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Seaside Embrace (Love in Bloom

Page 2

by Melissa Foster

  She focused on the bag as she nailed it with one hard strike after another. She needed a good workout today just to get Hunter off her mind. She hadn’t been able to sleep after she’d arrived home in the wee hours of the morning. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the sensual look in Hunter’s dark eyes, felt the strength of his hands as they moved over her skin. When she’d showered, she’d seen the abrasions on her inner thighs from the scruff on his jaw and had to wear her long exercise pants to cover the evidence of their tryst. She punched the bag harder, faster, trying to escape the shiver racing down her spine with the thought. But just like the last time they’d hooked up, she knew it was going to take a lot more than a few punches to outrun the memory of those delicious hours spent in Hunter’s arms.

  “I see Tequila Girl made it in.” Sawyer grinned as he joined them by the heavy bag. Sawyer had been the East Coast Boxing Federation cruiserweight titleholder and ranked number three in the Northeast Boxing Association. He’d retired after his doctor told him that one more blow to the head could lead to permanent damage.

  “Tequila Girl?” Brock crossed his arms over his broad chest and cocked a brow.

  “You’re my brother.” She grunted as she punched the bag. “Not my babysitter.”

  “Did Hunter get you home okay?” Sawyer asked.

  Jana scowled at him. She’d known him so long that he was like an older brother. The last thing she needed was another lecture from either him or Brock about self-confidence, treating her body like a temple, and the rest of the garbage they deemed important.

  “Hunter? Why would Hunter have to get you home?” Brock asked.

  “I got myself home.” She put more effort into each punch. “Thank.” Punch. “You.” Punch, punch. “Very much.”

  She stepped out from beneath their overbearing presence and moved to the speed bag.

  “I’ll leave y’all to your workout,” Sawyer said.

  Jana turned with a narrow-eyed gaze. “Gee, thanks, Sawyer.”

  He shrugged. “Hey, he’s my fiancée’s brother. I’ve got nothing but good things to say about him.” He nodded at Brock. “But he might have a different opinion.”

  He and Brock high-fived as Sawyer headed over to the ring.

  “Before you give me crap, I’m a big girl, Brock. I can handle myself.” And according to the look on Hunter’s face last night, she handled herself very well.

  “I have no doubt you can, but Hunter? You know he’s gone out with half the girls who hang out at Undercover.”

  “So?” She began punching the speed bag again.

  “So? Jana, hasn’t anything I’ve said to you over the years sunk in? Why would you hook up with a guy who’s been around that much?”

  She turned to face him and wiped the sweat from her brow. “Brock, look who you’re talking to.”

  He winced and held up a hand. “Let’s not go there, please. You know how I feel about your choices.”

  “What? It’s not like you’re a prude or anything.” She wasn’t embarrassed that she didn’t do relationships. Why should she be? Most guys didn’t care about relationships. Why should women be looked at sideways for doing the same?

  “No, but you are my little sister.” He took a step back, as if just the thought of her having sex repulsed him.

  “Good. That’s exactly what I was going for. Stay out of my personal life. ’Kay?”

  “Point taken. Just be careful. Hunter’s a nice guy, but…”

  “Don’t worry, Brock. I know exactly what he is. Arrogant. Annoying. Bullheaded.” Tension riddled her body just thinking about their debate over boxing. She turned back to the bag and said, “Obnoxiously loud with his opinions,” and then spent the rest of her training period purposely not thinking about Hunter.

  After practice, she showered and dressed in the locker room, feeling bad about snapping at Brock. He was a great brother. Macho, protective, funny. How could she fault him for caring?

  On her way out she stopped by the front desk and found him working on the computer.

  “Hey.” She peered at the computer screen. “Working on schedules?”

  “Mm-hm.” Brock glanced at her outfit. “You look cute.”

  “Thanks. I’m trying to get a good price on advertising for the studio. I figured a cute outfit couldn’t hurt, and besides, I’m waitressing for Colton tonight. This outfit earns great tips.” She twirled in her short skirt, which luckily covered her inner thighs. “Hoping for huge tips to help offset the new boxing gloves I want.”

  That earned her one of his heart-melting, brotherly smiles, which made her feel better. She didn’t want him to think she was slutty, even if she believed in enjoying life to the fullest.

  “Cool,” he said. Then his eyes turned serious, and she knew she was in for one of his lectures. “Look, Jana. What happened with you and Spencer, that was ages ago. It’s time to get over it and treat yourself like you deserve to be treated.”

  Just hearing her last boyfriend’s name made her feel guilty and angry. He’d wanted marriage, and she hadn’t been anywhere near wanting to settle down. She’d tried to break up with him for weeks, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. She’d done the only thing she knew would finally end his efforts once and for all—she’d made sure he’d found her with his best friend. Hurting him hadn’t been her intent, but after a string of broken promises by men before him, she’d been at her wit’s end. Hurting him had been an unavoidable outcome, but his revenge had been humiliating, and from that day forward, she swore she’d never put herself in that position again. She pushed those thoughts away, unable to deal with them right now.

  No, she was never going to change her ways. She’d only hurt someone else, and that wasn’t something she ever wanted to do again.

  “I know you care, Brock. I get it, and I appreciate your concern, but there’s nothing between Hunter and me. It was a onetime thing.”

  He shrugged. “Even if there was, you’re right. It’s not my place to get involved. But I swear, Jana, if he hurts you, I’ll lay him out flat on his ass and I won’t feel bad about it. Got it?”

  Thank God he didn’t know about the other times they’d hooked up. He’d probably have already killed him.


  HUNTER WORKED INTO the evening, surrounded by sounds of torches hissing, the forge and the blowers creating an underlying hum, mallets clanging, metal twisting, and machines cutting. The potent aroma of smoldering metal centered him. He loved the hard hands-on work, but it was the creative aspect that came from somewhere deep inside his soul that made him feel as though he was adding something of value to the world. He and Grayson both enjoyed designing, and they both excelled at getting the details on paper. But while Grayson was known for creating larger, solid pieces like hibachis and furniture, Hunter was all about finite intricacies and the melding together of delicate lines and bold statements.

  He was busy working through a few ideas on the whiteboard when Clark entered the shop.

  “I thought you took off hours ago?” Hunter had assumed Clark had left when Grayson had, although he’d noticed that Clark had been staying later at the shop over the last few weeks.

  “Nah. Not tonight. I thought we could go out and grab a beer.”

  “Sure. Let me just get this thought down on the board.” Clark and Hunter had been each other’s wingmen until Clark had begun dating Nina, whom he’d eventually married, and now they had a one-year-old son, Billy. They rarely went out anymore.

  “Give me ten minutes?” Hunter asked.

  Clark pointed a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll head over to Undercover and grab us a table.”

  Hunter had been hanging out at Undercover long before Jana’s brother Colton bought the place. As he stepped from his truck in the parking lot, he caught sight of Jana’s red VW Bug, and his thoughts turned to last night. He couldn’t stop the smile tugging at his lips, or the twitch in his pants at the memory of Jana riding him hard and fast. She was the sexiest woman he’d ever b
een with, the way she owned her sexuality. She was confident and aggressive and somehow still excruciatingly feminine. And that opinionated mouth of hers was immensely talented. He might just have to give her another shot.

  The bar was dimly lit and, like most nights, every table was full. Hunter made his way around the dance floor, eyeing a group of women who were clearly checking him out. He flashed a grin, nodded, earning himself a round of giggles and flirtatious smiles.


  He turned at the sound of Clark’s voice, and his eyes locked on the hot blonde serving his buddy’s drink. He’d know that body anywhere. She looked damn fine in a black miniskirt and peach-colored top that clung to her lush curves like a second skin. Jana wasn’t very tall, maybe five three or four, but those enticing dancer’s legs of hers looked long and lean, and Hunter couldn’t help but remember them wrapped around his waist as he’d taken her over the edge for a third time last night.

  “Hey there, handsome.”

  He shook his head to clear his mind and turned at the familiar, yet not, voice. He couldn’t place the smiling brunette’s name.

  “I haven’t heard from you in weeks.”

  Laura? Lisa? Yes! Lisa! “Lisa, hi. Sorry about that. We had a good time, but uh…work’s been busy.” Hunter didn’t often go out with women more than once, and this particular woman had seemed clingy. A definite turnoff. His eyes drifted back to Jana just as she turned, and their gazes collided. Hunter’s pulse sped up like he’d just downed a can of Red Bull.

  “Mine, too,” Lisa said. “I’m not busy tonight. Are you?” She touched his arm, bringing his attention back to her.

  “Uh…” He watched Jana roll her eyes as she walked away from the table. “Yeah, actually. I’m here with a buddy. Sorry.” Without giving her time to say more, he headed across the room.

  “Sorry I took so long,” he said as he slid onto the chair across from Clark.

  “No big deal. I ordered a pitcher when I saw you come in.”

  “Thanks.” Hunter saw Jana heading back their way, carrying a tray with their pitcher. A guy reached out to stop her as she walked by. She smiled at him, said something Hunter couldn’t hear, and then she laughed. Hunter didn’t know why that made his gut feel funky, but it definitely did.

  He shifted his eyes away when she brought the pitcher to the table.

  “Hunter,” she said not unkindly, but with no hint that he’d been buried balls deep inside her last night.

  “Helping Colton out again?” he asked.

  She glanced at the guy who had stopped her moments ago and smiled when he noticed her looking over. “Yeah,” she said absentmindedly. She reached into the apron around her waist and took out an order pad, returning her attention to Hunter and Clark. “Can I get you guys something to eat?”

  “I had a pretty memorable meal last night,” Hunter said, enjoying the flush rising on her cheeks. “It might be hard to top that.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Hm. I’m always up for a challenge. Maybe you should try the filet mignon. I hear it’s pretty juicy tonight.” She settled a hand on her hip and smirked as her eyes moved over his chest, down his stomach, lingered on his groin for a beat, then moved slowly back up to his face again. “Although, it might be too much for you.”

  Clark stifled a laugh, covering it with a cough.

  “Bring it on. In fact, bring me two. I’m ravenous.” He crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair.

  “Hope your eyes aren’t bigger than your appetite.” She turned to Clark and said in an overtly sensual tone, “A handsome guy like you must have a hearty appetite, too.”

  Clark raked his eyes over Jana’s breasts, sending an unfamiliar streak of jealousy through Hunter. “You have no idea. I could eat all night.”

  She leaned one palm on the table, glancing quickly at Hunter before setting a hot stare on Clark. “I bet you could. I’ll bring you the same, then?”

  Hunter’s blood boiled. Even if they were only hooking up, she shouldn’t be flirting with his buddy. His married buddy.

  When she walked away, Clark shook his head and laughed. “Christ, man. That chick wanted it bad. I’d like to—”

  “Dude!” Hunter didn’t want to hear what Clark wanted to do to Jana. Hell, he didn’t want to think about anyone with her. “You’re married.”

  “Yeah, about that…” Clark took a drink of his beer and shifted his eyes away. His face turned solemn as he sighed. “Nina and I…” He looked at Hunter and his voice went soft. “We’re separating. I actually wanted to ask you if you’d mind if I stayed at your place for a while. Not long. Just until I figure out where I’m going to rent.”

  “Rent? What about Billy? Why are you separating?” Hunter had been the best man at their wedding. He’d been the first person outside the family to hold Billy after he was born. He’d never seen this coming.

  “Man, you have no idea what it’s like.” Clark rubbed the back of his neck.

  Hunter focused all of his attention on his friend and felt like he was seeing him for the first time in a very long time. His sandy hair was longer than usual. Worry lines mapped his forehead, and he looked like he hadn’t shaved—or slept—in a few days. He’d noticed his friend had looked more tired after Billy was born. Had he just gotten used to seeing him look exhausted?

  “Of course you can stay at my place, but what happened?”

  “All I do anymore is go to work, go home, and take care of Billy.” Clark’s tone was heavy, exasperated.

  “Yeah, it’s called being a parent.” Hunter took a drink of his beer, wondering what was really going on.

  “Right, but I’m also a man. I have needs. Nina stays home all day with him, and when I see her, she’s tired. Half the time she hasn’t even showered, and she’s…” He shook his head. “She’s so wrapped up in Billy that she never even notices me anymore. She barely even looks at me, and we never talk. Hell, Hunter, we haven’t had sex in months, man. It sucks.”

  “Months?” Hunter couldn’t imagine going without sex for two weeks, much less a month. But still…

  “Months, and even then, it’s like she’s always listening for Billy.” He sucked back more beer, then leaned forward across the table. “Remember back in high school, how you had to do it fast so you didn’t get caught?”

  Hunter nodded.

  “It’s like that. Only getting caught is ten times worse, because it means walking the halls with Billy while he’s crying his little heart out. I love him, man. You know I do. But…” His eyes skirted over the bar. “I miss this. I miss being a man. Making out and wondering where it will lead. The thrill of the chase.”

  “You’re married, Clark. Married.” He wasn’t sure how to handle this. On the one hand, having Clark to hang out with again would be awesome, but Clark was being selfish, and the idea of him busting up his family didn’t sit right with Hunter.

  “Yeah. Mistake of a lifetime.” He held Hunter’s steady gaze. “Don’t ever get married. That’s all I can say.”

  “You can’t mean that. What about Nina? She loves you. She relies on you.”

  “She doesn’t even notice me, except to pay the bills and take care of our son.” He took another swig of his drink. “Look, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Maybe we can work it out, maybe not. But I need this, man. I need your support. I need to be out, talk some shit with pretty women.”

  Talk some shit with pretty women, well, that was the script of Hunter’s life, but Clark was married, and there was a big difference between being single and being married—even if they weren’t living in the same house.

  But Clark had always been there for Hunter. When Hunter’s father was in rehab for falling into the bottle after Hunter’s mother died, Clark was there to talk him through his pain. When Sky fell apart around the same time and Hunter nearly went crazy with worry, it was Clark who helped him realize that being there for Sky was doing something. Of course he would be there for Clark, and he'd go one further. He'd make him see
the error of his ways before he got too far away from the life he knew his confused friend desperately wanted, even if he was out of sorts right now.

  “Yeah, I get it.” He stretched a hand across the table and fist bumped in confirmation.

  “Bros before hos, man. Bros before hos.”

  Jana returned to the table with their food. “Don’t let me down now, boys. Show me that you’re not all talk and no action.”

  The last thing he'd let Clark do was take action on any woman other than Nina. Flirting? Maybe. Touching? No fucking way.

  And definitely not with Jana.

  Chapter Three

  JANA WAS DOING all she could to hold it together. She hadn’t expected to see Hunter, and she definitely hadn’t expected to flirt with his friend, but what else could she do? She practically lost her mind every time Hunter was near. After finding her panties stuffed in an envelope on her windshield at the gym with a note that said, I don’t like to hold on to evidence, what was she supposed to think? She’d thought he was just as done with her as she was with him. She’d even called Harper to get her take on it. After all, Harper was far more reasonable when it came to men. After giving Jana an earful for sleeping with Hunter again, she’d judged his note as an outsider, with no emotions involved, and she’d come up with the same interpretation. No evidence equated to no further interest.


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