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The Texas ranger's twins

Page 14

by Leonard, Tina

  "We decided we wanted to make some desserts to go with the food tonight," Priscilla explained. "It's a big occasion, you know."

  "It's a rehearsal dinner" Dane said. "Who will be here besides the family and you two? Gabriel and Laura, me, Suzy, you two...that should do it? Right". 7 "

  "Pastor Riley," Cricket said. "Suzy decided she wanted me to be co-maid of honor with Priscilla since there will be so many guests. We needed extra ushers, too, so Gabriel asked Mason Jefferson to press a few of his brothers into service. And I think your father may have invited a few close friends," Cricket said. "We're planning to feed fifty tonight."

  "Fifty!" Dane could see his quiet evening romancing Suzy slipping away. "Why T

  "So many people are helping out," Cricket explained. 'Turns out folks are donating food, tables, chairs and so on. Your father said he felt like he couldn't leave anybody out of the biggest wedding of the year."

  Dane blinked. "It was supposed to be a small, subdued affair."

  "Well, your father instructed us to spare no expense. He said he also planned to toast Laura and Gabriel since he didn't get to give them a wedding. To be honest, I think your pop is simply in a celebratory mood," Cricket told him. She beamed, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a man's wedding to be orchestrated by a renegade father and well-meaning friends.

  "When did he tell you this?" Dane demanded, and Priscilla smiled.

  "All week long. He's been on the phone like it's a hotline, giving us instructions and checking on our progress." Cricket patted his arm. "You would have noticed except you've been busy with other things."

  He sat down and snagged a tiny cake off a platter "Mmm. What is this?"

  "A petit four." Priscilla tapped his hand with a wooden spoon to discourage more snitching. "They're for a party Laura is giving Suzy tonight, after the rehearsal dinner. Laura's friend Mimi Jefferson dropped them off from Valentine's." A teasing smile touched Priscilla's face. "Hope you didn't have plans for tonight that included Suzy, because we're giving her a little surprise lingerie shower."

  He could feel his mood, which had been slipping downward as he learned of all the special events, lighten considerably. "Well, if it's lingerie, I can certainly wait my turn for Suzy's limited time." He tried to sound angelic but failed miserably, judging by Cricket's and Priscilla's laughter. "What? Every guy likes to know that his bride will have lacy stuff" He shrugged. "Not gonna lie about that."

  The front door opened and Su/y came in, stopping when she saw the usually tidy kitchen in disarray. "What have I gotten you two into?" she asked, hugging them both. "Have you been in here all day?" She glanced at Dane over their shoulders, her eyes huge. He grinned at her, knowing she was going to go into panic mode.

  He'd felt the same when he'd seen all the hard work on their behalf, and then realized that was what he'd been missing in his life—friends and family who were always there. "Working like bridesmaids," he said.

  "Except bridesmaids usually don't have to do anything more than hold the bride up and keep her from running off." Suzy looked at Dane, and she did appear to be a little nervous, as he'd expected.

  "Oh, you're not going anywhere," he said, sweeping her into his arms. "You're home for good now."

  Suzy went upstairs to the room she was used to sharing with the girls, feeling empty and alone without Nicole and Sandra. Downstairs, she heard the front door slam as Priscilla and Cricket left for her house to get

  ready for the rehearsal dinner. They'd decided they would move into her little place, commandeering it for themselves so they'd have a quiet place away from all the festivities. Suzy thought that was a great idea because she didn't live that far away, and her home, though small, was comfortable and private.

  She was aware that her friends were trying to give her some space to be alone with Dane. The thought made her so nervous she didn't know what to do. Slowly, she dressed for the evening, wondering if it was necessary to rehearse something that was so short-term. The whole wedding had grown into a huge, elaborate affair more suited to people who planned to be married for a lifetime together. She felt ashamed, as if she was duping her friends.

  It was all because of Josiah and his sky-high plans, and Suzy knew he would grin if he knew he was making her feel guilty. She wondered if Dane felt the same. A knock on the door made her jump. "Yes?" 'it's Dane, Suzy. Can I talk to you for a minute?" She drew a deep breath. A minute...a year...a lifetime—she could hardly say no. It was the last word she could think of that she would ever want to say to him. She opened the door. "Please come in." He looked so handsome in a charcoal blazer and blue jeans, black felt cowboy hat and a confident smile. His gaze slid over the long blue evening dress Priscilla had lent her. It was very slinky, yet demure. She'd loved it the moment she'd seen it.

  "Sexy," he said, and Suzy could feel herself blush.

  "Not sexy," she murmured.

  "Oh, yeah," he said. "Sexy/'

  Were her ankles trembling? She was a full-grown woman with children—there was no reason she should be so jumpy around this man. "So you wanted to talk about...?"

  "About tonight. And tomorrow. And the year."

  She looked at him, waiting.

  "So you're all good with your visit to your parents?"

  Her smile was sure. "I feel free. Free of the past."

  The new life with her family was a miracle she hadn't anticipated. The joy of it still washed over her. Yet she felt bad for the prenup incident and wondered if that was what he wanted to discuss. "I didn't tell my folks we were only marrying for a year. I didn't know they would ask you to sign a prenuptial agreement."

  He touched a finger to her chin, lifting it so he could see her eyes. "I know that. They were only looking out for your best interests, and the children's, no less than I would in the same situation."

  "Thank you," she murmured. "Part of me thought you'd understand, but it was so awkward. You hadn't asked me to sign anything."

  "That's because I have nothing." He grinned, and if it was true he had nothing, he was the sexiest poor man she'd ever seen. "All I want you to sign is the marriage certificate."

  "I'm going to sign that."

  "Good." His palm took the place of his finger on her

  chin, sliding along her face and then cupping the back of her neck. "I'm looking forward to seeing your name as Suzy Morgan."

  "Dane, do you feel like this wedding got out of hand?"

  "Yes," he said, "I do feel that way. I've felt that way for some time. Everything has gotten way out of hand, especially my feelings for you." And then he kissed her, making her heart beat hard, sending her blood running through her like sizzling lightning. He kissed her harder, stole her breath, and Suzy felt herself collapsing into his strength, wanting more of him. Holding him tightly to her, she responded to his kisses, the fire of his passion warming her, then scorching her like nothing she'd ever known.

  He eased her back onto the bed, trying to be gentle, careful of the gown she wore, but Suzy pulled him forward, dragging him with her, knowing that the beautiful gown was in the way of what she wanted. "Hang on," she said. "I can't reach the zipper."

  "I can. Don't worry about that." The zipper went, the dress flew, the heels dropped to the floor, and Dane had never undressed himself more quickly.

  A moment later, he lay wrapped in Suzy's arms, and the feel of her underneath him, the soft, silkiness of her against his body blew his mind. "Are you okay with this?" he asked. "I want you to be—"

  Suzy pulled him down to kiss her. "I want you, too. Now make love to me, because this is one last thing I have to know before I marry you."

  He said, "What one last thing?'* before remembering her startling confession, and then he laughed.

  "Suzy" he said, "from this day forward, you're a different woman. If you're still worried about being bad in bed. rest assured I expect you to be very bad in my bed.*' Gently he kissed her lips, taking his time with her mouth, stroking inside her. intending to take forever
, but then his little bride-to-be surprised him by rolling him over and getting on top.

  "You're too slow," she said.

  Then hang on," Dane said, as he grabbed hold of her sassy bottom, rocking inside her and the next thing he knew, Suzy had forgotten all about whatever had been worrying her as she cried out his name.

  That's when he had to face the truth—he didn't want just one year with Suzy Winterstone.

  He wanted forever.

  Chapter Twenty

  Dane was living large, and he knew it. He'd fallen under Suzy's spell, which was a wonderful thing. The woman had made love to him before the rehearsal dinner, then in the upstairs bathroom when she'd told him she needed help "powdering her nose and making sure her zipper wasn't stuck," and—glory be—she'd spent the entire night in his bed, modeling one after another of her new lingerie from the bridal shower.

  He was exhausted. And the happiest man on the earth. He wasn't certain he could keep up with his bride-to-be, however, if she was going to be this insatiable.

  Glancing out the window, he could see guests milling about on the grounds. Tables were set up, bows on chairs blew softly in the breeze. The table and chairs he'd made for Sandra and Nicole were adorned with ribbons to match the adult tables, perfect for tiny girls. It was a balmy sixty-eight degrees with the sun shining so most people only wore light coats. He wondered if they should have had the ceremony at the church, but

  Suzy had said that the Morgan ranch was where Josiah would want it to be, and he'd acquiesced with some misgivings. It seemed they did enough for Josiah's sake, and the old man wasn't even here, Dane thought, a bit annoyed. Surely he was going to attend the wedding, see that his son had finally done something to make him proud.

  That's when he knew Suzy was right—he still wanted Pop's approval. It wasn't why he was marrying Suzy, but he wanted his father there. What had started out as a sham, a marriage to pacify his father, had turned into a full-blown desire to be married and a wish that Pop could witness him making good at the only thing that he'd learned really mattered in life—being a family man.

  It didn't look like Pop planned to attend the very shindig he'd taken such an active hand in directing. Yet that was Pop—totally unpredictable. Dane told himself he wasn't disappointed. In thirty minutes, he'd be a husband, a father and a son-in-law. Now all that was left was the Til death do us part.

  How he was going to talk Suzy into that, he still hadn't figured out. Now that he'd made love to her, he knew he was never letting her go. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him. If Pop had picked Suzy for Dane, then he'd known exactly what he was doing.

  "It's time," Gabriel said, coming into the room where Dane stared down at the guests. 'Time to turn in your ticket to Mexico."

  Dane laughed. 'That seems like such a crazy plan now."

  Gabriel brushed off the shoulders of Dane's black suit jacket, checking for wrinkles. 'That's the bachelor way. Everything seems possible. Then you get married."

  "And then?" Dane asked, looking at his brother.

  Gabriel smiled. "And then you realize that there are some things in life that are even better than living in Mexico."

  "Good to know." Dane had already figured that out, however. "I thought Pop might make it into town. He organized all this, with some willing accomplices."

  Gabriel shrugged. "You know Pop. He'll always be footloose."

  "Yeah." Dane took a deep breath. "Ever hear from Pete?"

  "No. He'll be back. In his own time, of course. Jack, too."

  "You think?" Dane found that hard to believe of Jack.

  "Sure. One day."

  Dane didn't think so. Jack would have to be hog-tied and dragged back. "You ever think it was strange Pop set his matchmaking skills on you and me, but not Pete and Jack?"

  "No," Gabriel said. "As Pop used to say, Pete was his James Bond and Jack his James Dean. Either of those guys ever settle down?"

  Dane shook his head. tfc No."

  "Well, then." Gabriel grinned as he watched more guests arrive. "I think half the town is here."

  "More than that. Pop always had to be over-the-top "

  "He'd love this," Gabriel said. "He loves being the center of attention."

  "So when did you know it was forever with you and Laura?"

  "When 1 first saw her," Gabriel said, "although I didn't realize it at the time. I just didn't want Pop running my life, so I fought it like mad. In the end, I didn't care anymore how I found Laura, whether it was because Pop wanted me to or the good Lord had made it happen. All that mattered was Penny and Perrin at the time."

  That explained perfectly how Dane felt. "Suzy could have had any man. She chose me."

  Gabriel gave him a slap on the back. "Don't screw it up, then."

  Dane snorted. "I won't."

  "Come on. Let's go find your bride."

  Dane followed his brother out. Nearby, friends played romantic wedding music, very churchlike and proper. Elegant. He saw a black limousine pull up, and John the driver assisting Dr. Winterstone from the car. Mrs. Ross helped Mrs. Winterstone out. The little girls hopped out, running across the grass when they saw him. He swung each of them into his arms. "Hello! Are these my little flower girls?"

  Dr. and Mrs. Winterstone walked over, attired in less-than-formal wear, he noticed with some relief. She had on a pretty pear-green suit, and he wore a charcoal-gray suit. More importantly, they both wore big smiles on their faces. "Glad you could make it," Dane said with a grin.

  "We wouldn't miss our daughter's wedding for the world," replied Mrs. Winterstone.

  Dr. Winterstone glanced around. "This is a nice place."

  "Thanks," Dane said. "It's Pop's. He's not here right now, but if he makes it to the wedding, I'll make sure you meet him."

  Dr. Winterstone looked at him. "If he makes it?"

  "Did I mention he lives in France?" Dane asked with a smile. "Pop is sort of a world-traveler."

  "Ah, yes," Dr. Winterstone said. "Which reminds me, we'd like to present you with a wedding gift. How would you feel about first-class tickets and accommodations to Paris for a weeklong honeymoon? We would, of course, be more than happy to watch Sandra and Nicole, the darling namesakes of my wife, Sandra Nicole." He and Mrs. Winterstone smiled proudly.

  Dane grinned. Clearly their chief goal was spending time with their grandchildren. "I have a feeling Suzy would love that."

  "All right, Mother. Let's go get a seat," Dr. Winterstone said. "Do we have to wait for an usher to seat us, or do we just pick a chair?" He glanced at the hundred folding chairs uncertainly.

  "You just go choose a chair near the front," Dane told him, "your services will be required to give away the bride."

  "That's right," Dr. Winterstone said, perking up. "I guess I'll do that." He ran a quick eye over Dane, then nodded.

  Dane grinned. Til have my turn one day."

  Dr. Winterstone smiled. I'm just glad to have my daughter hack. Don't really feel like I'm giving her away at all. so I have you to thank for that."

  Dane gave him a gentle pat on the hack. "Take a seat and enjoy the day. We're all going to he eating cake soon enough, if I can find my hride."

  At that moment, a bridal march hegan to play softly. Dane turned, seeing the co-maids of honor. Cricket and Priscilla, walking down the porch, followed hy his hride-to-he. looking like a vision out o a fairy tale. Dane's hreath caught. "Look at your mother," he told the little girls who clung to his legs, "one day you'll look just like her."

  Gahricl tapped him on the shoulder. "Let me walk you up to the altar, hro. Pretty suie that's where you're supposed to he. if you want to get married."

  "And I do. Come on. girls."

  They followed Dane in their pretty white dresses overlaid with tulle and lace, wearing white gloves and matching knit sweaters for warmth. The guests chuckled and smiled as the girls passed hy. shy with all the people sitting in the chairs watching. Dane took his place at the altar, and Dr. Winterstone went to give h
is arm to his daughter as she walked down the white runner aisle hetween the chairs. As Suzy walked toward him, Dane knew he was the luckiest man on earth. With his girls standing heside him. and Suzy's hand in his. Dane promised to love and cherish Suzy forever.

  Then he leaned to whisper something in her ear—very out of the ordinary Priscilla would have said—but whatever it was, it seemed to make Suzy joyfully happy, because instead of just one kiss to seal the deal, she threw her arms around her husband's neck and kissed him as if she was the happiest bride on earth, one who knew she was going to be married to her man for much, much longer than three hundred and sixty-five days.

  And then as he hugged Suzy and his girls to him, Dane glimpsed his father on horseback, silhouetted against the horizon, close enough to see his big grin as he proudly waved his cowboy hat in celebration.

  Please join Dr. and Mrs. Winterstone and

  Suzy Winterstone Morgan

  on February 1

  for a light reception to honor

  Sandra and Nicole Winterstone Morgan

  the proud daughters of their new father, Dane Morgan

  God has blessed our family in so many ways

  Despite his protestations, Pete returns to the Morgan raneh to confront his father, and what he finds there completely takes him by surprise!

  Turn the page for a sneak peek at Pete's story,


  coming in February 2009,

  only from Harlequin American Romance.

  Chapter One

  Pete Morgan sat in a bar in Riga, Latvia, tired, cold and inwardly annoyed as he remembered the letter he'd received from his father, Josiah, in January. The missive was a parting shot, designed to make him feel guilty. Wasn't the pen supposed to be mightier than the sword? The letter hadn't had the desired effect—it had only ignited old feelings of resentment. He wouldn't admit to a saint that he'd been steaming since the two letters had been found in a kitchen drawer at the Morgan ranch, one for him and one for his oldest brother, Jack. Pete had left that letter for Jack with a rodeo manager, knowing it would reach Jack eventually.


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