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The Yielding of Rose (Terran Captives Book 2)

Page 27

by Trent Evans

  She was very familiar with it, indeed.

  “Go on,” Kosha said.

  She licked the moisture at the slit of the head, the taste even saltier than that of her own milk had been. She blushed anew at that memory, and as if on cue, she could feel the letdown beginning again.

  Oh God, no! Not now!

  But she knew there was nothing for it. Even if her breasts began to drip upon her lap, it would not stop her from obeying her Master’s dictates.

  “Put it in your mouth,” Kosha growled.

  She felt the heat behind her as Torval crouched close. There was something even more illicit about the doctor watching her do this — though she’d done it several times now. It was both more humiliating, and more — yes — erotic.

  What did that say about her? What did that mean?

  As he’d done many times before, Kosha took hold of the hair at the back of her head, though this time he didn’t use it to direct her ministrations. She thought it was more of a reminder of what he could do… should he choose to do it.

  She took him inside, amazed anew at the size, but she’d become used to it in her way. And with each bob of her head upon his shaft, she went deeper and deeper. As he’d trained her exactingly, she extended her tongue along the underside of his penis as her gag reflex began to be triggered. And as before, it seemed to suppress it.

  “All the way now. All the way down, girl. I want you to swallow that cock. Be good now.”

  “Very impressive,” Torval said behind her, his hands spread upon her back, stroking her gently as if to encourage her. It only made her blush deeper, but in a way it did encourage her, though she was at a loss to explain how or why. Then she felt the broad head of her Master’s cock pushing at the back of her throat, that moment of resistance. At every instance before this one, she’d stopped, sure she couldn’t possibly do what he ordered.

  “All the way,” Kosha said. “You can do this. We’re not stopping until you do. Open. Open wide. Open that throat.”

  This time, she did feel his hand press upon the back of her head and for a split second, the panic welled within her. And then, miraculously, the broad head pushed through. Down, down, down she went until her nose was tickled by the fragrant prickliness of the pubic hair at the base of his penis. He held her there for several moments, her throat clicking, her heart pounding wildly. She kept her eyes closed, concentrating on not gagging, on trying to obey, on trying to be his good girl.

  And then he allowed her back up. She took a great, gusty breath as she did. He grinned at her and then said the word she both dreaded and anticipated.


  She lost count of how many times he forced her down upon the length of his shaft. Occasionally, she did gag, but it didn’t stop him. He merely paused when she did it until she managed to regain control again.

  “Very impressive indeed,” Torval said. “You can do this, sweet girl.”

  Torval’s big hand cupped the curve of her bottom just above where it spread upon her bare heels, the touch both comforting, and in an odd sense, proprietary. Yes, she only had one Master, but Torval’s touch seemed something more than merely friendly, merely familiar.

  It was possessive in its own right.

  Up and down she went until it was Kosha’s will entirely governing the speed of her bobbing upon his cock. Her lips were growing numb, saliva bubbling at the corners of her mouth, as up and down she went. She could feel his muscles beginning to tremble and tighten beneath her. And then he held her down as far as she could go, and she felt completely staked upon him, a vessel truly in every sense of the word. He cried out then, jerking over and over as he poured himself deep within her, but this time she could not taste the hot, salty seed, his essence shooting directly down her throat.

  He held her thus for several more moments until she began to panic at not being able to breathe, and then mercifully, she was up, the inflamed purple head of his cock bobbing before her, a final drizzle of semen bubbling forth, following the course of one of the thick veins as it snaked down his shaft.

  Kosha’s nostrils flared, his breathing coming fast and hard as he looked down at her. Eyes sparkling, he smiled as he said the words, “You are my good girl.”

  Then he brought her close and kissed her lips hard, even savagely, his tongue driving deep, the edges of his teeth worrying her soft lips. He tasted of her for long minutes, saying nothing, claiming that part of her as surely as his cock had. Only this time, he was so much sweeter.

  She knew then that she was in much more danger than she’d ever imagined, because he’d done something more profound than merely conquer her body.

  He was in danger of conquering her heart too.

  Later, they’d languidly reclined outside Torval’s country home, the towering dinhal trees — she wasn’t sure if that was exactly what they were called, but that’s the word they seemed to use — swaying and whispering in the breeze, the sun warm and bright. She lay curled upon Kosha’s legs as he sat in a long, angled chair that resembled an alien version of an Adirondack chair. Torval stood opposite them, leaning against a railing beyond which spread a dramatic view of a forested ravine extending off into utterly trackless wilderness that far exceeded anything she’d ever seen on Earth. The colors, the smell, the size of the trees were like nothing that could be found on her planet.

  “You never told me how things are going with the Liaison Corps,” Torval said, his long fingers fiddling with one of the cuffs of the robe he wore. Its color was an off-gray, the fabric light and form-fitting, the hem brushing the ground at his toes, something seemingly out of place for such a warm afternoon.

  Kosha’s voice above her seemed almost sheepish when he responded. “You know about as much as I do, doctor. Everything is moving so slowly, and there’s been a distinct lack of information from the Liaison’s Corps. I haven’t even met the Yaanfahr Consul, nor the Luthien envoy. If one actually exists. Supposedly, they’ve been working together for sometime...”

  “Odd, indeed,” Torval said. Then the doctor took a seat directly next to them, and she turned her face to watch him. The doctor’s expression grew grave, his eyes, a lighter shade than Kosha’s —almost a slate gray — growing hard.

  “I want you to listen to me,” he said.

  Kosha didn’t reply, but she could feel the tension in his muscles below her. She hugged herself to him more tightly.

  “I’d hoped one of the owners might have broached the subject already, but it’s clear none have. Is that right?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Torval. What are you—?”

  The doctor held up a hand. “Just listen.” He sighed then, looking from Rose to his friend. “There are rumors. They’re unsubstantiated, yes, but their persistence would tend to lend them some... credence.”

  “Rumors of what?”

  “That the Luthien are holding at least a few humans.”

  She could feel Kosha’s body positively thrum with tension now. “Why are you telling me this now?”

  Surprisingly, the doctor reached out and touched Rose, stroking her cheek. “Because you need to be careful. Both of you.” Torval ran his fingers through her hair, and she tried to suppress the purr that wanted to burst from her lips. She loved it when someone did that. “And no matter what, it’s imperative that you keep this information to yourself. If word were to get out...”

  Kosha’s voice was cold as ice. “It could blow the entire Treaty out of the water.”

  Chapter 30

  He first noticed the change in her about a week later.

  He’d drawn her by her lead to her cage, and dropped to a knee, stroking her sweat-slicked lower back as he unclipped the leash. Rather than a quick glance back at him, her eyes flashing, that pleasing defiance that he always loved to see in her eyes… there was nothing.

  Her tiny rebellion each time she was presented to the cage had become a sort of dance between them both.

  She knew he would never relent. />
  He knew she would never give in.

  It was almost as enjoyable as watching her forlorn face behind the bars as the door slammed shut.

  He’d watched her crawl in as he always did, her broad buttocks glowing red, the crevice between them gleaming — a pleasing reminder of her date with the paddle and the post-punishment stretching of her bottom hole around his hard, thrusting cock. But as he’d locked the cage, she’d merely curled up, hiding her face in her arms, and turning away from the room.

  That was entirely unusual.

  He tried not to let it concern him. Perhaps she was simply not feeling well. But that night, as she laid in his arms, his semen leaking solemnly from her well-fucked cunt, she seemed… lost. Though she still clutched her body to him as she usually did, she refused to look at him. Even when he tipped her chin up to force her face toward his.

  “What’s wrong, little slave,” he murmured, the only light in the room the twinkling stars of the deep night. But she only shook her head.

  “Rose. What is it? Tell me.”

  Her voice was tiny, strained, even a little wistful. “I don’t know, Master. I’m just… sad, I guess.”

  It was the first time he’d ever seen Rose this way, and not only was he upset that he didn’t know how to make things better for her, it dredged up that strange emotion he still wasn’t entirely sure how to process.


  But there were more important things at hand than his grappling with the emotions he wasn’t certain he’d ever thought himself capable of feeling.

  No, there were more important things, such as his beloved slave girl. Though her body was as healthy as it had ever been, her mind, her emotions, her psyche... were anything but.

  Something was wrong with his slave. And he had to figure out how to fix it.

  Chapter 31

  Considering the subject of the previous night’s conversation, she should have known the discussion was far from over with. She should have known Kosha wouldn’t just leave it at that.

  She knelt atop a cushion in the middle of the “Veranda Room.” It was early in the day, the gray morning light casting dreary shadow across the room. Her Master loomed over her in his loose robe, his arms — the brawny muscles bunched tight — folded across his chest. His eyes were fiery, though with anger or concern, she couldn’t be certain.

  “I think you know why we’re here,” he rumbled.

  She peered up at him through her eyelashes. “I don’t... know what’s wrong.”

  It was a lie, of course. And it was clear both of them knew it now.

  Kosha took a small step closer. “You expect me to believe that? Tell me, Rose. All of it. Even if you think you’ll be punished.”

  She looked down at her knees, at her thighs where her hands laid flat against her flesh. For some reason, he hadn’t bound her this time. She was naked, of course, as always. But sitting upon her heels, she wore nothing else except for her cuffs at wrists and ankles, and her collar.

  He knew.

  You need to tell him, Rose. Tell him the truth.

  But she was afraid. She feared saying the words would confirm it for her as much as for him. The terrible mistake she’d made. The things she’d done she knew she could never undo.

  “I’m... homesick, Master. Terribly h-homesick.” Her voice broke on the last word.

  He didn’t say anything though, not for a long while, and she finally looked up at him, wondering what it was he was thinking. But he merely gazed down upon her, his eyes unreadable now, his mouth a neutral line.

  “It’s something more than that,” he finally said. “Homesickness should have long been a thing of the past, considering the length of time you’ve been with me. It’s something else. Yet for whatever reason, you still won’t tell me.”

  Rose took a deep breath, willing herself to have the strength to say the words.

  “I miss — I miss... Howard. I want to see him again. I need to show him that I’m okay. That I turned out okay.”

  Though she wouldn’t tell Kosha this, inside she also wanted to tell Howard that she thought she might have found the one. It might have been the one that was standing right in front of her at that moment.

  But she could never tell her Master that. Not now. Maybe not ever.

  Then Kosha paced before her. For long minutes, she watched him, back and forth. He didn’t look at her as he walked, his arms clasped behind his back as he moved.

  “How long have you felt this way?” he finally asked, still pacing.

  “I don’t know. A while, I guess. I just… it’s been eating at me, wearing me down. I wish I could – I wish I could just tell him. Just see him one more time. Tell him how sorry I am for being so stupid.”

  “And you think you can’t do that because I took you to my planet...”

  She gazed up at him. “Isn’t that the truth?”

  He didn’t respond though.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, Rose.”The tone in his voice was one she couldn’t recall hearing before. It was almost exasperation, as if for once in his life… he wasn’t sure what to do next.

  Perhaps that feeling truly was novel for her diabolically clever Master, for he seemed to know everything that would happen, two, three steps ahead. That fact was a contradictory mix of both comfort and terror to her.

  Then he stopped at her side, his hand playing with her hair. She leaned against it, needing his touch, even if she suspected he was going to punish her for keeping this vital information from her Master.

  “You’re a good girl for telling me this,” he murmured. “But you’re a bad girl for keeping secrets.”

  He took hold of the back of her hair, turning her head up, forcing her to look at him. “Now, what do you think I should do about that, little Rose?”

  Chapter 32

  “Have you lost your mind, Kosha?” Torval strode back and forth on the view deck, outside of his medical office. The wind was pleasantly cool, whipping the bottom hem of the doctor’s coat about his legs.

  Kosha was torn by what Rose told him. He knew there was a way to help her. He wanted to honor what she wanted, but getting her back to Terra would be difficult in the extreme — especially without revealing she was being held by him.

  But there was a way.

  “I think I can do it,” Kosha said. “But it won’t be easy.”

  “How in space are you even going to get back to Terra? You aren’t in the Survey Corps anymore, Major. You’re in the Liaison Corps now. Remember?”

  Kosha smiled. “The Vidu Rei is fully refitted. She’s sitting in spaceport right now, just waiting.”

  Torval shook his head. “No. No. Absolutely n—”

  “I have a friend from my first year in the Survey Corps. He just happens to be one of the rotating harbormasters. I convinced him to give me launch clearance.”

  “That’s just wonderful,” Torval said. “You’re going to steal a ship and fly it to Terra. How do you propose you get back?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Kosha said.

  “Genius plan, Major.”

  “I can take the Vidu Rei, I know it. And I can get her off the surface. But I can’t do it alone.”

  Kosha put his hands on the deck’s railing, looking out over the teeming cityscape, wracking his brain about who he could trust with such an endeavor.

  “I’ll do it.”

  Kosha turned his head slowly toward his friend. “What did you say?”

  “I said, I’ll do it.” Torval straightened a cuff on his lab coat.

  “What about your patients? You’re a doctor.”

  Torval met his gaze. “The patients can wait. There are more important things. Like helping my best friend — especially if it appears he’s going a little soft in the head.”

  “You aren’t a pilot, Torval. You’re a Yaanfahri of medicine. Maybe it’s not me who’s crazy...”

  “Let me remind you, Major, that I still have my rating from cadet school. I learned a
lot more than medicine there.”

  “Are you serious? This isn’t some garbage scow simulator. This is a fleet starship.” Kosha arched a brow at his friend. “Now who’s lost his mind?”

  Torval narrowed his eyes at him. “I think we’ll make it work.”

  Kosha shook his head, but inside, he was relieved. Who else could he really trust but Torval, the man he’d shared his precious Rose with, the man he would trust with his very life.?

  “Good.” Kosha scrubbed a hand over his mouth. “The easy part is done then.”

  “This is the easy part? What’s the hard part?”

  Now it was Kosha’s turn to pace the view deck. “It took me a while to find him. Seems he’s moved from the city she said he used to live in, but our records are quite meticulous. I was still able to locate him.”


  “And the problem is... I found him.”

  “I don’t understand, Kosha. Rose wanted to see him, and you found him. What’s the hard part again?”

  A huge transport car roared past, momentarily deafening them. The shockwave whipped across the deck, making Kosha sway slightly. He squinted as he stared off toward the waning afternoon sun.

  “The hard part is I have to tell Rose.”

  Chapter 33

  She knew something was wrong when her master called her into the living room.

  Crawling in upon her paws and shin guards, her hair brushing the tiles below her, she’d frozen in place when she realized her Master wasn’t alone.

  The doctor was there too.

  Her heart seized in her chest when she saw they were both dressed formally, in some sort of military uniforms she’d never seen them in before. Something was very wrong indeed. Both the males had solemn looks on their faces, their expressions unreadable.

  “What is it?” she asked, the words slipping from her lips before she realized she was likely to get in trouble for uttering them.

  “Come here, Rose.” Kosha pointed at the floor before him.

  She obeyed instantly, her heart already in her throat, sure she was about to be punished. She knelt up as she knew pleased him, crossing her wrists behind her, pushing her shoulders back, straightening her spine, displaying her breasts well for both males. She assumed the doctor had come to use her again, and though the idea still frightened her, she couldn’t deny the traitorous tightening deep in her belly at such thoughts.


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