Page 7
Several stories caught my attention. One was of a Texas fireman who’d shot two dogs that trespassed on his property. Afterwards he’d taken a photo and proudly posted it on Facebook. The picture was a part of the article. My blood boiled. My gaze shifted between the dead dogs and the smug expression on the man’s face. I wished I could do exactly to him what he’d done to those dogs. Or even better, I wanted…yes… I wanted to torture him first. I wanted to look in his eyes and to see as the knowledge of what I was about to do to him and why finally dawned on him. I wanted to make him suffer.
I slammed the mug down on the kitchen table and swore as hot liquid sloshed out over my hand. I’d wanted to erase the image of the couple on the hill, and I had. I’d replaced it with the image of the man and the dead dogs in my mind’s eye.
“Hey,” Moretti rasped as he entered the kitchen, his voice still sleep laden. “I guess I should thank you for not making a run for it.” His smile was surprisingly unguarded.
“Yeah, well, where would I go and how would I get there? I don’t have my I.D. or any money.”
“There is that.” He scuffled over to the table and I couldn’t help but admire his toned body. He wore nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, which showed a whole lot of the tanned, muscled, yumminess. He picked up the mug on the table and sniffed at it. “This is not what I was hoping for,” he grunted. “The coffee maker is right there on the counter, you know.”
I chuckled. Moretti was kind of amusing when he first woke up. “I didn’t want coffee. You see, caffeine doesn’t mix well with insomnia.”
He grunted as he made his way over to the coffee maker. After it was running he leaned against the counter and studied me. “Chocolate has caffeine in it too.”
“Not enough to matter.”
“No, I suppose not.” His eyes roamed over me and lingered on my exposed legs. His thoughts were easily readable to me, especially with the bulge in his boxers.
I let my legs fall open. “See something you like?”
He ran his hand through his dark hair and groaned. “You’re trouble. I knew it from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”
I smirked. “You mean when I answered my door naked?” I crooked my finger at him. “Come here. We might as well keep ourselves entertained while you wait for your coffee.”
“Trouble,” he muttered as he prowled towards me.
“I didn’t hear you complaining last night. I think—”
He lifted me up and put me on the table, pulling me to the edge. He pushed up my shirt as I slipped his boxers down his hips with my feet. “I guess I like trouble,” he rumbled just as he plunged into me.
I dug my nails into his shoulders and let my head drop back. He built a brutal pace as he slammed into me. I was already sore from last night’s escapades and wondered if I’d be able to walk after this round.
When I brought my head up to kiss him, my gaze locked onto the figure standing in the entranceway to the kitchen. Lucian stood there, still and silent, his eyes blazing with some unreadable emotion. His chest rose and fell heavily, like he was struggling to breath. His knuckles whitened on the doorframe.
Just then my body spasmed with the onslaught of my orgasm. I cried out without looking away from Lucian. I suddenly felt more connected to him than I did the man who was currently inside of me. Why was Lucian here? He’d made no secret of his jealously, so why was he torturing himself? It’s what I wanted, to give him a show, to make a point, but suddenly I felt sick about it. And not just because of Lucian. Moretti was a good man. I knew it because when I touched him I didn’t get flashes of horrible deeds. He was a good man—and therefore too good for me. I would corrupt and ruin him if given the chance. I lived to deal out my own special brand of karma, but I wasn’t cruel. I never punished those who didn’t deserve it. Even though Lucian said he wouldn’t hurt Moretti, at least for the moment, I knew I was bringing him into something that he was better left out of. I really was trouble for him…more than he knew.
I breathed heavily through my ebbing pleasure, transfixed by Lucian, even when Moretti groaned his release, spurting hot liquid inside of me. It was Lucian who I truly wanted. I knew it in that instant as I stared into his eyes from across the room. I was being just like Moretti. I wanted Lucian, but I hated what that said about me. What did I know about Lucian, besides the fact that he was a freak like me? I’d just met him, and the startling level of attraction—an undeniable pull towards him—scared the crap out of me. I’d planned on nailing and bailing him, but I was worried once I let him inside of me, he’d claim more than just my body. The sentiment was ridiculous, really. I didn’t believe in love…or I didn’t believe in love for me. There was no room for it in my life. It was preposterous to even consider having some kind of instant connection with someone that could one day lead to love. So why am I so scared then, if it’s impossible? Because someone like me knew that no matter how unlikely something was, most things were possible, and when it came to human emotions…well…human emotions were complicated. They rarely did what you wanted them to.
As if he was reading my mind, Lucian’s lips quirked up into a tiny smile. His fingers slowly peeled off of the doorframe and his body relaxed significantly. Moretti was a distraction, a pleasant one, but one none the less. We both knew it. Lucian disappeared, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. I knew I’d be seeing him very soon though. That knowledge both excited and…yes, still terrified me.
I drummed my fingers over the desk as I waited to be processed. I was getting out on bail, and because I had to use a bondsman to fund my jailbreak, the whole process was taking much longer than I would have liked. Since I’d disappeared from my cell in such an unexplainable manner, the theory was that someone had drugged and removed me. Suddenly, me being the only suspect in Dorothy’s death was too convenient. Suspicion still surrounded me, which was why I’d been told not to leave town, but now the whole situation was getting a second look. Thank God.
“Here you go, ma’am.” A Pittsburgh Police Officer handed me a Ziploc bag with my earrings in it. They were the only personal effects I had on me when I’d been brought in.
“Thanks,” I said, snatching it from him. I stood and made my way towards the exit, scanning every cop as I went. Moretti had brought me in, but had pulled his own kind of disappearing act the minute we were in the station. Who knew if I’d ever see him again? I snorted to myself. Yeah right, he’ll be back for more. The real question was whether or not I’d be accommodating. Moretti had definitely gotten the job done, and he was smoking hot, but I couldn’t seem to get my mind off of Lucian. It felt so natural to think about him for some reason…as if I’d been doing it for a long time, which obviously wasn’t the case.
The cab that I’d called was at the curb waiting for me outside. I directed the driver to take me to Club Elite. I needed to get my stuff from the changing room, and hoped that Bert would still let me work. If I was going to be sticking around Pittsburgh for a while then I needed to be making money. My shitty furnished apartment wasn’t much, but it wasn’t free. The image of Dorothy’s body splayed across my bed popped into my mind. Ick. Plus I’d need a new mattress…and sheets. Maybe I’d just move.
“Hey, Mikey,” I greeted the bouncer working the front door as I exited the cab. “Bert around?”
Mikey uncrossed his thick tattooed arms and winced. “Yeah, but he’s in a pissy mood in general, and really pissed at you. You might—”
I went up on my tiptoes and rubbed Mikey’s shaved head. “For good luck.” I smirked and he chuckled.
“Fuck, good luck then.” He pushed the door open for me and I strode in.
Bert was right where I thought he’d be, in his office. He glowered when he looked up to see me approaching. “Hi-ya, Bert!” I said with forced cheer. “I guess you probably want to talk to me.”
“I can’t believe you had the nerve to show your face here again,” he growled.
I flopped in the uncomfortable chair a
cross from him. “Oh come on, I literally just got out of jail. I took a cab straight here. I—”
He slapped his open palms down on his desk. “You skipped out on the rest of your shift last week and then you disappeared without a word. Next I hear you’re in jail. I don’t know what—”
“Seriously—none of that was my fault. In fact none of the weird shit that’s been going on with me is my fault.” I paused, gathering myself. Obviously a different approach was in order. Bert seemed like the kind of guy who would fall for my waterworks routine. My lower lip began to tremble and my eyes burned with tears. “Look, Bert…please,” I forced my voice to warble. “Someone is targeting me. I don’t know what’s going on but I need this job. I didn’t do anything wrong. Why do you think the police let me go? Someone is setting me up and—” I choked back a sob. “Please don’t let them win. Please don’t fire me. I can’t leave town and I need the money. Just…please.” For the finale I blinked to dislodge the tears from my eyes. They slowly trailed down my cheeks as I stared at Bert with my best puppy dog eyes.
Bert cleared his throat as he shifted uncomfortably. After another moment he snatched a tissue from the box on his desk and handed it to me. “You don’t have any idea who it could be? Maybe a customer?”
I shook my head and wiped at my eyes with the tissue. “No—I—please don’t fire me, Bert.” He was softening, I could tell.
He swore under his breath. “I’m going to catch shit from the other girls for this. You’ll probably have to deal with some of it yourself since they’ll be bitter thinking I’m giving you special treatment. But fine—you still have a job.”
I smiled through my tears. “You won’t regret this.”
He snorted. “I already know I’m going to regret not letting you go, but I’m not heartless.”
“Can I go on tonight? My stuff is still here.”
He processed that bit of information for a second before responding. “It’s been here the whole time?”
“Yeah. I told you that—”
He raised his hands. “I don’t want to know anymore. Just get ready for tonight and try not to cause any more trouble for the club.”
“Got it, no more trouble.” I turned and hurried from his office. No more trouble. Well, wasn’t that going to be the tough part, not just while at Club Elite, but in all parts of my life.
I swiveled my hips before grabbing the pole and hefting myself to almost the top. I flipped over, hanging by my legs. While upside down I shimmied my top off, caressing my tits to the rapt attention of everyone sitting around the main stage. I loosened my legs and slid down the pole so I could reach the ground. I pushed off into a handstand, lowering my arms so I could bend my body over into a split. Once right side up I flopped onto my back and peered over at the crowd while arching my tits up into the air. Money littered the stage while still more fluttered to the ground. I finished my set with my signature crawl on all fours. It was a simple move, one that literally a baby could do, but men, and women for that matter, always went crazy when I prowled towards them in that manner. As long as it brought me the green, I was more than willing. Especially if I didn’t have to risk any pulled muscles in the process.
My song ended and I pulled myself to my feet. I was sweaty and I needed a drink before heading to the back VIP stage. I was arranging my gown, and I use the term very loosely, when someone grabbed my arm. “Hey,” I snapped. “Hands off.”
“That’s not what you said last night, or this morning either.”
Surprise washed over me. I knew he’d be back, but I hadn’t expected him so soon. “Moretti.” I met his dark gaze as his slid over my scantily clad body. “What are you doing here?” He wasn’t wearing his uniform, I noticed. So he was making a personal visit, was he? I smiled.
His gaze bore into mine and I couldn’t help but respond to him, after all, I had spent the better part of the last twenty-four hours with him inside of me. “I’m doing the same thing most of the men here are doing, I suppose.” He glanced over my shoulder at the throng of men around the stage. “You really know how to draw a crowd, don’t you?”
I ran my fingers down his bare arm. “Jealous?”
I tilted my head and smiled teasingly. “I really didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you’d avoid a place like this like the plague.”
“Mmmm…” he grunted. “I got bored.”
“Reeeeaaally,” I drawled.
“Yeah, thought I’d come check this place out.”
“Aaaand, what do you think?”
He leaned into my personal space and my breath hitched. “I think that I’m going to ask you for a private dance.” I opened my mouth to protest but he talked over me. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it. In more ways than one,” he muttered the last part and I couldn’t help but think that he hadn’t meant for me to hear it.
I’d already come to the conclusion that Lucian was who I really wanted, but Moretti was fun. He made me feel lighter somehow, almost…normal. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt that way before him. My life was so complicated that it was a breath of fresh air just to live in the moment.
I glanced over at the VIP stage. “I have to put in an appearance on the back stage for a song. After that, I’m all yours. You can sit there if you want.”
He followed my gaze with his. “It doesn’t look like there’s room.”
I snickered. “Well, I am very popular.”
“I’ll wait for you at the bar.” He turned and strode off without another word.
Things just got more interesting. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do about Moretti. We’d had a good time together…a really good time. The thing was, I knew I shouldn’t string him along just because I wanted to have some fun and not think about what tomorrow would bring. He wasn’t one of my customers, even though he was intending to play one tonight. I needed to cut him loose…but after I said a proper goodbye to him. A girl needs to get her kicks somehow, and someone who looked like Moretti and fucked the way he did wasn’t the worst way to get them. I so need to sort my bi-polar emotions out. I’d never been so indecisive until Lucian had fucked with my life and my head. But I would worry about all of that…later. That was kind of the point of living in the moment.
I sidled up next to Moretti at the bar and grinned at him. “Hey there, big boy,” I said in my best May West impression, before winking. “You ready?”
Moretti took a swig from his Iron City bottle and nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”
I slid my arm into the crook of his elbow and lead him to the private rooms. Marcus was working and stepped out of our way while delivering me an easy smile. “Good to see you’re all right, Karma. Some of us were worried,” he rumbled.
“Thanks, Marcus, it’s nice to know you care. See you later.” Moretti and I breezed into one of the private rooms, not my preferred room, but I was just happy to still have a job.
I shoved at Moretti playfully. “Have a seat.”
He obeyed immediately, obviously eager for what was going to come. “So how does this work?” Moretti asked after another swig of beer. “I just sit here and you dance for me?”
“It works just like any other strip club, or pretty much. Contrary to what some believe, the girls here don’t sell sexual favors. Although…” I purred. “It’s totally a different case for you.”
“I’m not paying for your sexual favors,” Moretti husked. “Not when I can get those for free.”
I simply snorted as my response. Moretti wasn’t trying to offend me, or at least I hoped he wasn’t, so I was going to just let his reaction to my flirting go. “Oh, you’ll pay for them one way or another,” I couldn’t help mumble under my breath.
The velvet curtain was ripped back abruptly. I whirled around indignantly. “Hey, you—” My voice stuck in my throat when I saw the intruder. “Lucian,” I grated.
“Excuse me, this room is already occupied. You going to be a problem?” Mor
etti snapped as he drew up to his full height, narrowing his eyes.
“No problem here.” I glared at Lucian. His eyes were riveted on Moretti. He didn’t even spare me a glance.
“Leave, now,” he commanded. “That will save you from having to find out how I deal with my problems, which you are becoming.”
“Look buddy, I don’t know who you think you are but—”
Lucian snapped his fingers and Moretti disappeared. A startled scream burst from my chest. “What—what the hell did you do to him?”
Lucian pulled the curtain closed and strode towards me, his eyes glowing an electric blue. “Nothing. I simply sent him home. He’ll wake up in the morning with a killer headache and just assume he has a massive hangover.”
“You had no right to do that. Now it’s time for you to leave. I’m not going to let you run shotgun over my life.” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Lucian. I tried very unsuccessfully to not let my gaze run over the rest of him. I took in his finely tailored black suit, red dress shirt and tie. His eerie eyes cast shadows over his features, making them appear sharper and almost threatening. He exuded so much raw power; it both frightened and turned me on. A man like him usually made women do one of two things: One: run for the hills. Or two: offer themselves up to be ravished. I was a millisecond away from doing one of those options; I just wasn’t sure which yet.
“You don’t really want me to leave. You’re just angry because you feel like I’m trying to be controlling. I can let you be in control. I like it when a woman’s on top.” Lucian’s full lips turned up into a sneer. His comments coupled with his infuriating expression pushed me way past angry.