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The Yielding of Rose (Terran Captives Book 2)

Page 8

by Trent Evans

  The grip of his fist in her hair tightened until she extended her tongue, tasting the slightly salty, very warm food. Porridge was what came to mind — and she hadn’t had such a thing since she was a toddler — but nevertheless, she wolfed it down, wanting to please him enough to let go of her hair, the roots screaming by the end.

  He held her that way until she’d licked the plate clean. She’d tried to stop before then, but a quick shake of her head had cured her of any desire to do anything else but slurp up every single bit of her repast.

  Returning to sit upon her heels, she chanced a glance at him as he rose back to his feet. Then he retreated to a different room for a moment, returning with a cloth clasped in one huge hand.

  Her face flamed lava hot at the possessive, lust-filled grin spreading across his face. The fact her lips and cheeks were coated with the remnants of the food only made her shame worse. She wanted to wipe it from her face, but she knew it would be forbidden.

  The cool, wet cloth against her hot, blushing cheeks was a shock to her, sending a shiver down her spine, but she closed her eyes and sat obediently for him as he cleaned her face. She opened her eyes when he was finished — only to find his face a mere foot from hers, his huge eyes, so blue and brilliant, watching her intently.

  She tensed when he touched her lips, but his fingers were gentle, caressing the lines of her mouth, the curve of her chin, back of his hand stroking the line of her jaw with a soft care that bordered on… fondness.

  Then those same fingertips pressed to her lips, the flash of his eyes expectant, if still indulgent.

  She kissed his fingers quickly, not even knowing if that was allowed, her blush blazing again.

  Rose didn’t understand why she did such a thing, but the urge came to her, and rather than fight it, she succumbed to it, a pleased sigh escaping his lips as she did it.

  What was he doing to her?

  Looking upon him anew as he rose back to his feet, she found he really did have a handsome visage — once one got past the almost harsh masculinity of his features. He was so male… and it wasn’t just his strong brows and chiseled, granite jaw that evoked that truth.

  His genitals kept drawing her gaze, even as the sight of that bulge had her mouth going dry with fright. He hadn’t yet done anything overtly sexual to her — at least not with his penis — and a tiny part of her drew some solace from that.

  She’d been sure he intended to rape her at his first opportunity, but it seemed he had something else in mind.

  For now.

  That might be true… until it wasn’t.

  She didn’t know how long she knelt there, not having the courage to look up from his massive feet.

  Then the leash was attached to her collar, and as he made a clicking sound, a pull brought her to her hands and knees. The tile was shockingly cold against her knees and the palms of her hands as she followed him across the room, trying to ignore the obscene way her breasts bobbled below her, brushing against her arms as she crawled. He glanced over his shoulder at her as he walked, his pace leisurely.

  She couldn’t help but pull back as he led her to the foot of his gargantuan bed, the fur-lined, round cushion laid upon the floor there more than large enough to allow her to comfortably curl up on it.

  The snap of the leash being released was the only sound in the room as he lowered the lights. Her body began to tremble as he lingered a moment to watch her, taking in her naked helplessness one last time. Then the door slid closed behind him, and she was plunged into deep shadow.


  It had been a long while since she’d experienced it, but as she laid there, the tears began to stream down her cheeks.

  For the first time since she was a little girl, Rose cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  As the door whisked aside, and he strode into the cool, shadowed corridor leading to Torval’s practice, the vision of Rose’s eyes replayed over and over in Kosha’s mind.

  The crate he carried was heavy, but easily manageable, the human packed inside lighter than he’d imagined. She’d flashed him a last glare as he’d closed and locked the crate, only the round holes in the sides hinting at the precious cargo contained within. There was fear in those eyes, and there was something that made his heart race and his cock stir.


  His little Rose didn’t like this one bit, and yet, she complied when he’d guided her into the open crate. He suspected she obeyed because she felt she had no choice. Something made him wonder if it were at all that simple though, and that suspicion was one of the reasons why he needed to see his best friend.

  He and Torval had made fast friends in the academy, not least because they both were top of their class, even early in their academy training, demonstrating their leadership and intellect. Their future in the military was bright indeed.

  But they also shared a commonality neither one ever spoke openly of: a fascination with the humans. Torval, like Kosha, had also been an enthusiastic consumer of the illicit human slave erotic material passed around among the ranks of the cadets.

  That particular interest was the number one reason why Kosha had decided to pay his old friend a visit. Yes, it was possible the doctor might just turn Kosha in, and in so doing ensure Rose would be sent back to Earth, a wipe ensuring she was none the wiser.

  But he knew his old friend better than that. He hoped so anyway.

  The aptitude testing that always followed graduation from the academy had ensured the two of them would go their separate ways on active duty though; Kosha found himself bound for Survey school, while Torval’s medical science prowess, and coolness under pressure, made him a lock for corpsman.

  Such an assignment was a grim one indeed, for the Yaanfahr were at that time, still locked in bitter — and bloody — combat with the Luthien across more than five parsecs of space. Torval’s experience in combat had changed him. The lines in his face were deeper, the color of his eyes, once so vivid, now a flatter gray, something haunted deep in his gaze.

  Fortunately, following the Treaty of Melnach, which ushered in a complete cessation of hostilities and a grudging normalization of relations with the cunning Luthien, Torval had been discharged. Starting his practice almost immediately, the seed money was augmented greatly by the combat bonuses afforded veterans of the Luthien campaign.

  Torval had been his doctor ever since, but Kosha’s appointment that afternoon involved something entirely different from his annual work-up.

  The automated receptionist, a female, looked him over. The artificials were so incredibly lifelike now, their slightly smaller size the only real clue to their provenance.

  “I’m here to see Torval. Medical exam.”

  The artificial’s eyes, a harsh brightness to them that also betrayed their synthetic origin, coursed over his form, then fixated on the crate. “Shall I hold that for you?”

  “No.” Kosha affected a grin, suppressing the unease he always felt around artificials. “I think I’d better keep this one… with me.”

  “Very good, sir.” Then she signed him in with a smile and a subtle incline of her head.

  As the doors whisked to the side, ushering Kosha into a long well-lit corridor, he thought about what it was he wanted to have Torval review with him. Of all the people on Yaanfahr to tell what Kosha had done, Torval was the only one he trusted. He trusted the man with this life.

  Still, that didn’t mean it wasn’t possible Torval would simply turn him in. They both knew that what Kosha had done was a serious violation of the Directive. He waited outside the door for a few minutes, listening for his cargo in her crate. Fortunately for her, she had decided to stay quite and not cause problems. He wasn’t sure if he would have to bring her out, screaming and clawing. Thus far, she was better behaved than he anticipated she would be.

  Finally the door opened, his old friend filled in the doorway, his grin bright and wide, “Kosha, didn’t expect to see you here. We don’t have your appointment for
at least six cycles.”

  Torval’s eyes alighted immediately on the crate. “What’s this?”

  Kosha scratched his chin. “This appointment is not for me.” He tilted his head toward the crate. “I’ve got something to show you.”

  Torval took a deep breath, looked down at the floor, then turned and walked back into his office. “Come on in.”

  Kosha took his little cargo, set it atop the exam table in Torval’s office. His friend adjusted several lights, filling in the crate in brightness. “You know I’m a veterinarian, don’t you.”

  Kosha chuckled. “This was not exactly an animal. Not quite, anyway.”

  Torval muttered something under his breath, but Kosha couldn’t catch it. Opening the crate’s door, Kosha stood back, though he wasn’t sure why. He could see her eyes immediately in the dark, then he gave her a slow nod. “Come on out.”

  He turned on his translator again, knowing she would need to at least understand why they were there. He might turn it off again though. A lot would depend upon how she behaved.

  Slowly, she emerged from the crate, Torval’s breath catching as he saw the cargo inside. The soft, vulnerable breasts swayed gently between her arms as she crawled out. She immediately looked around, then caught sight of Torval and hugged herself almost as if she could protect herself from the man’s gaze.

  Rather than object, Torval’s eyes glittered as he stood there in silence watching her, as if the next step would depend upon Kosha. “Where do you want her,” Kosha said. For a moment, Torval said nothing, staring at the girl. Then he finally spoke. “Take the crate and put it over in the corner. Close the door while you’re at it.”

  He did so, then turned back to see Torval had stood close to the girl, and she was now hugging her knees to her chest, sitting on the oversized table like a scared child. Her eyes were big and bright, tears threatening to fall already, and still he watched them both, Torval towering over her, his gaze more than medical, more than scientific, something else he had never expected of his old friend. And yet, part of him liked it.


  He put that aside for now, just watching in silence to see what happened next. Finally, Torval extended a hand and she looked at it as if he’d pointed a gun at her. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” Torval’s voice was smooth, the kind of voice you’d have with a patient who was dying on the bed before you, but you didn’t want to let on what was going to happen to him.

  Rose was certainly not going to die, but she wasn’t going to like what Torval probably had in mind.

  “What is this? Where am I?” She seemed surprised that Torval understood her voice as she turned her gaze toward Kosha.

  “We’ll use the translators for now,” Kosha said. “But if you act up, if you misbehave, they go off. It’s all up to you.”

  Torval chuckled softly. “No need for that. She’s going to be fine, I know it. Now, my dear, I want you to slip off this table and stand before me. Can you do that?”

  She looked up at him, her eyes so big now it looked like she might burst into tears, then she grasped the cushion underneath her and slid off, her small, naked feet touching the cold tile. She hugged one arm over her breasts, her other hand cupping her sex.

  Kosha found himself wishing that was his arm, his hand clutching the soft treasures of the bewitching human female.

  And once again, Torval just looked at her. For a long moment, no one said a thing, both men observing this naked, gorgeous human female standing helpless before them. He wondered if Torval had any idea how to handle a human captive, and then he thought back to their experiences in the academy.

  If Kosha was a more than enthusiastic consumer of the human slave erotica passed around the cadet class, then Torval was at least his equal, reading and watching every bit as much as Kosha did. Maybe more.

  Though he affected a medical scientific aloofness about the subject, he could tell the doctor was very interested in human females. Very interested indeed.

  Torval crossed his hands behind his back, looking down his nose at the girl. “Now, I can’t very well look at you when you have your arms covering yourself, can I? Put them down.”

  Kosha was taken aback — and pleasantly so — by the hint of firmness in his friend’s voice.

  Could it be?

  They waited patiently until she decided to comply, her arms at her side, her little fingers twitching as if she wanted so badly to cover what was now revealed to their gazes.

  “Very nice,” Torval said.

  Kosha had to cover his face lest he allowed her to see him laugh. This was no mere medical exam

  The doctor glanced at him, with the arch of an eyebrow. “Do they all look like this?”

  Kosha shook his head slowly. “Well, not the ones we saw during our academy days. She looks even better.”

  Torval nodded, not saying a thing, at first. Then he took a deep breath, his voice a murmur.“Turn around, my dear.”

  Her face blushed a shade of scarlet that never failed to have Kosha’s cock twitching. And though he could tell it was the last thing she wanted to do, she complied, turning her round, soft bottom toward the two of them.

  Torval made a sound that was somewhere between surprise and pleasure. He crossed his arms over his chest, one long finger tapping his lips. “Put your arms up on the table, then spread your legs.”

  Kosha’s cock was now fully hard. This was taking a turn he had never expected. “What are you doing, Torval?”

  “Well, right now we’re just going to look at her, but I want to see how well she obeys, then we can talk about her exam.”

  “Exam?” She looked over her shoulder at him, the color draining from her face, “Why am I being examined?”

  Torval’s jaw twitched. “As you were, face forward. If I want to hear from you, I’ll ask you a question. Until then, be silent.”

  Kosha again had to suppress a laugh. His old friend was getting into this much more than he’d ever have expected.

  “Lean over further,” Torval said.

  Amazingly, Rose complied until her cheek was almost pressed to the exam table, her elbows pointing up behind her. Her heavy breasts dangled below her, the nipples impossibly hard. Was she scared or was she aroused? Did it matter?

  Kosha hoped it was both, which gave him the idea to ask his friend why he was even here with the girl in the first place.

  “I suppose you want to know why I brought her here, don’t you?” Kosha asked.

  Torval glanced over at him. “Oh, I have a lot more questions for you than that.”

  Kosha looked down, smiling. “Well, I’ll start with this one then. Of course I had to punish her. You can tell she’s defiant. But after I did, she had a peculiar reaction, a physical reaction.”

  Rose’s gasp was muffled against the top of the table. She knew exactly what he was talking about. Good girl.

  “Let’s see it then,” Torval said, pointing a finger.

  Kosha stepped close to her, placing a hand on each one of her soft, round buttocks. He eased them apart and she made a high-pitched keen, but fortunately for her, stayed in place.

  “I see what you mean. She’s in heat, isn’t she?” Torval grinned. “So, the old stories about the human females are true. Hot blooded, just like in the old holos from the academy days, aren’t they?”

  Kosha looked up at him. “Almost exactly the same. I always assumed they were put on for effect, for the video. What if this is how they are naturally?”

  Torval shook his head slowly. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.” The doctor then dropped to a knee behind her. “Now, I’m just going to touch you,” he said, his voice taking on that soothing note again.

  She whimpered, but didn’t move.

  Torval met Kosha’s gaze and they both knew what it meant.

  “If she moves, you’re going to hold her for me.” Kosha hoped she moved. Surprisingly though, she stayed stock still as his friend touched her sex. From his angle, he couldn’t quite see w
hat Torval was doing, but the way she jerked and squirmed told him the doctor was exploring her well.

  Then he pulled two fingers away, holding them up for him. They were soaked, gleaming with her liquids. Torval met his gaze, “I’d say you did the right thing bringing her here. Let’s get her back on the table. We’ve got some work to do.”

  Torval met Kosha’s gaze, a flintiness that he hadn’t seen until that moment. “Before you and I do her exam, you and I, Mr. Military Man, we need to talk. And now.”

  Torval stood, touched a button on the side of the exam table. Rose yelped as the straps extended out from under the table, and wrapped around her body, holding her fast. Torval smoothed a huge hand over her forehead, drawing the locks of hair away from her eyes. “You just stay right there. Stay nice and quiet. Your owner and I will be back.”

  Her big blue eyes watched them, her mouth working, but she said nothing.

  * * *

  Torval led him out of the office down to the opposite end of the corridor from the lobby. The door whisked aside and the brilliant sunshine poured in.

  “Care for a walk?” Torval asked, his arms clasped behind his back. His light-colored coat whipped in the breeze as he exited, and disappeared onto the deck outside.

  Kosha followed him, loving the warmth of the sun, the breeze cool upon his skin. For a doctor’s office, he had one hell of a view of the city. He knew that Torval must have been into something else besides his doctors salary to have a place like this. Wouldn’t be the first time doctors had extra work on the side.

  Torval spoke as he walked — not looking at Kosha at all. “You know what you’ve done; you know how serious this is, don’t you?” Kosha shrugged. “I’ve had serious before. I can handle this too.”

  “You haven’t changed one bit since the academy, have you? You always think you can handle anything. Nothing ever flaps you, nothing ever shakes your confidence in yourself, does it, Kosha?”


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