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Madame Blavatsky

Page 74

by Marion Meade

  146. H.P.B. to Nadyezhda Fadeyev or Vera Zhelihovsky, fall, 1889, London Forum, July, 1935.

  147. Sinnett, The Early Days of Theosophy in Europe, p. 108.

  148. Besant, Autobiography, p. 363.

  149. H.P.B. to Nadyezhda Fadeyev, July, 1889, The Path, November, 1895.

  150. In the preface to the published work, H.P.B. stated that the aphorisms belonged to the same series as the Stanzas of Dzyan, supposedly written in Senzar, but in a letter to Vera she mentioned having translated them from Telugu, a South Indian dialect. According to William Coleman, The Voice of the Silence was compiled from Brahmanical books on yoga, southern Buddhistic works written in Pali and Cingalese, and northern Buddhistic writings in Chinese and Tibetan, all of which were available in convenient English translations. He mentioned the following works: Schlagintweit's Buddhism in Tibet, Edkin's Chinese Buddhism, Hardy's Eastern Monachism, Rhys David's Buddhism, Dvivedi's Raja Yoga and Raja Yoga Philosophy,; also an article, "The Dream of Ravan," published in the Dublin University Magazine, January, 1854, extracts from which appeared in the Theosophist, January, 1880.

  151. Besant, Autobiography, p. 353.

  152. Blavatsky, The Voice of the Silence, pp. 2-3.

  153. In all, about nine or ten persons testified to having seen the Mahatmas: Annie Besant, Henry Olcott, Damodar Mavalankar, Isabel Cooper-Oakley, William Brown, Nadyezhda Fadeyev, S. R. Ramaswamier, Justine Glinka and Vsevolod Solovyov. Franz Hartmann said that while he never actually saw them, he felt their presence.

  154. Lucifer, October, 1891. (Written in 1889.)

  155. H.P.B. to Annie Besant, July 26, 1889, Theosophist, January, 1932.

  156. Ibid.

  157. H.P.B. to Annie Besant, August 2, 1889, Theosophist, February, 1932.

  158. H.P.B. to Annie Besant, August, 1889, Theosophist, February, 1932.

  159. Lucifer, June, 1891.

  160. Yeats, Letters to the New Island, p. 84.

  161. Nethercot, The First Five Lives of Annie Besant, p. 314.

  162. Light, July 27, 1889.

  163. Lucifer, August, 1889.

  164. ODL, vol. 4, pp. 184-185.

  165. Ibid., p. 193.

  166. Ibid., p. 196.

  167. Ibid., p. 193.

  168. H.P.B. to Annie Besant, Theosophist, May, 1932.

  169. Ellmann, p. 66.

  170. Gandhi, p. 91.

  171. Ibid.

  172. H.P.B. to Vera Zhelihovsky, February, 1890, The Path, December, 1895.

  173. Ibid.

  174. Ibid.

  175. H.P.B. to Annie Besant, circa April or May, 1890, Theosophist, April, 1932.

  176. H.P.B. to Vera Zhelihovsky, July, 1890, The Path, December, 1895.

  177. The Path, December, 1890.

  178. Cleather, As I Knew Her, p. 19.

  179. London Forum, July, 1935.

  180. H.P.B. to Vera Zhelihovsky, July, 1890, The Path, December, 1895.

  181. Sinnett, The Early Days of Theosophy, p. 110.

  182. Theosophist, October, 1931.

  183. Sinnett, The Early Days of Theosophy, p. 111.

  184. She later married George Mead.

  185. Cleather, As I Knew Her, pp. 23, 84.

  186. Lucifer, April, 1895.

  187. Religio-Philosophical Journal, July 13, 1889. Reprinted Washington Evening Star.

  188. New York Sun, June 1, 1890.

  189. Religio-Philosophical Journal, see issues, July 1889— July 1890.

  190. Ibid., August 10, 1889.

  191. New York Sun, July 20, 1890.

  192. Ibid.

  193. The Path, September, 1890. Postponements delayed the Sun libel case coming to court during H.P.B.'s lifetime. Her death automatically terminated the suit, but on September 26, 1892, the Sun voluntarily apologized for printing the Coues interview, which it said, "appears to have been without solid foundation" and "should not have been printed."

  194. Lucifer, June, 1891.

  195. Cleather, As I Knew Her, p. 22.

  196. Bright, p. 20.

  197. ODL, vol. 4, p. 262.

  198. H.P.B. to Vera Zhelihovsky, July, 1890, The Path, December, 1895.

  199. H.P.B. to Henry Olcott, fall, 1890, Theosophist, November 1907.

  200. Koot Hoomi to Allan Hume, November 1,1880, Conger, p. 38

  201. CW, vol. 11, p. 263.

  202. H.P.B, probably to William Judge, undated, The Path, August, 1892.

  203. LBS, p. 97.

  204. ML, p. 299.

  205. H.P.B. to K. Khandalavala, November 21, 1889, Theosophist, August, 1932.

  206. The projected third and fourth volumes of The Secret Doctrine were never published and the manuscript, if there was one, mysteriously disappeared. As there is no record of the material having been destroyed by H.P.B., fanciful legends have circulated through the years about its whereabouts, including assertions that some of the manuscript was purposely hidden and will be released at an appropriate time.

  The so-called third volume, published in 1897 by Annie Besant, is nothing more than a collection of unfinished articles found in H.P.B.'s desk at the time of her death, but certainly this was not what she intended as Volume Three. According to George Mead (Lucifer, July 16, 1897), H.P.B. labored under the misconception that she had enough unused material to fill two additional volumes, but that this was not actually the case.

  207. Lucifer, June, 1891.

  208. H.P.B. to Ursula Bright, quoted in Nethercot, The First Five Lives of Annie Besant, p. 355.

  209. H.P.B. to William Judge, Ibid., p. 306.

  210. Lucifer, May, 1891. In my opinion, the date of this article, April 27, 1891, is erroneous because on that date H.P.B. was mortally ill. Presumably it was written sometime before the twenty-sixth.

  211. Ibid.

  212. Lucifer, June, 1891.

  213. Ibid.

  214. Ibid.

  215. Ibid.



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