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Page 6

by Kelly A Walker

  Tanner looks a little pale when he answers her. "Actually, we ordered pizza to be delivered here. We were just going to eat and hang out for a bit."

  If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. "That sounds like fun." Gretchen grits out. "Were you going to do that in here? All I see is one desk chair and a bed. Are we sitting on the floor?"

  Before I can process what I'm doing, the words fall from my mouth like verbal diarrhea. "No. The three of us were going to pile into my bed, eat, and watch a movie." Dang it! I do not need this mess tonight.

  "Really?" Gretchen looks to Tanner. "I can go if I'm interrupting something." She makes it out to sound as though we are about to have a pizza orgy. Although the idea isn't half bad. Stop it now. I need to get my hormones and the talking to myself in my head under control. "Tanner? Honey, did I come at a bad time or something?"

  Cain rolls his eyes when Tanner answers her. "No, Gretchen. Memphis was just teasing. There's a small table with two chairs out on the balcony. We were going to bring those inside." Tanner seems a bit exasperated.

  "Well, in that case, I'd love to stay for dinner. Even if it is pizza." She mumbles that last statement.

  I take a deep breath and make a promise to myself to be as nice and civilized tonight as I can be. I doubt Gretchen, or either of the other two Peterson daughters, will ever be on friendly terms with me, but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies either. I'm an adult and my momma raised me to be polite. I just need to reach way down to find my manners, but I'm sure they're here somewhere.

  A knock on the door stops my train of thought and I race to open it, grateful for the distraction. The smile I've placed on my face for the pizza delivery person dies when I open the door to Jasper. "What are you doing here?"

  "Hello again to you too, Memphis."

  "I'm sorry, Jasper. You just caught me by surprise is all. I thought you had to go home and be with Princess." I really did try not to say her name without malice but once again, the look on his face tells me I've failed. I really need to figure out why I'm possessive when it comes to these guys. They're virtual strangers and I'm acting like I've peed on their legs.

  "I did. She’s a little dog so letting her outside to do her business doesn't take long.”

  Princess is a dog. I was jealous over Jasper’s dog. Get a grip, Memphis.

  “Are you okay? You look like your sanity is hanging on by a thread." Jasper looks over my head, huffs then looks back to me. "Never mind. I see the problem now." He walks past me and further into the room telling everyone, including Gretchen, hello.

  Before I can close the door again, I see the pizza guy stepping off the elevator. Cain steps up behind me with his wallet in his hand. "Y'all paid for the zoo today, Cain. The least I can do is get dinner."

  "Nonsense," he says as he hands the younger guy some money. "Keep the change, man."

  I close the door after the delivery guys takes off and turn just in time to hear Gretchen.

  "Where's the cheese pizza? Tanner." She actually whines at him. "You know I only eat cheese pizza."

  I swear. She makes me madder than a wet hen.

  "You can't be serious," I mutter to myself, feeling like today is a deja vu of yesterday.

  "What the heck, Jasper? When we said you could plan today, we weren't banking on spending the day in a cemetery."

  I concur with Tanner. This isn't the first, or hundredth place I would have guessed I'd be spending my day. I hear Jasper huffing as he walks up to stand between Cain and me. "I know what you're thinking, but aren't we supposed to be showing Memphis our city? This is the oldest cemetery and it's so full of history it'll blow our little teacher’s mind."

  He looks so pleased with himself that I can't be irritated over his plans. Especially once he produces his phone and starts playing the audio guided tour. It's a beautiful day and with all the elm trees shading us and the light breeze, it's not even that hot or muggy. I follow Jasper as he points out different monuments and tells me little facts about areas not on the tour. From the Civil War area to the mass graves from the Yellow Fever outbreak in 1878, he's a wealth of information and I find myself more intrigued as the day goes on. It takes us three hours to walk the cemetery. I could have gone slower and added in more time but Cain and Tanner were beginning to get antsy and complain about being hungry. Jasper and I stop at the small welcome office on our way back to the cars and I grab a calendar with different events in it.

  "They have monthly picnics here!" I shove the brochure in Jasper's face. "I would love to do that. It says every month is themed and located in different places throughout the cemetery. That would be so much fun."

  Jasper smiles and gently pushes the offending paper out of his face. “It would be fun, but you won't be here, Memphis. Remember?"

  Lowering my head, I place the brochure back in its spot on the shelf and turn to head back outside. Jasper is right. I do have to go back home, but suddenly I'm not so set on the idea. What do I have waiting back in Wisconsin for me? Nothing and no-one. I love my job, but I can teach anywhere. Why is the thought of leaving here, leaving them making me feel somber? I feel a hand grabbing my hand and turn to see a serious look on Jasper’s face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that." He lets go of my hand and runs his down his face. "Let's just get out of here. The guys get extra moody when they're hungry." I nod my head and follow him outside to Tanner’s waiting truck.

  "Gus's?" Tanner yells out through his open window.

  Cain gives a thumbs up as he and Jasper climb into his silver mustang. I turn to Tanner,


  "Best fried chicken you'll ever eat."

  "Really? Because there's this place in Green Bay where the chicken is so perfect it'll make you see Jesus."

  "Well, I don't know anything about seeing Jesus, but I can guarantee you'll be on your knees thanking God for Gus's fried chicken."

  I slap his arm and laugh. "I accept this chicken challenge. What do I get when I win?"

  "I don't think you can win, but if you do, what do you want?"

  That's a trick question if I ever heard one. "If I don't send thanks to God for the chicken, I want to drive this behemoth truck." I can't help but laugh at the look on Tanner's face. After a few minutes of seeing Tanner in this truck I could tell it was his pride and joy. I'm surprised he even lets anyone else sit in the dang thing.

  "You want to drive my truck?" He swallows so hard I can see his Adam’s apple moving.

  "Yep. You sure about this chicken? Or maybe you're too chicken to take the bet?" Pun totally intended there.

  I watch Tanner straighten up and I know he's not going to back down. He glances over to me before turning back to the street. "You're on. And when you lose? What do I win?"

  "What do you want, Tanner?"

  We ride a few moments in silence and I almost think he didn't hear me, but he did. His answer just confuses me even more. "I want you to stay an extra week."


  "That's my deal, Memphis. Take it or leave it. Or are you the chicken, Memphis?"

  Dang this man. "Fine." I lean back and sigh. "If your chicken can beat the one back home, I'll give you another week."

  "Not just me, Memphis. You'll give all three of us another week."

  I'm too confused and out of sorts by his original deal to even go near this one, instead, I turn my head and look out the side window and watch the streets of Memphis go by. Soon we're pulling up to an older brick building with a large yellow sign on top proclaiming it to be Gus's Fried Chicken. My door is opened by Cain and I hop down and follow him and Jasper inside. The four of us are shown a table toward the back where we all order sweet teas and fried pickles to eat while we wait on our food.

  Time to be honest here. If the chicken is anything like the pickles, I'm going to have to hit up my savings account so I can stay another week.

  The waitress brings us our meals and I have to choke back the laughter trying to escape when I watch the polished Jasper begin to
go after a chicken leg like he's gnawing on a dog bone. Cain and Tanner aren't acting much better. I shake my head and decide to join in. One bite. It's all it takes before I feel the need to call my bank and transfer some funds into my checking account. I hate Tanner so much right now. He was right. Not only am I seeing Jesus, I want to get on my knees and thank God for making whoever this Gus character is. Before we leave, I ask for another order to go, you know, for dinner later tonight, or for when the guys drop me off at my hotel. Whichever comes first.

  Don't judge.

  We all gather in front of Tanner's truck to make more plans when Cain jumps in. "Let's take her across the bridge to the Juke Joint."

  "No." Jasper is shaking his head back and forth. "She doesn't want to go to some smelly honky tonk bar."

  "Sounds good to me," Tanner agrees with Cain. "It's not stinky, and it could be fun. Music, drinks, maybe play a few slot machines while we're there?"

  "Absolutely not. She won't go for that. What makes you look at Memphis and think spending the night at a country bar would be something she'd like to do?"

  "I suppose you have a better idea, Jasper?" Cain narrows his eyes on his friend. "I didn't think so. Just because it's not your favorite place to go, doesn't mean she won't like it."

  I've had enough of this conversation. I can't stand when people talk about me like I'm not there. Throwing my hands up to get their attention, I cut into their conversation. "I'm standing right here and I'm pretty sure I'm able to decide for myself what I'd like and not like to do. Now, does anyone want to tell me exactly what the Juke Joint is?"

  Cain pushes Jasper out of his way so he's standing in front of me. "It's a country bar at the dog track across the bridge. They have live bands every night, dancing, and decent drinks. There's a casino there, too, so you could play a few slots if you wanted to."

  Jasper was right, that really isn't somewhere I'd normally go, but the looks on Cain and Tanner’s faces have me rethinking it. Deciding to throw caution to the wind I smile at the trio. "Sounds perfect. Count me in."

  "Seriously?" Jasper sounds unconvinced.


  Cain claps his hands together. "Alrighty then. Tanner will drop you off at the hotel to get ready and we'll pick you up at six tonight."

  Jasper is still shaking his head and looking at me strangely. "You better bring your dancing shoes, Memphis. If I have to suffer through a night of country music, you're going to owe me some dances."

  A thrill runs through me at the thought of spending my night dancing up close with any one of these guys. Jasper must notice the blush I feel on my cheeks because he winks at me before getting back into Cain's car.

  Cain lifts my hand and gives me a gentle kiss atop of it. "See you later, darlin'."

  "Get your country wannabe butt in the car, Cain," Jasper yells at him.

  Tanner and I laugh when Cain salutes Jasper and jumps into his car. "Save me a dance!"

  Tanner helps me into his truck and we take off back toward the hotel.

  "Are you going to extend your stay at this hotel or try a different one?"

  I rub my hands together. I make decent money, but I don't like the idea of paying as much as I am for another week. "Actually, maybe you could help me find something a little less pricey? If I have to stay here another week, I don't want to spend that much money."

  Tanner nods his head and looks deep in thought. "You can stay with me."

  "Excuse me?"

  "I have three bedrooms, so it wouldn't be anything. I have to go back to work soon, so you wouldn't even see me much. I'd be gone before you got up and home close to dinner. It wouldn't cost you anything, plus it's a central place for Cain and Jasper to come over to visit."

  I study his profile for a second before responding to him. "Are you serious? You want me to stay with you?"

  "I mean, if you don't want to stay with me, Cain and Jasper both have extra bedrooms. You could pick one of them. I'm just throwing my house out there first so you won't get uncomfortable when they both ask you. I figured I'd take that headache away. That way you don't have to choose.” Tanner shrugs his shoulders. “Why choose, right?"

  "Right," I mumble. Could I stay with Tanner for a week and continue to see Cain and Jasper? "Does Gretchen come over often? To your house, I mean?"

  "Why would you ask something like that? Gretchen and I aren't together, Memphis. No matter what she says or how she acts, I am not with her."

  Jim said that same thing to me. My brain a.k.a. conscious is telling me to find another hotel but my heart a.k.a. hormones is telling me it's stupid to stay anywhere else. "Thank you, Tanner. I'd love to stay the week at your house. But, you have to allow me to cook dinner for you and the guys while I’m there. I can't stay for free and not do something. I don't like feeling like a leech."

  "I believe that could be arranged."

  We ride the rest of the way to the hotel in silence. The thought of spending an entire week with Tanner in his house is making me have thoughts that I should not be having. If Momma could hear what I was thinking right now...who am I kidding. If she saw these three guys she'd be thinking the same thing.

  Holy guacamole.


  "Why would you invite her to stay the entire week with you?"

  I knew Jasper would be irritated at Memphis staying here, but I didn't know he'd be in my face, pissed off.

  Cain plants himself between me and Jasper. "Of course it isn't ideal, but where do you want her staying, Jasper? With you? She's agreed to stay an extra week, we can't expect her to pay for a hotel room that much longer. She's a teacher for crying out loud. I doubt she has the disposable income of you, Mr. CFO."

  Jasper pushes Cain away from him. "Shut up, asshole. Of course, I wouldn't expect her to pay, but we could have done it for her."

  "Yeah, I'm sure that would have gone over real well. I can hear the conversation now. 'So, Memphis, the three of us kind of like you and we'd like to get to know you better, so we'll pay for you to stay and hopefully by the end of the week, you'll let us in your pants, too.' What in the hell makes you think she would go for that, Jasper?" He is starting to get on my nerves. I knew she would never go for us paying. If she can't let herself entertain the idea of taking a small percentage of the Peterson’s Company, which she has a right to, then there was no way she'd let us treat her like a charity case.

  Jasper starts to pace my living room and I can tell he's getting even more agitated. "We weren't going to mention getting into her pants, asswhipe. I just don't think staying here is the best option. Why can't she stay with Arthur? Isn't she here to get to know him anyways?"

  I bark out a laugh at his thinking. "Who in that house do you think wants her there? The girls? You saw Gretchen the other night. I'd give them half an hour before Memphis ripped her hair out. Rachel doesn't want to have anything to do with her and we all know Rachel owns Arthur. He won't do anything to mess up his picture perfect family."

  "This is nuts." Cain finally decides to partake of the conversation. "She can't stay with me, I'm down a bartender right now so I'm having to close the restaurant every night until I hire a new one. She’d be alone with me. You," he says pointing to Jasper, "work more hours than any of us. Are you planning on taking off more time, or at least being home earlier than normal? Let's not forget the parade of women you have. Your house is like a damn drive-thru."

  "Screw you, Cain. Like you've been celibate."

  I pull at my hair and yell at them both to stop. "Guys, we agreed not to do this."

  "Tanner is right." Jasper stops pacing to look both Cain and I in the eyes. "We've known her five minutes. She may not even be into this sort of relationship. Let's not forget she doesn't even live here."

  "He has a point, Tanner. We all know a lot can happen in a week..."

  "Three. She's here for three weeks now," I correct Cain.

  "Fine. Three weeks. Like Jasper pointed out, what if she isn't into this? We could be putting everything we
have out there for her to say no and walk away."

  I hate when the bastard is right, but something tells me she wouldn't just walk away. Memphis hasn't said much about Arthur, or even about Jim, and I know she likes spending time with him. I have a feeling she holds her cards tight to her chest and will surprise us all. "Jim offered her twenty-five percent of Peterson when they met for breakfast. Told her it was her right as his granddaughter."

  Jasper is the first to recover from this news. "Are you serious? Did she take it?"

  "No. She told him she needed to think on it. I don't think she will. It doesn't seem like something she'd be comfortable doing, especially since she doesn't even know these people."

  "Those people are still her family, whether they like it or not. I'm not surprised old Jim is taken with her. He's always been able to see through people's crap. Memphis must be like a breath of fresh air after dealing with Arthur and his bunch of crazies."

  "That's true," I tell Cain. "She's supposed to meet him again in a few days to talk about it some more. This could be the thing that keeps her here. We may not be on a tight timeline for her to get to know us."

  Jasper, the voice of reason decides to lay it out. "Are we even sure we want her? I mean, yeah she's different than anyone else we've met. She's nice, smart, and we all get along, but are we sure about her?"

  I look over at Cain to see what his reaction will be. Jasper is right, we haven't known her but a minute, but my gut is telling me that this could turn into something amazing. Memphis could be the one we've been looking for. "Arghhhh." Cain shouts then drops his head to his chest. "I like her, man. I liked her the first night I met her when she thought I was just a simple bartender. She didn't comment once on me owning a restaurant, and when she found out Jasper was a CFO she didn't utter a single word. Every other girl we've met have latched on to those two things quicker than anything. What we want isn't conventional."


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