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Life Reset: A LitRPG Novel (New Era Online Book 1)

Page 50

by Shemer Kuznits

  “First, I’ll be having the day off!” she declared, giving me a withering stare as if daring me to challenge her decision. “Then, I think I’ll practice some chemistry. I have no tools, but I still might be able to refine some raw materials, maybe create some simple compounds.” She turned and headed toward the cave. “I’ll let you know what I find,”.

  I looked over at Gandork. He picked up Guba’s ladle, donned her splotchy apron and tucked the cooking knife into his belt. He sniffed the steaming cauldron, shook his head, took some herbs from a nearby tray and sprinkled them into the cauldron. Taking another whiff he nodded slightly to himself. Then he gathered the pieces of raw meat from the pile and started putting them on the grill.

  I opened the Energy Menu and spent 50 points to raise Gandork to level two, reducing my total to 280. Gandork continued cooking, oblivious to his increased level.

  I accessed his skills and opened the description for his Cooking skill.

  Cooking (S)

  You can create edible food of various quality levels. More advanced raw ingredients are required for higher quality food. Any food quality above simple requires a recipe (can be discovered through experimentation)

  Level 1: Novice

  Effect I: can cook simple food.

  Effect II: 1% chance of producing one level higher quality of food instead.

  Effect III: 11% chance to successfully discover Advanced Food recipe (50% chance a failed experiment will result in simple food)

  Well, it seemed the skill’s various success chances relied heavily on luck, and luckily, we had our fair share of it. I approached our new Cook and ignoring his surprised protest laid a hand on his shoulder and gave the bastard the Lucky Bastard skill. A small, petty side of me didn’t mind the possibility of him exploding.

  I released the perplexed Cook and stepped away. The skill was imparted to him without a hitch. Unless I was greatly mistaken, his new skill should show a significant increase soon enough.

  Time to learn what the Shrine has to offer, I thought with anticipation and made my way over to it. Half way through, a system message popped up.

  New Building added to your settlement: Construction Yard

  New building schematics are available for research

  New options are available in the Construction Interface

  “Awesome!” I exclaimed audibly, making a Gatherer who was walking nearby stop and stare at me in puzzlement. I ignored him and went looking for Zuban, I was sure I would find him at the completed building.

  I was right. The new Construction Yard was a simple building. It was basically a wooden shed, about 25 square meters. Its front door was a normal wooden door, and it also had a backdoor; a large two-doors gate. The gate opened onto a cleared yard, surrounded with low wooden borders. The borders weren’t high enough to stop anyone from walking over it, its purpose was to mark different areas for the storage of different resources. I saw the Builders already carrying Timber resources to wooden frames and stacking them neatly on top. It would be much easier to evaluate the available resources at a glance now. There was a section to store stones and another for bones. The four workers were currently busy bringing all the scattered building materials to the Construction Yard.

  I approached the cabin and knocked lightly on the door.

  “Come in.” Answered Zuban’s voice.

  I opened the door. The inside was mostly open space, with Zuban’s sleeping furs stacked in a corner. My attention was immediately drawn to a large wooden board that covered a large section of one of the walls. Zuban, with a piece of charcoal in his hand, was standing in front of the board and staring at it, lost in thought.

  “Congratulations on your new house,” I looked around at the empty space. “So, how are you settling in?”

  “Hmm?” he asked distractedly. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear you. I had a sudden epiphany!”

  I looked at him questioningly.

  “As soon as I got inside and stared at this board,” he motioned toward the wall, “Ideas for new constructions began flowing into my mind! I think I can create some building blueprints on my own now!”

  “That’s wonderful!” I said warmly. “What can you create then?”

  He shrugged, “It’s all hazy to me. I feel like I can do it, but I can’t grasp exactly what.”

  On a hunch, I opened the construction interface.

  Buildings and Construction

  Max Constructor skill: 12

  Builders count: 6 (skills 12, 12, 9, 9, 2, 2)

  Daily BP: 72 ([7.4 + 11 + 11 + 9.5 + 14 + 6 + 6] * 1.11)

  Under construction: Smithy (22/250 BP), Construction Yard (80/80 BP)


  Available Resources: Timber: 42, Stone: 3, Bones: 137, Metal: 1, Pelts: 16

  As I suspected, I now had a new option available for me; Research. It also looked like the Construction Yard added an option to view all available resources in real time, making it easier to manage. I clicked on the Research option.


  Daily RP: 7.4 (constructor 12)

  ● Blueprint: Magma Foundry: enables magma casting. Cost: 200 RP.

  ● Blueprint: Barracks: houses and trains warriors. Cost: 300 RP.

  ● Blueprint: Dark Temple: place of worship. Cost: 175 BP.

  Vic explained.

  “RP stands for Research Points I gather?”

  “Indeed, Dark Totem” Zuban replied, to my unintentionally audible question.

  “So, let’s say I want a Barracks, you can perform the research, and produce a blueprint?” I inquired further.

  Zuban thought for a moment, then his eyes came alight, “I believe I can! What a wonderful notion!”

  “Hold on,” I interjected, “As I see it, it’ll take you about 40 days to finish your research, right?”

  He nodded.

  “I can’t have you stop construction in the settlement to do research!” I protested. “You’re far too important.“

  Zuban smiled, “I believe we can make it work. I can keep directing the workers while doing my daily research. All you’ll lose is my addition to the daily Build Points, and, let’s face it, it is a pathetic contribution compared to the skilled workers.”

  “You got a point there, but then…” I broke off to think it over. “Can I hire workers to do the research instead of you?”

  He scratched his head, thinking. “I believe so, you’ll need a researcher. A proficient and dedicated one will make great progress in researching such blueprints.”

  I sighed. Another high priority Advanced worker I needed. Not to mention the Smith, The Lumber Mill worker, and probably a dozen just as crucial others.

  I rubbed my forehead. “I’ll see what I can do. But for now, we need to discuss our next construction project.”

  “Of course, Dark Totem.” he bowed his head. “Two of our Builders have almost reached their Apprentice rank, it shouldn’t take them more than a couple of days. Then they can be reassigned to help work on the Smithy, as it’s our biggest project. The latest two new builders are still Novices, and will have to work on Novice level buildings for a while longer.”

  “That’s ok, I already know what our next Novice level building is going to be.” I scratched my cheek. “The Mess Hall. We now have a Cook and he needs a proper kitchen to work at.”

  Zuban nodded, “Of course, however, we’re currently low on Timber.” He peered outside his window toward the resource yard, “we have exactly 42 pieces of timber, and 12 logs that can be turned to another 24 pieces, in a couple of days. That’s almost half the required amount.”

  I shook my head. “I already got a second Lumberjack. He and Woody should manage to provide about 10 new pieces of timbe
r a day.” I checked the Interface for the Mess Hall requirements. “So, it will take roughly another 10 days to produce the 140 timber pieces. The Build point requirement is 250, taking into consideration the skill increase of the Builders, not to mention Bargush’s, and the Nocturnal efficiency buff, it should take them about ten days as well to complete the building. So everything should work together nicely.”

  Zuban smiled, “I bow to your greater intellect. It will be as you say. Where should we build it?”

  “Right next to the cooking hearth.” I checked Zuban’s stats, he was at level 5, with three attribute points in Social and a Construction skill of 12. He would soon reach skill level 13, which was his limit. It was time to give him an upgrade. I opened the Energy Options, selected Zuban and selected an upgrade.

  Zuban. Level increase: 6. XP required: 500. Cost: 100 energy. Confirm: Yes/no

  It was still relatively cheap to invest another level for him. The system was geared toward rapid progression for the first 6-7 levels. Zuban deserved the promotion. Besides, it would also give a slight efficiency increase to all Builders, so it was a worthwhile investment. I mentally clicked on Yes, reducing the energy pool to 180 points. Zuban didn’t seem to notice. But a quick Analyze showed me the changes.

  Zuban, hobgoblin foreman

  Level: 6

  HP: 36, MP: 34

  P:2, M:0, S:4

  Skills: constructor: 12, lumberjack: 4, Lucky Bastard: 3

  Now about which research to choose. I was tempted at first to select the Magma Foundry. The notion of mass producing volcanic bricks, without endangering the life of my goblins was very appealing to me. But after consideration, I realized that by the time Zuban finished the research, the Smithy would already be long finished. Then we will be able to forge pickaxes to equip as many new stonemasons as I need to summon. That would take care of our stone needs. My choice was clear.

  “Start researching the Barracks blueprints,” I told my foreman. The description didn’t reveal much, but I was fairly certain it will allow me to speed train my warriors, which I suspected was going to be needed. Our future promised war, and it was time I started investing more into our mobilization.

  “Of course, Dark Totem” He bowed respectfully.

  Will I make it to the Shrine this time? I wondered, as I exited the Construction Yard and made my way toward our new place of worship.

  Just as I reached the ladder, Bek came running up to me.

  “Dark Totem! Dark Totem!” he piped, breathing heavily.

  What now?! I thought in annoyance. “Yes?” I crossed my hands in front of me.

  “Bek find another shining Opal!” He replied eagerly, holding up his hand and showing me another inscribed Opal.

  “Nice work Bek. Oh, that reminds me.” I opened my inventory and retrieved the four opals I found during my first trek into the cave. “Here, inscribe those as well. Give one to Vrick and to each of the warriors, explain to them how to use it. Save the other ones and redistribute them as you see fit.”

  “Yes Dark Totem!” He replied proudly and scurried off to follow his orders.

  I started to climb the ladder up to the stone ledge.

  This time, I almost made it to the top of the ladder.

  “Hi! Dark Totem!” A playful feminine voice called behind.

  “What now?!” I called in annoyance. I really wanted to check the new Shrine related spells, and to get some alone time to study my new Runecraft skill. I looked back to see who was calling.

  It was Hoshisu, the new female player.

  “Nothing just wanted to say goodbye for now,” She winked mischievously at me. “You seemed so preoccupied, I had to yank your chain a bit. Anyway, my brother and I hunted and completed quests all day long. It’s getting dark now, so we’ll log off for a couple of hours and come back in the morning. Let’s have a sit-down tomorrow afternoon before all you busy bees get too caught up in your work.”

  “Sure, no problem.” I quickly agreed. “See you tomorrow.”

  “YOUR tomorrow,” she emphasized. “We’re gonna have a few beers and relax a little. Maybe catch a few wrestling matches.”

  I grinned at her. “Have fun!”

  She logged out, her character slowly turning transparent until it disappeared completely.

  Finally I reached the top of the ladder and stood in front of the Shrine. I lay my hands on top of it.

  Would You like to activate, Religion Tier 0 Spells. Yes/No?


  The following divine spells were unlocked: Control shadows>

  New Skill acquired: Control Shadows (M) [active, monster race]

  Where there is light there is shadow. You can manipulate shadows at will in several ways, allowing you to access and enhance shadow and darkness based spells. This is a Shadow discipline.

  Improving this skill increases the controlled shadow area and increased effectiveness of related spells.

  Level 1: Novice.

  Effect I: Shadow controlled: 1 square meter.

  Effect II: Shadow & darkness spell 1% effectiveness.

  Hmm, that sounds a lot like the Mana Manipulation skill, I thought in bewilderment.

  Just then, my entire world turned upside down. Noise screeched in my ears, the earth trembled, my vision blurred as an acute splitting migraine pierced my mind. “Oh no, not again!” I cried in pain.

  Vic yelled in my mind

  The pain worsened, and Vic’s next words were lost in it. The world continued shaking around me, and black spots appeared in front of my eyes. I strained toward the darkness, desperate to lose consciousness and escape the unbearable pain, but that bliss was denied me. I just kept screaming.

  After what felt like hours of the agonizing torture, the pain finally receded.

  Vic declared cheerfully.

  “What happened?” I rubbed my head, the pain was now gone.

  Vic explained.

  Skills Mana Manipulation and Control Shadows were merged into: Dark Mana

  New Skill acquired: Dark Mana (M) [active, monster race]

  All life is suffused with mana, and all light casts a shadow. Through the strength of your will, you have learned to actively access your shadow mana. You can wield mana and darkness in a similar fashion and shape them to your will. You also gained the ability to access the mana reserves of other living or shadow based creatures. By accessing other creatures’ mana pools you have the option to affect them (Discovered: Freeze, Sense Emotions, Dominate). Further increase of this skill will increase your mana pool and mana regeneration, and give you access to stronger mana and shadow discipline spells with increased chance to influence creatures. Mana and Shadow discipline.

  Level 15: Apprentice: Biological path selected (Freeze, Sense Emotions, Dominate)

  Effect I: Mana pool size +25%, Regen: +65% of base

  Effect II: Spell effect: +25%

  Effect III: Shadow control; 15 square meters

  Effect IV: Biological path strength: basic

  Prime badge: As the first player to unlock this skill you gain 50% increased rate and can teach it to others.

  Dark Mana Skill level increased to 14

  Dark Mana Skill level increased to 15

  That was some crazy loophole. Although getting it hurt like hell, the new skill looked amazing. And the best part was - I got my Mastery title back!

  Suddenly, I became aware of a presence all around me. I looked around, but all I could see was the immediate area, shrouded in the shadows cast by the new moon.

  The shadows! That’s what I felt! It was as if the whole world was awash in light only I could see. It was a contradiction, but it f
elt as if the darkness was almost blinding me with its dark luminescence. The feeling was similar to when I was controlling mana, so almost instinctively, I reached out with my will and to my surprise, the darkness moved! Large patches of shadows flowed as if they were cast by moving clouds. The area that was not clear of shadows didn’t become illuminated, it was simply less… dark. It was one hell of a weird feeling.

  I concentrated and conjured a drilling arrow. It appeared instantly, but instead of a glowing blue mana arrow, it was radiant black. Cool, I thought.

  Vic added sardonically.

  I concentrated on my own shadow, feeling it as another, faraway appendage. I exerted my control and the shadow grew, I flexed my will again forcing it into the shape of a muscular human. I continued experimenting with my control. I found that I could make the shadows wrap my body completely, masking it and making me hard to find, a useful ability. I also found that I could send the shadows further away from me, to obscure an existing light source. I could also wrap a creature in a near complete blackness, as one of my workers, who served as an unknowing test subject found out. It didn’t do him any harm - My goblins all had Darkvision now, so he had no trouble seeing through the darkness. But most other creatures won’t be so fortunate, I thought in satisfaction. I just found another method for crowd control.

  It was nearing 4 a.m. game time, the work night would soon be over. Using my enhanced vision from the Shrine’s vantage point, I could see the valley below me as clearly as in daylight. There the Gatherers were running with armloads of freshly harvested mushrooms, and over there Gandork was busily stirring the cauldron. Bargush was clearly visible carrying a double load of logs and towering over his fellow Builders. Guba was swimming in the pond. Naked.


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