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The Yielding of Rose (Terran Captives Book 2)

Page 6

by Trent Evans

  He clamped a hand in her long hair and drew her out into the light, his captive squealing her protest into her gag. For a moment, he considered freeing her bound wrists, secured safely behind her, then decided he liked her the way she was just fine. Her big breasts heaved as she stared up at him, her nostrils flaring prettily, her eyes shooting daggers at him.


  Taking hold of her gag-covered chin, he bent close. “You follow me — and be quiet. If you decide to disobey, you’ll regret it.”

  With a fist twisted in her thick russet locks, he dragged her along the passageway, looking back at her occasionally to appreciate the bounce and swing of her unfettered breasts as she stumbled along behind him, trying to keep pace with his long strides.

  Turning down the long extension that led to the crew pods, he found he quite liked the sound of her frantic breathing, the intermittent muffled protests, and the soft pad of her little feet on the cold grating. Finally, he made it to his pod, the ship’s AI noting that the transit spin-up procedure would begin in ten minutes.

  As part of the exit from Terran orbit, the mains on the Vidu Rei would be firing for an extended period. A full main engine burn was something not particularly bothersome over a short time, but the Sol system exit sequence was quite long and at the end of the burn, the vibration coursing through the ship made one fear their teeth might be shaken from their head. Thus, the transit sedatives.

  By the time the ship had rendezvoused with the gate, and final maneuvers initiated, he — and his quarry — would be in deep slumber.

  Taking hold of Rose under the shoulders, he slung her easily up into the padded, hexagonal cell, her striking red hair spreading wildly across the pale cushions. Her lush body looked tiny, almost lost in the sleep cell. Despite the fact her arms were still bound behind her, she still managed to scramble over to one wall, pressing her back to it, her breathing coming in frightened pants now. He watched her closely as he disrobed, shedding all his clothing for transit sleep — something he much preferred for comfort’s sake — noting the way her eyes grew wide, a high-pitched babbling just audible from behind her gag, as soon as he exposed his genitals. He found her reaction curious — but not at all unappealing.

  In truth, he quite enjoyed it.

  The brightness of the silky hair at her mound was perfectly contrasted against the snowy paleness of her lush, soft thighs. He wanted very much to explore that too — and he would — but now was most definitely not the time. His cock began to rise as he indulged himself with drinking in the loveliness of her naked form, the girl drawing her legs up to her chest when she realized what he was gazing at. Her eyes dropped to his now fully erect penis, her nostrils flaring, a strangled yelp behind the gag.

  Retrieving the med gun before climbing in, he locked the hatch behind him, rising to his knees and beckoning her with a single finger.

  “If you come to me, I’ll take off the gag and release your arms.”

  She shook her head so hard, her hair flew about her face, her huge, brilliant eyes partially covered by the auburn shroud.

  He didn’t have time to wait for her to cooperate, the slight jarring and shimmying of the ship signaling the firing of the maneuvering thrusters. It would begin very soon now.

  Moving closer, his hard cock bobbing in front of him, he loomed over her. She turned her head, closing her eyes tight as he pressed the med gun to her shoulder. The dose was delivered with a gentle hiss, and she made a confused sound, a deep furrow between her pretty eyebrows. He took a moment to trace the riot of freckles decorating the bridge of her nose, enjoying the silky smoothness of her skin.

  “It’s just a sedative. Believe me, you’ll want it.”

  She shook her head, looking down at her shoulder.

  “It’s just going to make you sleep.”

  As she looked angrily up at him, he could already see her eyelids beginning to droop. The sedative dose was tailored to body mass, but it was entirely possible its effects were amplified due to the generally weaker constitution of the human species.

  By the time be stretched out on his side, dragging her close, her resistance was only half-hearted. His penis touched the smooth coolness of her hip, and she froze, whether through fright or something else he didn’t know. Smiling, he drew her hair to one side, undoing the gag.

  She gasped as he pulled it away, opening one of the numerous compartments built into the wall, and dropping the gag inside. Securing loose objects was critical for anyone slumbering inside a sleeping pod.

  As he freed her wrists, she made an abortive attempt to crawl away from him.

  His arm clasping her around her hips, he scooped her up, drawing her back against his torso, her plump buttocks soft against his body, his penis menacing the cleft of her bottom.

  “Be still. I’m not going to hurt you.” Pulling out the securing straps, he ensured they were tied down over both of them, keeping them safe and sound while they slept. He was already having to concentrate to keep his own eyes open; Rose’s were almost closed, her gag-abraded red lips murmuring weak protests as he pulled her closer against him, tucking her small body into the shelter of his much larger form.

  On a whim, wanting to do it while she was still conscious enough to feel it, he lifted her leg, laying the steel-hard shaft of his erection upon the silky smooth warmth of her inner thigh. She jerked, but didn’t protest further, a tiny sound just slipping from her lips.

  Lowering her leg, he sighed at the pure pleasure of his penis ensconced comfortably between the softness of her thighs.

  He stroked her brow, whispering into her ear as the roaring of the mains began to cycle up. Her body trembled against him, her hand clutching his arm.

  “Nothing to worry about, now. Rest easy.” He touched the faint pattern of freckles dusting her shoulder, wrapping himself about her until her round breasts pillowed heavily against his forearm. “I won’t explore it now, but I fully intend on taking you, little human. But it would never be against your will. You need to be trained first, and oh how I look forward to putting you through your paces. When I get done with you though, after your training? You’re going to be begging me to take that precious virginity of yours. And when the time is right? I will.” He tasted the sweat just under her jaw, gently, possessively nipping her there. “Now, sleep.”

  Chapter 6

  She regained consciousness in close, sweaty darkness, punctuated by random shafts of blinding light. The enclosure she was in swung back and forth, muffled speech audible from somewhere above.

  It was a box.

  She was trapped in a box!

  Oh dear Jesus!

  Claustrophobic panic gripped her vitals and she flailed against the sides of the tiny prison, grunting as a burst of agonized tingling shot down her arm as she dashed her funny bone against the hard, impregnable sides of the enclosure.

  The box stilled, then thunked down onto the ground, the beams of light streaming in dimming suddenly.

  “Keep quiet!” Kosha’s voice hissed. “Stay still and you’ll be fine. We’re almost there.”

  “Let me out, pl—”

  “You’re not going to like what’s coming to you when you get out of there. If you don’t stay quiet and still, you’ll like it even less.”

  She froze, despite the panic still threatening to take over her mind.

  Calm. Stay calm.

  Mentally, she checked her body, her mind. Everything was where it was supposed to be. Other than a headache and a throbbing elbow beset by pins and needles, she was okay.

  She wasn’t so confident about the state of her mind though.

  Calm, Rose.

  Miraculously, she managed to avoid dissolving into a sobbing mess as the jostling continued once more. It was some minutes before the light became more muted, the temperature dropping noticeably, the sound of footfalls against a smooth, hard surface louder now.

  Suddenly, the enclosure was opened, a huge, muscled arm reaching in, his fingers clamping around her lower
leg. She kicked involuntarily at him, her heel catching the back of his hand. He groaned, but dragged her out of the box, sending her sprawling across the cold, mirror-smooth ebony surface of the floor.

  Scrambling to her feet, she managed to suppress the urge to run as she stared up at him. There wasn’t anywhere she could run to — and she had no clue as to where she was.

  Kosha, dressed now in a black, long-sleeved full-length uniform entirely different from the jumpsuit she’d first encountered him in, loomed over her, his arms crossed. Two white, vertical lines decorated each shoulder of the otherwise jet uniform, the fabric tight across the chest and the narrow hips. His dark eyes flashed with an anger she’d never seen in their depths before.

  She wished she hadn’t noticed the size of the bulge between his thighs, the uniform practically showcasing his obvious arousal.

  “You have approximately five seconds to get those arms behind your back.”

  She looked down at her hands, finding the hated — and depressingly familiar — cuffs about her wrists.

  Obeying, she gritted her teeth, feeling her wrists clap together, the bond of the current as unbreakable as if the cuffs were a single piece of steel.

  Allowing herself a glance around, what she saw made her stomach drop. She was in an immense room, the ceilings at least twenty feet high. The walls appeared to be a pure obsidian color, interspersed at regular intervals by floor to ceiling windows devoid of covering. Brilliant sunshine, with a hue that was at once familiar but somehow alien, spilled through those same windows, making the smooth floor gleam. There was a single item of furniture — an immense piece she assumed was a bed, itself a deep purple-black.

  The contrast of deepest jet and blinding light somehow worked, conveying both a cool sense of shelter and seclusion, yet allowing the space to be brightly illuminated. It was like nothing she’d ever seen on Earth, though it did evoke an atmosphere almost like that of the popular idea of what a castle chamber might have been like in the Middle Ages.

  That’s because you’re not on Earth anymore.

  Standing before him again, she stared at the floor, unable to look at him as he stalked his way around her once more, pausing for effect — she was sure of it — behind her. How did he know she hated her ass so much?

  Then he was before her, clamping her cheeks between finger and thumb. There was something about his hands… something odd.

  You mean other than the fact they’re about the size of fucking manhole covers?

  He squeezed her cheeks harder and she winced, looking up at him.

  “You’re not hurt, are you?”

  She shook her head as much as his grip allowed.

  “Good.” He let her go, pulling himself to his full, towering height. “We’re going to get you cleaned up, but before we get to that — and a well-deserved spanking — we’re going to go over a few things.”

  Her heart began to gallop, her fingers twisting together, her palms sweaty.

  Oh God! Not another spanking!

  “From this moment forward, you will not speak unless specifically ordered to. You will be punished if you attempt to speak. Understand?”


  Before she could so much as utter the word, he’d taken her by the upper arm and whipped her around, his great palm slapping her ass with searing blows that had her screeching in seconds. He turned her to stand before him again, his impassive eyes watching her, twinkling. “Understand?”

  No speaking! No speaking!

  She nodded, miserably, her bottom burning hot.

  “Good. You’re getting it already.”

  How was she going to figure out anything if she couldn’t even talk to him? Why didn’t he want her to talk?

  Animals don’t talk, do they?

  “You are to obey every order, every command, immediately and to the best of your ability. Failure to do so, will result in punishment. Delay in obeying an order will result in punishment. Understand?”

  Nodding, she hoped he couldn’t see the shaking of her body. She suspected the hardness of her nipples — something that made no sense, the room being quite warm — was distracting him from noticing the effect his frightening words were having on her.

  Glancing down, a shiver ran through her, that strange fluttering deep in her belly starting once more. His genitals had swollen further, the outline of the huge penis — quite clearly erect — now discernible through the snug fabric.

  She swallowed, looking away. The memory of that burning hot, heavy member laid upon her inner thigh something she knew she’d never forget, the confusing maelstrom of emotion flooding through her something she knew she’d never understand.

  He stepped closer, and she had to crane her head up to meet his gaze, afraid if she looked away that he might set upon her immediately. She met his eyes, hoping to see mercy there, but what she found was something quite different.

  It was lust. Possessive, obsessive desire.

  “You will not be harmed, but some of what I intend to do to you will hurt. This is part of your training. At times, I’ll hurt you simply because I choose to. Do you understand?”

  Nodding, her heart was in her throat, panic rising within her once more.

  He touched her cheek, and she dared not move, his thumb stroking the line of her trembling lips. “Learning your lessons well, even the painful ones, should be your only goal. Make me proud, show me you’re trying, and always — no matter what — strive to please me. I am your world now. Serve me well, and you’ll be rewarded.”

  Unable to suppress the urge to peek at his arousal again, she squeezed her eyes shut, knowing what it was he intended to do with that… thing. His penis was so large she was sure it would split her in half.

  You are in very, very deep trouble, Rose.

  * * *

  When he led her into the bathroom, she planted her feet, pulling back against his grip. The tub was huge, spacious even for him, and it was so large the sides of it came up to her waist. She’d have difficulty climbing in, even if her arms weren’t bound behind her back.

  He gave her a moment to rethink her recalcitrance, part of him hoping she’d continue. Her spirit and stubbornness intrigued him. It wasn’t because he liked her being disobedient — quite the opposite, as she was about to painfully find out — but it made breaking her, subjugating her that much more interesting. It wouldn’t be a challenge if she simply acquiesced to it all without a fight.

  Though he’d decided to keep the translator active, he was about to deprive her of even that lifeline, a very important, concrete step in plunging her into a different world, bringing her down to the level he wanted her.

  “Since you need to be spanked anyway, we might as well get that out of the way first.”

  “No!” She backed away, her eyes pleading, color blooming high in her now ashen face. “I didn’t mean to disob—”

  She yelped, her eyes squeezing shut as he caught her by the hair. He held it high, until she was forced to go up on her toes. He dropped to a knee before her, watching her closely. Then he slapped her face crisply, and her eyes flew open, a harsh gasp slipping from her lips.

  As a splotchy redness deepened upon her cheek, her pale blue eyes searched him, a mixture of fright and outraged shock.

  “You’ll be punished every single time you fail to follow directions. I want immediate compliance. Understand?”

  She simply stared at him, her mouth hanging open.

  Then he slapped her again, across the other cheek, and she cried out, twisting in his grip, which made her whine again as the roots of her hair protested.

  “Be still. Be still, human.”

  Finally, she obeyed, glaring at him, her cheeks suffused with pink, the faint outline of darker red finger marks just visible here and there on her skin.

  “You’ll learn — and learn fast — that you won’t see any mercy from me. You’ll only see consequences when you fail to please me. Now, I asked you a question. Do you understand?”

Her pretty eyes were brimming with tears, and her lips quirked a moment, then she closed her mouth, nodding slowly.

  “Good girl.”

  He let her hair go, but slapped her a third time, not as hard as the first two, but sharply enough to more than do the job of reminding her to obey. It wouldn’t be long before the shame of displeasing him would be worse than his punishments. Soon a mere cross word from him would have her standing at attention, awaiting his judgment, her eyes pleading for another chance to prove her devotion.

  Taking a seat upon the edge of the empty tub, he took her by the upper arm, drawing her close. She had the sense not to resist him as he pulled her between his widespread legs. He waited patiently until her woe-filled gaze met his.

  He gave her a little smile as he held her, switching his grip from her arm to clasping her smooth hips in his hands. The feel of her flesh felt much, much too good. Still, the power of his arousal was something he didn’t try particularly hard to understand. He would simply go with it, experience it. There would be time enough later to sort out what it all might mean.

  “I promised this back on Terra, and I mean to show you I meant it. I’m going to lay you over my thighs, and spank your bottom until you’re crying. Your punishment will end only when I hear your contrition and your buttocks are the proper shade of red. And not a minute before.”

  She inhaled sharply, her face paling.

  He tapped her hip. “Climb up.”

  Rose didn’t budge, her gorgeous azure eyes wide with fright.

  It wasn’t a surprise. She was right to be afraid to submit to her first real punishment. He intended to make it hurt. It was the best way to begin with his pet.

  He sighed, picking her up with ridiculous ease. Surprisingly, she twisted and kicked in his grip. He slapped the back of her thigh sharply, squeezing it. She bit off a cry as the skin below his palm warmed.

  “You’re only making this worse. Be good, and lie still for this. I won’t begin until you obey.”

  It was hardly a chore to wait for her to give in. Her struggles continued, and increasingly, her wordless grunts and protests began to take on form suspiciously akin to words. Reaching up to a row of shelves over one end of the tub, he retrieved her gag. He’d set it there beforehand, unsure if he’d need it. Hoping she’d see the sense in simple compliance was apparently too much for him to expect.


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