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The Yielding of Rose (Terran Captives Book 2)

Page 29

by Trent Evans

  That didn’t matter though — because he did. Wherever he was — her Master — was where her home was now.

  And it was time to go back to him.

  Amazingly, he was waiting for her at the hotel, materializing out of thin air as she stuck the key into her lock. Her hands began to tremble as she saw him, his form towering over her.

  He let her open the door, following her inside the room, stooping low in order to pass through the doorway.

  They didn’t say anything. They didn’t need to say anything.

  His eyes were different. There was concern there and caring, and yes, more than a little lust. He missed her as much as she missed him — perhaps more. But she knew he probably didn’t have a way of expressing it.

  She did though.

  As he sat upon the bed, the springs creaking under his weight, she stripped off her dress, and her heels, and knelt on the floor in front of him.

  Then she met his gaze and she said the words, “I want to go home, Master.”

  * * *

  The hatch to the shuttle docking module closed behind them, and Kosha took a deep breath, relief flowing through him that his slave — his lovely Rose — was back on the Vidu Rei. She stood between the two of them, dwarfed by both he and Torval. The doctor had met them at the hatch, an intensity in his gaze that Kosha had never seen in him before.

  Torval touched her hair, her chin, stroked her cheek. “You made the right decision, sweet Rose. But there’s something you must do.” He glanced at Kosha, who took her by the shoulders, turning her to face him, a finger lifting her chin until she looked up at him. “You need to make sure that this is really what you want. If you do this, you’ll never be free again. You’re contraband. Your presence is illegal on my planet. You’ll be a slave, a plaything, my possession.” He glanced at Torval, his friend’s intent gaze saying more than words ever could. “And perhaps not only my possession. But you must decide.”

  He remembered the way she’d knelt for him in that cramped motel room, how she’d said the words — and the profound relief he’d felt.

  Stunned, he didn’t dare believe that she’d actually decided to come back to him, after everything that he’d done to her, that he’d made her into.

  She was coming back.

  But she wasn’t coming back to the same Kosha. She wasn’t returning to the same dynamic, a continuation of the existing relationship.

  For that’s what it had become — a relationship in truth, if a supremely unusual one.

  Everything had changed.

  They were beginning a new journey, a new path, a new way of life. She would still be a slave, of course. She would remain subject to him in all things — and that’s how they both would want it.

  Now though, there was affection and caring, perhaps more than there ever was before.

  And yes, there was guilt, too. A deeper sense of it than he wanted to think about. He still felt the pang of regret from taking her away from this place. He hadn’t known, of course. Couldn’t have known the depth of feeling and attachment she had to that human man. If he’d known it then, perhaps everything would have turned out differently?

  Yes, but then you wouldn’t have her.

  That was worth… all of it.

  There was no changing that now. Now, he had to make sure she really was doing what she wanted to do — and not what she thought he wanted her to do.

  For even though she was on the Vidu Rei, it wasn’t too late to take her back. If she changed her mind now, he still would, regardless of how painful.

  He lowered his voice, affixing her with a gaze that he hoped was sufficiently stern. “If you come back, there’s no returning, Rose. You’ll always be a slave — a beloved, cosseted one, yes — but a slave, nonetheless. There’s no going back once the choice is made.”

  She paled at his words, and then she dropped to her knees. “I agree, Master.”

  It was like a blow to the chest, the intensity of her incredibly beautiful eyes, the way her heavy breasts heaved as she said it. Her nipples were hard. She was excited, or scared, or both — perhaps enough for the both of them.

  But then something else happened that surprised him even more than that. Torval stepped forward and raised Kosha’s hand. “I think you’ll need these.”

  It was her collar and her cuffs.

  He put them on her, the doctor looking on, and her arousal seemed to grow as he did so, her eyes dilating, her nostrils flaring, the scent of her sex strong in the air now.

  It was obvious Torval was as aroused as he was, but it wasn’t the time for that. Not now. Not here.

  Finally, her restraints back on her where they belonged, he crouched before her, leaning in close, “Minkala, Rose. Always. Now, let’s go home.”

  He led her naked, back to their pod, the familiar padded sleeping area that he’d first bedded down with her in, on that return leg to Yaanfahr all those cycles ago. He went in first, then she followed, but surprisingly, Torval came in as well.

  Kosha disrobed while the doctor bound her securely, her necessary safe-keeping before transiting the Sol gate. The ship’s lighting was already lowering, the sounds of the mains winding up, the low vibration that signaled the Vidu Rei preparing to escape Earth’s gravity well.

  As Kosha tucked her in closer, he casually fondled her, testing the hardness of her nipples with his fingers, making her kiss his fingertips.

  And she did without complaint, her bottom rubbing insistently against his genitals. Torval met her gaze then, and there was an intensity there, a connection that had developed, one that Kosha knew would be explored further in the future, a hint of many possibilities, not yet realized.

  There would be plenty of time to see where that road led. But, again, not here. It was something else to look forward to, an unexpected anticipatory tension felt by all three of them for what might happen once they were safely back on Yaanfahr.

  Back home.

  Torval said goodbye to his friend, closing the hatch behind him. Kosha knew the good doctor would be returning to the pilot house to initiate the escape sequence.

  Then he too, would take a sedative and lock himself in his own pod. Kosha tucked his naked possession back into the curve of his body, Rose raising her own leg herself, allowing him to ensconce his rampant erection between her soft, smooth thighs just as he’d demanded that very first time.

  They drifted off to sleep almost immediately, Kosha murmuring the words into her ear, “Minkala. Minkala. Minkala.”

  Chapter 35

  A visitor was a complete surprise.

  Kosha had just showered and was in the midst of preparing lunch when the front entrance notification chimed. He glanced toward the corner of the room where Torval currently had Rose bent tight and bound over the top of her cage, the doctor’s naked buttocks flexing and squeezing as he used her vigorously. The bars of the cage creaked at a particularly hard thrust in time with his murmured command to squeeze her cunt tighter around his cock. Among Rose’s breathless cries could be heard her strained, whimpered “Yes, sir.”

  Torval looked behind him, meeting Kosha’s gaze, the question in his eyes, though he did not stop his vigorous enjoyment of his slave girl’s captive charms.

  “I don’t know either.”

  Kosha headed to the front entrance, pointing at Torval, “Stay here, Doctor, and… carry on, I guess.”

  With a quick flash of a grin, Torval returned to his prey, admonishing her in a faux soft voice that she must be quieter, even though the force of his thrusts as he said the words didn’t lessen even the tiniest bit.

  What Kosha found at the front door surprised him even more. The tall male, his face craggy and weathered, had the look of a Yaanfahri much older than even Kosha’s many cycles. The male wore a uniform that looked almost exactly like an Admiral’s dress — only in his case, the coat was longer and it was a brilliant black and red combination, the shoulders pointed, the collar high.

  “Do you know who I am?” the visitor as
ked, his voice deep, resonant.

  “Of course,” Kosha said. “Consul Matazzian. What... brings you here?”

  “I’ve come to offer you something. In two day’s time, there will be a peace celebration on the Luthien home world. It’s a ceremony to commemorate the establishment of a formal treaty between our two peoples. I want you there.”

  Initially, Kosha was more than happy to agree, the words of surprised, grateful thanks on his lips.

  But the Consul wasn’t done.

  The man’s eyes narrowed. “There is a... complication, however. And it involves the human you’re holding.”

  Kosha’s heart dropped. “I... don’t know what you’re talking about, Consul. I hold no humans. That’s illegal, by our laws.”

  “You can spare me your denials. We know of her existence.” He held up his hand before Kosha could protest further. “I want you to listen to me, and listen closely. How do you think you got back into spaceport after that little stunt you pulled? That wasn’t a fluke, Major. You were given landing clearance because of me. Now, I’m prepared to overlook the numerous laws you and your friend have broken, in essentially stealing a starship, visiting a planet only Survey Corps personnel are allowed to set foot on, and trafficking in human contraband. Despite all that, I intend to keep your human’s existence in strict confidence — on one very specific condition.”

  Kosha stiffened, stunned into silence as the Consul laid out what — in any other circumstances — would mean a certain jail sentence for him, and the destruction of his best friend’s professional career.

  “I require not only your presence at the ceremony. If you’re unfamiliar with what the ceremony entails, I’ve already forwarded over the information to your secure comm. I suggest you review it as soon as possible. Now, the condition. Your human is to be used to meet the Luthien’s rather... esoteric requirements for the diplomatic ceremony cementing the treaty between our nations. Normally, it would require a Yaanfahri female to seal the accord, but they’ve requested an exotic — in this case, a human. Your human.”

  Kosha’s mind was reeling as he realized not only did the Consul know about Rose, apparently, the Luthien knew about her too. How, he had no idea.

  But it was at that moment that he realized he was in very deep trouble indeed.

  “As I can see, you’re already surmising, this is complex — and delicate.” The Consul’s voice dripped with either tired disdain, or weariness at having to deal with such a rash subordinate as Kosha. “Attendance at the ceremony is vitally important, most especially for your future with the Liaison Corps. Cooperation, and discretion, are values we hold dear in the Corps. My Luthien counterpart has learned of your humans’ existence, and after consulting with the Luthien leadership, my counterpart has requested a gift in commemoration of the occasion — which is where your human comes in. She’s to be presented at the proceedings as a naked tribute. You will have to give her up, at least for the duration of the ceremony.”


  Matazzian cut him off. “Listen, Major, for there’s more. The Luthien wish to include her in a special part of the ceremony. She will be presented, forced to offer her naked charms in tribute, whipped, then suspended for a display of submission as the attendees consume a ceremonial meal cementing the newfound ties between our two civilizations. Though your human’s existence was not officially acknowledged by the Liaison Corps in our communication with the Luthien delegation, I am prepared to agree to their terms as long as the existence of your human is not disclosed, and that her custody remains with you. As my subordinate, I’m making this request of you.”

  Kosha cleared his throat, totally on his heels. “Consul, with respect, I’m prepared to resign my commission immediately rather than agree to such a thing.”

  “Nonsense,” the Consul said, waving a hand. “I would refuse to accept your resignation.” Then his gaze softened somewhat. “The offer was very clear, and it’s expected that as representatives of the Liaison Corps we accede to it — no matter the personal misgivings we might have about such a… ritual.”

  Kosha knew he was in a box, and increasingly desperate, he bitterly replied, “Since you know of Rose, you must know of the humans held by the Luthien, do you not?”

  But the Consul didn’t answer. Instead, he reiterated what he expected. “I am requesting my subordinate carry out his orders. I need to know that my subordinate understands how important this is to both our peoples. That is all.”

  Before Kosha could protest further, the Consul walked back to his waiting transport, flanked by two heavily-armed guards.

  As he watched the transport car lift off, the fans blowing dust and hot air through the doorway to his home, Kosha realized he only had two real choices: he could attend the ceremony and present his Rose, or his career — and likely his freedom — was at an end.

  The message was indeed clear.

  * * *

  She looked up to see her Master come back into the room. Torval had her cradled between his spread thighs, the soft weight of his genitals pressed to the small of her back. As seemed to be his wont, the doctor pinned her arms gently behind her back, fondling her breasts and stroking her hair as they sat there, his warm, wet seed dripping from her well-used pussy.

  She felt Torval’s legs tense around her as her Master entered the room.

  “That was Consul Matazzian,” Kosha said, a haunted look in his eyes.

  “And?” Torval’s voice was taut, perhaps even a trifle nervous.

  “He knows about Rose. He knows... everything.”

  She heard Torval curse, the word one she was unfamiliar with, the translator obviously not able to provide an English equivalent.

  Kosha dropped to a knee in front of her, and her heart began to gallop once more. Being naked and helpless in the presence of these two males never ceased to elicit this reaction in her now. Torval’s gentle hand continued to stroke and caress her hair, a comfort she definitely needed at that moment.

  “I’m to attend a ceremony that marks a celebration of the treaty between the Yaanfahr and Luthien.” His eyes held a grave solemnity she’d never seen before, and it frightened her, for if it sobered her fierce Master... it was probably something very serious indeed.

  “Consul Matazzian has agreed to ignore the fact that I’m holding illegal contraband — you. But there’s a catch.”

  “I knew it,” Torval said behind her. “I knew it.”

  “The Luthien are a passionate, even savage, people. And they wish to conduct a ritual as part of their ancient ceremony. And you’re to be at the center of it, Rose.”

  “M — Me?” She wasn’t sure she’d heard him correctly. “I don’t understand. I’m — I’m a human. Why would they want me?”

  Kosha sighed. “I’ll show you, but I’m warning you, it won’t be easy to watch.”

  Her Master looked up, “Computer, route the holo to the main living room.”

  With a click, a three-dimensional hologram appeared next to Kosha, floating in the air just over his shoulder.

  Then she saw it — all of it. Her mouth went dry, her heart beating like a frightened animal. The imagery in that hologram made her feel like exactly that.

  As Kosha watched her take in all that the hologram showed her, he shook his head, his voice a murmur, “As I said, I’m not going to make you go through this barbaric practice. I told the Consul that I’ll resign my commission. If we have to, we can leave Yaanfahr, find a safe place… somewhere. I will not force you to go through this. Treaty be damned.”

  She swallowed hard, then closed her eyes, willing herself to have the strength to say the words. She looked deep into her handsome Master’s eyes. “No. I don’t… I don’t understand the politics of any of this, but this would help you, wouldn’t it? In your career? To give this to them?”

  Kosha’s nostrils flared and he looked at her for a moment. “My career is hardly important compared to you and what you would have to go through to do this.”

  She kept as calm as she could as she said it, her voice quavering ever so slightly as she spoke. “I’ve made my decision. It’s the least I can do to pay you back for what you’ve done for me.”

  “For what you’ve done for me?” Kosha’s eyes flashed something between exasperation and shock. “I abducted you. I took you from everything you knew.”

  “Please, let me finish,” she said. “What you gave me when you let me see Howard... it was priceless. I know you’re not human, so maybe you don’t understand, but those few precious hours you gave me mean more than anything.”

  She glanced up at the hologram, still showing what she’d have to go through. “More even than that.”

  It was her sacrifice, a way of thanking him for both saving her life, and giving her a chance to say goodbye to Howard. To her, it was a symbol of her newfound devotion.

  Ironically, considering she was penniless, friendless, and had no idea where Howard was, there was almost zero chance she’d have been able to find him had she remained on Earth.

  Kosha’s abduction of her was likely the only way she’d have ever been able to say goodbye to Howard. She knew Kosha would never really understand that, at least not in the way humans did. But it was more important than anything.

  It meant more to her than any words could convey, save perhaps one thing: going through this for her Master.

  Though she shuddered at what she saw on that hologram, she knew she could do it. She would do it.

  For him.

  He’d risked everything to give her a chance to say goodbye to the one man who’d ever loved her. The one man who’d ever protected her. The one man who’d ever gave her hope.

  There was no way she would allow Kosha to ruin himself for her.

  “Please, Master,” she said. “Let me do this. I can — I can do this for you. Let me show you. Let me be this. Let me demonstrate to you — and everyone else that matters — what a human does to pay back the kindness you’ve shown me.”

  Inside, she wasn’t sure she really had the strength for this. The images she saw made her shudder, but even as they did, she couldn’t deny the strange frisson of excitement and twisted arousal that coursed through her too. Could she do it? Could she survive it?


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