Once a Bridesmaid

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Once a Bridesmaid Page 11

by Courtney Hunt

  “Wow, this gets better.” Lauren rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest and stomping her feet to keep warm. “And I am neither skittish nor lonely. Or mangy, either!”

  “You’re beautiful. But you’re skittish and lonely,” Kyle said. “With Casey, I had to coax him with food. Took weeks. Eventually, he ate out of my hand. When I had my accident, my buddies got him sent home to the Mitchells.”

  “They are really nice people. They seem like good friends.”

  “They are.” Kyle nodded. “Like family.”

  “I get that. Same with Erin and Dylan for me.” As a soft rain began to fall, they hurried up the stairs to his apartment, Casey in the lead.

  “You got pretty soaked. You want to borrow a t-shirt?” When she nodded, Kyle handed her a soft dark-blue t-shirt and headed into the bathroom. Lauren changed, sitting cross-legged on the bed. Kyle crawled into the bed next to her, cuddling her close. “The jet lag is hitting me hard now.”

  “Should I head home?” Lauren was uncertain what the protocol was in this type of situation.

  “Wanna hold you, beautiful.” Kyle scooted her down beside him and spooned against her back, his arm draped over her hip. He gave her a brief kiss on her cheek and fell asleep within seconds. Lauren lay staring at the ceiling for ages, listening to his soft breathing, the rain pattering on the roof, and feeling warm and safe in his strong arms.

  Her last thought before she fell asleep was that she could get used to this.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You ever done one of these bridal events before?” Lauren and Kyle stepped into the marble lobby of one of the largest hotels in downtown Boston. The welcoming warmth washed away the chill of the early January morning. Muzak spilled from hidden speakers over a lobby gleaming with chrome and glass. Signs everywhere announced the first great bridal expo of the year. They each pulled rolling suitcases full of promotional materials behind them, clacking along in the early morning hush of the luxurious lobby.

  “No.” Kyle shrugged. “Joe indicated it was pretty easy though.”

  “It’s not hard work. Just very draining.” Together, they entered an enormous ballroom, lined with rectangular tables covered in white cloths. After some searching, they found their booths, thankfully located just next to each other.

  Kyle helped Lauren out of her coat, brushing a light kiss over the soft skin at the nape of her neck. She wore a dark pantsuit with an emerald green blouse for the event, professional, beautiful, and sexy. She’d twisted her gorgeous hair into a sleek updo. He’d watched her dress that morning, longing for tonight when he’d get to pull the pins from her hair and bury his fingers in her lush curls and take her back to bed. She dropped her head to his shoulder, their eyes meeting as he wrapped an arm around her waist, her silk blouse cool beneath his palm. He inhaled the sweet scent of her, vanilla and citrus as they stared at each other for a heartbeat and then another.

  “Guess we better set up,” Lauren whispered, stepping away before he could lean closer and steal a kiss.

  Together, they worked to get their promotional materials ready. Kyle set up the large backdrops for both of them, while Lauren artfully arranged freebies and flyers on the tables. Kyle displayed a few photo albums as exemplars as well as using a tablet as a digital photo frame. When they were done, Lauren excused herself and brought them both back large paper cups of coffee from the lobby.

  “Wow. Thanks for the vat of coffee.” Kyle laughed. He kissed her cheek before taking a quick sip. She’d gotten the sugar and milk just as he liked it. Though she wouldn’t accept the moniker, Lauren actually made a pretty terrific girlfriend. He just wasn’t sure he could ever tell her that. He smiled at her over the rim of the coffee cup. Maybe it didn’t matter what they called it, as long as he got to be next to her.

  “What? Is my hair messed up?” Lauren smoothed her palm over her hair when she caught him staring.

  Kyle quickly glanced away. Vendors continued to trickle into the ballroom and, if he didn’t distract himself, he’d end up dragging Lauren into a secluded hallway and getting her out of her sexy suit even sooner than he’d planned. In addition to spending all their free time together, they couldn’t get enough of each other, becoming hotter together over time, as they learned how to drive each other crazy with need, lust, and desire.

  “How’d we draw the early morning straw for this thing?” he asked.

  “Conned into it by Erin and Joe.” Lauren shook her head. “You want to walk around with me and meet the other vendors?”

  “Sure.” Kyle strolled along beside her as they wended their way through tables of hopeful vendors, selling everything from bridal makeup to wedding favors and everything in between. Casually, he reached over and took her hand, pleased when she twined her fingers around his with a quick squeeze. “Do people really need all this stuff to get married?”

  “Hey, we’re part of all that stuff,” Lauren said. “And some of it is necessary. Some not so much.”

  “Guess so.” Kyle hadn’t made a final decision yet but, after his prints took off on the online store Lauren set up for him, he was seriously considering setting up a photography studio in town, focusing on wedding photography. As much as he’d always loved being in the field chasing down beauty in the hardscrabble places of the world, to his very great surprise, he found he also loved the exhilarating stress of wedding photography. As much as he loved the thrill of the chase and the fun of life in the field, settling down also appealed to him.

  He glanced at the copper-haired woman beside him. She looked over and smiled brightly at him. He wanted a life with Lauren, a future with her at his side. She might take some convincing, though. Kyle could only hope that, eventually, Lauren would feel the same. After making the rounds together, they headed back to their booth just as the doors opened.

  Joyous brides and their conscripted helpers poured through the doors. Sometimes, a bored groom bobbed along in the bride-to-be’s wake, but more often, packs of women arrived en masse at the table. Were they all bridesmaids? Mothers of the bride? Kyle had no idea. He just tried to be as charming as possible, explaining the various photo packages that Joe and Leigh sold. The morning passed in a blur as they chatted with people, passing them off to each other as they could.

  “I’m Allison.” A young woman, her dark hair cut in a severe bob around her face, stuck out her hand to Kyle. Unlike all the other brides thus far, Allison appeared to be alone. “I understand you’re one of the top wedding photographers in Boston.”

  “My buddy, Joe Mitchell, is one of the best wedding photographers in the world. He’s teaching me the ropes.” Kyle shook her hand. “You’re all by yourself, Allison?”

  “I’m not from here.” Allison shrugged. “I just moved here from Denver to be with my boyfriend. He proposed on New Year’s Eve, so here I am.”

  “Congratulations! It must be tough to do all this wedding work on your own,” Kyle observed, handing her brochures. Allison nodded, and Kyle continued, “Sounds like you should meet Lauren here from Always a Bridesmaid. She and Erin can make your day perfect. She’ll be the bridesmaid of your dreams. Lauren, meet Allison.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Allison shook Lauren’s hand. “As I was telling your husband—”

  Lauren drew in a sharp, shocked breath and froze, her shoulders stiffening as her smile slid off her face. Her eyes widened, just for a heartbeat, and then she smiled calmly as she shook the bride’s hand. “I’m not married.”

  “Allison here is getting married. In October,” Kyle said, quickly, desperate to smooth over the awkward moment. “Tell Lauren all your dates and info.”

  He retreated to his booth, watching as Lauren graciously chatted with Allison and then moved onto the next giddy bride-to-be. He didn’t have a chance to talk to Lauren again until Erin and Joe showed up to relieve them at mid-morning.

  Kyle and Lauren headed off to have lunch before coming back to assist with the afternoon rush. They grabbed sandwiches in a nearby fast
casual restaurant and crammed into a tiny table, side-by-side. They wolfed down their cold-cut subs, chips, and bottled water in companionable silence.

  “It’s hell pretending to be an extrovert.” Kyle rubbed his forehead, at the ache pounding behind his eyes, his ears still ringing from the dull roar of the packed ballroom. Lauren rummaged in her purse and handed him a small bottle of painkillers.

  “Looks like you could use that. I’m an ambivert, myself. I like time alone but I like people, too.” She nudged his shoulder with hers. “I get it though. You don’t have to talk to me.”

  “How come you didn’t freak out when that girl called me your husband?” Kyle tapped the plastic medicine bottle on the table. He bit his bottom lip as he waited for her answer, his pulse hammering in his wrists. Slowly, Lauren finished chewing as she cocked her head to the side, considering, the sun making her bright hair shine like a beacon. She picked up a chip to toy with it before dropping it with a shrug.

  “It wasn’t anything personal. She’s a stranger.” She swiped at her face with her napkin, smearing a tiny bit of mustard near her lip. “She’s newly engaged and has weddings on the brain. She just made an assumption based on her own happiness.”

  She flashed him a quick smile. He leaned over and kissed her, licking the mustard off her lower lip. She nipped at his lower lip, kissing him back, and they rested their foreheads together, smiling dopily at each other.

  Despite her frequent protestations and ridiculous excuses for why their meetings were not dates, he’d been successful so far in getting Lauren to see him, spend time with him, and sleep with him. To Kyle’s view, they were more than dating. Lauren was his girlfriend and he was just starting to realize that he wanted so much more with her. He tried to be patient as he waited for her to realize her feelings too, if she would ever admit them out loud.

  After they finished their sandwiches, Lauren rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh, her soft hair smelling of citrus and vanilla. He wrapped his arm around her, cuddling her against his side, and dropped a kiss on the crown of her head. She sighed again, relaxing against him. Kyle still didn’t know what to call whatever lay between them but, to him, it felt a lot like love.

  “Guess we better go rescue Erin and Joe,” Lauren said, after a few minutes of just relaxing together.

  “Okay.” Kyle nodded and they stood. He tossed their trash into the recycling bins and held out a hand to her. She took it with a smile. “Once more into the breach…”

  Chapter Fourteen

  In late January, Lauren asked Kyle to accompany her to a small art gallery opening in the center of town, though she insisted it was a business opportunity for them both and in no way a date. The tiny gallery sat tucked into a row of shops along the waterfront, cleverly situated to beckon tourists with their souvenir dollars during the season. Now, in mid-winter, the small row of shops seemed dreary and bleak but in the summer, Lauren had no doubt they’d do well along the bustling harbor street.

  The gallery boasted two bow windows in front, showcasing colorful paintings of tropical birds in an island paradise. Warm light puddled out into the street invitingly. Inside, a small crowd gathered, admiring the array of paintings displayed on the stark white walls of the gallery.

  “Your black and white series of photos would look amazing here.” Lauren commented as she and Kyle peeked inside.

  “I was just thinking the same about your paintings.” Kyle smiled at her. “Doesn’t that beach look inviting right about now? We should plan a getaway.”

  With that, Kyle opened the gallery door for her, ushering her inside. Her heart tripped in her chest at his casual mention of a vacation getaway together. She glanced at the lush painted beach, still chilled from a New England January. Maybe a getaway somewhere warm would be nice, with Kyle to rub suntan lotion on her and sip tropical drinks together. She reached over and took his hand, feeling comforted when he gave her a quick squeeze.

  They walked together, hand in hand, admiring the paintings, until they came upon the owner, Lisbet Chambers, a spry woman of indeterminate years, her snowy hair in tight curls, and her bright eyes bluebird blue.

  “Lauren, my darling.” The two women hugged and air-kissed. She and Lisbet met when they taught art classes at the local craft store together and she was one of Maybelline’s oldest friends.

  “Kyle, I’d like you to meet Lisbet,” Lauren said. “We used to teach sip and drip classes together.”

  Kyle stepped forward and shook Lisbet’s hand as Lauren continued, “Kyle’s a very talented photographer, Lisbet. I think some of his photos would show beautifully here.”

  “This must be the boyfriend Maybelline talks so much about,” Lisbet said, peering at Kyle. “Well, you certainly are handsome.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Kyle said, with an adorable blush. “I’d love to chat about the possibility of having a show here.”

  “You both should show here. We could do a couple’s exhibit,” Lisbet said, with a speaking look at Lauren. “Let’s have lunch and chat next week. What an adorable couple you make.”

  With that, she flittered off. Lauren’s chest tightened as she tried to suck in a deep breath. First a vacation and now a couple’s show. How had her carefully single life spun out of control so quickly? She stalked over to the refreshments table. Her fingers shook as she poured herself a glass of white wine and downed it in one gulp. Kyle followed along, watching her warily.

  A portly gentleman, the gallery lights shining on his bald pate like a beacon, came up to greet Lauren. Paul Baker. Inveterate ass grabber. He put an arm around her waist and slid his hand lower. Annoyed, Lauren wiggled free as she greeted him. She refilled her wine glass while keeping her distance and her backside from Paul.

  “Hi. I’m Lauren’s boyfriend, Kyle Rawlings.” Kyle appeared at her side, sticking his hand out to Paul and carefully maneuvering his way between Paul and Lauren. He wrapped an arm around Lauren, pulling her close against his side, his warmth washing over her in the chilly gallery. “And you are?”

  “I’m Paul Baker,” Paul said genially, shaking Kyle’s hand. “Lauren taught my sip and drip class. I did twelve paintings.”

  “Is that right?” Kyle glared down at Paul, his jaw set and his eyes hard. “You must be quite a painter.”

  Paul took one look at Kyle’s thunderous expression and hastily excused himself. Kyle dropped his arm from her waist and turned toward the refreshment table. He handed her a plate of baby quiche, cucumber sandwiches, and phyllo pastry tarts. Lauren ignored the food and downed another glass of wine.

  “Paul’s just an old friend.”

  “You seemed uncomfortable when he tried to grab your ass,” Kyle said.

  “I can handle a handsy man,” Lauren snapped. “You are not my boyfriend and this is not a date…”

  Kyle’s eyebrows raised high above his brilliant green eyes. In a quiet voice, he said, “I’m not?”

  “I do not have boyfriends.” Lauren’s voice sounded shrill to even her own ears.

  “You make a pretty good girlfriend, when you’re not wrapped around the axle about labels. I like spending time with you. You like spending time with me, though you can deny it all you like.” Kyle tossed the serving fork down. It clattered against the dish, echoing in Lauren’s ears.

  Lauren shook her head, her blood whooshing in her ears, her hands shaking. Vacations, couples show, boyfriend…it was all just too much. She carefully set her wineglass down before she spilled it everywhere.

  “You don’t like spending time with me?” Kyle shook his head, downing his champagne in a single go and grabbing another. “We spend all our free time together. We talk every day. I see you all the time. We’re dating.”

  Lauren froze, her mouth flattening as she ground her teeth, very aware of her throbbing temples. She shook her head again, not able to force words out.

  “Other people have said it. Jessica, the bride at the expo…why is it different when I say it?” Kyle asked, his voice raspy.r />
  “Because Jessica is a child. And those people at the wedding expo are strangers.” Lauren couldn’t explain it. She raised her shaking hand to her forehead. Her heart thrummed against her too-tight chest as her knees liquefied. Kyle’s mouth twisted. Any second now, the yelling would start and a full-fledged fight would swell up. Lauren fought to breathe, past the heavy lump of impending doom on her chest.

  “Oh my God, we sound just like my parents. I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I can’t.” Lauren gasped, still fighting to breathe. Kyle reached for her arm, concern in his wide green eyes. She stumbled away from Kyle, her stomach churning. “I can’t do this. I just…I can’t.”

  She dashed to the front of the gallery, her footsteps echoing on the wooden floor, and out the door into the cold night, leaving her coat behind, her wrap dress flimsy protection against the harsh and bitter wind. The frigid night air burned her lungs as she hyperventilated. Her heart still hammered in her chest and her hands shook from more than just the cold. She stumbled down the sidewalk, her feet clumsy in her high heels.

  The door to the gallery opened, the party chatter and laughter spilling out into the night, before abruptly cutting off as the door swung shut. Her ears rang with the silence. Footsteps sounded behind her and her coat dropped over her shoulders in a rush of welcome warmth.

  “Lauren…” Kyle said, low and soothing, laying his warm hands upon her shoulders, but not touching her otherwise. “I think you’re having a panic attack. Can you just breathe?”

  She nodded, as he rubbed slow circles on her back. He guided her to his car and eased her inside, leaning over her to fasten the belt. Now, as the worst of the panic receded, embarrassment seeped in beneath. She shut her eyes, leaning back against the headrest, mortified by her behavior and her sudden dash from the party. He drove them to her apartment and helped her from the car, leading her up the stairs. At her apartment door, she turned to look at him, feeling hollow, achy, exhausted, and spent.


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