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0968348001325302640 brenda huber shadows

Page 21

by Unknown

  Stifling a vicious curse, he tore around the house and ducked into the woods behind the shed. There he stripped down, stashed his clothes, and began the transformation. His focus was fuzzy, shadowed by fear for her, and shifting was more painful than normal. Where was she? Had she wandered away on her own?

  Or had she been forced away against her will?

  His blood turned to ice.

  The change in his face was near to excruciating.



  Bones shattered and reformed, muscle and sinew ripped and bunched across his body. The griffin on his chest rippled as if alive. He nearly writhed on the ground from the pain. Damn it, Cam, focus. A thick pelt replaced smooth skin, and only by sheer dint of will did he prevent himself from tearing it back out as the searing burn of its rapid growth lanced across his flesh.

  Dropping to all fours, he shook himself from snout to tail, panting, forcing himself to focus through the throbbing in his joints. He sniffed and snuffled the ground near him but could pick up no trace. Trotting back to the porch, he picked up her trail once more. Nose all but pressed to the ground, he loped across the yard and into the woods to the north of the house. Her scent grew stronger the farther he ran. He breathed an inward sigh of relief.

  She was alone.

  Then anger flared. She was alone. He could detect the familiar scents of man-made weaponry. At least she was carrying her gun. All the same, he was still upset. Was she insane? Had she forgotten so quickly the black bear who’d nearly dined on her not so very many nights ago? That puny little gun she had wouldn’t have stopped it from taking her down if Cam had given it half a chance. Had she forgotten there was another predator out here, one far more dangerous than that bear? One who walked upright on two legs and stalked the community’s citizens without remorse?

  Had she forgotten the wolf?

  Growling low in his chest, he charged onward.

  Maybe he ought to scare her. Remind her that these woods weren’t safe.

  Then he located her, and he couldn’t find it in himself to frighten her. On the contrary, once he found her, the pull of her was too strong to resist. He couldn’t stand the thought of causing her fear. The 213

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  instinct to protect was too strong. Dropping to his haunches, he angled his head and observed her with all his heightened senses. His acute vision drank in every greedy drop of her appearance, from the top of her golden head to the scuffed tips of her hiking boots, and every luscious inch in between. Her breathing was gentle and even, caressing his sensitive hearing like the caress of her hands on his body.

  She stood in the middle of The Circle, gazing about her in unmistakable wonder. Her stance was completely relaxed, totally at ease. Even so, she examined her surroundings with infinite care, as if cataloging every microscopic detail. Was she planning her next painting even now? He could almost see the wheels in her head turning.

  A quick slash of wind gusted through the clearing, tearing her hair from the clip at the nape of her neck. Her golden tresses lifted in the breeze and swirled around her face until she captured it and ruthlessly restrained it once more. Her essence slammed through his system like a shot from a twenty gauge fired at close range.

  His female.

  The subconscious assertion exploded through him, savage and primal. If he’d had any lingering doubts before, seeing her here like this laid them to rest. On those few occasions when his cynicism had lapsed and his imagination had run away with him, she was all he’d ever dreamed of and so much more.

  After the incident with the bear, he hadn’t been able to stay away, unable to resist the urge to watch over and protect his female. Every waking hour he wasn’t either on duty or tied up with the murder investigations, he’d been skulking in the woods near her house, like some hungry, love-sick pup starving for a glimpse of her.

  Hell, even when he was on duty he had trouble 214


  staying away, enter exhibit A…last night at the bowling alley. He’d been on duty, only a few hours into his shift, and he hadn’t been able to resist tracking her down. He had a vandal harassing his town, one he couldn’t wait to get his hands on. He had a killer on the loose, should have been focusing solely on hunting the bastard down and putting an end to his spree of terror, but he hadn’t been able to look beyond his own personal need. Another first for him. Always the pack…and the town…had come first. Now JJ did.


  With the newfound senses of a Werewolf who’d found his mate, he’d singled out the sound of her voice, the sound of her laughter through the din of the crowd as she’d discovered new friends. The tenor of her laughter had left him achy and wanting. He’d tried to tell himself that he’d gone there simply to see for himself that she was all right. Hell, he hadn’t been able to fool anyone, least of all himself. He’d needed to be near her with a driving instinct that would not be denied. He’d needed to see her, to breathe the same air as she breathed.

  For the first time in his life, he began to understand. Perhaps Ed hadn’t stayed for Cam’s mother because he was pathetic. Maybe leaving truly hadn’t been an option. Granted, there was still no excuse for the way Ed squandered his life, shunned his pack. But maybe…just maybe…there’d been more to the story than Cam had previously been prepared to consider.

  He hadn’t been joking when he’d told her she’d scared ten years off his life last night. Never before had he experienced the blood-curdling terror he had when she’d announced she was going downstairs, implied she’d meant to confront her intruder. Even now, the mere thought sent chills through him.


  Brenda Huber

  Being with her in her kitchen as she’d made breakfast for him had been surreal, given him a taste of a future he could cherish with every ounce of his soul. He hadn’t even claimed her yet, and already he looked forward to waking to her every morning. She made him want things, things he’d never before even considered. A real home. A wife.


  She stiffened suddenly, and he went on full alert. Sifting scents on the wind, he couldn’t distinguish anything amiss. His inner instinct didn’t sense any danger, any threat. What had spooked her? Then, as she twisted around to gape in his direction, he realized the truth.

  She’d sensed him. How…odd. He hadn’t made a sound, hadn’t twitched an eyelid. Yet she’d unerringly found him, as if he’d tossed his snout in the air and howled for her attention. Just as she’d found him in the bowling alley last night. Was she as aware of him as he was of her?

  He rose to his paws and padded forward, slow and easy. The last thing he wanted now was to frighten her. Please don’t let her run from him.

  Given his current state of emotion, he wasn’t all together certain how he would react. Would he be able to let her go?

  Or would he give in to his innate predator’s instinct to give chase, to track her down? And once he caught her…then what? Would he shift and claim her as he longed to do? Would she accept him? What would happen if she fought him?

  God help him, he’d rather cut out his own heart than cause her a moment of pain, and yet, with the fierce emotions roiling through his system, he wasn’t at all certain he could contain himself.

  His mind raced as he drew closer. She stood her ground. He stopped at last, only a few feet away, and 216


  tipped his head to the side, trying to reassure her with his eyes. Did she understand he would willingly die for her?

  JJ bent slightly at the waist and reached a hand out to him, clucking softly. Narrowing his eyes, he snorted. He knew he’d set a bad example before, but he’d just had to reassure her. And now look at her.

  She was treating him as if he were some tame lap dog. He was a freakin’ Werewolf, not some pathetic poodle.

  Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a sharp breath. Slowly, she lowered her hand and edged back a step.

  Damn it all to hell.

Loathing himself for his weakness where she was concerned, cringing at what he was about to do, he let his tongue loll out the side of his mouth.


  Thank God, the other guys weren’t watching this. He’d never live it down.

  She relaxed again and offered him a blinding smile, making his degradation worth every second.

  He crept closer, all but purring like some lowly, disgusting cat when she stroked his head. In this form, he was eye-level with her breasts. Ever since he’d seen her bra hanging from the banister last night, caught a glimpse of those pert nipples puckered against the thin fabric of the tank she slept in, he’d been dying to bury his face against her.

  Right now, those soft, womanly curves were more than he could resist. A devil rode him, and he gave her a wolfish grin before nuzzling his face against her breasts.

  Heaven had nothing on her.

  The only thing that would have been better would be if he were in human form, and if she were naked, writhing beneath him as she screamed his name.


  Brenda Huber

  She giggled, pushing him away. He butted up against her, unwilling to yield her softness just yet.

  She laughed aloud, wrapping her arms around his neck, holding him close. It took every last ounce of his willpower not to shift then and there. He nuzzled her a moment longer, gave her a long, indolent lick up the side of her neck then edged away. He wouldn’t be able to stand much more of that torture before he caved to instinct and shifted to claim her.

  She might not be afraid of him right now, but he could damned near guarantee if he shifted right here in her arms, he’d be lucky to catch her before she sprinted across county lines. Oblivious to his discomfort, she laced her fingers through his fur, over and over, stroking his back, humming her pleasure. She was killing him.

  To take his mind off the pleasure of her hands, he pushed his head under her arm and nudged the small of her back where she’d stuffed her gun. It smelled as if it had been recently cleaned. Good. At least she was taking that much responsibility for her safety.

  “What are you… Oh, the gun,” she answered herself. Turning to face him fully, she smoothed both hands down the sides of his neck. “Can you smell it?

  I bet so, huh? Bet you don’t like guns. Can’t say as I blame you there. I don’t really like them either.” Her tone grew wistful, her gaze pensive. “Someday I’ll be strong enough, I hope. Then I won’t need it anymore.”

  The pain in her eyes sliced at his heart. Is that what she thought? That she was weak? That her courage came from the gun she carried? The things she’d overcome would have destroyed a weak person.

  No, JJ was a survivor. Couldn’t she see the remarkable things he saw when he looked at her?

  He nuzzled his face against hers. A low whimper rumbled around in his chest. She buried her face in 218


  his fur for a long moment, then seemed to shake off her melancholy.

  “It’s so beautiful out here.” She smiled as she straightened. Her appreciative gaze swept the clearing. “I had no idea this place even existed.” She spoke to him as if he were human, as if he were a long lost friend. She was a wonder that never ceased to amaze him. “What is this place?” She toed the charred debris from the last ceremonial bonfire.

  “This doesn’t look that old, I wonder who comes here? What do they celebrate?” She sighed wistfully, and faced him. “Would you listen to me? Standing here asking you all these questions, like you can talk to me?” She snorted softly, scuffing the toe of her boot against a huge, fallen log.

  Oh, but he could tell her. He wanted to.

  Everything. He could tell her of the ceremonies and the legends.

  He could tell her the truth.

  She scratched that wonderful spot behind his ear, and he closed his eyes, nudging his cheek into her hand. Her gentle laughter soothed him. “You’re awfully friendly. You know…that first time…I’d begun to think I’d only imagined you.” He growled softly, nudging his shoulder against her hip, tilting her off balance. “I know, I know. You are real.” Then she cast a thoughtful gaze at him.

  “Would you like to come home with me? You’re used to running free, though. I bet they don’t even make doggie doors in your size.” She heaved a deep sigh.

  “What am I even talking about…I don’t know where you’d even sleep.”

  With you…only with you.

  She scratched that spot again, and his fur twitched appreciatively. “You like that, huh? I’ve been thinking about getting a pet…a puppy, or a cat or something.”


  Brenda Huber

  A cat? Eww…that was just wrong.

  “But you’d be so much better.” He wasn’t sure if he should be offended, or flattered. He was seriously leaning toward the former, until she admitted, “I feel…safe with you. I don’t feel safe with anyone, you see, so you should feel special…well, I didn’t feel safe with anyone until I came here…” Her voice grew wistful, quiet. “He makes me feel safe too.” Who made her feel safe? No doubt about it, she was killing him. Dare he hope?

  Smiling to herself, she eyed him with a devilish twinkle in her eye. “I wonder…what would Cam have to say about you? I bet you two would get along pretty well. You remind me a lot of him in some ways.” She crouched down, holding his big head in her hands, peering deep into his eyes. Then she smiled playfully, teasing, “He’s awfully handsome, too. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea to take you home. I don’t think you look like the type to share your turf.”

  She had no idea.

  JJ’s stomach rumbled and she ruffled his hair. “I better head back. Cam’s probably still sleeping, but I’m getting hungry. Don’t be such a stranger, huh? I enjoy these little talks of ours.” Laughing, she patted him on the head, and made to move passed him.

  He followed, sticking to her side like Velcro. Her own personal bodyguard. She beamed down at him, sinking her fingers into his fur once more. “Are you going to walk me home? Aren’t you just so cute.” She made small talk the rest of the way through the woods, and he padded along at her side, content to bask in the sound of her voice. It turned out, in fact, that she had been considering doing several paintings of The Circle, as well as the surrounding woods. She’d even decided to do some of the lake.

  Once he’d shifted, he’d have to have a talk with her about wandering around alone. At least until he 220


  caught Lori and Ed’s killer. Painting might make her happy, but he refused to allow her to put herself at risk like this again. She was too precious to him.

  As they neared the edge of the woods, Cam drew to a halt.

  “C’mon, boy,” she coaxed. “It’s okay.” He turned his big head and nuzzled the curve of her breast, taking one last deep breath of her warmth before he backed away from her.

  Her disappointment was palpable, and he almost changed his mind. But how would he explain where he’d gone when she returned to find his truck still parked in her driveway and him nowhere in sight. Besides, he’d rather be pressing his advantage while he had hands. Now he had leverage. She said she felt safe with him…in both forms.

  And she thought he was awfully handsome.

  Grinning, he trotted off, looping around until he reached the tree where he’d stashed his clothes. He had locks to change, a porch to work on, and a woman to seduce. The locks he would change with all due haste. Her safety was something he wouldn’t mess around with, but he wondered how long he might be able to drag out fixing that porch. At the very least, that ought to earn him a few more meals…and maybe dessert.

  He all but licked his wolfy lips in anticipation.


  The Apostle leaned back, resting his arm along the back of the park bench. A little girl giggled and squealed as a handful of ducks quacked and waddled closer, squabbling over the bits of bread she tossed in their direction. He smiled, nodding a pleased hello to the girl’s watchful mother. Turnin
g his focus to the apricot-streaked western sky, his thoughts wandered.

  Had JJ understood his message? He worried about that. Had he been clear enough?


  Brenda Huber

  Normally he didn’t second-guess himself like this. He didn’t worry so much if those he tried to help had difficulty understanding. But there was just something special about JJ. What if she rejected his help?

  What if she rejected him?

  No, he wouldn’t see it like that. She was kind, compassionate. She wouldn’t reject him. She wouldn’t laugh at him behind his back. Not like those others. JJ was worthy. If she didn’t understand his warning, well, then he’d just have to give her another. Something more tangible, something less ambiguous. If she didn’t understand his first warning, then it was his fault. He would be more thorough next time…if there was a next time.

  Maybe she had understood and was, even now, repenting her sins.

  Why was he doubting himself?

  It had to be Satan at work again, filling him with self-doubt, tempting him to stray from his path of righteousness.

  His eyes narrowed on the setting sun, and he chewed the inside of his cheek, drumming his fingers on the painted wood. It was the Devil. That’s what it was. The Devil was just trying to confuse him.

  Well, it wouldn’t work. He wouldn’t be distracted from God’s mission. He would save JJ

  from herself. She wasn’t like the others. There was a core of goodness within her. An inner light. A radiance. God had meant for her to be his reward.

  He just had to earn her.

  That was it. It suddenly became crystal clear.

  He had to save her to earn her. God did work in mysterious ways, didn’t he?

  Movement at front of the bank drew his unswerving regard. A few moments later, a flashy red sports car pulled from the bank’s parking lot.

  Drawing a deep breath, he rose and smoothed his 222


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