley done it? What was the point of all this?

  Lacey and Tasha eventually had a turn talking to the detectives, and so did a couple of the security guards and maintenance people. Knowing that all that was going on made it nearly impossible to get any work done.

  Her phone vibrated in her purse and she took it out. A text from Robyn.

  Are you okay?

  I’m fine. I’ll call you later. I’m swamped.


  She was supposed to see Robyn later anyway at her condo and then at her parents’ New Year’s party but after getting that disgusting gift she was no longer in the mood to celebrate. Maybe she’d skip the party and just lay low in Lincoln’s apartment.

  Emerald walked to a nearby hot dog stand for lunch, staring around the cold, crowded street in suspicion. Even knowing that a security guard followed her everywhere wasn’t enough to ease her mind. The fact that she could never see him didn’t bring her any comfort. She wondered if he was close enough and if he could actually see anyone who might pose a threat.

  She took her hotdogs and soda back to the office with her. She went all the way to the back of the building to the employee lounge. It was a large white room filled with tables, chairs and vending machines. It was loud and busy, several people laughing happily and talking as they ate. Everyone was excited about ringing in the new year and having a three day weekend. Emerald had shared in the excitement until she’d gotten to work and found the hideous box.

  She sat by herself and began eating. Even though she’d thrown up the small breakfast that she’d eaten she barely had an appetite. She managed to eat one hotdog, throwing the other in the trash. She sipped her soda and looked down at her phone. She texted Grace before going back to work, knowing that Grace had probably heard something about the newest incident.

  When she got back to her desk, Lacey was eating at her desk and Tasha was gone. She saw that one of the detectives, Hanson, was walking around the lobby, looking at everything as if he was inspecting every aspect of the huge room.

  “Are you okay?” Lacey asked, munching on salad.

  “I’m fine,” Emerald said, looking quickly at Lacey and then back to the detective. She wondered what he was looking for. And where was his partner?

  Lacey went back to her lunch and Emerald made an attempt to get some work done. She’d only made a couple of phone calls when Hanson called her over, standing at the island.

  “Yes?” She asked, not standing up.

  “We’ll be in touch later,” He replied, but he wasn’t even looking at her. He stared up at the ceiling above her and beyond.

  “Okay,” Emerald replied, happy to see him go. It didn’t matter that he and Detective Armstrong were apparently on her side now. She couldn’t forget how cold and accusing he and his partner had been when they’d first interviewed her so she remained uncomfortable around them.

  It was nearly four when Devin got off the elevator and asked her if she was ready to leave.

  She gathered her things, ignoring the wide-eyed looks that Lacey and Tasha gave each other before staring intently at her as she put her coat on. They knew that she and Devin were practically family and yet the looks they gave spoke volumes. They were speculating on whether something was going on with her and Devin.

  Dumb asses, she thought as she said goodnight to them. Females lost all logic in the face of something they thought was juicy enough to gossip about. She hoped that her coworkers, who’d become friends in the six months that she’d known them, would use common sense before dragging her and Devin’s names through the gossip mill.

  “Are you okay?” Devin asked as they entered the parking garage together.

  “I’m good,” Emerald said, following closely behind him.

  “Robyn’s really worried. She can’t wait to see you.”

  They got into his black BMW. He waved at one of the security guards as he drove out of the parking garage and into traffic. It was still light out but gray and gloomy, matching her mood.

  “I think I might stay in tonight,” She said, staring out the window as she leaned back in the comfortable leather seat.

  “You can’t spend New Year’s Eve alone. Don’t do that to yourself. You’re letting that asshole win.”

  “It’s not about letting him win anything. I just don’t feel like partying.”

  “Just come for a little while. Your mood might change. But if not, you can leave.”

  “If I leave early, Lincoln will feel like he has to leave early too.”

  Devin laughed. “If you don’t come in the first place, he probably won’t come either.”

  She hadn’t thought about that. Devin was right and of course he knew Lincoln much better than she did. She kept trying to keep Lincoln in a certain place but it was clear that their relationship wasn’t just about sex anymore, if it ever had been. If she stayed home, he’d likely stay home too. She didn’t want to do that. It would only add to her guilt.

  She went into Devin’s and Robyn’s condo to wait for Lincoln to pick her up. Not having her own car was so annoying. She loved spending time with Robyn but she hated relying on others to get her where she needed to go.

  The insurance people were giving her a hard time since the incident with her car was currently under investigation. The police report painted Emerald in a
shady light and she’d hesitated to even send it to the insurance people.

  Robyn looked cozy in a green T-shirt and white shorts. A history teacher, she was usually off for the days surrounding Christmas and New Year’s but she had taken even more time off for her honeymoon. Emerald had never seen her friend looking so relaxed.

  “Sweetie, how are you?” Robyn asked as they hugged.

  “I’m good,” Emerald replied cheerfully. “Don’t worry, okay? Everything’s good.”

  “It doesn’t seem like its good,” Robyn said, automatically leaning back into Devin’s embrace.

  “It is. The cops should be arresting Evan Marley any minute now.” But it bothered her that they hadn’t gone to get him immediately after viewing the security footage. They’d hung out at 50G Studios for hours. She’d told herself to be patient. She’d dealt with the stalking for a year. A few hours wouldn’t make a huge difference.

  “I hope they do,” Robyn said heatedly, “This needs to stop already.”

  “Where’s my baby?” Emerald asked, looking around the cluttered living room for Olivia.

  “She’s already at the house with my parents,” Robyn said, “Peyton’s there helping take care of her while they get ready for the party.”

  “Aww, I wanted to see her.” She’d been looking forward to a little baby hug.

  “You will see her in a few short hours.”

  “Yes,” Emerald agreed, looking at Devin, “I will.”

  He smiled silently before kissing the top of Robyn’s head.

  “I’m going to work out for a little while before we start getting dressed.” He kissed Robyn’s cheek, lingering there as he rubbed his nose across her skin.

  Emerald smiled and waved at him when he walked out of the room.

  “You two are too damn cute,” Emerald said to Robyn once they were alone.

  “I know,” Robyn agreed with a small laugh. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “No thanks,” Emerald replied. Her stomach churned at the thought of trying to eat or drink anything. All she wanted was to hear news of Marley being arrested. She’d relax after that.

  “So how are you? And don’t tell me you’re good when it’s obvious you’re not.”

  “I’m getting by,” Emerald said. “He left a plastic box with blood in it. It was giftwrapped. It had hair in it. It was disturbing. I won’t lie; it was straight scary.”

  “Oh my god, is it human blood and hair?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Emerald said, “But imagine if it is? How did he get it? I never thought he was capable of murder but now…”

  “Thank God the cops are all over this. The sooner they lock him up, the better.”

  “Yeah, seriously.” Emerald sighed and decided to try changing the subject. “What are you wearing tonight?”

  “Ooh, come look!”

  She followed Robyn into the bedroom, smirking at the mirror on the ceiling over the bed. It had startled her when she’d first seen it months before. Of course she’d had to tease Robyn about it.

  Robyn ran to the walk-in closet and rushed back out, holding up her dress. It was a lilac colored sheath dress.

  “Of course I bought heels to match,” Robyn said, holding the dress up to her body and looking at her reflection in the floor-to-ceiling mirror that stood beside her dresser.

  “Of course,” Emerald grinned. It felt good to sit back for a few minutes and talk about something as insignificant as what they were going to wear and how they were going to wear their hair.

  After Robyn hung the dress in the closet, she plopped down on the bed next to Emerald.

  “How’s everything going with Linc?”

  “Better than I expected,” Emerald admitted. She’d told Robyn that she was going to be staying with Lincoln for the time being. “He and I spoke the other night…about my childhood. He finally knows everything.”

  “Oh wow!” Robyn exclaimed. “This is huge!”

  “No, it’s not,” Emerald insisted hastily, “It’s no bigger than me letting you tell Devin about certain things that happened.”

  “It is!”


  “Allow me my hope! Damn,” Robyn said with a laugh.

  “Okay. But don’t get your hopes up too high.”

  “So how did he take it?”

  “He was nice about it all. I’m glad he didn’t look at me like I’m some charity case.”

  “He’s a good man,” Robyn said gently. “He’d never do that.”

  Robyn had known Lincoln for as long as he’d known Devin and the Jamison family. She’d been just a little kid when Lincoln and Devin had become friends. They were all pretty close and Emerald had always wanted to be a part of that. Slowly she was becoming a part of it all and it was causing her to experience several new emotions that she hadn’t been prepared for.

  In helping prepare for Robyn’s and Devin’s wedding, she’d started to feel a part of a family. In the few weeks since the wedding, the feeling had grown and was intensifying.

  “I know,” She quietly agreed.

  She and Robyn had just finished doing each other’s nails when Lincoln arrived to pick her up. He was very quiet, only speaking to Robyn and Devin briefly before insisting that they leave. She knew he had something on his mind but she didn’t stress herself trying to figure out what it was. She was starting to get to know him better and she knew that he wouldn’t waste time telling her what was on his mind.

  She didn’t have long to wait. She climbed into his Benz and buckled up.

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “What?” She asked, confused.

  “Dev said you didn’t want me to come this morning but he said you would call. Why didn’t you call?”

  “I’m sorry,” She said, “I got so caught up with everything. I forgot.”

  “Did you? Or did you just think I wasn’t worth it?”

  “Of course not, Lincoln!” She yelled angrily.

  “Okay,” He said and turned the key in the ignition.

  “Okay? That’s it?”

  “I believe you,” He said simply. “So what else is there to say?”

  She sat back, confused. She’d been ready to have an argument but she’d already deflated thanks to his no-nonsense attitude. She sat back, watching him without saying much else.

  It was a decent ride from Devin’s and Robyn’s place in Jersey City to Lincoln’s place in Hoboken. Traffic wasn’t too bad and they only got stuck sitting in it for a few minutes.

  Her phone rang as they rode in the elevator and she took it out, seeing that Grace was calling.

  “Hey, Grace, how are you?”

  “You’re still coming tonight, aren’t you?” Grace asked.

  “Yeah, I am,” Emerald laughed. It never ceased to amaze her how well Grace knew her already. If not for her talk with Devin, she probably wouldn’t be going to the party.

  “Good. I’m just double-checking. I know how you get when you’re stressed.”

  “I’m not stressed.” The elevator doors opened and Lincoln took her hand, leading her off.

  “Anyway,” Grace went on, “I’m taking lots of pictures tonight. Apparently Mom created a Facebook account and wants me to tag her in everything.”

  “That’s funny. Lincoln’s mother created an account the other day too.”

  “I wonder if that means Mrs. Phillips did too. I should ask Robyn.” Grace sighed. “Social media was a lot safer before mothers started joining.”

  Emerald laughed again and soon she and Grace got off the phone.

  She went to take a shower while Lincoln went to the bedroom. She quickly washed and got out. They had plenty of time to get to Robyn’s parents’ house but most of her clothes were crammed in bags and she needed to search thoroughly for something to wear.

  “Emerald?” Lincoln knocked on the door as she was drying off.

  “Hey.” She opened the door, wrapped in a long towel.

  “Detective Armstrong just called yo
ur phone. They want us to come in.” He looked very somber.

  “Now?” She asked incredulously.

  “It sounds serious.”

  “Did they arrest Evan Marley?”

  “I don’t think so,” Lincoln replied.

  “Shit!” Emerald said with a scowl. “I wish they’d said whatever the hell they had to say when they were at my job. They only stayed there for hours.”

  He just nodded without speaking. He looked fine as hell in a crisp black button down shirt and gray slacks. She felt like she could see every contour of his hard chest through his shirt but she knew it was just her imagination. They’d spent so much time in bed together that she knew his body very well and could envision his entire nude body if she closed her eyes.

  She’d love nothing more than to jump into bed and have a quickie there and then. It might soothe her nerves after the long, trying day she’d had. Unfortunately she’d gotten her period the day before. Her fun would have to wait a few more days.

  “I have to find something to wear,” She said, stomping off to the room. The sooner she got away from Lincoln the better. He always got her hormones going.

  “I’m going to the office to make a couple of calls.” He called from behind her.

  “Okay,” She said without looking at him. She dumped all of her clean clothes on his bed and began sifting through them. She usually kept her dresses hanging neatly when she was home but she’d packed in a rush and thrown everything together.

  After she’d agreed to stay in Lincoln’s apartment until she found a new apartment, he’d offered to make room in his drawers and closet for her but she’d told him she didn’t need the space. Now she regretted it. He’d already hung some of her stuff in his closet anyway but those were mostly work clothes.

  She had to get dressed before she went to the police station. There probably wouldn’t be any time to come back and get dressed afterwards. She found a few dresses, a couple of which were very badly wrinkled. She took out a blue and white striped sweater dress and held it out. It wasn’t too badly wrinkled and she thought she could accessorize quickly if she put it on.

  She twisted her hair back into a bun, keeping it simple but adding a few clips. She put on the dress and hurriedly stepped into high heeled boots. She thought about putting some makeup on but she just wanted to get to the police station and find out what was going on.


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