Titans: Revelation (Book 4 of the Titans Saga)

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Titans: Revelation (Book 4 of the Titans Saga) Page 19

by C. J. Lloyd

  Jennifer started sobbing and dropped the man. He fell to the ground holding his throat as a bunch of the soldiers circled him.

  “What the hell is your problem, Jen?” Samantha yelled. “You need to stand down, now.”

  “Whatever …” Jennifer stomped away back to the barracks.

  Violet knelt down, checking on the young man. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, but what’s her problem?”

  “Apparently, all of you,” Terra whispered in her southern accent. “Just another reason why Gram was right not to trust the government,” she said, shaking her head.

  Violet looked the boy over. He was fine, but he had a massive bruise across his Adam’s apple. Violet raced out the door, but Jen was gone. She assumed she had headed to the barracks. At least she could talk to her down there.

  Chapter 21


  Violet got to the barracks and found Jennifer pacing back and forth through the halls. Her anger was surprisingly frightening. The air was intense with pins and needles, and the energy coming from her stung Violet’s arms and hands.

  “You okay?” Violet asked. She wished she had a long sleeve sweater on, anything to protect her skin from this energy.

  Jennifer screamed, slamming her fist clean through a steel door. Violet’s energy radiated over her shoulders defensively as Jennifer delivered a second blow that ripped it off its hinges. The veins bulged on Jennifer’s hands as she strained to control herself.

  Violet’s eyes were bright with madness and rage. “I want to see him, V, now.”

  Violet looked around the room, trying to find who she was talking about. “I don’t understand. What are you talking about? Who do you want to see?”


  Violet’s eyelids peeled back. Hell no, she thought. “Are you insane? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “No, I want to see him. Take me there right now.”

  “Jennifer, I’m not going there. You’re nuts.” A nervous laugh escaped Violet’s lips. “That’s a death wish.”

  “Fine. I’ll find some other way to go see him.”

  “Why do you want to go see him? What’s the point? What’s it going to prove or do, Jen?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She grabbed Violet by the shoulders, and a strange surge of warmth pulsed through Jennifer’s fingertips and radiated over Violet. A bright purple light coursed around them, and with a great flash, the crashing waves of the ocean were just over Jennifer’s shoulders.

  A poignant salty breeze tousled the short red strands of Violet’s hair. Violet gulped hard, nervously searching the large black structure that hung in front of them. “How did you do that? Why did you do that?”

  “I don’t know.” Jennifer looked up at the structure, confused. “But since we’re here …” She stomped her way up the ridiculously long staircase.

  “Jennifer, are you nuts? Elric will try to kill you. This isn’t a game.”

  “He won’t fight me now. He’s waited all this time.”

  Violet jogged with her up the heavy stone stairs of the structure, her heart thrashing against her chest. She prepared herself for anything. Just bring both of you back to the barracks and talk it over there. Not here. This is insane! Violet’s mind ran wild with thoughts. The sun glistened just behind them, but even with the beautiful day and a cloudless sky, the place still had a frightening edgy look to it. They shouldn’t be here.

  Violet glared up at the face of a large monstrous dragon sculpted within the structure. Whoever created this place must have been as twisted as the ones that stayed within. Cold, foul darkness spewed from the gaping opening of the castle. The pressure was frightening, and even against the warmth that flowed from Jennifer, goosebumps still stretched down Violet’s arms and back with a shiver.

  Enzo intercepted them. “A beautiful redhead and a divine goddess at our doorstep. Afternoon, ladies, what can Enzo do for you today?” The Fire Titan glided down with flaming wings from the sky, landing just above them on the edge of the structure. “A little far from home, huh?”

  “Where’s Elric?” Jennifer demanded.

  “Wrong person to be looking for, beautiful. Trust me. Especially with you being the Light Titan and whatnot.”

  He jumped down and walked toward them, licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. But before he could take another step, Jennifer was on him. She grabbed him by the throat—like she had the soldier—and began smacking him against the exterior castle walls. She gave him another heave and smashed him clean through the wall and into the castle, slinging him across the floor.

  “Where is he?” Jen growled.

  How could someone producing so much warmth, so much light and love, be so ruthless? Violet watched the battered boy drag himself to his feet.

  Enzo stumbled to the side, leaned against a wall and pointed down the dark corridor. “Thanks for asking nicely. But I’m sure he won’t be as generous.” Enzo took the lead as Violet and Jennifer followed him through the structure.

  It was a strange temple. The floors were made from the same black stone sculpted from the beastly statues that lined the hallway.

  “They’re the sculptures of all the Devas inside of us Titans,” Jen replied.

  “How do you know?” Violet asked.

  “He told me.”

  “Who’s he? And I still want to know how you were able to use me and my powers to get you here.”

  “Will you stop squawking back there?” Enzo shook his head. “I’m starting to get a headache, no thanks to black Cleopatra back there. It’s not like I was going to do anything to you guys. I don’t hit women.”

  “Enzo, right?” Violet asked, rolling her eyes. “Maybe you haven’t been watching the news lately, but there were hundreds of thousands of people killed in Boston because of you three, many of them women and children.

  He remained silent. The only sound was the shuffling of his black designer loafers. It pissed her off, his overall attitude, his energy. He didn’t have any remorse for what they did in Boston.

  Violet tightened her fists. Maybe she could use this opportunity to talk some sense into him. “Rai said—”

  The temperature around them spiked quickly.

  Flames rolled over his shoulders, leaping into the air. “Rai’s a nobody. She’s dead to us. She betrayed Elric, and she betrayed me to join you losers. Elric told me everything, so don’t bring her name up again.”

  Violet raised a brow. “Oh, so he told you how he tried to kill her then, and how we stopped him from doing so?”

  Enzo shook his head. “He went back for Rai, but she snapped and tried to kill him. Self-defense, in my opinion. She knew the consequences of attacking Elric. So yeah, you stepped in, but don’t make it seem like you’re the saviors.”

  They came to a hallway that had many doors on each side. Enzo stopped at the third door on the right and pointed toward it. Jennifer eyed Enzo as they passed him.

  “Oh, and when you see Rai, tell her betrayers are nothing but garbage, and she’s the lowest of the low. Even lower than you guys.”

  Violet ignored him as they entered the room he led them to.

  It was pitch black, and only a couple of candles burned around the room. There was a large bed and the frame of a body lying on its side with its back turned to them. Violet couldn’t make out who it was but figured it must be Elric.

  A prickling sensation fell over her. Violet wasn’t sure if it was coming from Elric or Jennifer. There was also a heaviness about the room. Violet felt the vibrations in her bones and the weight on her shoulders and spine. Every thud of her heart made her stomach sink. She bit down on her bottom lip, but as nervous as Violet felt, the anger from Jennifer still raged on. She was out of her mind.

  “You must have a really good reason to come into the den of a lion,” Elric spoke calmly. “What do you want?”

  “I’m tired of your bull, Elric. What is the point of all this? This is stupid,” Jen demanded.
/>   The figure didn’t move from the bed, and she was answered back with silence. She rushed over to the bed, pulled the covers off of him, and turned him over. “Boo!”

  Jennifer jumped back, as did Violet.

  The figure slowly rose from the bed and made its way over to them with lips stretching from ear to ear.

  Violet whispered, “Calamity.”

  Jennifer’s anger flared. “Where is he?”

  “Oh, he’s taking a nap. I figured it wouldn’t be wise to wake him, and it really wouldn’t be wise for you to wake him. You especially.”

  Violet wanted to wipe that twisted grin off her face. It was the same as the illustration in that book.

  “You think I’m joking?” Jennifer raised her hand, and a golden aura formed around her fist, illuminating the entire room.

  “Now, now Jennifer, there will be plenty of time for that soon, but now isn’t the time. Especially with the attacks coming soon. You girls might want to get out of here, right?”

  Violet looked at her, confused. “How could you possibly know about that? They just discussed that not even ten minutes ago?”

  Calamity lowered her chin, her eyes burrowing into Violet. “I have my ways. Don’t worry your pretty, little red head about that.”

  Jennifer lunged at Calamity, who jumped back onto the bed, laughing hysterically. Even with Jennifer’s serious intent, Calamity still took her as a joke.

  “I know, Jennifer, I know.” Calamity jutted her bottom lip out, speaking in a fake sobbing voice. “You miss him, you love him, all that good stuff, but he doesn’t care. You left him like garbage, so I took him in and made him mine. As the saying goes, another woman’s garbage is another woman’s treasure.” Calamity nonchalantly jumped on the bed like a child. “He wants you and everyone else to suffer and die. What a guy, right?”

  Tears ran down Jennifer’s cheeks as her eyes glowed. She took a deep breath, and the light in her hand dwindled until darkness reclaimed the crevices of the room.

  Violet slipped her fingers around Jennifer’s hands. They shook with animosity.

  “Hey,” she whispered. Jennifer looked up at her. “We’re going to get her, don’t you worry. She’s going to pay for everything she’s done to Elric and us.”

  Jennifer wiped her eyes with a terse nod, then smashed a hole into the thick stone wall and took another deep breath.

  Violet bit down on her bottom lip, looking Calamity in her radiating colorful eyes. When facing her, all Violet could remember was Sage’s death. It made her blood boil. “If you know about the attacks, then Elric already knows?”

  “Of course.” She smiled devilishly. “Wait a minute. Don’t tell me you were coming to warn him of his impending doom? Isn’t that cheating?”

  Violet gripped Jennifer’s hands tighter. Her locks fell over her face as she glared down at the ground.

  “And Violet, you of all people, helping her out? Tsk, tsk. Girls these days. The things they’ll do for a boy.” Calamity sighed mockingly. “Something about that teenage puppy love.”

  Violet spat on the floor as she met the woman’s shimmering eyes again. “You knew this entire time about what was going to happen. But how?”

  Calamity’s eyes opened wider, her vibrant gaze enticing. “Don’t get too nosey.”

  Violet pulled her gaze away, giving up on her conversation. She wasn’t getting anywhere. She turned, pulling Jen to the door.

  “Oh, and Violet, do you miss Sage as much as I do?”

  Violet slammed the door, the deep cackling of a monster echoing from behind.

  It took everything within Violet to keep from going back in that room and laying a psionic blade into that pale, bony chest of Calamity’s. But it wouldn’t play out that way. Calamity knew that. It’s why she egged them on. She was too strong even for the two of them. Violet didn’t have to feel it; she just knew. The way Calamity killed Sage so effortlessly.

  Enzo smiled with his arms folded. Allure stood next to him, waving happily.

  “Long time no see. How have the siblings been?” Allure asked.

  Violet scowled. “You’ll get yours, Allure. You wait and see.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Allure licked her lips, whipping her long white hair over her shoulders.

  Jennifer paused and looked behind them, staring down the hallway. Her eyes filled with determination.

  “You know,” Violet said, “as much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. We should be glad that we didn’t open the door to the room Elric slept in. You two would have torn this place apart.”

  “He’s down there somewhere. I can feel him. And I can feel something else, something awful.”

  “Yeah, I hate that feeling too,” Enzo said, agreeing with them. “Even when he sleeps, he gives me the creeps.”

  Violet placed a hand on Jen’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s just get out of here.”

  Jennifer nodded, looking up at Enzo and Allure. Violet could tell by the intensity in her golden eyes that Jennifer wanted to fight the both of them right now. It made no difference to her.

  “Don’t forget to tell Rai what I told you,” Enzo said, “and tell that pretty boy I can’t wait for our rematch.”

  Violet bit her tongue, not saying a word.

  They were on their turf and for them to be leaving was a gift. Even if Jennifer was the Titan of Light, Violet wasn’t confident they could hold their own against Elric, Calamity, and Enzo together. They appeared back in the barracks. Violet dropped to her bed, her heart slamming against her chest at the fact that they survived that encounter. The world felt easier, and she felt a heck of a lot lighter.

  Voices echoed from outside the door as the group walked in, talking about what happened on the news.

  Terra looked down at Violet and looked over at Jennifer. “Everything alright?”

  Jennifer looked up at Eden. “Enzo wanted us to tell you that he’s looking forward to a rematch.” She walked through the group and headed out the door.

  Sasha’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “What does that mean? Don’t tell me you two actually went to that island?”

  Violet nodded, and a few beads of sweat caressed her chin. “I don’t know how. I can’t explain it, but we got there, and even more surprising is that we made it back alive.”

  She sat up, leaning forward on the edge of the bed.

  Eden came over and took a seat beside her, then began rubbing her shoulders. He looked half-panicked, half-happy to see she was alive. “Did you guys see Elric or get a chance to talk to him?”

  “No. Calamity wouldn’t allow it. None of them would. It was strange. But I think it was best we didn’t. There was definitely something there, something dark, and it gave me goosebumps. We both felt it. It was further down the hallway, deeper into the castle.”

  Sasha looked down, anticipating the rest of Violet’s sentence. “Well, was it Elric or what?”

  “If it was him, he’s getting stronger and losing himself to his Deva.”

  “Like he opened up another door stronger?” Alfred asked, eyes growing with worry.

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t really tell.” Violet looked down at her hands. She wasn’t sure if the pressure in that room in that whole place was Elric or just Calamity messing with them.

  They all groaned.

  “Look, for now, all we can do is prepare for the worse. After what the president said and considering what’s going to happen tomorrow, I think we need to be prepared for anything. They already knew about the attack, so I’m guessing they’re anticipating another move.”

  Eden became annoyed. “They already knew? But how? Where are they getting their information?”

  Manie coursed his fingers through his hair. “It’s got to be that creepy woman, Calamity or whatever.”

  “I agree with Manie,” Violet said. “I’m guessing she’s had a keen eye on Elric for a long time. Just by the way she spoke to Jennifer, Calamity’s way too manipulative.”

  “How’s Jen ta
king it?” Terra asked.

  “She was … a peach for the most part. She had me worried, but I think she’s okay now. I would just let her be on her own for a little a while. She needs it.”

  Terra stepped forward with a stern look. “I have a bad feeling that when they initiate that attack tomorrow, all bets are off. We don’t know what to expect, and for all we know, Elric might make the move he’s been threatening to make.”

  Violet nodded, looking up at them all.

  Alfred looked over at Sasha and Manie. “I know this place isn’t my home, but I think I speak for the three of us when I say we’ll do whatever it takes to protect this world as if it was our own.”

  Violet tilted her head back. “Good, because we’re going to need all the help we can get. If Calamity’s using Elric like I know she is, she’ll make sure he has everything he needs to achieve his goal because his goal is her goal.”

  Violet felt her confidence return. It was time. If tomorrow started the domino effect that would lead Elric to act, they were ready.

  Chapter 22

  Going Nuclear

  Violet awakened to voices outside the bay, low chattering and hectic whispers that echoed in the darkness.

  She rose from the stiff single-layered mattress. Jennifer was still in bed sleeping, but Terra and Sasha were gone. Violet rubbed her eyes, crept to the door, and opened it. Eden, Terra, and the others all sat down in the hallway with eyes heavy. It looked like none of them had gotten any sleep.

  Violet rubbed her eyes. “No sleep?”

  Eden shook his head.

  Manie took a deep breath. His messy curls were matted in a crazy shape as if he’d rolled around in bed all night. To Violet, his green pupils looked strained against the redness of exhaustion.

  He tilted his head to Violet. “Today’s the big day.”

  “Still can’t believe they want to nuke Elric,” Alfred said, clutching his chin. “If you would’ve told me a few years back that something like this was possible, I’d laugh in your face. I can’t stop thinking about the first time the kid showed up in Zenith. He nearly pissed himself.”


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