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Seaside Embrace (Love in Bloom

Page 21

by Melissa Foster

  “Let’s get out so she doesn’t catch us.” Leanna headed for the stairs with all the girls on her heels. They were quiet as they wrapped towels around their bodies and walked along the fence line with their clothes bundled in their arms, hiding in the shadows.

  Bella pressed her finger to her lips, then opened the gate as quietly as she could. They slipped out and walked along the far side of the grass up toward the cottages.

  “Were we that loud?” Amy whispered.

  Huddled under the cover of the trees, they stared, wide-eyed, at the beacon of light coming from Theresa’s porch. Before anyone could answer Amy, the light went off and there was a collective sigh of relief.

  “Oh my God,” Bella snapped. “Do you think she did that just to piss us off? Like she knew we were chunky-dunking?”

  “Well, you did call a truce,” Jenna reminded her. “And chunky-dunking is against the rules.”

  “Whatever.” Bella stomped across the grass.

  Hunter stepped off the deck, and even in the dark Jana could feel the heat of his wanton stare.

  “Here comes your hunky heartthrob,” Sky whispered. She strutted past Hunter and sang, “I know all your secrets.”

  “I swear she doesn’t!” Jana said with a laugh, as the other girls headed for the quad.

  Hunter’s lips curved up in a smile that nearly made her towel catch flames.

  “Pretty girl, do you know what kind of torture that was?” he whispered to her. “Knowing you were down there, naked and wet, and I had to pretend I wasn’t hard for you every single second you were gone?” His erection pressed against her belly.

  Heat roared through her as he clutched her ass beneath the towel and backed her into the darkness beside the cottage, out of eyesight of the others. He nudged her legs apart and slipped a hand between them. She gasped at the intense invasion as he teased her, hitting the perfect spot to drive her over the edge quickly.

  “Home. Now,” he growled. “Or I swear I’ll take you right here.”

  “Holy shit!” Bella’s voice carried from around the front of the cottage.

  “Shh!” Amy said. “You’ll wake the babies.”

  Pete and Caden’s laughter sparked a chaotic din of exclamations.

  Hunter withdrew his hand from between her legs, leaving her bereft and trembling with need.

  “We’re not done,” he promised. He kissed her quickly before taking her hand and walking around front to see what all the commotion was.

  Standing in the light from the cottage window Bella stared up at Theresa’s house, her face red with anger. Amy, Jenna, Leanna, Jessica, and Sky were bent over in fits of laughter, as were their men.

  “You look like Smurfs!” Grayson said.

  Jana looked down at her arms and legs, which were tinged a bright shade of blue, like the other girls’.

  “Holy crap. We’re blue.” Her eyes shot to Hunter.

  He spun her around so her back faced the others, opened her towel, and his eyes blazed as he drank in her blue skin. “Holy fuck, that’s hot. Zoe Saldana has nothing on you. Come on Na’vi girl, let’s play Avatar.” He closed her towel and dragged her toward the truck, calling out a goodbye over his shoulder to the others. “I’m taking her home to wash the dye off.”

  Hunter backed her up against the passenger’s side door, crashed his mouth to hers, and kissed her until her legs went weak.

  “God you’re gorgeous.” He opened the truck and lifted her in, then came down over her, pressing all those hard muscles against her, and his eager arousal in the most perfect spot. The friction fried Jana’s brain cells. Somewhere in the darkness of lust she realized they were still parked at Seaside.

  “Drive,” she panted against his mouth as his hands moved over her flesh, threatening to make her give up any remaining care about being caught.

  He made a guttural sound that tightened the lust coiling low in her belly and reluctantly went around to the drivers’ side. Jana was lost in a fog of desire, her body buzzing with need. She reached for his zipper as he drove out of the community and felt his body tense as she bent to take his hard length in her mouth.

  “Jana,” he said through gritted teeth.

  She felt the truck make a sharp turn. There was no light coming in the windows, and Jana didn’t bother asking where they were headed. She knew Hunter was too possessive to chance anyone seeing them. She focused on pleasuring him, moaning as she swallowed him deep. The truck rattled to a stop and he cut the engine. Hunter fisted his hands in her hair, tugging her up and crashing his mouth to hers. Their tongues fought for dominance, plundering roughly.

  “Can’t…get enough of you.” He bit her lower lip, and she gasped at the sting and taste of blood. He sucked that lip into his mouth and tore her towel off.

  “Fuckin’a, Jana. How did I get lucky enough to be the man you picked?”

  Her body ignited with his words. “Like you’d have it any other way?”

  Their mouths came together in another frenetic kiss as she tugged at his shirt. They parted just long enough for him to rip it off and push his pants down to his knees. He lifted her easily, and she straddled his lap and sank onto his hard length.

  “Hunter—” She closed her eyes with the blissful, overwhelming sensation of his bare shaft filling her so completely.

  He clutched her hips, and she wondered if his hands would turn blue, too. “Don’t move.” He gritted his teeth. “This feels too good. I’ll lose it. Fuck. I’m sorry, Jana. I’m too into you. I forgot the condom.”

  The restraint on his face and the feel of his hot, hard length stretching her made her ache with the need to move. Her heart was racing as she quickly contemplated the ultimate show of trust.

  “Have you been tested?” It felt wrong to ask him, but she had to. She needed to know.

  “Every year at my physical.” His eyes narrowed. “Last time was four months ago.” He sat up with a wicked grin, driving deeper into her. She let out a needful moan. “Four months ago, pretty girl. I haven’t slept with anyone but you for six months, and I never had sex without a condom. Ever. Not once.”

  She read the silent question in his eyes and whispered, “Me either.”

  His arms circled her in a tight embrace that pulled him deeper into her, but before he moved any more, he cupped her cheeks and said, “I want this. I want you. But it’s up to you, pretty girl. I’ll wait forever to make love to you without a condom if that’s what you want. We can drive to your place and get protection.”

  Her body was on fire, and her sex swelled with every word he spoke. As she gazed into Hunter’s eyes, the adoration and deep emotions she saw made her feel like this was her first time. Like she was eighteen all over again. But she wasn’t that girl any longer. She wasn’t even the woman she’d been a month ago. The ache consuming her wasn’t about sex and consumption; it was about respect and fulfillment, wanting to be closer in every way possible, wanting to experience all of Hunter, the physical, emotional, and everything in between. It was her heart that spoke the loudest, and her trusting words fell easily from her lips. “Take me, Hunter. All of me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  HUNTER COULD HARDLY believe he’d finished the sculpture in time for the competition. He’d been so wrapped up in Jana that his creativity had flowed like a river, and he was able to spend the last two weeks getting Jana’s studio ready. It took a few days for him and the guys to build two rooms for classes and extend the registration desk. He’d since painted and was getting the final touches ready. He’d found furniture online from a designer in Harborside, just a short drive from the Cape. He’d ordered wooden chairs with elaborate carvings of trees and giant leaves as backings, and then he’d designed two end tables using wood and iron to complete the lobby area.

  He’d finished making the sign, and Jana had loved it so much she’d ordered business cards with the same design. He’d stopped by earlier to check out the landscaping. He’d hired a crew to make the entrance as beautiful as Jana. Th
ey’d come close, but nothing could top his girl.

  He glanced at her now, as she stepped from the truck, her pretty painted toes on display in a pair of cute leather sandals. She wore tan shorts with a blousy top, which went well with Hunter’s tan pants and short-sleeved white button-down shirt. Her hair fell loose, like a mane down her back, just the way he loved it. She was beyond gorgeous, and she no longer looked like she wanted to throttle him and fuck him all at once, like she used to. As he came around the car, she looped her arm into his, looking like she wanted to fuck him and climb beneath his skin.

  Little did she know that she already had.

  “Ready?” They were going to the Bombshelter, a local pub where their friends were celebrating that Sky and Sawyer had chosen their wedding date.

  “Yup.” She smiled up at him and wound her arms around his neck.

  He loved when she claimed him. He pressed his lips to hers and couldn’t resist backing her up against the truck to deepen the kiss. She had this incredible sensuality that resonated in everything she did and said, and he knew he’d never get enough of her.

  “I forgot to tell you,” he said between kisses. “I made a key to your place so I could run over and change before the competition tomorrow, since your place is closer.”

  She pushed back and wrinkled her brow. “You made a key?”

  “Yeah. I figured—”

  “Hunter, don’t you think you should have asked me about that first?”

  Surprised by her response, he took a step back to clear the desire from his mind and focus on the conversation. “Jana, we’ve been practically living together for weeks.”

  “Living together? We’re not living together.”

  The panic in her eyes sent his mind back in time, and he tempered his annoyance at her attitude, reminding himself that this was classic Jana. One step forward, two steps back, until she slammed into a wall, beat it for a while, and finally leapt—because she was too rebellious and stubborn to take two steps forward and one step back like others did.

  He softened his tone. “Baby, we stay together almost every night of the week. You cleared out a drawer for me. I have my stuff in your closet, your bathroom.”

  Her brows knitted together and her hand went to a lock of her hair, twisting it furiously. “You…We…When did that happen?”

  “Over time, I guess.” He pulled his keys from his pocket, removed the key he’d made from the key ring, and placed it in her palm. He closed her fingers over it and brought her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

  “Take the key, baby. I’m sorry I overstepped my boundaries.” He knew she just needed time, and maybe he had assumed too much, but hell if her denial of their situation didn’t sting.

  “Hey, guys!” Sky hollered as she and Sawyer crossed the parking lot to greet them. “I’m so excited.”

  Sawyer pulled Hunter into a manly embrace. “Ready to get your ass kicked in pool, dude?”

  My ass was just kicked in love. Why not pool?


  THE BOMBSHELTER WAS a dimly lit dive located beside the Bookstore Restaurant in Wellfleet, and it was one of Jana’s favorite places. She loved everything about the pub, from the crowded dance floor to the clanking of the billiard balls and cheers for the sports teams on the televisions above the bar. The place smelled of testosterone, perfume, and anonymity. Tonight, as she sat with her friends, she wished she could feel anonymous, but she felt…panicked.

  Hunter staying over all the time wasn’t the same thing as actually living together, was it? Living together meant sharing bills, planning dinners, getting a dog or a cat, and having his own key. Living together was the opening act to a much bigger and more permanent commitment. Shouldn’t he have talked to her about that instead of making the determination on his own and assuming it was okay for him to make a key? What if she wasn’t ready for the opening act, or even the main event?

  What if I am?

  Holy shit. She needed another drink, stat.

  She searched for the waitress, but the perky little brunette was busy eyeing her man. Bitch. Hunter, however, was solely focused on the pool table. Leaning over to take his shot, his long, strong arms held the pool cue as he lined up his shot. Her fingers curled with the desire to stand behind him, grab his hips, and press her body to his. Tonight you’re all mine.

  Aren’t you?

  Oh God. Panic trickled back in. Now that she was thinking about it, he’d hurried off with the guys awfully quickly when they’d entered the bar. That was unusual for him. He didn’t seem angry on the outside, but he was definitely put out.

  Well, damn it. So was she. Why was he making assumptions instead of talking with her about what she wanted?

  Maybe I do want the main event…

  Lord. She was driving herself crazy. If this was what relationships did to a person, no wonder she was never any good at them.

  No, she wasn’t going down that road. She and Hunter were good together.

  Great. They were great together.

  Then why was she panicking?

  That’s it. She couldn’t deal with this right now. She was done with this circular thought process. She scanned the floor for the other waitress. It wasn’t until Amy’s voice cracked through her confusion that she realized she was completely ignoring her friends.

  “How is Marco treating you?” Amy asked. “You’re almost done right? Just another few weeks and then you’re on your own?”

  Jana pushed the thoughts of their argument aside and tried to focus on Amy and her friends. They were supposed to be celebrating. She was not going to allow herself to get tied in knots over a stupid key.

  Over her life.

  Oh God, she’d just begun to love her life.

  Where’s that damn waitress?

  “Marco’s not happy that he has to come back to town, so he’s hardly talking to me.” Like Hunter, tonight. “It’s probably better that way.” Her heart ached.

  “Probably so,” Sky said. “I saw the website Jamie made. It’s incredible.”

  “I tried out the online registration process,” Jenna added. She wiggled her shoulders and eyebrows and said, “I signed up for the Foxy Mamas class. Petey’s so excited.”

  “Pete’s excited anytime you’re excited,” Amy said with a laugh. “Speaking of which, how about that blue dye? Bella is dying to get Theresa back with another prank, so I guess the games are on again.”

  “We didn’t have too much trouble getting it off,” Jana said distractedly.

  “It made Pete’s teeth blue,” Jenna said with an eyebrow waggle. “And not from kissing.”

  “Ohmygod.” Amy laughed. “I’m calling TMI on that one. Let’s talk about something else.” She turned to Jana, stifling a giggle. “On a more important note, Jana, I was in Stop & Shop the other day and saw the flyers you hung up. There were three women talking about joining, and I told them how wonderful you are.”

  “Thank you, Amy.” Jana reached across the table and squeezed her hand, catching sight of the sexy waitress who was still eyeing Hunter. She tried to ignore the claws of jealousy tearing at her gut, but how could she when it felt like a wild animal digging its way out from beneath her skin?

  She shifted her eyes to the dance floor, where Jamie and Jessica were dancing cheek to cheek to a way-too-fast beat. Bella and Leanna were dancing near the pool tables, calling her attention back to that big, sexy key maker.

  Ugh. She pushed from the table. “Excuse me, ladies. I’m grabbing a drink.” She strutted over to the bar. Fuck the skanky, flirty, gorgeous waitress who was eyeing her man. She could get her own damn drink.

  After downing two fireballs, she ordered a round of shots for the table and, feeling warm and light from the alcohol, joined Bella and Leanna on the dance floor.

  “I ordered a round of shots to celebrate!” Jana yelled over the music.

  “Awesome. Caden’s the designated driver, so Mama gets to drink tonight.” Bella bumped hips with Jana.

bsp; Jana closed her eyes and raised her arms above her head, allowing the music to seep past her irritation over what that tiny key signified, past thoughts of the flirty waitress, past the heartache she was trying to ignore. When the edginess subsided and she felt suspended by the beat, she opened her eyes and let her body take over. Her hips swayed, and her shoulders flowed from side to side as she moved around Bella. When she came full circle, her shoulders drew right, pairing her up with Leanna in a slow, sultry dance. She was mildly aware of Leanna’s movements stopping and a crowd forming around them. She closed her eyes again, unwilling to let anything break her from the comfortable zone she’d fallen into.

  The music calmed her, the alcohol eased her worries, and when she opened her eyes, she danced without thought. Her body knew how to move, what to feel. And in that moment, she decided she was done drinking. Just like that. Done. She didn’t need alcohol to deal with her problems, and Hunter didn’t need to worry about her falling into the bottle like his father had. She was opening a business. She could make clearheaded decisions, and right now she needed to dance.

  Leanna and Bella pointed to the table.

  “We’ll meet you back there,” Bella said.

  Jana nodded. “After this song.”

  She felt free and untethered, but when she noticed a tall, muscular guy encroaching into her personal space, the contented smile fell from her lips.

  He reached for her and she sidestepped his touch. “I’m here with someone,” she said. She could handle herself with most guys, but the feeling inside her wasn’t one of fear or intimidation. It was a twisting in her gut, telling her that things had changed. She’d changed. The unsettled feeling from earlier returned.

  The burly guy reached for her again, and she stepped away with a sharp, “Not interested. Sorry. I’m involved with someone.”

  The guy began gyrating his hips in front of her, so close she could smell the alcohol on his breath. She was used to this. Before Hunter she would have probably enjoyed the dirty dancing, but now she had no interest in anyone other than Hunter.

  She stepped backward, tripping over another dancer. As she found her footing, the big guy was lifted by the back of his shirt off his feet. Hunter came into view, his face burning with rage, the veins in his neck bulging as he seethed.


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