Titans: Revelation (Book 4 of the Titans Saga)

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Titans: Revelation (Book 4 of the Titans Saga) Page 20

by C. J. Lloyd

  Manie and Sasha couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Oh, yeah,” Sasha said with more laughter. “I never saw a human run so fast in my life. He was so lost and confused … innocent.” Her smile faded.

  Violet remembered the day too. Even back then, she sensed an uneasiness about Elric, something growing, something malevolent deep inside him. She hadn’t cared, though. She was ready to shove his teeth down his throat at the time. A smile slipped across her face as she remembered everything that went down in the underground city that day, the day their lives changed forever. Zaroule faced him, knowing the power of a Titan and put him down just as easily without hurting him.

  Manie looked up at Violet. “Remember, V?”

  “I do. I also remember some kid losing control of his powers and trashing the arena.” She glinted over at Eden.

  They all booed and made fun of Eden, whose face burned red. “Seriously, guys, that was like over two years ago. You can’t be mad about that still; it’s ridiculous. I lost control. I’m glad nobody got seriously hurt.”

  Violet leaned against the wall and folded her arms. “Elric was so scared at first. Then when Zaroule told you both about being Titans, he latched on to you like Manie on Sasha,” she joked.

  Manie threw his arms up. “I wasn’t that bad.”

  Alfred looked at Manie as if he’d told the worst joke. “Manie, you didn’t talk for the longest time, and as I remember, you were Sasha’s shadow. With everything that happened, I get it though. But don’t try to act like you weren’t gum on Sasha’s heel.”

  Everyone laughed again. Even Terra smiled, listening to the stories. Sometimes thinking of the past was difficult. The missing people and the times they could never have again. Everything had become so mangled and twisted as the memories enveloped Violet.

  Terra leaned forward, her long dark-brown hair hanging over her shoulders, a few strands grazing her round cherub cheeks. “Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun back then.”

  Alfred nodded slowly. “Even with Blight and everything going on back at home, we really did have some good times. Fresh Meat, remember that nickname.”

  “Fresh Meat,” Manie exclaimed with excitement.

  The hallway fell silent. Like some awkward moment of silence had been initiated in honor of those long-forgotten memories.

  Terra asked, “Are you worried about him?”

  Violet shrugged, confused about her own emotions. She’d told Sam about the island, and that Calamity and the others knew about the attack, but nothing had changed. “I don’t know what I feel. It’s weird. I mean, think about it, a nuclear bomb?” She chuckled, still unable to believe the world powers were going so far. “The world must really feel it has no other option.”

  “Well, after what they’ve done, none of the Titans will be taken lightly,” Terra said, looking at Eden. “We have the power to control oceans, storms, the earth, fire, life, and death. Just because we’re teens doesn’t mean a thing to them now. What Jen said back in that meeting was true, you know? We’re just kids. But they’ll never see us that way. The world never did even before Elric’s attacks.”

  Eden combed his fingers through his dirty-blond hair and flashed his blue eyes up at Violet. “I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not worried about what’s going to happen after all of this is over. I have a feeling we can kiss high school and college goodbye, just like Jen said. You think they’ll throw us all in Tartarus?”

  “Like hell,” Violet said. “Things aren’t going to be the same. But no way they’re going to throw any of you in prison after you’ve risked your lives all these years!”

  Eden and Terra nodded. Violet meant every word. She knew both of them and Jen would be alright. She couldn’t say the same for Rai or Enzo—if he made it out of all this alive. Violet didn’t consider Elric; she had already accepted his fate.

  Footsteps echoed from the hallway of the barracks as Samantha made her way down. She had a folder in her hands, her dark-brown eyes red and filled with stress just like the rest of them. Outside of her normal signature hairstyle, her dark-brown hair was pulled into a ponytail, not the bun she kept maintained.

  “I assume you guys weren’t able to sleep either, huh?” Samantha asked.

  “No, not really,” Eden answered.

  Samantha nodded and searched the group. “Where’s Jennifer?”

  Sasha groaned. “Out like a log. To be honest, I don’t think she had any issues sleeping.”

  Samantha’s face scrunched. “You would think she’d be the main one disheveled. After everything yesterday and what’s happening today, I know I am.”

  The barracks door swung open. Jennifer had on a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a long-sleeved t-shirt Samantha had given her. “Well, after all the yapping out here, I’m surprised I got any sleep at all.”

  “Good, you’re awake. Violet, can we talk in your room?” Samantha asked calmly.

  “Uhm, sure.” She looked back, raising a brow to Eden and the others.

  Sam and Violet walked into the barracks as Jennifer stepped into the hallway. Violet sat at the edge of her bed, and Samantha closed the door behind her looking on with a hardened expression.

  Violet sighed, looking down at her fingers. There was too much anxiety, fear, and uneasiness to try to filter through Samantha’s emotions. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? Did they move?”

  “No, satellite says they’re still there. All four of them. So the united forces are continuing with the drop.”

  Violet nodded, confused by her feelings about the whole thing and for what was about to take place. “So, why did you want to talk to me?”

  “Are you ready for this? I need to know now,” Samantha asked.

  “What do you mean? Ready for what?”

  “Exactly what I mean. You haven’t been yourself lately, Violet. You’ve been so out of it since Sage.”

  “I know, Sam.”

  “Then knuckle up.”

  Violet’s gaze snapped up. She’d been caught off guard by Samantha’s raised voice.

  “The world is going to look to you and your friends for help now. Nobody can do it but you guys. It’s time to wake up.” Inside Samantha was a worry and fear that never showed on her face. Rattling in her hands was the folder of documents she kept close to her. She wasn’t angry and wasn’t giving orders. Just afraid.

  She sniffled, beating back tears. “If anything happens to you kids … Don’t die, please.”

  Violet smiled. “Is that an order?”

  “You’re damn right it is.”

  Violet rose from the bed and hugged the woman who’d become so much more than just a support system. “I know it’s not going to be easy, and I’m a little afraid of what could happen, but faith and hope conquer all doubts. That’s what Zaroule believed in, and that’s what he wanted to teach us. I think he knew we would learn it sooner or later.”

  Sam stepped back and wiped her face again. “You’ve come from so much strife, pain, and loss, yet here you are. This is the reason why I believe we’ll win. So, make it happen.”

  Violet gave her a terse nod of confidence, and they turned to the door that led to the hallway.

  A soldier was talking with Eden, who quickly looked up. “Everyone’s in the mess hall getting ready. You guys coming?”

  They walked to the cafeteria. It was so packed that even if they tried, they wouldn’t be able to all fit in there. One of the lab staff walked by and looked over Violet’s shoulder.

  “You two can come to the meeting room with us. There’s more than enough room for you guys. We don’t allow the soldiers to come in ‘cause they get too rowdy.”

  “Thanks, and sorry,” Samantha said. She nodded to Violet. “You and Eden go. I’ll let the others know where you are should something happen.”

  “Thanks,” Violet said.

  They followed the woman a little further down the hall and entered a room filled with people with lab jackets.

  The doctor that helped her and E
den get set up in the recovery tank stood up with a smile. “You’ll be joining us this morning, Violet?”

  “Yeah, it looks like it,” Violet answered with less enthusiasm than he had asked. What was this feeling? Her fingers wouldn’t stop tapping away at her thigh, and her insides fluttered wildly as she tried to keep her mind focused. But she couldn’t.

  Eden nudged her. “So, what are you thinking?”

  She gave a nervous laugh. “Trust me. You don’t want know what I’m thinking.”

  He gave the warmest smile, his lips inviting and his gaze captivating even now. “Wanna bet?”

  She looked deep into Eden’s blue eyes, and he gave her a gentle nod. “I think I’m worried about Elric,” she said telepathically. “I must be insane, right? I mean, how is that possible? After everything with Boston, London, Sage? Am I losing it?”

  Eden sucked his lips into his mouth, and she felt the gentle grasp of his hand. He pulled her in close, keeping her safe, keeping her steady. She wanted to know what he thought and why he didn’t respond.


  “Me too,” he replied. “Me too.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her face into his chest, kissing her forehead.

  A lab technician pulled two seats out for them and set up a large plasma screen television. Reporters spoke about the actions that would take place in the next half hour and what it meant for success. Violet’s insides seem to almost erupt in a flurry now.

  “One stealth bomber from the United States, and three other carriers from the distinct countries that have agreed to join in the efforts, will launch a simultaneous bomb drop over the target marked as Black Island. Naval ships from both the UK and the US have arrived and surrounded the island a safe distance from the effects of the nuclear attack. They stand ready for any assistance, though there shouldn’t be any after such an attack. Here with me is Secretary of Defense, Kenny Ross.”

  “Thanks, Adam. What we have here with all the great powers is something never seen before. We’re not only working together, but the entire world has our support. It’s something that has never been done—the entire world uniting to overcome a common enemy.” He hesitated before continuing. “These monsters, we believe may be responsible for everything that’s happened, including the portal attacks, and we’re willing to go the distance to wipe this threat off our planet.”

  “Thank you so much, Secretary Ross. This is Adam Castaz. Stay tuned on CNN News.”

  Violet watched the television without blinking an eye; she was glued to it. Her fingers were scrunched tightly on her thigh as she sat there literally on the edge of her seat. It felt like a massive rock was trying to roll down her throat.

  A lab technician cleared her throat. “Well, just a few more minutes until it happens. Anybody have anything to say for him? You guys were the last ones to know him, right?”

  Violet said, “I have a feeling I’ll have my chance to say what I need to him soon.”

  “You make it seem like he’s going to survive.”

  The reporter returned to the screen, appearing to try to focus on what was happening around him. “Well, the stealth bomber just left the carrier and is on a path to meet with the other jets from the separate countries. From this point on, you’ll be hearing the voices of the American pilot and see what’s happening from cameras settled on the aircraft itself.”

  Everything was silent for a while, but you could hear gears turning and the groaning of an engine. The camera showed a wide endless sea of waves calmly pushing forward. Just over the crest of the sea in the distance, you could make out large ships coming into view.

  “This is Eagle One, going to rendezvous with other wings. Is that a good copy?”

  “Roger that. You’re clear to proceed, over,” another voice answered.

  Everyone remained silent in the room, waiting patiently.

  The plane flew over the large naval ships, and on the far right— barely in view—you could see what might be the island. Even with the distance, the large structure that Elric and the others called their home stood strong. Just a massive black target.

  This doesn’t make sense. Why build a massive castle in the middle of the ocean on an island once used by the military. If Elric was going to die, and he knew it, he’d escape, slip away like nothing. What’s your plan, Elric? Violet’s mind raced as she tried to figure out his strategy. Elric was never an idiot. Gullible and innocent long ago, but he wasn’t stupid.

  “If they know about the attack, they’re obviously not there,” Eden whispered, “so do you think they could be in one of the cities, maybe?”

  “Possibly,” Violet whispered back. “The thing is, which one? They could be anywhere they want. We won’t know till they strike.”

  More planes pulled in behind the American aircraft. They were completely different, and distinguishing flags marked the nose of each one.

  “Eagle One has linked up with posse and is a go. What are my orders?”

  There was silence for a moment.

  “Eagle One is a go. What are my orders?”

  “Proceed with mission Eagle One. Tower out.”

  They watched as the planes glided over the large fleet of ships, making their way over to the island. A black cloud formed around the island; the massive castle was consumed by it.

  Violet’s hands pressed against her thigh. Eden worked her fingers loose and clutched them, not taking his eyes off the television.

  Her brain searched every detail, thinking of Elric’s strategy. She started chewing on the inside of her cheek. She had never done that before. Maybe her lips, but never the inside of her cheek.

  No one said a word as all eyes stayed glued to the screen that showed the planes passing over the island. They went right over the large black castle and began maneuvering back toward it.

  “First fly over good to go, dropping off package in five, four, three …”

  The hair on the back of Violet’s neck stood on end as she thought about the destructive force of the weapons that were being dropped. She wondered what Jennifer was thinking about in the cafeteria. Was she calm, relaxed, confident that Elric would survive? Or was she horrified, panicking, regretting she didn’t see him one last time?

  “… two … one ....”

  Violet watched as four missiles dropped and darted toward the small black spec of land. The island itself was already destroyed and unable to sustain life to begin with. These nuclear warheads would just finish off what’s left of it, probably send it to the bottom of the ocean where it belonged.

  “Eagle One, is hit good?”

  “Can’t really see anything right now, Air Force Delta. This strange blackness came out of nowhere.”

  The camera was completely covered in black smog, then suddenly a large dark hand appeared in front of the aircraft, and everything went static.

  A voice began yelling over the radio. “No hit! Attack is ineffective.”

  “What’s going on up there, Eagle One?”

  “The missiles … They turned to dust before they made contact. I’ve never seen anything like it. Now I got these hands or claws after me. I can’t shake ‘em!”

  “What about the rest of your clique, Eagle One?”

  “Gone. They didn’t stand a chance. I don’t know .…”

  There was a scream, then everything became silent.

  “Eagle One, are you there? Eagle One?”

  The scene switched to a reporter on one of the battleships. The island was covered in black smoke with large hands slashing violently into the air. It looked like the entire thing was alive. Loud monstrous bellows echoed in the distance and could even be heard from the television.

  Then the news reporter began speaking. “As you can see, the attacks from all four countries have failed. From our point of view, it looked like the missiles were just ... swallowed up by blackness. The navy has been ordered to pull back to the mainland to regroup, and …wait.”

  The reporter pointed to the sky. “
It looks like something is coming right for us. What is that?”

  A large flaming figure darted toward them. Men began opening fire, but it did no good. Huge darts of fire glided down, smashing into the ship, causing explosions and turmoil.

  “I don’t know what we can do now. I don’t know what else we can do.” The reporter began running as the figure landed.

  It was Enzo. His entire body was covered in flames, and even where he stood began to catch fire. The metal beams of the ship melted as he placed his hands on them.

  “We’ll do the best we can to stay on the air as long as possible, but—” A devastating wave of fire consumed the ship, then blackness on the television screen.

  “What’s going on? What happened?”

  Suddenly the static of the television screen blackened.

  “Beautiful humanity,” a calm voice echoed in the blackness. Suddenly the pale face of Calamity appeared with her glowing eyes continuously changing colors.

  Violet’s blood boiled over. You’ve got to be kidding me.

  Calamity continued talking, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment. The day when I could actually thank you for your stupidity, your greed, selfishness, and war-hungry nature,” she said, singing her words. “I guess I should properly introduce myself. My name is Calamity.”

  “Who’s this woman?” the doctor asked, fixing his glasses.

  “I’m sure many of you are wondering who I am exactly. Well, over the eons and centuries of watching mankind grow and develop, I’ve been called by many names through your religious beliefs. I’ve been called the devil, Satan, Lucifer .… Why, I’ve been depicted as a male many times—probably because of my talents to be anyone or whoever I want must’ve confused you in some way.”

  Violet took hold of Eden’s arm. “Eden, we have to get the others together. Something big is getting ready to happen.”

  They raced down to the cafeteria, her mind a storm of chaos and confusion. She caught up with Samantha and the others.

  “So, a nuclear strike failed.” Samantha dug her fingers into her hair. “What do you guys plan to do or think you can do?”

  Violet continued to watch the television from the cafeteria where Calamity’s pale, feminine face was still on the screen, belittling and mocking them.


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