Revealed (The Found Book 1)

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Revealed (The Found Book 1) Page 16

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “How are you doing keeping things blocked from Kali? I’m thinking it’s working since she looks like shit.”

  “Great Nate, you sure have a way with words.” Sierra sat in front of her computers looking glum. It didn’t give Noah a great deal of confidence. Normally she was the one who provided their intel.

  “So no leads on Rixitron?” Kota asked from his seat beside the window.

  “That’s not it. I heard from Riley. He can’t find Annie. Not one possible lead. It’s like she fell off the end of the world.”

  “What about the Seth Natani? Any word on him?”

  “No, and not looking good at all. Lobado and the gang know they’ve been infiltrated on the inside,” Seirra explained.

  “Well, it’s a no shit kind of thing,” Nate said.

  “They’re chasing their tails. Which is good for us, and good for Natani. He came up with a cover the DEA doesn’t even know, but I figured it out.”

  Noah thought she might buff her fingernails. “Spill it.”

  “I used a facial recognition program, and found him in this bridal magazine of all places.” She turned her monitor and showed them a glossy magazine photo of a couple in a garden, both of them dressed in wedding clothes. There was Seth Natani with a beautiful blonde woman.

  “Oh fuck,” Nate hissed. “How can the DEA not know? I mean this is a national magazine, right?

  “Actually, only women who want to get married read this type of magazine, it’s because I had the software cranking for days I was able to find it.”

  “How did an Indian make himself into a Carson?” Kota asked in disgust. When everyone stared at him, he held up his hands. “Hey, I’m Native American, just saying, I would have come up with a name a little less Anglo Saxon is all.”

  “This Portia, how is she mixed up in things?” Noah asked.

  “Portia, is Portia Benitez of Benitez Shipping, and her father is up to his eyeballs in drug and arms shipping. I don’t know about his daughter. I think Seth is a scumbag who couldn’t resist marrying a beautiful woman,” Sierra said with disgust.

  “Did you inform his superiors?” Cyrus asked.

  “Nope. There has to be a reason he’s not reporting in. I figured I would keep his secret.”

  “I disagree, I think it should to be reported to his superiors, but it’s your op,” Cyrus said with a shrug. “Now let me get this straight. We have three different things going on. One of your people, Dave Rydell, was working on a case with a found girl in Taiwan, right? Is he coming back here?”

  “Nope, he refuses to leave. He is positive the assholes who took her are going to make another attempt, and he’s not letting her out of his sight.”

  “Got it. The second one is Riley—first name or last?”

  “Riley Jones, he’s in New Mexico searching for Annie Newman. I thought she was Seth’s Annie,” Sierra said bitterly.

  Noah could feel the hurt coming off her in waves. It wasn’t about Riley, it was Seth’s betrayal of Annie. Had she been similarly betrayed at some time?

  “So what is Riley’s plan?” Cyrus asked.

  “He intends to track down Annie. Rixitron is after her because she had Seth’s baby. They know the baby is the child of a found, and are determined to get their hands on her and the child.”

  “If Annie is so well hidden, why not just leave her alone?”

  “She’s out there in the desert with Seth’s grandmother as protector, it’s not good enough, not with the type of people Rixitron put into play. Once Riley has her located we’ll be called in and bring them here.”

  “Got it.” Cyrus went to the kitchen area and grabbed a club soda. “So it leaves the assholes after my sister.”

  “The same—all Rixitron. From what we know, their intent is to create a breeding program and propagate the found.”

  Cyrus slammed down the soda. “That’s just sick.”

  “And it’s not everything,” Noah reminded the team. “The people who had Kali weren’t interested in breeding her, it was all about finding out where she came from.”

  “I’m sorry Lieutenant, you’re right,” Sierra said. Nate moved from his spot against the wall and put his hand on Noah’s shoulder.

  “Just because Sierra didn’t mention it, doesn’t mean she isn’t looking into it. Go ahead, tell him what you’ve discovered.”

  “I tracked down who owned the buildings. I had to go through three shell companies, but I finally found a name. Jade Melling Galleries out of New York.”

  “How big an operation?”

  “Single owner. She’s in her fifties, never been married. An artist who hit it big thirty years ago, and then started representing other artists.”

  “What kind of motive would she have to capture and torture Kali?”

  “Absolutely nothing I can see. I’m thinking she’s just another link in the chain, but until she comes back from her buying trip in Europe, I can’t be sure. She’ll be back in two days. I figure one of us can go and question her then.”

  Noah felt a rush of relief. They were making some progress on Kali’s kidnapping after all.

  “There’s still Niko,” Cyrus finished.

  “Fuck. Did you have to remind us?”

  Nate was not a happy camper. Sierra scowled at Cyrus for the third time that morning. He was definitely usurping her role, Cyrus’ talents as a Task Team Leader were obvious.


  He shut her out, figuring he’d see her after the briefing. He wanted to discuss how to keep the women safe while they were out doing reconnaissance work.

  “What’s he like?” Kota asked Sierra.

  “I can answer,” Cyrus said. “Sarah kept a scrapbook on him, like she kept on Kali, Alfred and Mai. He’s a geologist, with a degree in mechanical engineering. He’s been working to help safely develop the natural gas fields in Russia. His work has been adopted in fifteen different countries including ours. He’s saved thousands of lives, and it’s helped stop harmful effects to the environment.”

  “Can he afford to be away?”

  “He has to. There was an attempted kidnapping. They sent a contingent of men, damn near a SWAT team, but he’s guarded as closely as the Russian President. They massacred those men.”

  “Couldn’t they have left even one alive to question?”

  “Apparently it’s against policy.” Cyrus laughed.

  Nobody said it, but everybody was thinking about all the civilians they were going to have to guard.

  “What’s our plan to keep everybody safe?” Kota asked. “Is Sakuro going to give us anymore reinforcements?”

  “He still isn’t sure who he can trust. I want to bring in someone from Hawaii,” Noah said.

  “What about the other found? Are there any others who have backgrounds that might be helpful?” Nate asked.

  “What other found?” Cyrus asked.

  “Sakuro explained there were other governments, including America that knew of found children who hadn’t received public exposure.” Sierra explained. “Each of their respective governments kept them under wraps. As the shit hit the fan with Kali, Alfred, and the others they put them under covert protection.”

  “Is there anyone else we can pull in?”

  They all watched as Sierra’s fingers flew over the keyboard. “Brice McElyn, SAS from Scotland.”

  Yeah, he would work, Noah agreed.

  “Get him. I’ve got to go.”

  “Me too,” Nate said. They headed towards the door, Noah in front. Before Nate could make it, Cyrus was in front of him.

  “Nate, I think you and I need to have a talk.”

  “I agree. Let’s go downstairs. I need some air.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Kali opened the door knowing it was Noah, because he finally opened up to her. She didn’t understand why he had been blocking her, but it hurt.

  “Baby, I love you.” He swept her into his arms, and carried her back to the bedroom. When he tried to lay her down, she held onto his neck
, not letting go.

  “You blocked me.”

  “I had to.” His face was resolute.

  Letting go she turned on her side, and cried. He was serious, he thought he needed to block her out. She never wanted to lose their connection, but he wanted to sever their ties.

  No, Kali, never. But I never want you to suffer like you did when I was in Cancun.

  “It was okay when I was lying on the floor in the Johnson’s kitchen? Sarah told me your nose was bleeding. She had to heal you too, but that was just fine, wasn’t it?”

  It’s not the same thing at all.

  “It is. It either works both ways, or it doesn’t work at all. If you block me, I’ll work on blocking you. You know what, Noah? After everything they put me through in the fucking little room, I bet I’m even better at it than you are.” She watched him wince. Felt his pain. Ignored it. Ignored him. She rolled in on herself.

  No baby, please no. He curled up behind her, tucking up close. After long moments his warmth seeped through. He crooned softly in a language she didn’t know, and her tears slowed.

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a Hawaiian lullaby, one my mother used to sing to me. You’re right love. Forgive me.”

  He gently rolled her over, and she looked into eyes more familiar than her own. He rested his forehead against hers.

  “Let me show you.” His thoughts swirled into her mind, a kaleidoscope of memories, thoughts, and feelings. Kali could almost taste his anguish when he realized she suffered his beating along with him. It felt like she was pushing against a steel wall of determination as he made the decision she would never endure such pain on his behalf again. Then there was the fire of his will as he promised he would protect her at all costs as he figured out who was behind her kidnapping, even if it meant doing things to add more scars to his soul.

  “No Noah, I’m not going to let you do this,” she cupped his cheeks and brushed kisses against his lips. “We’re in this together, and you are not going to take the law into your own hands.”

  You’re never going to be hurt again. I love you too much. You are my life. He pressed urgently against her, instantly her need ratcheted up, her body blazing to life needing the connection with Noah’s mind. Noah felt it too, and his need transmitted to her, raising her higher.

  He pulled at the front of her blouse and buttons pinged across the room. She wished she had his strength, but all she could do was thrust her hands under the hem of his shirt. Relief. His hands on her flesh, hers on his, blessed relief. He ripped her bra open, and his mouth was on her breast, sucking, she arched up and tried to grab his hair and realized her hands were stuck under his shirt.

  “Noah. Stop.” He did, lifting up, but not enough, his hands bracketing her torso. “I need you naked.” The words came out so fast they blurred together as one. He understood and got off the bed, as she shed her clothes. No seduction, just a greedy need. She fumbled her zipper twice as she watched his cock pop out of his jeans.

  “Kali, concentrate.” Then he was on her, naked. Pulling at her jeans, until they joined his on the floor. He shoved her thighs apart. “Fucking gorgeous.” Using his thumbs he spread the lips of her pussy. She stretched her legs even wider knowing what was next. The exquisite feel of his tongue lapping at her wet entrance. There was not the slightest unease, his pleasure and her pleasure crashed through her brain, and she cried out in wonder.

  Make more noise.

  His tongue speared deep. She could taste herself, the flavor, an explosion of spice.

  Yes, more noise.

  “Need you in me,” she moaned

  I am in you. Come first.

  “Please Noah. I need to be one with you.”

  An orgasm first, and then I’ll fuck you. She bucked against him, grinding upwards. She felt him laugh, his tongue vibrating. So close.

  Oh I like this, a how-to manual. She felt his laughter.

  Two fingers plunged deep and hooked, as his tongued latched onto her clit and for the first time, brought his teeth into the mix. She hit the stratosphere. Stars.

  He kissed her face, and brushed back her hair. How could it keep getting better?

  You like rougher play than I imagined my love. He gave her nipples a sharp pinch and then drove deep, she moaned filled with bliss and felt his rapture. Drawing her knees up, she squeezed his hips.

  He plunged in and out in the strongest rhythm she had ever experienced, and all she could do was cry for more, plead with him to fuck her even harder, and faster, pressing her breasts against him as an offering.

  You were made for me.

  His mouth dipped and took a nipple and suckled hard, his teeth scraping just right. Her cries were incoherent, but he understood every one of them.

  Up and up and up until they achieved the perfect moment transporting them through time and space. Gazing into each other’s eyes they realized what they had knew no bounds. Embracing, there was nothing left to be said.

  Kali fell asleep secure in the knowledge there never again would be a barrier between her and the man who was the other half of her soul.

  * * *

  She loved coffee. Probably because it was the first scent she remembered. Waking up to it was wonderful. Wait a minute, she hadn’t set her coffeemaker.

  No you didn’t.

  Noah. She rolled over and he was sitting on the edge of the bed holding a mug of the magical liquid in equally magical hands.

  I heard that.

  “I wanted you to. Good morning,” she said taking the coffee. Kali couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. “So what’s on today’s agenda?”

  “You join the morning briefing and I get my ass handed to me.” Noah’s hand trailed lazily down her bare leg.

  “As the lieutenant, aren’t you in charge?”

  “When a final decision needs to be made it’s mine to make, but we’re really a team, everybody has input and a say. Now we even have Cyrus. He’s going to realize if you’re attending the meetings then the only person who isn’t is Sarah. That’ll last a nanosecond, and he’s going to want her protected from this ugliness. So yeah, this isn’t going to be pretty.” His hand drifted upwards, and she was having trouble focusing.

  “Stop, Noah. This is important.”

  “Nah, I’ve been beat up by the team before. Are you finished with your coffee?” He plucked the mug from her hands and put it on the nightstand.

  “How long before your meeting starts?” she asked as he nuzzled her neck.

  “We have time, it doesn’t start for an hour.” He easily lifted her to the center of the bed, and then spread her hair so it fanned across the pillow. “You’re so beautiful Kali.”

  “I have to talk to Sarah. I have a plan,” her voice didn’t come out nearly as firm as she intended. The man was still staring at her breasts. “Noah seriously, go to your apartment. Sarah and I will see you at the meeting.”

  “Can’t go to my apartment.” He dipped down and lapped at the sensitive peak of her right breast. She had seconds before all words would be beyond her. She tried again.

  “Yes you can go to your apartment, go now.”

  “This is my apartment. I started moving in this morning.” He blew on her nipple, and rolled the other in his fingers and tears leaked out of her eyes. He didn’t mistake the reason why.

  “We’re together forever, Kali.”

  “Forever Noah. Forever.”

  * * *

  “Are you sure this is going to be okay?” Sarah asked for the third or maybe fourth time.

  “No, it’s not. They are going to hate this. Do you really care?” Sarah rubbed her palms on her jeans. Not for the first time, Kali was blown away by Sarah’s beauty. None of the pictures had done her justice. Her energy made her so appealing, even if it was nervous energy like now. No wonder Nate couldn’t take his eyes off of her. It was a crap shoot as to who would hate having her in on these briefings more, Cyrus or Nate.

  Kali reached for the doorknob and Sarah stayed
her hand.

  “Wait. Shouldn’t we knock?”

  “Nope, we start as we mean to go on. We plan to push our way into this whole show no matter what their objections are, so we might as well walk in on them.”

  Sarah finally nodded.

  Kali opened the door and every head turned towards them. The curtains were drawn, and a video was being displayed against the wall over the sofa. It was immediately shut off.

  Cyrus pulled back the drapes, and glared at them. “Do you mind telling me what the hell you’re doing here, Sarah?”

  “I’m sick of being kept in the dark. But I see it’s how everybody is operating,” she said with a laugh. Cyrus chuckled. Sarah knew the right way to play her brother.

  “You’re not part of this, neither of you are. You’re civilians,” Nate’s voice was forged in steel.

  “Wrong. We’re found. We’re not just the targets, we’re eventually going to be the goats you’ll stake out to lure them in. Even if we’re not, we are coming into some interesting damn skills. We could make your operation a whole lot more successful if we help.” Kali kept her voice calm and level, knowing she had no hope of convincing Nate, instead, working to convince everyone else in the room.

  “We don’t plan on using you as bait,” Kota said emphatically.

  “You might not plan to right now, but eventually it will be the best case scenario, and I’ll be all for it, because I trust you to keep me safe.”

  Not going to happen, baby.

  “It’s never going to come to that,” Nate said.

  “Fine, it’s never going to happen, but in the meantime, we refuse to be excluded. This is our lives, what’s more, we’re all living here together. We refuse to be treated like second class citizens.” Kali saw how that remark hit home with everyone.

  “So what was on the video you just turned off, was it about Rixitron?” Sarah asked.

  “No, it’s about Jade Melling. From everything we can tell, she actually funded the purchase of the office park where Kali was held and tortured. We thought her art galleries were just one more false trail, but it looks like this time it is the end game.”


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