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The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2)

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by Wallace Greensage



  Wallace M Greensage


  Book Two

  Naturist-Themed Fiction


  Copyright © Wallace Merlin Greensage

  All rights reserved.

  This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the author. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  Contact information:


  These stories are entirely works of fiction. Although they contain incidental references to actual people and places, these references are merely used to lend the fiction realistic settings. All other names, characters, companies, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Views expressed concerning naturism/nudism are entirely incidental and are included to suit the context of the fiction. Such views may or may not represent the views of the author. All references to nudism/naturism are intended to be viewed in a positive supportive light by adherents and non-naturists alike.

  First Published August 2016 Edition 1

  Thanks to fellow naturist author P Z Walker for the cover design

  Other Books in this series

  Book 1 – Who Is This Naked Lady? And What Have They Done With My Wife?

  Available from amazon at:

  USA and Rest of World






  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38


  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57


  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  In the final instalment of the New Albion trilogy, due out soon:

  The Author

  New Albion


  Charlotte Mathersley – Happily naked but running scared

  Todd Mathersley – Cool and calm detective inspector

  Ella Langston – Ginger PA bombshell

  Lucy Polkdean - Devoted extrovert accountant

  Jake Polkdean - Sun-shy journalist

  Molly Hollingfeld – Shocked and horrified naturist beauty

  Philip (Phil) Stelt - Narcissist Legal Clerk

  Dana MacStewart – Travel agent with improving opportunities

  Benjamin (Ben) Spiralli - Short-fused Low-life

  Justin Slevering - Informally formal concierge

  Jimmy Davies - Strong Arm of the South Coast Law

  May Flintsmith - Reluctant matron

  John Flintsmith - Born-again dentist

  Henry Atkinstone – Old grouch

  Una Atkinstone – Perfect hostess

  Louisa Fiddleforth – Man-troubled accountant

  Dmitry Durak – Ukrainian psychopath

  Bobby-Joe Henderton – Spiralli’s useless weakling

  Fraser Duffy – Charlotte’s shattered father

  Patience Duffy – Fraser’s blinkered wife

  Brigidier (Ret’d) Cavendish Mathersley – Todd’s laid back father

  Lottie Mathersley – Todd’s apple pie Ma

  Tiffy Coltrain – Kettley Primary School teacher in hiding

  Jason Coltrain – Protective spouse

  Marie-Louise Solomons – Anxious deep-Southern lady

  Paige Solomons – What are they saying, ya’ll?

  ‘Little’ Stevie Perks – Paige’s unlikely companion

  Renata Perks – Helpful housewife

  Evie Perks – Perky eleven year old

  Olivia Solomons – Evie’s new bestie

  Chuck Solomons – America businessman, Marie-Louise’s husband

  Sally Solomons – Eldest teenage daughter

  Dominic Solomons – Only boy in a house full of girls

  Josh Perks – Steven’s teenage son by first marriage

  Leandre du Toit – Renata’s teenage daughter by first marriage

  Principal Brogan – Loud, scary head of Kettley Primary School

  Miss Ginns – Principal Brogan’s strong hand

  Sven & Freya – Todd and Charlotte’s Scandinavian neighbours

  Diego Dias – Spiralli’s Colombian guardian angel

  Santiago Rojas – Colombian man-mountain

  Lucas Moreno – Colombian man-foothill

  Jock Hamilton – Crime boss who wants it all

  Scotty the Wee Scot – Jock’s man on the inside

  Geoffrey – Octogenarian naturist

  Vera – Geoffrey’s spry wife

  Philippa – Their retired daughter

  Gordon – Overbearing hugger


  Chapter 1

  IN Charlotte Mathersley’s mind, she was still on holiday, lying on their newly-discovered favourite beach soaking up the sun, her tall, dark, good-looking, well-built husband Todd spread-eagled alongside, her friends all around, listening to the gentle lapping of warm Atlantic waves. The deep tan on Charlotte’s face, arms and legs as she headed to her office was clear evidence of the amount of sun that they’d enjoyed. The tan on the rest of her tall, well-rounded figure was hidden away beneath with her smart business suit, the clothes freedom of the past two weeks a fading memory. Her long, thick, dark hair was fashioned into a neat braid now that she was returning to her business life, a far cry from the loose, free style she’d worn while on holiday.

  But on this Monday morning, on her first day back, her job as procurement supervisor at Matthewson’s Wellingbury manufacturing plant where she’d worked since leaving university had yet to enter her consciousness. This was so unlike her; normally she would have been menta
lly preparing herself at least a day before her return to work.

  The fine weather of their two-week break was now merely a dream. In reality, on that cloudy and rain-soaked Monday morning as she parked her Mini outside her office block, her brain struggled to make the switch in readiness for the tasks ahead. She locked her car and mentally shook herself. Concentrate, she told herself; the holiday’s over and you have work to do. Easier said than done.

  After a wonderful, life-changing summer break at Pereval Beach Hotel on New Albion’s south coast with her husband Todd, she was glowing and wanted to tell the world. Unfortunately for her, she knew that simply couldn’t happen. The events that had changed their lives were personal and private; impossible for Charlotte to even contemplate revealing. And that was her problem; she had so much she would like to share but simply couldn’t.

  She’d given a lot of thought to the secrecy that surrounded their vacation, the best ever in all their time together, even better than their honeymoon although she would never voice that to Todd. It would have been so good to have been able to share her excitement with family, friends and colleagues but she knew that was impossible. Todd and she had agreed on this on their return home on Saturday. They themselves found it hard to believe that in the space of just two weeks, they’d become nudists…or naturists as most of their newfound friends preferred.

  To her surprise, Todd seemed more relaxed about others knowing. She knew to her chagrin that it was all about her; she simply wouldn’t be able to face others, especially her puritanical parents, if this leaked out. She was convinced that her colleagues would ridicule her at best and at worst her father would find out. After all, he worked in the same company as Engineering Manager. He must never find out the truth. But she allowed herself a small smile as she thought about her close friend at Matthewson, outgoing Ella; even she would be flabbergasted.

  At least, she thought, she could tell people that she’d had really fantastic time, couldn’t she? No harm in that, was there?

  She was soon to discover that this wasn’t quite as easy either.


  On his way to Wellingbury Central Police Station where he worked as Detective Inspector, Todd was also giving thought to the last fortnight. But it wasn’t their introduction to naturism that captured his thoughts; their holiday had been marred by some alarming events. Although everything had fortunately turned out fine for them in the end, he’d inadvertently found himself in danger and still harboured concerns about the aftermath, with criminal court cases and police work yet to be completed.

  Todd had reminded Charlotte only that morning over breakfast that while the cases were continuing, this ongoing police business was to remain confidential. They had no choice but to keep that part of their holiday to themselves.


  Charlotte waited a few moments in the carpark for her slim-figured friend Louisa Fiddleforth from Accounts Department to park her tiny Nissan Micra next to Charlotte’s Mini. They weren’t close friends but had joined at the same time and often chatted. Two of Louisa’s accounting colleagues joined them as they walked towards the office building.

  ‘This is your first day back after your holiday, isn’t it?’ Louisa asked.

  ‘Yes,’ she answered. ‘Back to the grindstone. The holiday was special. We had such a wonderful time I’m having trouble getting into working mode!’

  ‘Enjoy the sensation of a good break, Charlotte!’ Louisa told her. ‘I could certainly do with one!’

  ‘So what made it so special?’ one of the other ladies asked.

  Charlotte suddenly realised with surprise that she may have trapped herself by being too expansive. She tried to extricate herself. ‘Oh, you know, everything!’ she said, trying to dampen her earlier enthusiasm a little. ‘Todd and I enjoyed each other’s company so much, the hotel and food were marvellous, the beach was fantastic and we made some great new friends.’ I’d better leave it at that, she thought to herself.

  ‘Sounds really…good,’ Louisa replied unenthusiastically. Charlotte could see that she was simply being polite. ‘It’s been a while since I had a break like that,’ Louisa continued, thinking briefly and dismissively about her trip with Colin to Greece last year. That cheating bastard! Why the hell she carried on seeing him she didn’t know. Yes she did, she told herself. It’s because I’ll be so lonely if I’m on my own. But when she thought about it, she realised that she was already lonely. Colin had been working away for several months on a fly-in fly-out construction contract in West Africa and she hardly saw him. The spark had completely disappeared from their relationship and she supposed it was just a matter of time before he cheated on her again and she kicked him out. Maybe he was already cheating on her. She grimaced inwardly. She knew she was bogged down in a relationship that had little chance of survival. Why couldn’t she simply make the break, she wondered?

  The other two ladies peeled off and started chatting together. They had no real interest in hearing about a vacation that now sounded pretty ordinary.

  ‘It was great, Louisa,’ Charlotte continued. ‘Anyway, I’m back now and have to get into gear again quickly. How have things been here?’

  ‘Same as ever. Nothing much changes around here, does it? OK, see you later, Charlotte.’ Louisa headed for the stairs as Charlotte waved and turned towards the ground floor corridor and Matthewson’s large open plan procurement office.

  Well, that was close, thought Charlotte. We had such a fantastic time but I realise now that I can’t even admit to that in case someone else wants to know why it was so great.

  Charlotte entered the large open office and, calling greetings to her colleagues, headed to her desk which was already piled high with work. She fielded queries about her break with a polite “Good, thanks”. That was best, she thought. Damn it! What a let-down! Anyway, down to work, she said to herself – that’ll keep me busy.

  She phoned her father to greet him as she did every morning. Todd and she had spoken by phone to both sets of parents as soon as they arrived home. No problems there. Yet!


  An hour later, Charlotte’s close friend Ella Lankson phoned her. Ella was personal assistant to Procurement Director Henry Atkinstone, the most senior man in Charlotte’s department and three above her in the food chain.

  ‘Hey, girl.’ Ella chirped. ‘I’m so glad you’re back. It’s been so quiet without you. How was it?’

  ‘Good thanks,’ Charlotte replied noncommittally, remembering her promise to herself. ‘How have you been?’

  ‘Good thanks? Good thanks? Is that the best you’ve got, Charley?’

  Charlotte laughed. ‘OK, it was fantastic. I had the best time ever! Satisfied?’

  ‘Yes, satisfied – if you’re telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Whatever, I’ll get it out of you. Coffee at eleven? I’ll see you at our usual table.’ Ella didn’t wait for a reply and disconnected.

  Charlotte smiled to herself. Ella was a great friend. No airs or graces. Just the real deal.

  Chapter 2

  JUST before eleven a.m. Charlotte made her way to the company’s in-house coffee shop and ordered a medium latte. As she set her coffee cup on their usual table, Ella rushed up behind her, spun Charlotte round and gave her a huge hug. ‘So glad to have you back, Charley. I really missed your company!’ Ella’s startling red hair was a mass of curls surrounding her pretty often-freckled skin and as usual, her top was low enough for alluring views of her impressive cleavage. Her medium-height busty figure was curvaceous without being too overweight. She certainly turned heads wherever she went. ‘My,’ Ella exclaimed as she held her friend at arm’s length and studied her carefully. ‘With that glorious tan you look more gorgeous than ever.’

  ‘Glad to see you too,’ Charlotte smiled. ‘Get your coffee and let’s chat.’ Neither could spare more than 15 minutes; they both had busy jobs but Ella also worked directly for old grouch, Henry Atkinstone. He was a tough man to work for. He was gruff at the best of times an
d if he discovered errors in her work, Charlotte knew from experience that he could be rudely critical. Punctuality and reliability were his minimum staff requirements. Ella had to be on her toes all the time but she was first-rate at her job, had been with him for a long time and knew all his likes and dislikes and how to anticipate his needs. As with all top PAs, his working day would be impossible without her. She knew her indispensable worth but didn’t appear to take advantage.

  ‘OK, Charley, spill. You have ten minutes to tell all!’

  ‘Ten minutes isn’t enough, Ella. I can tell you some but the detail will have to wait until we have more time.’ Charlotte was buying time with that reply. She didn’t really know how to start or how much to reveal. She certainly didn’t want to be trapped into saying too much but then again, this was her best friend and she didn’t want to be too secretive either. What a conundrum!

  ‘OK, well let’s talk through all the juicy bits over lunch. Just tell me whether you had a lovely time or not.’

  ‘Definitely had a wonderful time, Ella. I can’t tell you how much we enjoyed it,’ she said more enthusiastically.

  ‘What about the weather?’

  ‘Great for the whole time. Not a drop of rain or even a cloudy day.’

  ’And the hotel?’

  ‘That was OK too. We’d stay there again.’

  ‘What did you do? Lounge around the pool all day?’

  ‘We did lots and met nice people too. The beach was good, we went on a coach trip for a day and met a nice couple on that trip too. They had a chalet at a really nice nearby resort and we visited them a few times. We hiked, used different beaches. Lots of good stuff.’

  ‘Uh-huh! And?’

  ‘And what?’

  ‘This was “nice”, that was “good”, the hotel was “OK”, “we did this ho-hum stuff” and “we did that ho-hum stuff”. Come on, girl. Open up. You said you had a great time! What was the most exciting thing that happened?’

  Charlotte hesitated. ‘Sorry, that really is a long conversation. We don’t have time now.’


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