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Stairway To Heaven

Page 6

by Shannon Leigh

  After she'd counted out fifty feet, she stopped, turned to her right, and stepped through the opening to the Stairway to Heaven without so much as a single scrape from the thorny vegetation around her. Once across the threshold, Rhea stopped. Still facing the inevitable stairwell, which had barely begun to take form, she slowly reached her hand behind her. It contacted thick brush; the hole was barricaded. No one else could get in.

  Or out.

  Rhea knotted her fists at her sides and closed her eyes, willing herself to be strong. You're going to go up there, demand he return your essence, and leave. That's all, she chided herself. But as she broached the first step and heard Valos's responding chuckle, Rhea knew there was no going back.

  With each step she took up the stairwell, her path began to manifest. Granite walls extending as far upward as the eye could see, tunneled along both sides. And one quick glance over her shoulder confirmed her worst fear—there was nothing behind. Truly, the steps seemed to drop off into darkness as close as the one just beneath her heel. Rhea wondered, if she were to fall—

  "I would catch you, my love."

  Feeling rebellious, she chanced a step back. But when her shoe came down where the step should have been, her foot merely passed through space and she felt herself teeter backward. Rhea let out a startled shriek and lunged forward to keep from falling into the abyss below. She landed on all fours, hands on one step, knees on another.

  Valos clucked his tongue in disapproval. "Walk or crawl, it makes no matter to me. There's no going back now, Rhea."

  Rhea bristled at his sarcasm. “What if I jump? What then? I die and you choose someone else?” Her voice bounced off the cavernous walls and raced up the tunnel before her.

  Valos merely laughed at her outrage. "You won't jump."

  Much as she'd like to prove him wrong, Rhea knew he was right. There was no way in hell she'd leap to an uncertain death. And yet, was she possibly ascending to one as well?

  Valos clucked his tongue once again. "So pessimistic. Come along, Rhea. You're wasting time. I'm anxious to get started. Aren't you?"

  Deciding not to grace him with an answer and likely boost his already over-inflated sense of self-importance, Rhea gritted her teeth and climbed to her feet. Concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other, she began to make her way upward.

  The stairwell seemed to last forever. Rhea didn't know how many steps she'd climbed, but she was starting to feel weak. Just when she thought she couldn't lift another foot, a white door with a silver handle magically appeared before her.

  Rhea chewed her bottom lip, contemplating opening the door. She really didn't have a choice, since the stairwell behind her had vanished. She could either stand at his stoop for the rest of her life, or...

  Before her common sense could get the better of her, she grasped the handle and pushed the door open. She was immediately assailed by a blast of gray mist that nearly knocked her backward. Letting out a startled yelp, she threw her arms over her face in self-defense.

  Ever so slowly, she brought her guard down and peeked about her surroundings. It was much like it had been in her dream. Swirling clouds and puffs of white smoke obliterated what lay beyond. Here was her true test of courage. Taking a deep breath, Rhea stepped forward into uncertainty.


  As soon as Rhea had crossed the threshold, the door and stairwell disappeared, leaving her standing within the midst of a realm of swirling vapors. Forcing herself to remain calm, she silently waited for Valos. But after several long moments, her patience began to wane.

  "Well, I'm here. Now what?” she demanded. “Are you going to hide as before?"

  His resounding chuckle filled the air around her, bounced off a nearby billow, and pummeled her ears. "Not a chance." Then, as though on command, the mist and clouds began to vanish.

  As Rhea's eyes took in her new surroundings, she saw she was within a spacious room. With the exception of a single door to her left, which was cloaked with flowing, white satin panels that gently flapped as though caressed by a slight breeze, the walls were composed of solid sheets of mirrors, as was the ceiling. Everywhere Rhea looked, she saw herself in perfect form, with no cracks or seams marring her reflection.

  At first glance, she thought the floor was made of onyx marble, but as she concentrated on the strange surface, she realized that it wasn't black at all, but rather clear, as though she stood on a massive pane of glass. And beneath her was nothingness, a starless void of night.

  Rhea felt dizzy. She wanted to run to the satin-draped doorway, the only visible means of escape from this crazy room. And yet, she was too terrified to move lest her footsteps cause the glass to break and she plummet into the bottomless chasm below.

  Her gaze darted about the room as desperation settled in. Her breaths quickened, bordering on hyperventilation. Her heartbeat pounded through her teeth making them chatter as though she were cold.

  "Where ... are you?” she choked out, imagining the floor giving way as she took a tentative step toward the door.

  Valos didn't reply. With the exception of her labored breathing and hammering pulse, there was no sound at all within the mirrored room. Rhea's attention dropped to the translucent floor. Holding her hands out by her sides as though balancing on a tightrope, she started forward.

  Okay, this is a test, she assured herself. I'm terrified of heights, and he knows it. So he's—

  Just then, large puffs white of smoke wafted up beneath the floor's lucid surface in roiling waves, successfully obliterating her view of the darkness below. “Is that better?” His voice seemingly came from just beyond the door's threshold.

  Rhea immediately stopped. Holding her breath, she stared at the flapping satin panels, expecting Valos to walk through the doorway at any moment. After several seconds of silence, “Yes,” she replied with an expulsion of air. “Thank you."

  "You must be tired. Why don't you rest, and I'll join you in a moment."

  "But there isn't anywhere to—"

  Rhea stared in the mirror with disbelief as a bed took shape behind her in the center of the room. She whipped around just as it came into full focus.

  It was a massive structure, made out of what appeared to be pure ivory. It's four intricately carved posts stood tall and regal, nearly reaching the mirrored ceiling above, while the sheerest panels of shimmering silk hung from each pillar in long flowing waves and spilled across the floor with elegant ripples—milk poured from an invisible cup.

  Several large fluffy pillows, each housed in glossy cream-colored satin, crowded against the headboard, competing for space. A matching seamless comforter that looked as smooth and rich as an undisturbed saucer of buttermilk draped across the bed's enormous surface like an oversized cloak, lightly dusting the floor from one side to the other. And upon the bed's center lay a single ivory rose, its perfect bud so luscious and pure, Rhea wondered if perhaps it weren't real. Then her gaze shifted to her feet as a trail of quarter-sized petals appeared along the floor, creating a perfect path for her to follow to what lay ahead.

  The overall affect was so seductive, so alluring, Rhea found herself wanting to move toward it, wanting to feel the slick satin upon her naked skin, wanting to feel the weight of Valos upon her as he pressed her body into the downy bedclothes. She nearly gave in. But just as she took the first step toward what she knew would imminently lead to her downfall, her common sense returned full-force.

  "I'll ... stand, thank you.” Crossing her arms over her chest with an air of defiance, she turned away from the bed and focused on the door.

  Valos's laughter filled the air. “That's one of the reason's I picked you, Rhea. You're rebellious and headstrong, intelligent and witty. Not to mention beautiful. Desirable.” His voice had dropped to a seductive purr.

  Rhea felt currents of awareness course through her insides. She clenched her jaw, willing herself not to be swayed by his charm. “I've come for my essence. That's all. Then I shall be on my way,” she decla
red with a tone of boldness she didn't feel.

  "It's no longer yours. It belongs to me. You belong to me."

  Rhea's mouth dropped open with shock. Her arms fell to her sides, hands knotted into angry fists. She didn't belong to anyone, especially some pompous, self-absorbed, domineering ... Guardian!

  At an end to her patience, Rhea started toward the door with purpose. “Now you listen here, mister! I don't care who you are, you can't just go around stealing—"

  She'd scarcely made it five paces when Valos stepped across the threshold. Rhea felt the air escape her lungs in one big gasp. Oh, dear God.

  She didn't know what she'd expected, but he was that and so much more. Although he still looked like the man she'd seen on the trail, and his presence felt like the one in her dream, seeing him now in true form was almost more than she could handle.

  His mahogany hair swept back from his forehead in a crest, but parted on the side and hung down around his face and shoulders in cascading waves. His broad shoulders were void of covering, leaving his wide, muscled chest and washboard abs bare for her viewing pleasure. His only article of clothing was a pair of white lounge pants—which seemed unusually bright against his deeply tanned skin—that clung loosely to his narrow hips and long legs.

  Rhea couldn't help but stare at the waistband. It hung daringly low at the front, dipping down just to the point of exposing the curly wisps of dark hair that surely surrounded his penis like a black shroud. The silky material roiled and slid with each movement, caressing his thighs as he walked, while the ties jiggled around and slapped noiselessly against balls. It was obvious he wore nothing beneath.

  Suddenly realizing her attentions were focused on his groin, Rhea quickly looked up. Until then, she'd still clung to the hope that he didn't exist, that everything around her was a farce. But when he stared back at her with those decadent chocolate eyes, she knew he was indeed real. Just one kiss from that firm mouth and she'd be lost.

  Rhea took an unsteady step backward.

  Valos smiled. “What's wrong, Rhea? Am I not what you expected?"

  As he advanced, Rhea continued to back away. It was only when her bottom smacked into the bed's ivory footboard that her retreat came to a halt. Startled, she let out a small squeak of alarm. The sound barely traveled farther than her own ears. But it was loud enough for her stalker to hear.

  He chuckled, obviously amused by her shock. “Come now, Rhea. There's nowhere for you to run. Our joining is inevitable."

  Rhea's gaze darted to the doorway. Perhaps if she circled around the bed, she could make it to the—

  As though in response to her thoughts, the door suddenly disappeared. Rhea let out a gasp of alarm. Now she truly was trapped inside. With him.

  "There,” Valos began with a throaty growl. “No more distractions."

  Rhea scanned the room with desperation, hoping, praying she'd missed an exit. But everywhere she looked, she saw Valos's approaching figure. He surrounded her from all sides, steadily moving in for the kill.

  She slowly inched along the footboard, around the soaring pillar, and backward next to the bed's satin comforter, trying to put as much distance as she could between him and her. When she bumped into the post at the headboard, she stopped, then held her hands out before her in a manner of truce.

  "Just hold on a minute here. I'm still trying to accept the fact that all this even exists.” Rhea let out a nervous laugh. “I never thought it was—"

  "Real?” he finished for her. “It's real, Rhea. I'm real."

  Within ten steps, he'd successfully closed the space between them. Then he gently took hold of one of her hands and placed it against his bare chest. “I'm as real as any other man you've touched. But I can offer you so much more."

  His breath caressed her cheek when he exhaled. Rhea felt the steady beat of his heart beneath her fingertips. His skin was smooth, warm. And strong muscles rippled against her touch as her palm curled along one well-formed pectoral.

  She yanked her hand away with a gasp. No! This can't be!

  Valos sighed with what sounded like frustration. “I know it's hard to accept, love. But it is."

  Before she could protest, he swept her up into his arms and held her snugly against him while he climbed onto the bed. Then he laid her on the fluffy comforter and stretched out beside her. The pillows—which had been so neatly packed together before—tumbled down around Rhea's head and shoulders. When one fell over her face, Valos let out a hearty laugh.

  "Sorry about that.” He quickly snatched the offensive object and tossed it to the floor. “They're nice to look at, but tend to get in the way.” Then he set about removing all but the one beneath her head.

  "There now ... we don't need them anyway.” Propped on one elbow, he hovered above her.

  Rhea stared up at him in stunned silence. Too afraid to move, too afraid to breathe. Any minute now, this is all just going to disappear and you're going to feel foolish, Rhea. She squeezed her eyes shut, counted to ten, then opened them again, praying she was back on her cot at the village and this was just another crazy dream.

  "Still here,” he confirmed with a crooked grin. Amusement danced in his eyes.

  Rhea let out a cry of distress and started to roll away, but his free hand gripped her shoulder and pressed her back down against the bed. Then he moved to partially cover her body with his own, successfully preventing any further thoughts of escape.

  Rhea could only watch with a mixture of fear and expectancy as he dipped his head forward. There was no mistaking the intent of his actions when his lips parted slightly before claiming hers in a shattering kiss that dissolved any remaining doubt.


  At first, she merely lay there, determined not to respond to his touch. But as his tongue delved into her mouth and playfully swirled around hers, Rhea's resolve began to melt.

  Ever so slowly, her left hand found its way to his hip, then moved up his side. A slight shift in his positioning, and her right hand was suddenly free to do the same. Before she knew it, her fingers were tangled in the silky locks at the nape of his neck.

  Rhea's hands curled into fists, gripping his hair within each palm with a new sense of apprehension. She held him tightly, wanting to feel and taste even more of him. Her previous hesitation of accepting the impossible shifted to fearing its loss; she returned his kiss with a fierce passion that was startling as well as exalting.

  Finally breaking for air, “Oh, Valos,” she breathed against his lips. “I want to believe. Please don't—"

  "Shh...” he coaxed, before plundering her mouth with another long and satisfying kiss that set her insides aflame. “No more worries. Just feel."

  His lips trailed along her chin and jaw, searing her flesh as they slowly made their way to her throat. He nipped at her skin, then placed a gentle kiss against the pounding pulse. As though responding to his touch, her heart lurched in her chest.

  Rhea inhaled sharply, expecting the next thing she'd feel would be his teeth entering her neck. Valos chuckled against the hollow of her throat, then moved downward. When he came to the edge of her scooped-neck T-shirt, he paused, then pushed himself up to straddle her waist.

  "This will have to go,” he said matter-of-factly, before gripping the hem and pulling it up over her head.

  Rhea scarcely had time to form a refusal before her shirt was removed and tossed aside. She watched it disappear over the edge of the bed with a mixture of embarrassment and shock. When she looked up at Valos, his eyes were intent upon her breasts, as if he were memorizing their shape and size down to the precise millimeter. Her first instinct was to cover herself against his raking gaze.

  "No! Don't hide yourself from me.” Although his tone was calm, the command was clear.

  Slowly, Rhea lowered her arms to her sides until they rested against the silky coverlet. When Valos reached out and lightly traced a path alongside her right breast with his fingertip, goose bumps immediately surfaced in its wake. Rhea shuddered. Sh
e longed to feel herself encased within his warm palm.

  Reading her mind again, he curled his hand around one globe and gently squeezed, forcing her nipple to jut upward. His eyes sparkled with mischief and a satisfied smirk pulled at the corners of his firm mouth when he heard her gasp in response. Then he leaned forward, capturing the rosy peak between his teeth.

  Rhea couldn't stop herself from arching upward, forcing her breast more fully into his mouth when his lips closed around her and sucked at her nipple. His ministrations were maddening as he skillfully drew it into his mouth, then released it, only to pull it back in again. Satisfied he'd wreaked enough havoc on one side, he dutifully turned his attention to the other, renewing her torment all over again.

  Already knowing just how capable that mouth of his was, she squirmed beneath him, eager for him to abandon his post at her breasts and move into territory a little farther down. When he refused to budge, she pushed at his shoulders; trying to coax him in the direction she wanted him to go. After several persistent nudges and a few pouts of impatience, he finally acquiesced and began a torturous descent, leaving a moist trail of destruction along the way.

  Just as he had before with her shirt, he quickly disposed of her shorts and underwear when they blocked his path. With no more garments separating her flesh from his eager lips, he quickly set about the task of driving her past all logical thought.

  At the first touch of his mouth against her feminine lips, Rhea's hips bucked forward, angling herself to give him optimum access. But Valos obviously intended on prolonging her torment. Rather than delve his tongue deep inside her as she so desired, he ran the tip along her outside, tracing around her opening, across her throbbing clitoris, and back down the other side.

  "Tell me what you want, Rhea."

  His voice was warm against her sensitive woman's flesh, causing her insides to clench in near orgasm. “You know what I want,” she breathed out in a heated rush. He'd scarcely have to touch her and she'd break loose. Already, the muscles in her legs and hips were tightening in preparation.


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