Book Read Free


Page 12

by Kelly A Walker

  “Baby, can you see me?”

  My body is sore and stiff so all I can move without hurting are my eyes. I roll them to the side and see Cain leaning over watching me. I try to answer him but he stops me. “Shhh. You have a tube down your throat right now so you can’t talk. Just blink for me so I know you hear me, baby. Can you do that?”

  I blink my eyes a few times for him and he rewards me with a megawatt smile. I roll my eyes away from him and see the rest of the room is empty. “Jasper is getting coffee next door and Tanner just went to the bathroom.”

  Like it was his cue, Tanner walks out from a door behind Cain. He looks awful. Cain has the dishevelled look going, but Tanner. My poor Tanner looks like he’s been to hell and back. A sob works its way into my throat but I can’t seem to get it out. The pain I see in his face is killing me. Does he think this is his fault?

  “Tanner, look who’s awake.”

  Tanner watches me as he makes his way over. Reaching out, he gently places his hand against my cheek. “Memphis, I am so sorry. I had no idea she would do something like this to you. Please forgive me.”

  It takes all the strength I have to lift my hand and place it against his.

  “I’m going to step out and get a nurse.” Cain leans over, kissing me on the nose. “Be good and try not to move too much.”

  Tanner and I both watch him go. Once the door closes, Tanner turns back and looks at me, saying nothing. We both sit there, him touching me to reassure himself that I’m really here, me touching him to reassure him that everything will be okay. I watch as tears gather in his eyes. This strong farmer who would give anything for his brothers, and for me, is letting his guard down. Letting me see the vulnerable side of him. The piece of him that is as broken as my body is right now. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as connected to anyone as much as I do right here, right now.

  The door to my room opening interrupts us and Jasper comes in. He practically tosses the cardboard container holding several cups before he’s pushing Tanner out of the way and kissing me all over my face. I wince when he hits my bruised cheek. “I’m sorry, pretty girl. I didn't mean to hurt you.”

  I squeeze his hand letting him know it’s alright. He can keep on kissing me. I had thought I would never get to experience another Jasper kiss so if he wants to continue, I can ignore a little pain.

  “Cain went to get the nurse. Hopefully they can get that tube out so we can hear your beautiful voice,” Tanner says.

  “I didn't see him in the hall when I walked down here. He might have had to go look for one. Maybe you should go help him?” Jasper suggests. Tanner grumbles but goes to try and find Cain and a nurse. “Now that he’s gone,” Jasper leans back over and gently kisses both corners of my mouth, being careful not to jostle the tube. “He’s been so on edge, I’m surprised he’s even letting us get near you.”

  “Miss Reynolds,” an older woman in SpongeBob scrubs walks in, “I hear you decided to wake up. You’ve kept these poor boys waiting for three days. I was beginning to think we were going to have to bring in cots because they refuse to leave.”

  Three days? Jasper must sense my panic because he runs a hand over the top of my head. “Your body needed the time to rest and start to heal after the surgery.”

  “I’ve already paged Dr. Knots. He should be here in a few moments. Your vitals all look good, so he should have no problem taking out the tube.” The nurse starts looking over the beeping machines, taking notes, and reading a printout from one of them. I have no idea what all of the numbers mean. I’m alive and that's all I care about.

  “I hear my patient is awake.” I hear the doctor before I see him. “Miss Reynolds, a little birdie said you were up and ready to get that nasty tube out.” He reaches my side and pulls his stethoscope from around his neck and begins to listen to my chest. “Everything sounds good and clear. Nurse Ann, could you get everything ready? We can go ahead and get this out and let her start on a small amount of ice then clear liquids.” He stands and addresses my guys. “If you would like to, you can wait in the waiting room and the nurse will come get you as soon as we’re done.”

  Anyone can tell they don’t want to leave, but they finally agree and walk out as Nurse Ann re-enters my room. “Alright, Miss Reynolds, I’m going to tilt your head back and on the count of three, I want you to cough as hard as you can.” The doctor looks up at Nurse Ann and she nods that she’s ready. “Alright, here we go. On one, two, three.”

  Coughing as hard as I can, I ignore the searing pain in my throat. I close my eyes so I don’t have to watch him pulling the tube out. I can only handle so much right now. A hand reaches under my back and Nurse Ann says, “Let’s get you sitting up a bit. It’ll help keep the nausea down.” She helps me sit with one hand, while using her other to raise the bed some.

  “Let me listen to your chest one more time,” the doctor says. After a moment, he puts the stethoscope back around his neck. “Alright, everything still sounds good. Nurse Ann is going to get you some ice chips to help your throat. Tiny bites and go slow. We’ll work up to some clear broth in an hour or so.” He pats me on the shoulder then leaves.

  “The guys,” I croak out.

  Nurse Ann winks at me and follows the doctor out. Seconds later Cain, Jasper, and Tanner all fill back in my room with Jim trailing behind them. “Look who we found loitering outside.” Cain jokes, pointing to Jim.

  I don’t know if it’s just hitting me, or the sight of Jim, but as soon as I see him I fall apart. Wrenching sobs pour out of me and I whisper his name as he rushes over to me. Jim wraps both arms around me, not tight, just enough that I feel cocooned by him. “Shhhh. It’s going to be alright, Memphis. I promise no one will ever hurt you again.” Jim keeps repeating this over and over again. Once I finally get myself under control, he releases me and uses the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears off my face. Someone hands him a washcloth because he uses it to clean me up, paying attention to my mouth where the tape held the tube. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

  “Not your fault,” I whisper to him.

  “I love you, girl. Don’t ever forget that.” Jim finishes washing my face then clears his throat. “I’m going to step out in the hall and call Arthur.” He holds up a hand when the guys start to argue. “No, I told him I would let him know. You don’t have to allow him in to see her, but he does deserve to know she’s awake.”

  Tanner and Cain crowd the side Jim just vacated and Jasper goes to the other. “Baby, you can’t ever scare us like that again,” Cain says. “We almost had to have Tanner sedated.”

  Tanner pushes Cain. “Shut up. You were just as bad.”

  “He wasn't the one punching the walls in the Emergency Room, Tanner.” Jasper laughs out. “I figured you’d get arrested before we could get anyone down there to sedate you.”

  “I wasn't that bad.” Tanner smiles then winks at me. “Okay, I was that bad. I’m actually surprised they didn't arrest me, or at least throw me out of here. It wasn't a pretty sight.”

  “You should have seen him when we found out it was Gretchen that hurt you. I thought he was going to go after her and kill her.” Cain sighs.

  I have to cough before I can speak again. “I’m sorry, guys. I shouldn’t have provoked Gretchen like I did.”

  “Hey,” Jasper growls at me. “You did nothing wrong. We may not know the full story, but we do know that you did nothing wrong. Don’t even think that way.”

  “Where is she?” I have to know that she is far away and unable to get to me.

  “The police picked her up at their house later that night. We didn’t know what had happened, but Arthur came in and told us it was her. We called the detective that was working it and told him. They found the gun in her car and she still had gunshot residue on her hands when they took her in and tested for it. Because of what she did, and the fact that it was planned, she’s in holding at the city jail until her hearing.” Jasper glances up and asks Tanner, “Jim said it was next Tuesday, d
idn’t he?”

  “Yeah he did.” Tanner searches my face before speaking again. “The detective wanted us to call after you woke up. It can wait until the morning, but you’re going to have to talk to him and tell him everything that happened. He will come see you and we can be in here the entire time. You won’t go through this alone, Memphis. The three of us will be by your side through all of it.”

  I’m beginning to feel tired and start yawning.

  Jasper smiles. “I think that's our cue that she needs some rest.”

  My arm shoots out and I grab Tanner, shaking my head. “Please don’t leave me yet.”

  “Oh, baby,” Cain says, “there is no way we are leaving this room. I’m just going to run down to the nurses’ station and see if they have your ice chips ready so you can have a few before you pass out.”

  I watch him leave and tears swell up in my eyes. “Hey.” Jasper wipes them off. “He’ll be right back, pretty girl. You aren’t getting rid of us that easy.”

  Cain comes rushing back in with a small cup. “Here, small, slow bites is what she told me.” He helps me hold the cup and I put a few chips into my mouth. The cold instantly helps ease some of the pain in my throat, but after a few bites, my eyes are so heavy I can’t hold them open any longer.

  A soft kiss is placed on my forehead. “Sleep, baby. We’ll be here when you wake up again.”

  That sounds mighty good to me.

  After a week in the hospital, I was finally released. The last three weeks at Tanner’s house, surrounded by the three of them have been heaven and hell. Heaven because we’ve had the time to get to know one another, to grow a friendship and a romantic one. Although, romantic doesn't mean touching. Oh no. That's where the hell comes in. They may be affectionate and always keep finding ways to touch me or to give me a simple kiss but that's it.

  I know, I was shot three times a little over a month ago. Believe me I know. Everyday I get up, I look in the mirror and see the scars. It isn’t something I can ever forget, but it isn’t something I need to be reminded of daily.

  This afternoon Jasper is taking me to see my doctor for my last follow up before he releases me for good. The guys have no idea, but I’m not leaving that office without a written note that I am free to resume all normal activities. ALL activities. There will be no reason why we can’t pursue a more touching relationship by the end of the day. Honestly, if someone doesn't kiss me like they mean it I’m liable to lose my everloving mind.

  “You ready to go, pretty girl?”

  “Absolutely.” I grab Jasper’s hand and pull him out the door.

  “Are you excited or something about this appointment?” he asks, laughing at me.

  “You have no idea.”

  Jasper refuses to stay in the waiting room so he accompanies me to the back where I’ll see the doctor. After the doctor listens to my chest, takes my blood pressure and temperature, he looks over my new scars. “You’ve healed quite nicely, Memphis. I’d say you are ready to resume all normal activities now. Just be sure and listen to your body. If you start feeling tired, then rest. If you feel discomfort, stop what you’re doing and either change how you are doing things or stop and try it again later. I don’t see any reason for me to see you again, unless you have any problems or questions. I’m always here if you need me.”

  Dr. Garrett is an old friend of Jim’s and he is one of the nicest men I have ever met. We clicked instantly and I’m sad to not be seeing him anymore.

  “Do you have any questions before I sign off on you?” Dr. Garrett asks.

  “I think we’re good.” Jasper jumps in.

  “Actually,” I cut my eyes to Jasper, “I do have one question.”

  “Of course. What is it, Memphis?” Dr. Garrett waves me on.

  “Can I have sex now?”

  I hear Jasper hacking behind me but I ignore him. “Of course you can resume sexual activity. Remember what I told you about listening to your body. If you start to feel discomfort stop and,” the doctor clears his throat, “change up positions.”

  “Thanks so much, Doctor.”

  “It’s no problem. Is there anything else?”

  I look down and twist my hands together. “Well, do you think you could put that in writing?” All the guys have been to at least one of my appointments with the good doctor, plus he knew Tanner’s grandparents so I think it's safe to assume he understands our relationship.

  “Really? You want me to write you a note saying you can have sex?” he looks at me curiously.

  “Yes, please.”

  Dr. Garrett chuckles and pats me on the back. “Let me grab my prescription pad and I’ll do you one better.” His laughter follows him out of the room.

  “Pretty girl, I can’t believe you asked him to write you a note.”

  “I don’t know why you’re shocked. I know none of you are going to come near me unless he approves it and I don’t trust Cain or Tanner not to call up here to verify it themselves. This just speeds things up.” I smile cheekily at Jasper.

  “You’re going to be the death of us.” He snickers and gives me a quick kiss.

  Dr. Garrett comes back in and hands me a small piece of paper. “Here you go. Tell the others they can call, but this should suffice.”

  I read his note and start laughing so hard I can barely breath. “What? Let me see what it says,” Jasper says and tries to take it from me.

  “Oh, no you don’t. You can read it with the other two. Thanks again, Dr. Garrett.”

  “Tell Jim I said hello and we’ll get together and play golf soon.”

  Jasper continues to attempt to pry the contents of the doctor’s note from me all the way back to Tanner’s but I refuse to give in. “Jasper!” I yell at him. “You are not reading it without the others. Give it up or it won’t matter what the note says. You’ll be excluded from all activities for a month.”

  “Harsh, pretty girl. That is just harsh.”

  Tanner and Cain are waiting on the front porch for us. I hop out of Jasper’s SUV and run up to them, jumping in Tanner’s arms first. “Good appointment I take it?”

  I smack a kiss on his lips and nod before getting down and doing the same to Cain. “Baby, do you have something for us?” He smirks down at me.

  “Did Jasper text you when I wasn't looking?”

  “Did you expect anything less from him?” Cain asks.

  “No,” I huff.

  “Well, are you going to share with the rest of us?” Cain asks while carrying me into the house.

  I tap his shoulders, telling him to let me down. “Everyone on the couch, please.”

  I wait until all three of them are seated then I pull the doctor’s note from my pocket and unfold it. I take my time knowing they are dying to know exactly what he wrote. Deciding I’ve let them simmer long enough, I read it out loud.

  “He did not write that!” Tanner jumps off the couch and grabs the piece of paper from me. I knew I liked that doctor for a reason.

  “Let me see, Tanner.” Cain reaches over and snatches it out of Tanner’s hands. “Have mercy. You really did make him write a note for you?”

  “I don’t know why you're acting all surprised,” I say. “You refuse to touch me and you treat me like I’m broken. If you don’t want me, just tell me. I can't deal with you acting like I’m glass.”

  “Ah, baby. We do want you. We just didn't want to rush you and do something that could set back your healing.”

  “Memphis, do you really think we don’t want to be with you?” A look of hurt crosses Tanner’s face.

  I cross the room and wrap my arms around his middle. “I don’t think that, Tanner, but all three of you have held me at arm's length since I got out the hospital. I’m tired of feeling like a burden to you.”

  “Look at me, Memphis.” Tanner lifts my chin so he can see my eyes. He’s told me before my eyes can’t lie. They tell him everything he needs to know. “I love you, Memphis. There is nothing in this world I want more than to take you
right here, right now. To hear you moaning our names while Jasper, Cain, and I love you until you see the heavens.”

  “Then why won't you even kiss me, Tanner?”

  “Because I was afraid if I kissed you, I'd never be able to stop and you weren't ready, Memphis. I won’t do anything to risk hurting you.”

  “You love me?” I ask Tanner.

  “Oh, honey. I love you so much. Never doubt that, okay.”

  I unwrap my arms from around his waist and move them to behind his neck and bring him closer to me. “I love you, too Tanner,” I tell him before I kiss him with all the pent up need I’ve been holding onto since I first met my farmer.

  Once we break apart, a pair of hands grab my waist and spin me around. I smile at Cain. “Yes, Cain?”

  “Baby, is there something you want to tell me, too?”

  I tap my chin in thought. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Cain. Is there something you want to tell me?”

  “Oh, baby. You are such a little minx.” Cain picks me up and I automatically wrap my legs around him. “You have all of me, baby. My heart, my soul, my beer recipes.” He winks at me before lowering his mouth to mine and using his kiss to breathe life back into me. Cain pulls back and places his forehead against mine. “I love you so much, baby.”

  “I love you too, Cain.” This man. He’s my sexy beer brewer and restauranter.

  “Give her to me,” Jasper demands.

  Cain sets me down and I turn and jump into Jasper’s outstretched arms. “Pretty girl,” he rubs his nose down mine, “you had me at hello.”

  I slap Jasper’s shoulder. “Jasper!”

  My body shakes from his laughing. “I’m sorry. I couldn't let the moment pass by.” Jasper clears his throat and puts on his serious face. “I love you more than anything, pretty girl, and I will love you until my last breath.”

  “Oh, Jasper. I love you so much.”


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