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Slave To Love

Page 21

by Bridget Midway

Kitty pivoted in her spot. “Bring them in.”

  After a couple of minutes, Macabre sauntered in the room wearing a black leather tube dress that conformed to every curve of her body. She went to the end of the table where Fear sat. When Taren walked in, she glanced at Jace, then looked at the chair where Macabre now sat. She made it obvious she didn’t want to sit anywhere close to Jace.

  “Do you need me in that seat down there?” Taren pointed to where Macabre sat.

  “No. We’ve done the camera blocking at all angles.” Kitty nodded. “You’re good here.”

  “Great.” Taren lowered herself to her seat, but kept her stare from Jace.

  Jace leaned over close to her. Under his breath, he said, “I’ll try not to make this weird for you.”

  “Too late.” Taren didn’t look at him when she made the statement.

  “Okay, folks. Here’s what’s going to happen today.” Kitty sauntered around the table as she spoke. “The house slaves will serve you all breakfast. At the end of the meal, you all will select your personal slave.”

  “Wait. We get to pick one of them to be at our beck and call?” Sire Ball started to smile.

  “Yes, during filming. When we’re not filming, the slaves will go back to their rooms. Hopefully you all brought a collar for each of the slaves. You will own them during the show.”

  All of the contestants nodded. Jace didn’t. He hadn’t planned on being a part of the show. He didn’t have anything ready. He would have to see if he had anything in the guesthouse that he could use.

  “However, when Taren eliminates a Dominant, the slave is eliminated as well.” Kitty put her hands to her hips. “Any questions?”

  “Can we just eat now?” Miss Twist fanned her face. “And get some air on in here.”

  “Hit the switch to turn on the fan.” Jace pointed to a wall switch. When he noticed the contestants giving him a suspicious stare, he clarified his statement. “I tested it yesterday.”

  Kitty hit the switch to start the large blades twirling. “Okay, let’s get this going, folks. We have a lot to do today.”

  Jace thought the same thing. If he had any chance of making it beyond today in this contest, he needed to think of something quick.


  Taren wanted to stay as far away from Jace as she could. As it stood, she knew she had no willpower around him. Everything about him weakened her. Today proved to be no exception.

  While everyone else, including the Dommes, continued wearing suits and ties, Jace opted to go with jeans and a T-shirt. His scent really captured her attention. She made the mistake of taking in a deep breath. Her whole head filled with his masculine aroma.

  To take her mind off him, she looked at the contestants she’d picked for the show. In the bright light of day, she marveled at their appearances. Sire Swift looked like a military man. He had his dark hair cut short but not in a crew cut. He sat up straight.

  Next to him sat Bruiser. She figured that out because of his dusty blue eyes and his goatee. Taren found him to be menacing and intense, even for as young as he looked.

  Sire Ball sat next to Bruiser. She could tell that under his suit hid a fit body. He let his dark hair grow out a little. Like Bruiser, he also appeared solemn and hard.

  At the end of the table near Macabre must have been Fear. When Taren dared to look at him, he glared at her as though nonverbally telling her to look elsewhere. Without him saying it, she did. Besides his dark skin, she noticed a goatee that blended in well to his tone. His eyes looked black as coal. As she thought about being disciplined by him, she shivered.

  On the other side of Macabre sat Mistress Night. The woman had cornrows in perfect lines over her head. Today she wore glasses with her mask. Taren hadn’t suspected Night wore those when she had on her mask last night.

  Next to her sat Miss Twist. She looked Hispanic. She had her dark hair parted in the middle. Her strong jaw gave her a hard look. Her makeup job softened the appearance.

  The man in between Twist and Jace had to be Lord No. Instead of the shocking, high collar he wore last night, now they outfitted him with a mask that looked straight out of a horror movie. He still looked cold and aloof like he didn’t mind hurting for sport. Taren still didn’t want to mess with him. She did wonder if, out of the mask now, he would talk.

  “And action!” Kitty exclaimed.

  “Welcome, friends,” Madame Macabre smiled as she sat at the end of the table like a lady of the manor.

  Thank God Taren didn’t sit next to the woman. She already felt childlike due to their height difference.

  Taren moved her foot forward and made contact with Jace’s foot. She mumbled an apology and eased her foot back. He, on the other hand, must have seen this as an opening. She felt his foot brush against hers before he eventually eased his leg behind her feet. Taren would have to step over him in order to get up.

  She would have complained if she didn’t like the connection so much. What turned her on and frustrated her at the same time had to be the way Jace didn’t even look at her while he invaded her space. Nonverbally he expressed how he would be there, in her face, and not backing down. Taren needed to drink some cool water after making that conclusion.


  Hearing her voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “Yes?”

  “What do you think?” Macabre asked while everyone looked at her.

  “Think about what?” She glanced at Jace. “Sorry. My mind was elsewhere.”

  He moved his leg, which raised her feet of the floor. Thank goodness the tablecloth hid his antics.

  “Prayer before the meal.” Macabre nodded her head to the slaves who patiently held their dishes and drinks.

  “Oh, my goodness. Yes, we can certainly do that.” She set her glass down, which forced Sweetheart to quickly refill it again.

  “Yeah, why don’t we get our boy, Lord No, to give it,” Fear said with a chuckle.

  No glared at Fear and gave him a middle-finger gesture.

  “Actually, I would like to give it, if you don’t mind.” Sire Swift put his hands in prayer form and closed his eyes even before confirming if anyone else would do it.

  Taren followed suit. With her eyes closed, she felt Jace moving his foot back and forth, and up and down the back of her calves before he eventually eased his foot in between her legs.

  “Thank the Lord for the food we’re about to receive, and the blessings that will be bestowed upon us. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

  Taren exhaled, but her mind wasn’t on the prayer. “Amen.” She opened her eyes and looked at Jace, who again had his attention elsewhere.

  The man drove her insane.

  “Ladies, please serve the Dominants first before you get to us.” Macabre waved her hand over the table to the contestants.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Solo replied.

  While some of the slaves served food like scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy and potatoes, others like Sweetheart poured water, orange juice, and coffee. Taren couldn’t think about the food. Her mind remained on Jace, his agenda, and that wandering foot of his.

  “To give you folks an idea of what will happen today, after breakfast you will get to select which slave you want to be your personal slave for this journey.” The slaves stood around the table, all with smiles, but all silent as Macabre spoke. “You will collar that slave.”

  Taren noticed that Bubbles shifted in her spot. She looked uneasy with that bit of news.

  “Once you all have selected your slaves, you will write up your contract.” Macabre placed her napkin across her lap.

  “Contract?” Fear slumped back into his chair in frustration. “What the hell? Are we doing some damn book report? I just want to play with one of them until I can get to her.” He pointed to Taren. She must have looked worried. He quickly said, “Don’t worry, dear. Yes, it will hurt.”

  Taren had to rethink her plan on who to eliminate first. Fear definitely lived up to his scene name.

��I don’t mind doing contracts.” Mistress Night shrugged. “Contracts allow you to be free because everyone involved knows what to expect.” She took a sip of her coffee.

  Beauty quickly topped off her drink.

  “Thank you.” Night winked to her.

  “I’ve always done a contract.” Bruiser took no time in polishing off his plate of food and requesting more from the slaves. “Like Night said, it keeps everything on the up and up.”

  Taren didn’t know where the man put all the food he consumed. He looked young and fit. When Breeze offered him more bacon, she noticed how he purposefully brushed his hand against hers. Her slight, Mona Lisa smile broadened as she stepped back.

  “I find contracts restricting.” Miss Twist shook her head. “I should be able to do whatever I want with a slave.”

  “What do you think, Master?” Sire Ball asked.

  Taren wanted to hear Jace’s answer. She held her fork over her food as she directed her attention to him.

  Jace wiped his mouth before he answered. “Restrictions make me want to do more. If a slave says she’s not cool with anal play, then I’ll go out of my way to spank and cane her ass to show that some sensation back there is a good thing.”

  Lord No nodded his head.

  Jace continued. “If she’s into breast play, I’ll purposefully avoid doing that to get her practically begging for the treatment. But my favorite has to be the blindfold.” He smiled to himself. “You can commit a multitude of sins while she’s blindfolded. She doesn’t know for sure who is touching her.” He stared pointedly at her. “She can’t say if one Dom or Domme touched her or not. All she has to know if that it feels good.”

  Taren felt sweat rolling down her back.

  “Wow,” Sweetheart said. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to speak out of turn.”

  “And yet you won’t shut the fuck up.” Twist grumbled and rolled her eyes. “A disobedient slave like that would get twenty lashes from my single-tail.”

  Sweetheart swallowed and lowered her head.

  “I appreciate knowing what a woman likes.” Jace nodded his head before glancing at Taren. He gave her a quick wink before finishing his breakfast.

  Damn, he knew how to get her going.

  After Taren, Macabre, and the contestants finished their breakfasts, the slaves ate the remaining food. After they finished and had the dining room and kitchen cleaned, filming resumed in the living room. Taren stood next to Macabre. The contestants remained in a row on one side of the room. The slaves planted themselves across from the Dominants. They looked straight ahead.

  “We’re doing the selection scene.” Kitty paced back and forth between the rows of people.

  “It’s about time.” Fear clapped his large hands.

  “Glad you’re excited, because Taren here will decide—”

  “No!” Miss Twist stomped forward and interrupted Kitty’s speech. “She got to pick which Dom and Domme she wanted, and that was fine. But I’ll be damned if she assigns my slave.”

  “If you had allowed me to finish, you would have heard me say that Taren will decide the order in which you contestants choose your slaves.” Kitty rolled her eyes at Twist.

  Twist got back in line. Taren had to make her decision strategically. When she looked at Jace, he stared at her like he didn’t care about the line of women standing in front of him.

  “Okay, we’re rolling.” Kitty sat in her chair again.

  “Welcome back.” Macabre clasped her hands together. “Taren, your contestants will choose their slaves. Who will you allow to make a selection first?”

  Taren looked down the line of Dominants before she made her decision. “Sire Swift. Thank you for doing the prayer at breakfast. You can go first.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s how you’re deciding this?” Fear shook his head. “I’ll be so glad to break you of your compassion.”

  Sire Swift stood in front of Taren before making his way to the slaves. “Thank you.” When he smiled, his eyes twinkled.

  Taren nodded. “Good luck.”

  He laughed. “I’ll be okay.” He walked down the line of slaves, looking at each of them. When he got to Sandy, he stopped.

  Taren had suspected he would. She saw their connection during breakfast. Her heart pounded as he stared at the slave.

  “What’s your name?” he asked her.

  “I’m called Slave Sandy.” She offered a smile, then dropped her gaze.

  “Sandy, got it.” Swift nodded.

  “Sir, Slave Sandy.”

  “Sandy.” He moved in closer to her. “Understood.”

  Even Taren held her breath as she watched the connection.

  “Yes, sir.” Sandy stared him in his eyes.

  Sire Swift reached into his pocket and pulled out something that looked like a bracelet. “I want to collar this one.” He slipped a ring on her middle finger and looped the chain around her wrist. Then he took her hand and led her back to the line with the other contestants.

  Sandy turned her back on Swift and lowered herself to her knees in front of him. To further show his ownership, Swift put his hand on Sandy’s shoulder. No one would be claiming his property.

  “Very nice.” Macabre nodded. “Taren, who are you allowing to pick next?”

  Taren looked down the line again. “Bruiser.”

  “What? Did he kill a spider for you or something?” Twist snickered.

  Taren chose not to answer back. She watched Bruiser make his way to the group of women. Unlike Swift, he went directly to one woman, the one with the permanent smile.

  Despite his name, Bruiser didn’t manhandle the woman. He moved in close to her and put his face next to hers. He whispered something in her ear that made her giggle.

  Without a word, he pulled out a leather cuff from his pocket. He wrapped it around her delicate wrist before snapping it into place.

  “I guess you’ve made your decision.” Macabre blinked.

  Bruiser pulled her from the lineup and returned to his spot. Like Sandy, Breeze lowered herself to her knees in front of him. To further cement his ownership, he cupped her chin in his hand.

  Taren didn’t wait to get a cue from Macabre. “Mistress Night, I’d like for you to pick next, please.”

  “Cool.” Night strutted down the line of the six remaining women. She stood in front of Bubbles and stared at her for a moment. “Nah. Sorry, dear.”

  Bubbles shrugged. “That’s okay.”

  Night continued down the row. She stopped at Beauty. “What are you called?”

  “Beauty.” She tucked her curly hair behind her ears.

  Miss Night brought her hands up and fluffed Beauty’s hair so that it surrounded her face again. “I want you.”

  Beauty beamed at first, but then acted like she needed to play this cool. She glanced at Taren. “Anything to help the game.”

  Night reached behind her neck and unhooked one of her necklaces. It looked like a simple gold chain until she started to put it around Beauty’s neck. Taren noticed an “N” monogram hanging from it. With the necklace secured, she took Beauty’s hand and brought her back to the line with her. Like the others, Beauty lowered herself to her knees in front of her new Mistress.

  “Sire Ball, please go next.” Taren got more comfortable with selecting which Dominant got to pick their slaves.

  She still tried to work out in her head how she would be seeing Jace pick his slave. She didn’t want to think about it.

  Sire Ball strolled up to the women. He walked down the short line of remaining slaves. When he got to Slinky, he stopped. He coasted his hand up her bare arm to her shoulder.

  “Soft skin.” He smiled. “How do you mark?”

  “Pretty easily and quickly, sir.” Slinky smiled.

  He interlaced his fingers into hers then brought her arm behind her back so that he pressed her body against his.

  Taren felt herself holding her breath as he stared into Slinky’s eyes. A heavy tension hung in the air as Ball studied the slave

  “Good.” He nodded. “Very good.” He released her. He raised his hand in the air and made a twirling motion with his finger. “Turn.”

  Slinky turned her back to him. Ball pulled out a long string of pearls from his pocket. He affixed the jewelry around her neck.

  “This one. I like her.” Sire Ball didn’t allow Slinky to turn around.

  He pulled her body against his so that her ass pressed against his crotch. Then he backed up to the line again. Once in his spot, she lowered herself to her knees.

  Taren wondered if Jace would be that passionate with his pick.

  “Next!” Fear barked.

  Taren bit the inside of her cheek to keep from saying something that would get her in a verbal altercation. “Thank you for the reminder, Fear.”

  Fear started to take a step when Taren stopped him.

  “Lord No, you can pick next.” Taren smiled.

  “Bitch,” Fear said under his breath.

  “What did you say?” Jace started to head toward the man when Swift and Ball held him back.

  “Easy. Don’t let him get in your head.” Ball shook his head as he nudged Jace back into his spot.

  “Too late.” Fear smiled. “I love it.”

  “Lord No. Please make your selection.” Macabre raised her hand to the last four women.

  The silent but deadly Dom stomped his booted feet down the line. He stood in front of Sweetheart. She smiled at him. He cocked his head. Taren wanted to know what he looked like under his mask.

  He moved down to Bambi. She stared at him without fear or apology. Although he towered over her, she didn’t seem intimidated. He moved down to Solo. She pursed her lips as she looked at him. When he moved down to Bubbles, the normally cheerful woman lost her smile and nerve.

  Bubbles kept her gaze down to the floor so that he had to look at the top of her head full of golden blonde curls. No put his hand to her chin and raised her head so that he could look at her face.

  Even with her face raised, Bubbles kept her gaze down to the floor. Taren didn’t like Bubbles’s reaction to this Dom.

  Lord No pulled out a ring as he held Bubbles’s hand.

  She snatched her hand away. “Please, no.” She shook her head. “Pick someone else.”


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