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Krewe Daddy

Page 15

by Margie Church

  "I think Teak and I can wait a few months. A lot can happen in that time. If you still feel the same after the holidays, we'll make some other arrangements." Kevin took a deep breath. "You look exhausted. Is there anything we can do before we leave?"

  Drew thought a minute. "Yes."

  Teak's face lit up. "Name it."

  Drew rubbed his forehead, trying to make his thoughts clearer. "There's a man. I can't remember his name. I see his face. He's dark-haired. Kind of burly. He has a deep voice, and we knew each other really well. I was in love with him a long time ago. I think I've spoken to him recently. I want to see him, but I don't know where he is, or how to find him, now that I can't remember what city he lives in or anything. I think he'd want to know what happened to me."

  Teak looked at Kevin, who nodded. "Sounds like you're talking about Luis Herrera."

  Joy filled Drew for the first time since he'd awakened to his new, miserable existence.

  "Luis, yes, that's him. Can you find him? Tell him where I am, and that I want to see him?" Drew repeated the name silently a half-dozen times, hoping to commit it to memory.

  Teak patted Drew's shoulder. "You'd talked about him the last time I saw you and said he was in New Orleans. We'll see what we can find out. Don't get your hopes up, okay? You guys had a fight while you were in Redding with us. I don't know how that turned out."

  "I remember he sent me a text message, and he was mad, but that's all. What was his name again? Write it down so I don't forget."

  Teak did as Drew asked and gave him the paper. "It's nice to see you smile. I hope you'll be smiling more, soon."

  "I'm sorry I'm such a grumpy bastard." He swept his hand down his body. "All of this is pretty hard to take. The doctors can't make any promises about my recovery.

  Since I'm alone, the idea of spending the foreseeable future in some kind of group home

  . . . ."

  Tears stung the corners of his eyes. Emotion made his voice husky.

  "It's hard to accept." Drew looked at the calendar on the wall. "My life has become a Halloween nightmare I'm not waking up from any time soon."

  Obviously affected by Drew's dismal observations, Kevin's lips quivered. "I can't imagine. I wanted to tell you that one of the photos of you at the dude ranch is in the new catalog. We've decided to donate one hundred percent of its profits to traumatic brain injury victims."

  Tears dripped from Drew's chin. Part of him knew this was Kevin's way of supporting him, and part of him hated the idea it was necessary. "Thanks. You've always been so generous to me and everyone around you." He looked at Teak. "You lucked out when you dumped me and got this one."

  Teak smiled. "We'd never dump you. When you get on your feet, we're going to have that threesome we keep talking about."

  "Foursome, us three and the other guy." Drew looked at his notepaper and smiled. "A foursome with Luis."

  * * * * *

  Teak and Kevin walked down the hospital hallway. Many women and a few men ogled Teak as they passed.

  When they left the hospital, Kevin took Teak's arm. "Hang on a second."

  "What's up?"

  "Luis called me."

  Teak's eyebrows raised in a surprised expression that matched his tone. "Really?


  "He left a message about ten days ago. He's been scouring the city and nobody will tell him anything about Drew. He sounded frantic. He wanted me to call him."

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  Kevin sighed. "I don’t know. You talked to Drew about him at the party and at the ranch. From everything you told me, their relationship sounded rocky."

  "Jesus, Kevin, if Luis was so worried, you could have given him some peace of mind. You didn't have to tell him where Drew was."

  "I thought about that."


  "After Skeeps told me what kind of shape Drew was in, I didn't know what to think. He's still got a long way to go to being whole again. Christ, he couldn't even remember our names—and he loves us. All three of us." Kevin sat on a bench under a covered patio and rubbed his face. "I don't want to play God with their lives."

  He looked at Teak. "What should I do?"

  "You have to call Luis. He deserves an answer. You already know that. If he didn't care what happened to Drew or their relationship, he wouldn't have made the effort to reach out to you."

  "Luis even filed a missing persons report."

  "For fuck's sake! And you didn't tell him Drew was alive?"

  Kevin winced. "I was thinking about Luis' feelings, too. I didn't know if Drew wanted to see him. In his condition, if Luis showed up and Drew didn't want him there, it could have caused a setback or something in his recovery. Luis would be horrified if that happened."

  "He may not remember Luis' name, but he remembers that he has feelings for the man. It's between them. Call Luis now."

  Kevin took out his cell phone and flipped through his contacts until he found Luis' number. He tapped call.

  The phone rang twice. "Hello?"

  "Is this Luis?"

  "Yes. Who is this?"

  "Kevin Marks."

  "Kevin! Have you found Drew?"

  Kevin glanced at Teak and hoped they were doing what was best for Luis and Drew. "Yes, we've found him."

  "Where is he?" The excitement in Luis' voice was palpable.

  "Teak and I are in town. We'd like to meet you. Is there somewhere private we can talk?"

  "Is he okay?"

  "Yes, but we'd like to give you the details in person. Can you meet us somewhere?"

  "Come to my office. I'll wait." Luis gave Kevin directions.

  Kevin glanced at his watch. "If traffic isn't horrible and we don't get lost, I think we'll be there in about an hour."

  "Thank you for calling me. I'll be waiting."

  * * * * *

  The elevator door opened on the twenty-seventh floor and Teak and Kevin walked into the spacious reception area of Magik Studios.

  The receptionist looked up and pointed at Teak. "You're. Um. I know you. You're

  . . . ."

  He extended his hand for her to shake. "Teak Hildalgo."

  Her smile was as bright as the star-filled cosmos. "That's right! Oh my gosh, hun, I've seen all your pictures. You're—"

  She seemed to realize that her behavior was less than professional and that Kevin was standing next to Teak, listening to her gush. She patted her heart. "I'm so sorry for going on, hun. How may I help you?"

  Teak introduced his partner. "This is Kevin Marks."

  Caprice's jaw dropped again. "You're the photographer!" She rolled her eyes.

  "This is my lucky day. I get to meet a lot of interesting people, but you two. Wow. I just can't believe you're standing in front of me. Wait 'til Luis hears about this."

  Kevin smiled. "We're here to see him."

  "Right away." Caprice placed the call. "Mr. Hildalgo and Mr. Marks are here to see you." She hung up and gave them another iridescent smile. "He'll be right out."

  * * * * *

  Seconds later, Luis walked into the reception area. Caprice looked startled. "Did you run, Luis? That sure was quick."

  All business, he extended his hand. "Teak, Kevin, this way, please." Luis escorted them to his office. Once inside, he shut the door. "Please have a seat. Thanks for coming."

  Kevin sat down. "This needed to be taken care of right away."

  Luis took a seat at the conference table with them. "What can you tell me?"

  "First of all, Drew is alive. Kevin and I saw him earlier today, and he wants to see you."

  Luis' composure dissolved. He covered his face with his hands and let the tears flow, unabashed about his loss of control. Afterward, he took a deep breath and reached for a few tissues. Dabbing his eyes, he couldn't believe what he'd heard. "I'm sorry. I guess not knowing what happened to him all these weeks, and having our last words be angry ones, well, I'm overwhelmed with relief. Where is he?"

  "St. Augusta General Ho
spital in Plaquemines Parish."

  Frowning, Luis couldn't believe what Teak had said. "That can't be. I've called there myself at least three times."

  "It's true. Like I said, Kevin and I visited with him earlier this afternoon. Maybe you weren't told because you're not family, and this is a police matter. Drew hasn't been able to identify his attackers. They found his car in Kenner, near the Metairie border.

  Someone had cut his tire. How he ended up about fifty miles south of the city, and left in an old wildlife management area, is still part of the mystery."

  Kevin nodded. "There's no doubt this crime was premeditated."

  "I knew something bad had happened. Is he going to be okay?"

  Teak clasped his hands. His shoulders slumped. "More or less. He was badly beaten." He explained the extent of Drew's injuries and his prognosis.

  Flabbergasted, Luis sat back. "Why wouldn't Skeeps and Kyle tell me what was going on? Why would they keep this secret from me?"

  Kevin volunteered an answer. "Probably for the same reason I didn't call you right away. They really didn't know what Drew wanted. I'd like to think that Skeeps'

  and Kyle's motives were honest. They were trying to protect their friend at a time when he was really fragile. Make no mistake, Luis, Drew is in a tough state of mind."

  Anger burned in Luis' belly. Drew told him how Kyle tried to deceive him once before. When it came to Drew, Kyle didn't play fair. He'd deal with that later. Right now, he desperately wanted to see Drew.

  "I need to get down there and see him. Tonight."

  Kevin and Teak rose. Teak extended his hand. "I'm glad we got to meet. I'm sorry it wasn't under happier circumstances."

  "It's happier than what I've been terrified about for these past weeks." He turned his attention to Kevin. "By the way, congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I've heard a lot about you, about both of you. I wish you the best."

  Kevin shook Luis' hand. "Thank you. We told Drew we're going to hold off until he's well enough to be there with us like we planned. You're welcome to join him."

  "I appreciate the invitation. Thanks."

  "We'd better get going, Teak. I'm sure Luis wants to get on the road. Don't get a speeding ticket, Luis."

  He snorted. "I'll try not to."

  On their way out of the offices, Caprice called to them. "Excuse me, Luis. Before you and these two gentlemen leave, may I ask a favor?"

  Teak and Drew exchanged glances.

  "May I have your autographs?"

  Kevin chuckled. "Sure."

  In spite of his deep anxiety over Drew, Luis had to laugh. "I've never seen you act like such a girl, Caprice."

  She gave him an innocent smile. "A girl's gotta have some vices."

  She produced the latest Marks on Redding catalog. With a flourish of signatures, the request was granted.

  Picking up the catalog, she inspected the autographs. "Perfect. Thank you. My friends are going to be so jealous."

  Chapter Eighteen

  Luis walked up the sidewalk to St. Augusta's feeling like the most important moment of his life waited on the other side of the door. He'd already popped three or four antacids on the drive down, yet his stomach still rolled with nervous tension. His palms were sweating, too.

  Teak had given him Drew's room number, and he strode with purpose, aware that visiting hours were over. Medicinal odors, call buttons beeping, and a cart rattling in the hallway greeted him when he got off the elevator.

  "Excuse me, sir, you can't go down there."

  Disregarding the petition, Luis kept walking.

  "Stop now, or I'll call security."

  He turned around, dread filling him.

  A stern-looking nurse approached him. "Visitor's hours are over. You must leave."

  "I won't stay but a minute. My friend has been waiting for me."

  The nurse frowned. "Who would that be?"

  "Drew Rothem."

  The color ran from her face; the nurse backed up a step. She reached for her walkie-talkie. "Just a moment."

  The radio squawked. "Yes, Tamorah."

  "Mister Rothem has a visitor."

  "Please ask him to stay at the nurse's station. I'll be right there."

  "Come with me, sir."

  Luis followed her, puzzled about the nurse's cloak-and-dagger behavior. "What the heck is going on?"

  Tamorah never took her eyes off Luis. "Wait here."

  "Do you have some ID, sir?"

  Luis turned to find an armed police officer standing behind him.

  "You're not going to shoot me if I reach for my wallet, are you?"

  "Your remark isn't amusing in the least." The officer had the inviting personality of the stomach flu.

  Luis took out his driver's license, then handed it over. "Since when do I need to go through security to visit a patient?"

  The officer acted as though he hadn't heard a word Luis had said. "Visitor's hours are over today, and all of Mr. Rothem's visitors must have security clearance.

  We'll have to run a background check. If you're cleared, you'll be on an approved visitor's list."

  "You're kidding me, right?"

  Fear registered in Tamorah's eyes.

  "The decision is yours. Submit to a background check and come back tomorrow, or leave for good."

  A light came on in Luis' brain. He'd been so preoccupied with trying to see Drew, he'd forgotten the police hadn't caught his attacker. "I apologize. I didn't mean to be obnoxious. I've been very worried about my friend, and I'll do whatever it takes to be able to see him. I meant no disrespect." Luis turned to the nurse. "What are the visitor's hours?"

  "Nine to six-thirty."

  "Is there a waiting room on this floor?"

  The officer, who had been writing down information from Luis' license, scrutinized Luis once more.

  "You're planning to spend the night?" He looked at Luis' ID. "You don't live that far away. Come back tomorrow."

  Once again, Luis got the impression people were deliberately keeping him away from Drew. "I appreciate the suggestion, but I've been looking for Drew for weeks. I just learned he was alive. I don't want to take a chance that he'll be moved, and I won't be able to find him again."

  The officer flexed his jaw. "Is that so?"

  Luis lowered his voice. "Look, I'm aware that he was beaten up and those responsible haven't been found yet, but I'm not that guy."

  The officer opened his note pad again and scribbled. "And who do you think did that to Agent Rothem?"

  "I have no idea. I want that person or those people to be found, but that isn't my first priority at the moment. I want him to know I'm here. He's been asking for me."

  "If that were true, your name would be on the visitor's list."

  The police officer's deadpan behavior was pushing Luis to exasperation.

  "Drew couldn't remember my name. Please, I don't want to argue with you about this. I'm not here to harm him. I'm . . . ." Luis wondered if he had the right to divulge such personal information about Drew.

  The officer shifted his weight, making the duty rig he wore around his waist jingle. "You were saying?"

  Luis felt at a loss for words. He didn't want to over-commit or reveal too much.

  "Maybe I shouldn't say."

  "No, please continue."

  Luis noticed he had the nurse's undivided attention, too. He scratched his ear.

  "Mr. Herrera, do you have information that would be helpful to finding Agent Rothem's attackers?"

  Luis shook his head. "No, I don't know who hurt him."

  "Then what is it?"

  The officer's gaze seemed to bore right into Luis' skull. He was sweating in earnest now.

  "State your business. You won't see Agent Rothem until we're satisfied you're no threat to his safety."

  That got Luis' attention. "Drew and I are in a relationship. A romantic one."

  The officer seemed unfazed by Luis' remark. He wrote some more, and then clicked his pen. "Come back tom
orrow. Not too early. This isn't our department's only priority."

  "Will I be able to see him?"

  "We'll run you through our system." He put his pen in his shirt pocket. "Word to the wise."

  "What's that?"

  "If you have any outstanding traffic violations, I'd pay them tonight."

  Luis wanted to kick this guy in the balls. Like that's going to help me get my way.

  "I'll be in the visitor's lounge."

  The policeman put his hands on his hips, physically dismissing Luis. "Suit yourself."

  Luis walked to the vacant waiting room. He spotted a recliner in the corner and headed right to it. Luis wasn't taking any chances on having to sleep in a straight-back chair. He picked up a television remote on a nearby table.

  A middle-aged couple came in, looking exhausted and numb. They looked at him with vacant eyes.

  This is going to be one long-assed night.

  * * * * *

  The old saying that no one gets any rest in a hospital was one hundred-percent true for Luis. At five the next morning, stiff and starving, he gave up trying to doze his way through the night, and went in search of breakfast.

  Drowsy-looking people wearing scrubs milled around the cafeteria. Luis looked at them and, for the sake of the hospital's patients, hoped that their shifts were ending rather than beginning. He ordered hash browns, scrambled egg whites, wheat toast, and black coffee to go. Still nervous that somehow Drew would be spirited away, Luis wasted no time getting back to the third floor to wait in the visitor's lounge.

  While he ate his now lukewarm meal and slurped scalding coffee, Luis read the newspaper.

  Time eked by.

  He paced the lounge and considered trying to sneak past the nurses' station. He wrote the idea off as idiotic. Surely, a carbon copy of the domineering police officer from last night would be waiting to thwart his efforts.

  Slouching in the lounger once again, Luis let morning television lull him back to sleep.

  Something tapping his shoe awakened Luis. He opened his eyes to see a police officer standing in front of him. Immediately alert, Luis sat up straight.


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